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Everything posted by 2Old2BAFangirl

  1. I'm still processing the Chuck is God thing but I really liked how this episode played out. Even the sit and chat (and chat and chat) kept my attention the entire time - and almost made me kinda like Metatron a little. I need to rewatch but I liked it!
  2. I absolutely love this show! With that said, I'll give my extremely UO and run like hell away! :) I like Dean. I didn't find him scary and abusive - I think that's just Jared Padelecki being ginormous and having that petulant voice. I know everyone hates Dean but even watching every episode of this series more times than I'd like to admit, I still like him. He just seems like a love crazed teen in the beginning. After he marries Lindsay, he does piss me off with his choices but he's still a teenager and teenagers are usually not as smart as they think they are. Anyway, I still like Dean. On the other hand, I absolutely hate, detest, despise Kirk. I find nothing funny, entertaining, or endearing about Kirk at all. I just hate him. Ok, I'll go now.
  3. Meh. I'm really, really bored of the "it's not Stefan" storylines. It's always the same snarky, murderous jerk just with a different name. Ripper Stefan, Silas, amnesia Stefan, now serial killer guy. Boring. If Paul Wesley is so unhappy with being Stefan, I don't know why he signed on for S8? I love the guy but I'm over Stefan being someone else. I'm also over everything in the universe that isn't unicorns and rainbows being Damon's fault. I get it already, Damon's the baddest person to ever be bad! He's the burden his poor, saintly brother and everyone else who knows him must bear. Oh Damon, you selfish jerk, you can't do anything right! Ugh. Rayna continues to be on an even par with the heretics as most disappointing villain yet. Now that she's given the exposition about the vamps being loose from the stone, can she go away? She's just awful. They're probably setting up serial killer Stefan as next season's big bad. Won't that be just so entertaining? It was nice to see Alaric again, I missed him. I miss Caroline and Bonnie too, hope we see them soon. I'll watch this show until the end but I hope it gets better soon! I had high hopes with Elena out of the picture but so far, not so great. Sorry for the ranting downer post. This show made me frustrated tonight!
  4. I watch it on the Up channel after work. They also run a parental warning before each episode!! Lol
  5. Wow, great ending! I liked the episode, hate that everything is Damon's fault. Seems to me that there is plenty of blame to pass around. On a different note, my goodness, all those boys were really pretty tonight!!
  6. I liked it too. I didn't like Dean killing himself to make a deal for Sam, but if he hadn't tried he wouldn't be Dean, I guess. The rescued girl and the doctor were good one time characters. I liked them both. When we were supposed to believe Sam was dead, I was tearing up just thinking about Dean's face when he saw him. Jensen, as usual, did not disappoint.
  7. I really liked this episode. It was great to see Klaus and Stefan together. The phone call with Klaus and Caroline was wonderful. Bamon continues to make me happy. I'm tired of the majority of people blaming everything bad on Damon. They bitch and moan about how awful he is but are happy to have him be the one with the plan, happy for him to be the bad guy. I'm always happy to see Tyler show up and then he opens his mouth and I remember he's a jackass and I don't like him. This episode was no different. Bonnie was badass!! For a character I pretty much hated for several seasons, she's really turned it around for me. At least Damon has one friend who still cares about him. I wish they'd do more crossovers. I miss the Originals interactions with the MF crew.
  8. Dean playing in the wrestling ring was magic! Made the whole episode worth watching! I don't watch wrestling but I too know who the Miz is. Double damn you Real World and Road Rules!!
  9. I liked it. I liked the Bamon scenes, the Defan scenes, the Denzo scenes, pretty much all of it. I didn't know or care about Beau or Rayna's father. Glad Julian is still dead. Damon's tearing up at the reveal of Elena still being alive made me tear up too, even though I knew she wasn't dead. And Alaric naming one of the babies after Liz also was wonderful. I'm not clever enough to guess what or how everything finally matches up to the 3 year flash forward but that's okay with me because I'm still enjoying the show. I see all the discrepancies too - I just let them go because I like watching the show. I'm the goober TV viewer that just enjoys the show and will watch until the very end. Somebody has to be that goober, I'm good with it! :)
  10. Good episode but I'm already tired of Lucifer. What was that junk with Crowley?! Ugh. At least the boys know it's not Cas anymore. I like how Dean and Sam are getting along. It's nice to see them not hiding secrets or just angsting about each other. The no coffee stuff was fun!
  11. ***Yes, two different girls. Damon hooked up with the fight club girl, who is different from the huntress girl who Enzo burned into being.**** I can't make the quote option work correctly on my phone - thank you for clearing that up for me!! That'll teach me to look at my Twitter that close to the end of the show!!
  12. I'm glad Julian is finally dead! Stefan crying is always heartbreaking to me, he makes me cry too! Even beat to hell and sporting a bloody nose, Damon looks gorgeous! I got confused for a bit as to who Damon was kissing at the end - I thought she was the huntress but then Enzo did his Phoenix rising from the ashes thing and there was the huntress, I guess. So Damon is just making out with the random fight club girl, right?
  13. And there was the episode when Dean was looking for cursed Cas and said "Hey!" to a woman walking by and she blew him off. Why would the writers ever try to make us believe that someone turned Dean down based on his looks!? I could almost buy someone saying no if he was being too cocky or something (almost because he still looks like that) but "dad bod" is just stupid. TV is a visual medium, we all see that Dean looks like Jensen Ackles!!
  14. So, I thought this one was fairly meh. I knew it would be Amara that was Dean's deepest desire and I hated it immediately. I am not a fan of this Dean/Amara connection storyline but it is what it is. I was really glad that Dean just flat out told Sam the truth. It's nice not to have this one be yet another secret. I wonder what Casifer is up to? Weird that Lucifer gets out of the cage and we've barely seen him. And I'm with you guys, Dad vibe or Dad bod, was the person Dean was hitting on freakin' blind? How do you look at the pretty of Dean Winchester and not jump at the invite?!
  15. Fun episode, that dinner scene was awesome!! I wish they would stop bringing back Claire. She was less annoying this time, but still, I'm not going to like her. So glad Jodi made it through another episode alive. I worry everytime she's on!
  16. Very entertaining episode, IMO. Interesting use of Henry, Uncle Daddy John Gilbert's tomb vampire from S1. I thought Ian did a great job in this episode. And now both my favorite TV characters love pie! :)
  17. I'll sign that petition! Disturbing is the right way to describe that part!!
  18. I liked it too! Dee Wallace was great, loved her last line about looking cute walking away. It's cool to have them fight a monster they haven't fought before and one that doesn't seem as made up as an invisible friend thing. The misty eyed boy talk was really nice. I'm glad Sam apologized and I'm glad Dean said he was already forgiven. It felt sweet and sincere to me. I don't like the implication that Dean is pining for Amara. And I thought Misha as Lucifer as Cas did a decent job.
  19. I'm so happy Dean is back that I'll forgive how bored I was the whole episode. Why do angels fight with their fists like humans? It's never made sense to me although I know it's because there wouldn't be any fight scenes otherwise. I won't miss Rowena, she was to OTT for me. And even I saw her being dead by the end of the episode after her "I'd have to love you" speech! What I didn't see coming was Cas saying yes to Lucifer. I should have but I didn't. I kinda like it for right now. At least Misha has something different to do for a bit. I hope it doesn't mean he dies at the end of the season like someone else mentioned. Didn't love all the Sam stuff but oh well. Dean is back on my screen again - I'll ride that feeling for awhile before I become bored of all the angst again.
  20. I somehow unsubscribed to this board. Hoping a post will undo it. Sorry to interrupt!
  21. I watched this one again and I really did like it. I don't care about Julian though, he can go away anytime. I don't think he's CW pretty enough either. It'll be interesting to see the Salvatore brothers individual hells. I'm looking forward to January regardless of what night it's on! I hate hiatus!!
  22. Well I may end up at a table for one but I think that was an excellent mid season cliffhanger! Never saw both Salvatores ending up in the Phoenix Stone!! Well done, TVD! I can't wait to watch this one again.
  23. I need to watch again too because that was one disappointing episode! Sam trapped in the literal cage with Lucifer - again?! Blech! Amara and Dean was not only bad, it was boring!! The only thought I had after their whole exchange was "Of course you want to become one with Dean!! Get in freakin' line, sister!" I hope it's better the second time around because I've never been so bored by a mid season finale as I was tonight. Well, at least Dean was as pretty as always.
  24. I'm surprised they actually killed Lily. I kept waiting for the secret spell that made it seem like she was dead but she wasn't really dead dead. Guess not. I'm okay with Damon's goodbye too. A case of too little, too late IMO. Hopefully the break up will get them to dial back cramming Nora and Mary Louise down our throats. I could probably like them if they weren't constantly being pushed front and center. Damon's petulant pouty face is adorable!!
  25. Ok, I like that explanation. Thanks Sue B!
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