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waving feather

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Everything posted by waving feather

  1. The funny thing is, Gwen is the absolute worst at making pitches during blinds and battles/ knockouts decisions (I still can't forgive her for letting Troy Ritchie go), but she's a better coach than Adam and Blake in getting a good performance out of her team. Of all the battles so far, the only ones I really liked are from her team. Ellie/Tim and Korin/Chase. Both of them are exquisite in a non talent singing show way. Pharrell's battles song choices sucked the most. Followed closely by Blake.
  2. I don't fancy Siahna either. She's obviously very talented but her mannerisms when she sings are that of a child star in pageants... right down to the little girl sass. Mia, also 15, last season was more authentic.
  3. Sadly, I agree with you all about Barette. I don't think he is arrogant but he's so earnest and over the top. Good singer but tone it down, dude! His stage mannerisms when he sings actually take away from his good voice. Take it down like 10 notches. That said, I don't blame Blake for going with him because Dustin is charisma free.
  4. I hated that Baba O' Riley battle. Sung well but just so cheesy and dated. If that's the direction they were told to go, sorry, it sucked. I had to 2nd hand embarrassment. Neither of the two young girls are ready for prime time but Blake is a sucker for cute young girls (and I don't mean in a creepy way... Just he has soft spot for them in a fatherly way). So I wasn't surprised he stole Ivonne. Krista and Chris. This sucks because I like both of them. Why Blake why. But this shows both of them are not his favorites.
  5. I have a feeling Blake is the coach she has wanted since the very beginning. During the blinds, I remember her calling him out for not turning for her after saying he would last season.Gwen woud definitely help her more on stage presence for sure but I doubt Gwen would keep her past knockouts.
  6. I wouldn't steal Celeste also to be honest. Let's be real, she's not gonna win the show. Mark can be quite special if Pharrell knows what to do with him. He's a dynamic performer. I'm glad Zach won over Tyler too. Tyler is the superior singer, no doubt but this is one of the rare times I agreed with both Adam and Blake (without thinking that it's bullshit justification) that Tyler performs in auto-pilot mode. He did it during his blind audition too. Which is too bad because Tyler is very talented. Speaking of auto pilot... I feel the same about bland James Dupre. Just an average singer, nothing more. Dustin M. was the more interesting one imo. I preferred Dustin's voice more than Barette's. Both are good singers though. I don't fault Blake for going with Barette because Barette is probably going to get more votes than Dustin.
  7. I like Jordan but why are they acting like they have never heard a voice like him before? Sure, I have... both for male and female. Maybe not on the Voice but surely in their lifetime?! Nevertheless, he's a good singer so I'm not mad he stayed. James on the other hand is boring without any x factor.
  8. I'm glad they didn't make Francis' impending death a secret. Francis is still my favorite character and I'm glad they are killing him off so he has a good ending without further character assassination for the sake of drama.
  9. Adam's team really has strong contenders. Total 180 from season 8. This season will be his to lose. I like Jordan and Andi & Alex from his team.
  10. "Stars" is not a country song but I wouldn't call it a rock song in any stretch. It's more of a pop song or pop country if I heard the song for the first time.
  11. And everyone seems to think it's easier to break into Nashville than to the pop scene or top 40 radio. It might be true, who knows. Anyway, Shelby is young so she still has time to figure out what kind of music she wants to make. The only thing that bugged me during their commentary is how the other 3 coaches kind of discouraged Blake from talking or making his pitch to Shelby. I mean, he did but do they really have to gang up like that?
  12. Let's hope Adam has learnt his lesson and lets Shelby do some country songs, like how Pharrell basically let Sawyer do his thing. But Shelby confused me because in her intro she said she wants to be a country star in Nashville and then after the audition she mentioned she doesn't necessarily want to do country. So, I doubt she is truly a country artist.
  13. She did remind me of Amber. If I remember correctly, Amber did well on the show?
  14. Nah, it's just a rumor. I highly doubt it's true. They are just too different.
  15. It sucks that Mikey is kind of a douche because he's one of the most beautiful men I've seen in a while. Especially when he pulls his hair back. He's not going to win because he doesn't have the personality or the edit but I think he's a really good male model. Those guys that get it without needing to try hard.
  16. I didn't like Viktor either. His delivery is too polished without any emotion. He is a very good singer, no doubt, but I can't connect with him on any level. The teams to beat this season are definitely Adam and Blake. The battles and the knock outs are gonna be brutal with many good people going home and stolen by other teams.
  17. The blinds were taped back in June. So it was before the divorce was filed.
  18. I adored Cole Criske. Usually I'm not into precious young singers but there was a genuine delivery about his performance and even his sob story I understood. He sang the song in the most honest way possible. There is really a lot of people I like on Blake's team. I guess I like those sort of low key singers that end up choosing him.
  19. This last episode was definitely put together and edited for a story arc, which being Adam getting a country singer. That is why it was saturated with so much country in one episode alone. Hopefully that is not the case for the rest of the audition episodes.
  20. I actually thought that last guy James Dupre was not good and was one of the worst among today's show. He has a really boring and flat style of singing the song. He even talks in a monotonous way. Zach, the other generic white guy, was more engaging in his song.
  21. Blake cut off some of the words in Don't Speak but I really liked his interpretation and phrasing of it. It has enough longing and heartbreak to it.
  22. Seeing Zack again reminded me why I loved him so much in his season. He just has an ease about his tapping and his dancing in general. I feel relaxed watching him. It's never too unnecessarily intense. Gaby was good too. Joshua just crushed Virgil. Joshua is the whole package of a dancer for me. He has strength, speed, flexibility and power. He can pull off pretty much any style too. People complain about season 11 when it was on but seriously that season had way more memorable routines compared to this season.
  23. Oh, I bet he knew it since before the fantasy suite date they went on together. He was admitting serious doubts then too but just didn't have the courage to do anything about it. But like I said, I don't have a problem with his timing, I do have a problem with how he did it. To me, breakups should be like ripping off a band-aid. Just say what you need to say and leave it alone. Let the other person digest what you said first and let them calm down enough to talk about it (IF they wants to).
  24. Word. It's fine if he found no connections in BiP but I loathed his goodbye speech, addressed to both Ashley S. and Amber. It's just a self ego stroke, trying to show everyone he HAD options but he chose none. That may be true but it shows what kind of character Dan has. Sorry dude, you're not charming enough to pull something like that off. I cheered when Jade was like "You want me to step in, I will?" when Kirk kept pestering Carly and wouldn't leave her alone after she had said NO umpteen times. You go, Jade. That's a true friend and it's nice to see girls looking out for each other. And how Jade literally ran to meet her halfway at the stairs when Carly came crying. Let me be clear, Kirk was not a jerk for breaking things off with her (11th hour or not, it's his right), but he is a jackass for not leaving it alone and wanting some sort of olive branch from her to make himself feel better. "You deserve a conversation" Are you for real, dude?! If you really care about her even as a friend, you would be able to recognize that she's hurting at the moment and wants to be left alone. His insistent and trying to touch her when she said she didn't want to be touched skeeved me out. What an idiot, indeed, Tenley. Speaking of Tenley, I have a crush on her. Call me, Tenley!
  25. I could already see from the past few episodes that Tenley wasn't serious about Josh. She keeps saying how nice that Joshua treats her like a princess and how nice it is to be pampered but never said a word about how much she likes him, unlike Carly and Ashley who can't shut up about their guys. And I do agree that Josh is out of Tenley's league. Tenley is a good catch by BiP standards, definitely much more than Jade.
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