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Everything posted by tabloidlover

  1. I don't know how they do it. I tried to think about it along the lines of their "religious" beliefs - if I truly thought this was the only way to heaven, etc. However, I know without any shadow of a doubt that I could not do it. There is no way I could block that out of my mind even one night. No wonder these women are constantly in tears. And why does it not seem to bother Kody that his wives are sad most of the time? If he truly loved them, or even cared a little bit, he would want to offer comfort to them. A real man hurts when his wife is hurting. Oh yeah, guess I just answered my own question.....
  2. Just drove past a building in Vegas with a sign that said DEANER LAW FIRM. No joke... I was laughing s o hard, I about peed my pants
  3. Alex nailed it with his summary of events! The re-cap had me laughing more than the show. Favorite quotes: and
  4. Biggest pet peeve -- hearing "my SISTER" every other sentence! I swear, if I had even a half a shot every time that phrase was uttered, I would be un-fucking-conscious 15 minutes into the show. And these are grown ass women (tm Eileen) Son of a gun!!
  5. So, as I watched the catfight go down, I was confused as Karen talks as though she won. Umm, Karen? You were on the bottom with Natalie on top, and when you all were pulled apart, you clearly had a messed up face (more than normal) and Natalie had a scratch on her face. From the outside looking in, that would mean you lost the fight. No doubt that is why Karen wanted to go after Natalie again - she was trying to save face, hoping no one noticed she just got her ass kicked by someone half her size. Idiot.
  6. Good point, LoLo. I struggle to understand what on earth Christine could possibly be doing with her time all day every day. Her house is a friggin mess, she clearly doesn't spend enough time with Truly to know when she is deathly ill, and the other kids are in school all day. Whaaaaat the fuck??? I have a feeling she spends lots of time looking out her window to see if Kody is running around, whose house he is spending time at, etc.
  7. That was some fucked up Twilight Zone viewing tonite. I feel horrible for both Eileen and Vince for inviting this group to their lovely home for a fun night, and it dissolved into a pile of shit in a hurry. Brandi needs to enter rehab STAT. She is a flipping mess. And my money is on Oxy being the drug that Kim took from Monty. A large dose of Oxy. Lisa R handled it like a champ - I'd have been outta that car so fast.
  8. So I went to the site, and holy hell - that is the ugliest shit I've seen in a very long time! And someone needs to tell the ladies that jeans with clunky sandals looks ridiculous. Those t-shirts are atrocious. wow - and they wonder why they have so many hits with no sales.... Smart, they are not.
  9. Same thing for the whole "family" can't be mentioned. Everyone wants to say you can't bring up family, but every single one of these bitches is on the show due to "family". Hypocrisy much? Idiots - all of them.
  10. I agree with you here - it was a delayed reaction as she processed all of the slights she felt she had suffered through the entire show. She wasn't happy that Jeff only took her side vs. Scheanna and LeAnn (none of the others), there was the scrambled eggs comment, the STD comment, etc. I would have to re-watch to list the others (I'm thinking there were 2 other things that she visibly reacted to), but I just can't put myself through it at the moment. Jeff's reaction seemed very real, and the awkwardness was seeping through the tv screen.
  11. The update at the end stated that the owner has not re-invested any money into the hotel. Nor has he installed locks on the side doors, and that prostitutes still frequent the place. Although I had suspected that is what I would see, I was still disappointed when the update displayed. The owner is an asshat.
  12. So much drama over a failure of a "business"... Meri can miss me with her comment about "It's just not fun anymore". Boo friggin hoo. Work is not generally known as fun, fyi! It's about doing what you've got to do to keep a roof(s) over your (massive) family's head and food on the table(s). Note to Robyn - we all get what your original idea behind MSWC was, however, it is NOT making money in ANY way, shape, or fashion. Therefore, it's time to look at it differently. DUH..... This would be a great episode! Until we fell asleep from boredom.
  13. I have a feeling Robyn's definition of INSANE hours is in no way similar to the majority of us. She has only one child home during the day and he seems to permanently be in Kody's arms. So, I'm not seeing how demanding that is, especially as she has a nanny-type person to help. I work out of town every single day, and put in on average 50 hours/week. Even I don't consider it to be INSANE hours... She's clueless.
  14. Does everyone remember Chef Blythe that sounded so terrible? I was reading about Giada's divorce on another site, and there was a link to a video clip from Paula Deen's Network. Holy smokes!! Guess who is on at least 2 of the episodes?? She doesn't sound quite as bad, and she definitely looks more put together.
  15. http://www.tmz.com/2014/12/28/mob-wives-natalie-guercio-boyfriend-stabbed-slashed-london-rene/ Why do I get the feeling that Natalie's mouth is writing checks that London is supposed to cash?
  16. Disclaimer -- I am my husband's only wife, so my opinion is based on my experience only. Were my husband having shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, and feeling "weird".... the only call I would be placing would be to 911. I certainly wouldn't be having him attempt to walk to someone else for a blood pressure check. Just sayin... Paulie looked completely at a loss, and dragging him to Rhonda's house didn't appear to be much help. Edited because Robyn is not the same as Rhonda... oopsie
  17. Sorry Nonie, the very fact that Brady has SO much stress already, and you just add to it with another baby? Just because YOU want one? Seriously? That isn't love, people. It just isn't. Love is putting the other person first. Period.
  18. Since we all agree she is a narcissistic hypochondriac, and pretty much certifiable, I'm really starting to question her 2 week hospital stay. It is not entirely outside the realm of possibility that she faked the length of her hospital stay. Could she have exaggerated how long she was in for the show? I would believe private paid via bank of Candy, and I would also believe a psych stay.... but I'm beginning to wonder if she wasn't really in for 2 weeks. It would have been easy enough to be filmed going in, and doing another shoot re-enacting her discharge and arrival home. As others mentioned previously, that was no regular hospital room that we were shown - dog on the bed, etc.
  19. Once again, I think the chef could have beat Bobby had he not tried to "UP" his game by selecting the larger chops. Had he just gone with a regular thick cut chop, it would have been done in the 45 minute time frame and it would have beaten Bobby's. He had technique and multiple components to the dish - which is what the judges look for. But, by trying to go even bigger by choosing a cut that couldn't cook properly in that amount of time, he ended his chances. I'm really tired of these chefs coming on thinking they have to go for it with something that is a time sensitive component - it kills them every time.
  20. Sorry Anthony, I'm just not buying that Jess had some massive breakthrough overnight and decided to pull his head out of his ass at 41 years of age. Clearly, he had no issue with his mother working 100 hours a week for all of his life, and now he magically gets it? Bullshit. Family should have voted to sell. Let Jess (and his oddball wife) get real jobs. I was really hoping we would have seen exactly how much money Jess had been spending to "learn Facebook"... Dumbass
  21. I am just flabbergasted that it would pay that little for the number of pages of dialogue she claims to have to memorize each night. NO way would that be worth it, unless the paycheck was BIG... Something tells me they spend beyond their means - that house looked pretty expensive even without the zip code of Malibu. And she did admit that they started to bicker and have money trouble when she stopped working. Very interesting - hope we hear more on this later.
  22. I noticed some editing hijinks tonight. Porsha wanted her hair in a bun prior to getting in the limo to Brooke's wedding, yet we saw footage of the wedding with her hair down? And Kyle's hair was curled fantastically well while running around prepping her girls, yet was barely wavy at the actual wedding. What the heck??
  23. And we have seen a total of two anniversary getaways. Yet, both were with the same wife? Huh??
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