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Everything posted by tabloidlover

  1. Question for you - did the Meghan PI headband help you in your search for justice and truth? Would appreciate knowing before rushing out to purchase one. I also found it odd that the doctor said there was no other scan to compare it with. Shady as fuck.
  2. Her anger was very much on display. And Robyn would look at Meri's bitch face, then look over to Kody with a smirk. It was so odd. Her anger was very much on display. And Robyn would look at Meri's bitch face, then look over to Kody with a smirk. It was so odd.
  3. So very many thoughts on these episodes tonight, not sure where to begin. My heart breaks for Christine. She is clearly a broken woman. Ko-Douche has broken her spirit in every way possible, only to then take joy in her misery. It was interesting watching their body language in the convertible (is that the only kind of car the dick can drive?) as it was obvious that neither of them was happy to be there. He looked disgusted and she looked defeated when driving back from the rock tower building debacle. She is so clearly miserable, yet also feels so much to blame for her feelings. During the rock building clusterfuck, why didn't the therapist say anything to Kody when it was so clear he was crushing her feelings? That therapist sucks, IMO. Doesn't seem very helpful to watch someone railroad their partner to the point of tears. And their other "friend" / "previous therapist" was no help either. Very telling that Kody said one of them validates him. Can someone explain why HE is the only one that can be validated? Because it irritates the fuck out of me that he will not allow Christine's feelings to be validated. It is so clear he is over her. Lastly, Christine - RUN VERY FAST AND VERY FAR. If you are this miserable the last 5 or 6 years, what is eternity going to look like with this self centered idiot?? It's not going to magically get better. Not to mention the fact that you told us Kody wasn't close with Gwen for many years and had to really make an effort to be close to her. He is her FUCKING FATHER!!!!! How could you allow such shitty treatment of your kids? If you are good with being a doormat, that's on you. But your kids deserve so much better.
  4. I have to agree with you. That report conveniently had the year cut off, and we know he had cancer previously (2012 or 2013, I think?). A professional medical report does NOT include sloppy run on sentences like that. I believe him when he says he had NHL previously, but I really think they started with a small lie, and it worked into a giant clusterfuck. They brought this on themselves.
  5. Let me help you with this one. Sobbyn is so very, very,very busy! You've got to remember, she arranged for Sol to get a haircut, she got legally married, and is growing another Brown baby! I don't know why people don't understand.... If you just listen to her talk, she will tell you how very, very busy her life is. Who has time to run such a busy and successful company with all of those balls in the air? This scheming thing takes time and energy, don't ya know.
  6. The sad part is that Kody only thinks about his own happiness. She doesn't get the reward she is so desperately looking for. Kody is all about Kody and that is never going to change. At what point do you give up on hoping he will become a partner that gives rather than takes? So horribly depressing, it's no wonder she looks a mess all of the time.
  7. I'm good with just the medical report, but if Meghan is reading this - she would probably prefer that the report be notarized and have a valid phone number for verification purposes.
  8. Bronzedog - I'm so glad you caught it when he told us how many hours he had to drive! I missed it the first 6 times he mentioned it. However, you neglected to mention that after the 9 hour drive, he had to pack, pack some more, then pack some more, then drive another 9 hours back. Please try to be a bit more accurate - his life is ROUGH, damnit!
  9. Anyone notice that Robyn is suddenly the expert on how Kody should parent his daughters? Umm - he has raised daughters. They are the ones that moved out already. Imbecile. I would pay money for the wives to look at her on that couch and yell "shut the fuck up!" when she is blathering on and on about how he should bond with the girls. The "next batch" I believe she said. So fucking clueless - she makes my blood pressure rise.
  10. I don't understand why they didn't address the elephant in the room while telling Janelle's story. We ALL know she was MARRIED to Meri's BROTHER!! Hello? Idiots - you told us in your BOOK. Perhaps it was too much inter-family "weirdness" to add that in? Since they finally admitted how "weird" it was that Janelle's mom married Kody's dad and all. I was surprised they admitted the weird factor - we've all thought it for years. They are a bunch of morons and I seriously don't know how they have gotten thru life by themselves. Each one of them truly looks like they would need a "buddy" to help them navigate life.
  11. You're being too logical, algebra. None of these idiots have logic, and I would be willing to bet they don't understand the definition either. This entire clan wants everything the way they want it - why can't everyone just understand that?? (not directed at the group here - this is their thought process). It's like arguing with a 2 year old (or a group of them in this case). You will get nowhere. Just a big headache from slamming your head into the wall.
  12. Based on Sobbyn's actions at the end of this episode, I have a feeling the adoption thing won't happen. Disclaimer - not that I ever believed it would be completed legally. Sobbyn got what she wanted - legal marriage to asshat. Now, she is going to sob her way out of the adoption process. I can already see the writing on the wall. She thinks she's smarter than everyone - her problem is that it isn't very hard to be smarter than anyone in this group of idiots. The rest of us see right thru her.
  13. Is that a glass of wine in front of Kim? She looks pretty rough in the pic with Kyle.
  14. I'm a bit stunned to read this, yet I shouldn't be. This makes it so very clear that internet porn is a very real thing in their insulated world. How the hell does this even come up in a discussion with your soon to be son in law?? Why are Gothard families so into each others sex lives? I don't want my family even thinking about my sex life OR my husband's internet usage. Boundaries?
  15. Not sure if I am in the right thread for this, mods - please move if needed. I have been reading these boards regularly since Joshgate 1. I read in one of the threads (I believe Jill or Jessa) that J-chelle's sex advice is that it doesn't take long. Besides the UGH factor... I am extremely curious as to how Boob manages to be so freakin horny all the time. If he has no outside influences, no images via computer, newspapers, magazines etc, never sees more than a countenance, how is he sprung for her all the time? I've been married almost as long as they have been, and there is no way I could have gotten pregnant that many times. It leads me to believe it is pretty much an all the time occurrence for them. So, he gets sprung and she lays there for a few minutes, and bam! That's it? The mechanics of it boggle me. Then again, my husband and I both have these silly things called JOBS. And that cuts down on our free time quite a bit. We also raised our kids ourselves, as we didn't have a kabillion j-slaves to help out. We're crazy like that. edited because grammar is important.
  16. I now have a headache as my heart was purposed to go and read Priscilla's story on their site. After reading her depressing story, I was presented a link to David's story. Someone was purposing me to read that as well, apparently. I could not get thru the second paragraph. It was pure agony to read. I have very little hope that Anna will ever escape after reading what she was brought up to believe. She must believe with all of her being that Josh and his issues are HER cross to bear. So tragically sad. My heart breaks for her, and all young women brought up this way.
  17. That would require thought and I just don't see any of them capable of it. Not even if they all put their heads together real hard. Just sayin..
  18. Okay - guess I rushed thru the article as I missed the age difference portion. I was thrilled that she is breaking away and not doing plural marriage. She does seem very strong willed and pretty sharp, I will just pray for the best. I am still married to the man I moved in with at 18 - it's been over 25 years now, so it can be done. Neither of us came from homes that we wanted to emulate - so I have a different perspective from a lot of people.
  19. So happy to read this this morning!! Maddie is engaged :) http://www.people.com/article/sister-wives-maddie-brown-engaged
  20. Not a SINGLE person in this band of idiots can see the hypocrisy? We are supposed to feel so sad for poor Martyr Meri, yet at the same time she is sad about the end of her marriage, she says it makes her laugh as she doesn't believe in "the laws of this land"? If you don't believe in it, why the FUCK are you doing it? And if your marriage is "spiritual" and God recognizes it forever, I'm confused as to why you are sad that the law of our country no longer recognizes it. The law either matters or it doesn't... You cannot have it both ways, dumbass. Edited because my grammar is better than theirs.. usually.
  21. Maybe I'm a sap, but I'm extremely hopeful she takes the courses and betters herself. I realize they felt they needed to acknowledge Tim's death, but I wish we had a true update of the hotel.
  22. I think Brianna is just an extremely unhappy person in general. Added to that, she is suffering repercussions from her decision to "stick it" to her mom by marrying Ryan. She married him to piss Vicki off (in addition to thinking she loved him, she had just gone thru serious health issues). Her pride is keeping her in a shitty situation as she does NOT want to hear Vicki say "I TOLD YOU SO". It's stubborn pride, just like her mother. It's really sad, imo. No one should live like that, but the worst part is putting her kids thru it.
  23. Exactly!! I was wondering if I missed the portion of "wear your sexiest outfit and A CHEAP, TACKY WIG" Looked so friggin absurd. Shannon would have looked so much better without the purple disaster on her head.
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