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Everything posted by 2Old2BAFangirl

  1. It's getting to be a chore to watch these current storylines - they're all awful!! Pictures or not, how the hell is Nick Fallon beating a DiMera and a Kiriakis? It's ridiculous. Sami and Kate should be able to handle him just fine themselves but once you involve EJ or Victor, how is that guy still walking around? UGH!!! Better yet, kill Gabi. How that girl manages to even dress herself each day without Nick's help is incredible! She is so unbelievably stupid - and she's such a bitch to everyone but Nick - she just needs to die right now, really die, dead, dead die. Sorry, but I think I hate her more than I even hate Nick, and not the fun kind of hate either. I'm with everyone else as far as the Deveraux family goes. Liam can kill off Jennifer and Abigail and I will willingly sit through all his ridiculous machinations for as long as they want me to! If he can get Nick and Gabi in the same killing, he'll be my hero!
  2. I agree that the writing on this show has gone to hell. JP and Co. apparently don't care about continuity or even making sense anymore, it makes my brain hurt. I'll be sticking with the show, even if it's just hate-watching, until the bitter end because I'm a sap and I love most of the main characters - so yeah there's that. Anyway, that said, I liked the episode well enough. I liked Enzo, even when he was uber douchey when we first got to see him in the present day, and I wish they would've let him stick around and be more, something, less douchey I guess, and then explore his damage. Instead, we got a tiny bit of character development, then boom, dead and pissed. He got points from me for sticking with Damon at that farmhouse when Damon had the ridiculous ripper virus thing, calling for Stefan's help and having to be screeched at by Damon before he would leave. That was nice of him. Meh, maybe I just really liked when Enzo talked. Here I reveal what an utter kitten, rainbow and unicorn loving sap I am, but I thought all the Salvatore brother interactions were heartfelt and sweet. The person that Damon loved enough to keep his humanity while being held prisoner for 5 years was Stefan. Regardless of the fact that Damon killed Lexi right in front of him, Stefan loves his brother so much that he wanted to shield him from the hurt of Enzo being dead. I didn't see that Damon was angry with Stefan for not rescuing him from the Augustines. I didn't even see him holding a grudge about it. He told Stefan what he felt while he was being held prisoner - feelings that I felt were legit to have while being held prisoner for 5 years. We know he didn't hold a grudge because he never told Stefan about that whole time period before, he didn't tell Stefan so that Stefan wouldn't have to carry any guilt over something he had no idea was happening. Damon said Enzo made him remember the people he loved to help keep his humanity on and that person for Damon was Stefan. I also didn't see Stefan doing that "Damon is so bad thing" he's done before when he said they shouldn't tell Damon that Enzo was dead. I saw Stefan being very sweet and caring for his brother, not wanting to hurt him with the truth about Enzo. I didn't think he was saying it to keep Damon from going on another killing spree, he talked about Damon having a bad year and not wanting to pile something else on top of it. I thought it was sincere and I really liked the compassion for Damon that Stefan was showing. Is it a bad idea to lie about it? Yes, it won't work out, but the sentiment is still appreciated. I don't feel like Stefan was worrying that Damon would be mad at him for "killing" Enzo, he didn't want Damon to feel guilty about it. Both Damon and Stefan have shown a huge propensity for forgiveness on these kinds of things, there's no reason to think that wouldn't continue now. The brothers conversation at the end was a really nice scene. Damon wasn't purposefully piling the guilt on Stefan - he didn't know Enzo was dead so how could he be trying to make Stefan feel bad about it? I didn't think he was trying to guilt Stefan at all - he was talking with his brother about his own feelings of guilt and loss and gratitude. Of course, Stefan felt worse about it than Damon knew but that was an unintended consequence. I just really liked that they were talking with each other and basically acknowledging the love they have for each other. I didn't see insincerity from either brother in that conversation, even the crappy brother thing was boytalk for "I love you, man", IMO. Well, there, I rambled on for forever about that stuff, sorry. Just a couple more things. I so loved that Enzo basically told Elena to shut up. Elena is the one main character I really don't like anymore, she just seems to suck the life and fun out of everyone and everything IMO. I still don't care one ounce about the stupid travelers or their curse or their so boring leader, Markos. Blech. The only thing of any interest to me with all that witchy crap is what's happening to the Other Side. I hate the idea of never seeing Alaric again but at least the idea of it going away isn't done to death so it holds some interest for me. I hope the next few episodes are decent and wrap up the craptacular traveler storyline. We know the finale will have Stefan in severe and immediate danger, Damon dying from a werewolf bite and Elena being a pain in everyone's ass but hopefully, the Other Side stuff will result in something a little less predictable.
  3. I liked the episode well enough, it was okay - but, I hope the guys have had enough time off now so we see more of them in the next episodes. I know that won't be the case for 9x20 because it's the backdoor pilot thing but I watch Supernatural to see Dean, Sam, Cas and Dean. (I really like to see Dean) The last couple of eps have been fairly Winchester light, IMO and as good or okay as they've been, I miss the boys. I will say I am very happy to see Jodi live to see another day. I was pretty convinced they would kill her off this time - she's pretty much the only one still out and about with Charlie gone and Garth being a werewolf. I'm always happy to see Jodi, it doesn't seem like the boys need to be dumber when she's around so she can be the hero. She plays well with others. Dean killing the vamp with that dead, scary look in his eyes was awesome to me. I also liked his snarky remark to Sam about knowing Sam wouldn't have done the same for him. Sam's comment to Dean about enjoying the kill a little too much actually didn't bother me. I don't think Sam knows what the hell to do about the changes he's seeing in Dean. Normally, he would probably discuss a problem of this nature with Dean, I think he's a little lost on what to do about it without anyone to bounce these issues off. I think this while still fully furious with Sam for the things he said to Dean in The Purge. As much as I don't like Sam right now, I still believe he loves his brother. In my head, Sam isn't scared of Dean (yet, probably) but scared and worried for Dean. I have to hold onto that hope because I'm a huge, freakin' sap and I need the brothers to love each other and stick together. The way things have been going, I won't be surprised if I'm very wrong and Sam meant what he said to Dean but I will be disappointed.
  4. Grandpa Sam Campbell had the recipe for the vamp cure in his journal. I remember you needed the blood of the vamp that turned you as well as some other ingredients. They whipped up a batch of cure for Dean in S6, Live Free or Twihard ep. I haven't rewatched the ep yet but I liked it overall. I was convinced Jodi would die tonight so I'm very happy she made it through alive. Dean going dark is awesome so far! And I loved his comment to Sam about knowing Sam wouldn't have done it for him. Jensen Ackles is just amazing.
  5. I do like the title from TWoP but I'm up for any of the other suggestions too. I would also like to make it mandatory to have Dean rack pool balls with his freakin' arms Every. Single. Episode. Not because I'm shallow and think that Dean racking the pool balls with his arms was one of the hottest things I've ever seen him do - it's because I'm studying that particular technique to improve my pool ball racking skills. I mean, pool ball racking skills are very important.
  6. She is my absolute favorite!! Her recaps are the best! Gaelic's fic is even better than her recaps, IMO. I started with Holding On to Let Go and then Within My Hands. After those, I basically have just worked my way from the bottom of the page up to the top! I haven't read any of the virtual season or zine fics yet so I can't comment on those. I love the way she writes both Dean (my favorite) and Sam. I don't think you can go wrong with starting any one of her stories. I'd love to know what you think of them too. Well, I believe I'm now approaching fangirl status with this post so I'm gonna stop before it gets awkward. ;)
  7. No killing Daryl, please! I don't know that I would stop watching but I do love me some Daryl. I just want to grab him, hold him tight, and run my clippers all over his horribly dyed, shaggy head!
  8. We're allowed to not like Max or the way Adam & Kristina "parent" him here?! This. is. Awesome. I love this show but Max, Kristina and Adam make me so mad practically every episode that I bitch at my TV and my poor chihuahuas when I watch! I have to DVR the show and watch later because my husband can't stand the show or most of the people on it so my poor dogs have to hear my rants. I've felt bad and a little ashamed for hating on a kid with special needs I don't know much about and for hating on his parents for allowing him to behave so badly. Reading all the other posts has given me such peace. :) This episode Max pissed me off but not as bad as when he sat on Sarah to get at the computer and then Sarah got bitched at for being so mean to him. It hurt my heart for Max when he asked why all the kids hated him because no one should feel like that, but IMO, it's what Kristina and Adam have created with their treatment of Max. He just expects everyone to treat him like he's the only person who matters in the world. I've never thought they were doing him any favors by not setting limits or even trying to teach him basic courtesy. I'm not overly well-informed about Asperger's but I find it hard to believe that if Max can be in a mainstream school that he can't learn some common courtesy and some forms of politeness. I should stop now. I don't get the whole Joel personality change. He's been such a stable, sane guy that this big shift is hard to take. Julia hasn't really changed - she was always bossy, self-centered and a little annoying - so even though he says that her behaving poorly contributed to his unhappiness, it doesn't make much sense to me. Other than buddying up and then kissing Ed, she's no different than she's ever been. I guess I'll have to wait and see how it plays out. Sarah and Mr Cyr. Hahaha! That was so bad! You don't take your ex-fiancee to dinner to tell them you're marrying someone else! It was all kind of silly. I thought Zeke and Crosby were cute together. I'm glad Crosby could be there for Zeke. I hate that they're selling the house. I'm mad at Camille for her weird ultimatum thing but that's for a different rant. Someone upthread said something about using the house for the Special Snowflake school and didn't like the idea - me either. Pretty sure I've gone on way too long. Sorry for that but thanks for the outlet (my dogs thank you too).
  9. I love General Supernatural fanfic. Wincest and Destiel are not my thing so I can't help anyone with those. My favorite fanfic author is GaelicSpirit. She is wonderful at capturing Sam and Dean's voices, I can hear them saying the things she has them saying in her fics. She posts her stories on FF.net and LJ. I recommend her to anyone who just likes a good, angsty, Supernatural fic. I don't know how to do the hidden website link thing so I hope posting the web address doesn't get me in trouble. https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1128719/gaelicspirit
  10. I've never played this before but I'd like to try! Something Wicked ++ Faith ++ Provenance -- 23 - Faith 21 - Scarecrow 21 - Pilot 19 - Hell House 19 - The Benders 17 - Devil's Trap 17 - Dead in the Water 17 - Phantom Traveler 17 - Bloody Mary 15 - Wendigo 15 - Skin 15 - Hook Man 15 - Asylum 15 - Route 666 15 - Nightmare 15 - Shadow 15 - Dead Man's Blood 15 - Salvation 15 - Something Wicked 13 - Bugs 09 - Home 07 - Provenance
  11. You just made my night, Lisin! A little MSCL love is always great! I guess it's a good thing Damon doesn't lean that often - although when he does, he leans great! :)
  12. Aw, I love Cas. I hope they bring him back next season too. I can only come up with stale lines for the thread title but I'll throw them in anyway! Don't Piss Off the Nerdy Angel Nerdy Guy with Wings Holy Tax Accountant See, kinda stale and lame. Sorry.
  13. Ian Somerhalder is the reason I started watching this show and Damon Salvatore is the reason I continue to watch it. I love Damon! He's fun and funny. He's smart and quick thinking. He's the one the entire group turns to when they have a problem to solve and even though they may not like his solutions, they know he'll take care of business if necessary. I love that his first response to every problem is "Kill 'em!". It's not just hilarious, it's also usually the way they should have gone in the first place! And pretty? Holy moly! He's so beautiful it hurts to look at him. (My undying admiration for anyone old enough to recognize where that line comes from!)
  14. I still don't think it was that bad an episode. I won't get into shipper wars but Stelena was no more healthy a relationship than Delena. The adorable Stefan stalked her for months to begin with and then with all the ripper stuff and her being so...her, it was just as bad. Being paired with Elena guarantees either Salvatore a crappy storyline and a pretty crappy personality to go with the storyline. Elena sucks everything fun and lovable out of both the Salvatores. Fun things in this episode: Damon being snarky again. Everything Enzo and the awesome death by doorknob. Tom Avery's non-hero hair (so awful it was fun!) and his enthusiasm for those waffles. Bonnie's little comment about Damon and Luke being cute too. Stefan and Caroline's friendly cuddle in the minivan. Jeremy moving in with Matt and Tyler. Matt and Tyler telling the witches that Jeremy and Elena were their friends, and sometimes Damon too! The Travelers dying so hopefully we won't have to listen to their chanting any longer. Overall, not so bad an episode. If they would just have Elena go on an extended vacation, oh, maybe to New Orleans where the witches, vampires or werewolves will kill her, the show would be saved!
  15. Hi all! I'm from TWoP too. Never posted in the Days thread, just lurked and giggled. I was always so happy to see I wasn't the only one who didn't like certain characters that we're all supposed to love so much. Been watching Days since I was a girl - my mom watched so we did too! I've been so close to not watching anymore but after more years than I care to share, it's not an easy decision. Finding the TWoP boards has kept me watching thanks to all the laughs I get from it. I hope the conversations will continue over here.
  16. Hi Iguana and SueB! I'm LuvsDeanandDamon on TWoP. I hope the discussions from there will migrate here, they're just too interesting and too fun to lose.
  17. No one talking about tonight's episode? C'mon, it wasn't that bad! There was lots of Damon snark - that's always fun to me. And death by doorknob was pretty awesome too!
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