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Everything posted by 2Old2BAFangirl

  1. I liked the episode and I'm actually liking Season 6 more than I thought I would. I'm done picking every tiny thing apart - I'm just enjoying the show. My only issue is Elena. I can not stand her. I have shipped Delena since forever but OMG, I wish it had been Damon who was compelled to forget Elena! I just want him with anyone else! IMO, they could not make Elena any more self-centered and horrible if they tried! I was pleasantly surprised that she went for it and crossed the Mystic Falls border to try to end the compulsion but that was the only thing she did that didn't make me want her to just die already. I'm getting used to the Steroline idea, I'm liking them together so far. Love Enzo. Glad Tripp is gone. And, I can't believe I'm even saying this, but it was awesome to see Bonnie! I can't wait to see the rescue begin!
  2. Just this! What Iguana said. Such a fun episode - I really loved it.
  3. I figured Jo was a witch after last episode but I have other thoughts as well. I think Jo is Kai's sister that he left alive(without a spleen). Which means she's part of the Gemini coven and she'll be the key to getting Bonnie back. Of course, if I was able to think of it, it must be wrong. Probably the blonde twins will get Bonnie back and Jo will just be a run of the mill witch.
  4. Just daggering Elijah ended his compulsion of Katherine. As soon as Alaric "died", his compulsion of Elena should have ended whether he came back to life as human or not. Mythology breakdown, IMO. I hate Elena more with each episode. Could they make her any more cowardly and self-centered? Ugh. I shipped Delena so much before and now I just want Damon to forget about her! Just have Damon, Stefan, Alaric and Enzo hang out - I'll watch that! Actually, everyone without the last name Gilbert is welcome to stay and hang out together. That would be way more fun for me! Damon leaving the voicemail on Bonnie's phone was awesome. I really enjoyed watching their relationship, they were so fun together and you could see the mutual affection and respect they have for each other. I hope they bring Bonnie back soon!
  5. I'm going to miss the Damon and Bonnie show - Besties Do Groundhog Day - but I'm glad Damon is back. I have no doubt once they milk the crappy Elena compelled him away crap, he will be working his ass off to find a way to get Bonnie back. Why oh why couldn't it have been Elena stuck there? They actually made me like Liv a little tonight when she saved Tyler from going werewolf again. That was a really cool thing for her to do. I'm happy every time Alaric shows up on an episode alive. I'm so glad he's back even if he's stuck with the lame, vervain drinking doctor. And then, the very best for last - Damon and Stefan hug. It's just awesome that Stefan is the first one to be reunited with Damon. That hug was just the best.
  6. I'm not sure on the demon healing themselves thing but way back when, Meg was totally healed pretty fast after she fell out of the window in S1. The Meg demon was able to heal the meatsuit and walk right on over to where the Winchesters were fighting the shadow monster/daega things. It wasn't until they exorcised the demon from human Meg that she started bleeding. Of course, to make it even more confusing, Bobby says something about killing human Meg if they exorcised the demon so apparently the healing only works for as long as the demon inhabits the meatsuit? Haha!! I'm actually looking for some continuity on Supernatural!! :)
  7. I'm late to the party but gonna comment anyway. Feel free to ignore me! ;) I don't know that I've ever been so bored by an episode of Supernatural before. Maybe the episode that Kate originally comes from, Bitten, because I hated that episode. I didn't care about Kate then and I don't care about her now. And all of her talking, talking, talking was just too much! I need to watch again because some of the brother's conversations got past me as Twitter was more entertaining than the show. I did like how they were actually talking to each other, awkwardly or not. And I am so onboard with the opening sitting by the lake scene - I've scrolled up a couple times now just to look at those GIFs again! I'm withholding judgement on the next episode. Hopefully, even if it's bad, it won't seem as bad since we skip next week for all the election coverage. Just looking at Jensen for 42 minutes will be better than watching the election coverage.
  8. I liked it! I'm now hoping Damon and Bonnie stay stuck in 1994 forever because their scenes together are just the best! Stefan telling Elena about the compulsion was absolutely great. Alaric giving Jeremy a swift kick was great. Liz Forbes in 1994 was hilariously great. Seeing nephew uncle Zach again was a surprise. I don't care about Sarah but maybe she'll become less annoying, doubtful I know, but I can hope. This season has been so much better than last season in just a few episodes - I've got that hope thing going on here that it continues to be better although the bar from Season 5 is pretty low. Kai is going to be a long-term problem, isn't he?
  9. Meh, what a letdown. 3 episodes of DemonDean in the season hyped as "The Year of the Deanmon". I don't get it. I didn't like that they actually went there and made Dean a demon but once you've done it, then friggin' DO it! This just seemed like a waste. Boring angel storylines are boring. Please just keep Cas and send all the others away. Same with the hell storyline. I don't want to watch Traffic Court, Hell Edition, even if Crowley is the judge. I actually found myself checking the clock during these scenes and being surprised there was so much time left to go in the episode. I love Cas and Crowley but OMG, the boring that is their scenes without each other or Winchesters is too much. Unlike everyone else here, I'm glad Dean had a little scene with Cas alone while Sam went for food. There will be plenty of time for Sam to talk about how he saved Dean later. I don't trust these writers to have done anything but that in this episode. So, now back to the same old, same old, right? Sam as hero, Dean as babysitter/cheerleader/person who's responsible for every bad thing that ever happened to Sam. Great.
  10. The Damon and Bonnie scenes were the best! We've been wondering around here if they were going to play some Ace of Base and yep, there it was! I like a bunch of 90s music - and it's fun for me to hear it playing in the Bamon scenes. Damon in his Camaro - "Vroom, vroom!" was awesome. I wanted him to take a ride on that merry go round! Everything else was just meh. I don't care what version of Elena is on the screen, I still hate her. Her being all smily and cheerful is so weird and so fake feeling that it takes me out of the story. I like Enzo so I hope he doesn't die yet. Don't care about Tyler or Liv. Don't care much about anything in the Mystic Falls area but Alaric. Pissy Stefan is fine - but now he's going to be the one to rescue Enzo, right? I'm ready to watch the Damon and Bonnie show all on it's own. Pork rind guy can stay or go, more people can pop by for a minute and Damon and Bonnie can just snark at each other for the whole episode. So much more fun, to me, than some of the other boring stuff with the rest of the gang.
  11. I thought Demon Dean was awesome! Other than the boring snoozefest that is the angel storyline, I really liked this episode. I wish they would hurry up and get Cas with the boys and drop all the zzzzz worthy angel crap. And seriously, no more Metatron, please!! Dean quoting The Princess Bride and the Dean/Crowley cowboy hat pic were hilarious! But Demon Dean went too far with the "it's just a car" comment. Baby is not just a car - ever!!
  12. This was a good one for me. Loved all the flashbacks to the early seasons although I don't believe that 3x01 was when Elena "knew" she loved Damon. But that's okay, I can go with it if that's what they're trying to sell me. I love Alaric so much and I'm so happy he's back. I felt bad for poor Caroline after she realized Stefan didn't want to hear from her. I thought it was fun that Enzo didn't like Stefan making her cry but holy wow, I didn't think he would just kill Ivy! I feel bad for Stefan too - he lost his damn brother and is only getting shit for not looking for him anymore. I don't like that he's given up but I can certainly understand it. No one is bitching about Elena not looking for witches or whatever while she's getting her memories of loving Damon erased. Of course, my favorite parts were with Damon and Bonnie. So cool to see the Gilbert porch again and hang out at the Salvatore house. I have always thought Damon and Bonnie have a grudging respect for each other and it's interesting to see them only have each other. Who the hell else is with them? I don't even have a good guess yet. And Damon dancing to Whatta Man and then playing Little Miss Can't Be Wrong - Awesome!!
  13. I guess I've just been starved for some new episodes because I liked this one. Dean is just a sea of awesome! Every scene with Dean in it was magic for me. Loved Crowley's line to Sam about "hitting another dog". Loved the store clerk guy, he was hilarious with his descriptions of "Porn Guy". I really love Cas but I will agree with the other posters here, the angel storyline is so boring! Get Cas his damn grace back and send him after Dean. I wish they would just stop with the separate angel storylines and give us Cas back. It was really weird to see the non-reaction from Dean about Sam being in danger.
  14. Damon in one of Dean Winchester's plaid shirts - good enough for me! Okay episode - Elena bores me but I'm happy Alaric is back.
  15. Wow, Mstaken, if it weren't for the last part about not being around for the original Lumi SL, I could've written your post!! I absolutely just lurve EJ! I don't care if he's good, he's bad, he's got bad hair, he's got good hair, I don't care, I just L-O-V-E him! As much as I'll miss Sami, I think I'll miss EJ most of all. I know that's a pretty unpopular opinion but I'm good with it, more for me! ;) I was around for the original Lumi stuff and IMO, it was just okay. I've never seen the chemistry between them truthfully. What I see between them now is a familiarity with each other since they have such a long history together. I don't mind Lucas too much but he does tend to annoy me with the way he shouts everything. He always seems so angry, even when he's not! :)
  16. Rafe knew about the Melanie kidnapping thing but he didn't know about the throw Nick in the river thing. I think.
  17. Just finished watching yesterday's episode. I have never liked or been a fan of Gabi's. But.. I thought she did a great job with the confession scenes. IMO, Camila really put it out there, her tears and expressions felt real to me. I almost misted up at her performance and I don't like Gabi!! Good job! I hate Jennifer and her smug, self-righteous face so so much, I just want to slap her!! I hope Nicole's new storyline will be her murdering Jennifer. Nicole stalks and confronts Jen, Abigail puts her smug face in the way so Nicole shoots her first, then while St Jennifer lies sobbing over Abby's dead body, Nicole shoots her right in her smug face. I'm willing to lose Nicole to prison for the rest of her life to have these things happen. I'm feeling a bit vicious, I guess, sorry. Why the scenes with Rafe and Jordan? They are nothing but a snoozefest and they added exactly zero to the story, IMO. I used the time they were onscreen to fix a cup of coffee and then some breakfast for my dogs. Thanks for the extra time, Days. Now that the murder investigation is about wrapped up, I hope we see Hope less. She's been drinking at the fountain of Devereaux smug and self righteousness apparently with her "Nick didn't deserve to die" BS. From one of my past favorite characters to another Horton Harpy, Hope needs something better to do. Looking forward to today's ep.
  18. Could we please have all of Jennifer's actions take place off-screen? That would really move the plot along for me!! :)
  19. Awww, I know you're right - I just don't like it!! ;) It must be my bias showing because I like Nicole. So, my justification/rationalization for Dr Dan being pissed at Jenn is this - she knew that he was trying to handle this with Nicole privately. He wouldn't tell her Nicole's secret, which was killing nosy Jenn. So, she ends up eavesdropping on them and finding out the secret that way and instead of talking to Daniel about it first, knowing how hard he's been trying to resolve the issue - she breaks all land speed records to tell Eric first. If my significant other did that to me, I'd be a bit pissed off at them. I'm sure she'll justify her actions by talking ~again~ about how Daniel would do anything for Nicole and she didn't want him hurt because of it. I'm sure looking forward to them breaking up for the, what did you say, 435th time!! HA! Watching more Jennifer is always something I'm wanting to do! LOL Thanks for clearing up the thing with Gabi and Hope - my chihuahuas are off the hook for making me miss it! :)
  20. Hi janeyjay! I've been watching Days for as long as I can remember. My mom watched it when it first started airing and if I was home from school or on summer vacation, I watched too. They talk aloud to themselves, they text aloud to themselves, they read aloud to themselves. They keep murder weapons in their purses or backpacks and take them out in public places to look at them. They keep blackmail evidence, pics or docs, in their purses or backpacks and take them out in public places to look at them. They wander two feet away from someone to speak privately to someone else in a regular tone of voice. So, IMO, yep, probably something you should get used to because it's pretty usual! LOL
  21. It took me way too much time to figure out what TOS meant!! LOL I seriously had to think about it for a bit before I finally caught on!! :) I hope we never hear anything about Markos and the Travelers again! I can only imagine the convoluted backstory they might have made up for Markos if they had bothered but I don't believe anything could've made Markos or his witch clan less of a snoozefest. They were just terrible, IMO. I think I got very spoiled with the villains in the first 3 seasons and S4 & S5 didn't even come close with Silas and then the Travelers. We had Damon, tomb vamps, John Gilbert and then Katherine. S2 we had Katherine, then Elijah, then Klaus. S3 was mostly Klaus but they threw in Esther and the Evilaric at the end. Those were all fun villains. S4 had the Council for an episode, then Prof Shane, and then Silas. Silas had potential to be decent but that all went away as soon as they had him be the originator of the doppelganger thing. IMO, he had one thing he could do, mind control, everything else was lame. Another lovestruck idiot who wasn't even as strong or fast as a regular vampire. S5 we had Silas, then Qetsiyah/Tessa (I guess?), the Wes/Augustine experiments, then Katherine again (where she was totally ruined as another lovestruck idiot), then the Travelers. Did I miss someone in there? Does Damon count for those couple episodes? Does Enzo count? To me, none of the big bads were interesting at all. Some had potential but it seems like they added or dropped the villains to suit the irritatingly ridiculous Traveler storyline. I wonder how they'll handle villains next season? None from S5 should be crossing to S6 so maybe they'll do better?
  22. I'm wondering what the hell kind of pants are those that Sami is wearing? Some shiny, satiny, weird print things? They are ridiculously ugly! I think I must live in a state that isn't very fashion forward because no one wears shiny, print pants around here. Or humungous bell bottom pants either. And I'm okay with that. :)
  23. I agree! I don't know why she cut it like that in the first place! And wow, the "style" they've had it in the past couple of days just highlights the damage! I love Nicole too but I have to agree with this. I hate that they had her story take the path it did - she was being so good and then bam, 180 turnaround and back to being a pathetic liar. As glad that I am to have this secret out - I hate Jennifer with the fire of a thousand suns!! That nosy, meddling, hypocritcal b***h could NOT wait to run, not walk, to find Eric and tell him! She didn't try to talk to Daniel first, she didn't screech self righteously at Nicole first, nope, right to Eric. And she will suffer exactly zero consequences for doing it. Daniel will be all schmoopy with her and not be one iota pissed that she just took over and did what she deemed best. Eric certainly won't have any issues with precious Jen butting into his business, and all the other interested parties will continue their canonization of St Jennifer of Salem for exposing Nicole once again. UGH!! Anyone else, anyone else could have overheard Daniel and Nicole and I wouldn't have liked it but oh well... but freakin' Jennifer?! UGH again!! Did I mention that I really strongly dislike Jennifer? ;) When did Gabi tell Hope she killed Nick? I must've missed it somehow. I saw them talking about the baby, then next Hope was coming out of the bathroom (I guess?) and they were ready to go to the station. My chihuahuas were barking out the window all afternoon, so maybe that's when I missed it? Anyway, I'm all good with Gabi going to prison now. She's been more tolerable since Nick died but I still find her fairly annoying and won't miss her when she's gone. I liked the scenes with Lucas and Will and with Sami and Sonny. I thought they were well done and I'm glad Sami calmed her jets long enough to acknowledge that Sonny was upset and worried too. Sami talking to Will about the sacrifice Lucas made for him with all the love in his heart was beautiful. All those interrogation room scenes were pretty damn good today. Next week looks like it should be pretty fun!
  24. Silas and Amara were not doppelgangers - they were humans. Silas was a Traveler/witch so he was supernatural. Amara was just a human handmaiden, not supernatural. Qetsiyah used Amara as the anchor for her Other Side spell, but as soon as Q switched being the anchor to Bonnie, Amara was just a person again. So, Silas would die and go to the Other Side but Amara would go to wherever regular humans go when they die. That's my understanding anyway! Haha! That's a hilarious image! He sure did enjoy those waffles, didn't he?! :)
  25. Here goes my opinion on the Matt/Gregor thing. You can decide for yourself if it holds up! LOL Gregor was passengered into Matt. We never saw his body after the initial passengering (love making up words!). Silas caught Matt in the woods and Gregor passenger blocked him from mind controlling Matt. Silas then killed Matt. Matt's ring took him to the Other Side and sent Gregor's spirit or passenger self back to his dormant body. Gregor then caught up with Nadia and together they faced down Silas in the 7-11. Crap. That part makes sense to me but then, somehow, Gregor ended back up in Matt as a passenger again. Um, well, nevermind then. I don't have enough brain power to handwave how dead Gregor got passengered back into Matt. I was SO good with it until that part!! Guess I haven't had enough to drink yet! :)
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