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Everything posted by anna0852

  1. You are not the odd man out. My first thought was that CP does not affect cognitive abilities the way that Down's can. Jacob may have issues controlling his muscles but he is not intellectually impaired. Sally is. I didn't see that as a romantic story, I saw it as Sally being taken advantage of.
  2. I really liked this one as well. It was a nice breather after what was quite frankly a bit a grind with the last 2 episodes. I liked seeing our flirtatious Kensi-and-Deeks banter back in action. The look on Nell's face when she made that crack to Eric about notches in his bedpost was the funniest moment of the episode. Callen talking Sam down but trusting him was great. The only part that didn't fit (at least to me) was this connection Sam had the little girl. We've never heard of her before and if he was running security in Saudi Arabia recently enough that the child is close to him, shouldn't we have heard about it? He's been with NCSI (or at least partnered with Callen) for 7 years and the girl is 10. LOVED the conversation between Kensi and Deeks about family and kids. Interesting to me that both of them seemed to have reversed positions about it. Deeks realizing how vulnerable a family can make a person and Kensi pointing out that family means people who are there for you always. I don't care what the spoilers and hints from the producers have been about that DEA agent coming back in the finale and causing issues. I cannot see her coming between these two in anyway, unless she's offering Deeks some fantastic job. The closeness we saw between them in just this episode was palpable and quite frankly if that step back 2 weeks ago didn't mess it up, then I can't see Talia (is that her name?) doing so either.
  3. The Jewish woman and her mother were in a ghetto, from which they escaped and remained hidden until the end of the war. It is entirely possible that a family friend held their photographs for them (as Miep Gies did for the Frank family, including Anne's diary after the arrest). And ghettos existed in more cities in Warsaw. Warsaw is simply the most well known. Just about every major Polish city ended with ghettos. While they mostly held Eastern European Jews, some Western European Jews spend time in them as well before being sent to the camps.
  4. The box showed up in Season 4, episode Kill House. Another Kalstein ep, which is probably why it resurfaced now. They do seem to be playing the long game here.
  5. I think I got my hopes up a little too high for this ep. It just felt like stuff was missing. Like, we when Kensi was arguing about being kept in Ops-a line about how Nate had cleared her to work wouldn't have felt out of place and would have been nice continuity to when Deeks and Sam had to meet with him. Or how about some awkwardness of trying to fit back in after five months away. Stuff happened. Callen has a girlfriend. Eric got arrested in his polar bear pajamas. Deeks broke out Sven again. Sam and Deeks actually gang up on Callen from time-to-time. Nell spent more time in the field and got jumped in the boatshed. I'd like to see Kensi trying to get caught up as it were and hearing about some of this stuff. Even it's just a 'what are you talking about' to some in-joke she hasn't heard yet. And as many posters have stated, Hetty is the one who set this whole thing in motion. That has to be addressed, both with Kensi and the team as a whole. Callen, Sam and Granger were in honest-to-God combat trying to Kensi back and it was clear there was damn good chance they were going to die. Deeks broke his internal morals pretty good when he waterboarded a suspect for information. Hetty set them all up and needs to apologize at the very least. Keeping Kensi in Ops accomplished nothing. All it did was agitate her and drive Eric nuts, as well making him work double time. If Kensi has been cleared to work, then she has been cleared to work. She doesn't have the skills to work in Ops. Liked seeing Nell's conflict at being sent into the field in Kensi's place. It was one thing while Kensi was out of the country but when now that she's back and Nell is clearly taking her place (however temporary it may be) it has to be very awkward. They're friends and of course Nell doesn't want to hurt her friend but she can't refuse orders either. Nicely played by Renee.
  6. I would think she'd gotten cleaned up and seen by a doctor by the time she was saying goodbye Jack. She had clearly changed clothes at that point and so had the guys.
  7. It would completely throw off the show chemistry. Loving the new forum so far, since now we can have multiple and dedicated threads!
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