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waving feather

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Everything posted by waving feather

  1. It's trivial but something I liked about the episode was Cole telling the cab driver "Look, we see them, they don't see us, OK?". It just so Cole. He is not a trained spy so doesn't speak the technical jargon of tailing someone but he knows what he is doing by instinct (without proper plans and all). I like that he always sticks to his tried and tested formula of getting information: intimidation by the usual phrase "I don't want to hurt you but I will if I have to". I'm glad the writers are quite consistent with Cole's skill sets and doesn't make him be good at everything. He's not good at verbal negotiation (like Aaron and Cassandra is) but he can get himself out of a tough spot physically.
  2. I think the Keys is sort of a callback to the movie Twelve Monkeys. The Florida Keys were mentioned as adverts a few times in the movie. Movie Cole and Kathryn Railly were also planning to escape to Key West at the end of the movie.
  3. Cole is at his most endearing whenever he's with Ramse. Their talks and banter will literally light up his face. I'm glad they are also showing a lighter side of Cole because Aaron Stanford has excellent comic timing (which he utilized brilliantly in Nikita as Birkhoff).
  4. Yay, I'm glad it's going to be Kaitlynn. She doesn't take herself too seriously and have self respect for herself (unlike Britt who molds herself to whatever guys want her to be. I felt so embarrassed for her when she was practically begging Chris to ask her to stay). And honestly, I can't tell how Britt really looks like because she always has bullet-proof make up on with hair nicely blown. At least we've seen Kaitlynn with her messy hair and minimal make up and she's still cute.
  5. I don't know who this Clark kid is but his voice is so sexy. Like, definitely on my radar now.
  6. I am not sure how old Cole is supposed to be but he is alive when the plague started in 2017, right? If we are following close to the actor's age, he would have been an early teen in 2017. So I assume all the technology would exists back then, just that it stopped working after a while. I wouldn't expect him to be a fish out of water regarding those but lacking in pop culture or social graces.
  7. I agree that it's great how they established that Cole needs a moral compass and reminder of a bigger picture from timeto time and he has that in Cassie and Ramse. The character of Cole is interesting in that he would make a great soldier or spy. He's loyal, focused on the task at hand and willing to do whatever it takes to complete the mission (that includes killing other people or even killing himself). Jones and him are kindred spirits in a way and I really enjoy the their interactions.
  8. I actually really love this episode. So far, it's my favorite tied with Cassandra Complex. Surprisingly, everyone felt believable here. I also like seeing more of Ramse and love the friendship between these two. The moment Cole went in, intending to kill Ramse and the talk they had was really affecting. On a shallow note, Cole looked really pretty with his hair half tied into a tiny pony tail.
  9. I hope they would consider renewing this show. Unlike most other tv shows, this one can go on for a long time with many potential story lines. Case of the week aside, there are so much to explore from Henry's past. So many time eras he has been through and people he had interacted with. So many possibilities.
  10. Oh, man. I'm kind of in love with this show. Everything about it works for me. The characters are not there to support the case of the week, but the case of the week is there to flesh out the characters. Henry. Abe. Henry and Abe. Abe is still like a little kid and Henry was so glad for him.
  11. I commend the show for making Cassie's journey believable. Sometimes it's better not to know your future no matter how much you think you can prevent it. Anticipating the worst instead of enjoying life day by day must have been horrible for Cassie. I hope Cole and gang feel guilty about that. They got her into this mess in the first place. Now there's no turning back. Him disappearing from her life right now would actually drive her insane because then she would no longer have connection or knowledge to do anything about the impending apocalypse. I'm surprised she doesn't resent Cole for any of it. Normally I'd be against the 2043 type of storyline but I really like Ramse and am curious to know the history behind Cole and Ramse. And what made Cole so eager to be erased.
  12. I also agree that Cassie and Cole have natural chemistry. I find most of the destined-to-be-together leads boring but it really works here. The writing is not that much superior here, so I think it's the actors.
  13. I think this episode is stronger than the pilot, which had some scenes which took me out of the show but everything gelled together in this one. Good chemistry between Cassie and Cole. Good chemistry between Cole and Ramsey. So far I'm liking the cast. It's a bit low budget but I can see they're trying to make the most of it.
  14. That's an interesting theory and would be kind of cool if it's true. But they have quite different accent and way of speaking.
  15. Congrats to Des and Chris! Their proposal on the show is one of the most genuine on the Bachelor franchise. I agree that they have a very nice comfortable and sweet chemistry since the beginning during their season.
  16. I liked both the characters of Cassandra and Cole and their chemistry together. The whole mystery so far hasn't been quite as convincing. These timey wimey shows are tricky to make and I hope the writers has a good handle on it. For example they can't always have Cole create a paradox whenever they are in a sticky situation. That would lower the stakes whenever they are in trouble.
  17. I don't like Sean. But he obviously loves Catherine so I'm fine with them as a couple. I thought Juan Pablo's season has decent girls and Desiree's season has decent guys. Desiree wasn't the most entertaining Bachelorette but I thought she was the most genuine and she wasn't an asshole to any of her guys on her season and picked the right guys to advance each week. Not surprised Chris and her are still together and getting married this month. Since episode 3 I picked him out for her even through her whole Brookes' infatuation.
  18. It's been a while since I watch a show where I like the main character and all the secondary characters. Henry, Jo, Abe, Hanson, Lucas. All fantastic. The only one I'm iffy about is Henry's late wife Abigail and that's because I don't think she's a good actress. The case of the weeks are almost always predictable but that's not why I watch these shows anyway. I watch for character interactions and this show does it very well.
  19. Britt is such a bad actress because her mannerism and being IN LOVE are so transparent and fake.
  20. Yes, I've liked Aaron in everything I've seen him in. He's very talented and my favorite character in Nikita. Does both humor and drama equally well. I hope they write Cole with a little bit of humor, intentionally or otherwise.
  21. I shouldn't enjoy a couple breaking up as much as I am right now, but Andi is such a shameless phony that I can't bring myself to feel sorry for her. Josh and Andi definitely behaved awkwardly during the episode but I just attributed it to her being sort of clingy and trying to show the world how in luuuuuuuv both of them are. Come to think of it, Josh did look miserable throughout it all. No wonder she was so upset when dearly departed Eric called her out on being "on" and acting whenever cameras are on - a little too on the nose. Nick, you dodged a huge bullet, buddy.
  22. I was actually delighted at the way Jo talked to Henry about his suicidal heroic attempts. The predictable thing would be for her to scream at him (out of concern or whatever) and ban him from her investigations. Instead she went to him as a caring and loving friend and related her experience with him and how they can help each other. I thought that was beautiful. I wouldn't mind something more between them but their friendship is also perfect as it is. Even without the secret reveal. Always love Henry & Abe, in current time or flashbacks. Ioan is doing such a great job with his character.
  23. Yu Tsai disgusted me this episode. Chantelle is not my favorite person but she very articulately and politely explained herself to Yu Tsai about why she has issues with it and I completely agree with her. Who cares if his intentions are good in calling her Panda when it may have negative impact on other people?! Will he die if he stopped calling her Panda? He was so immature with his responses... He just could not stand someone giving him criticism. He came around to it in the end but I bet it's because he doesn't want a bad edit. Well, too late, bro. Your first reaction already told what is really in your mind. Adam is probably a natural introvert and drinking helps him to be more outgoing. Will raised a very good point to him that you need to have confidence in yourself in interacting with other people even without alcohol. If I were being objective, Adam should have been eliminated weeks ago. But I have a soft spot for him because he's one of the few that can take constructive criticism in general and doesn't stir shit at the house.
  24. I felt for Adam when he was offering to be the first person to sleep on the couch and asked the other people to rotate with him daily, but was met with crickets. I thought it was a very reasonable thing to do but everyone looked at him like he's talking crazy. He looks like a nice person, but maybe depressed in some way that he's using his drinking to cover up. Especially when he said he drinks so that he can bring out his personality... WHA...??? He's not a model AT ALL, and everyone knows it, so he's being kept around for other reasons.
  25. I looooved Troy's performance. There's something so free and joyful about this guy's performances. He always seems to be having a blast on stage and I love that. Taylor has a nice voice but was kind of like a singing robot. I'm most sorry to see Troy go out of all the eliminated contestants because he's the most unpredictable and has a great voice with big potential. Alas, this doesn't seem to be the stage to take risks. Also evident by Toia's elimination.
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