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Everything posted by lulu69

  1. I'm wondering, if it was really so dangerous would JB send his 18yo daughter (Joy) and would Gil Bates allow his daughter to go with her (can't remember the Bates girl's name)? Would a neverending parade of family members, some children, constantly jump planes to go visit? Oh wait, these are God's spechel snowflake people. Nevermind.
  2. Guessing JB is feeling the strain of financially supporting, oh about 30+ people. Its definitely in JB's interest to get Josh redeemed & off the family payroll, especially if Anna keeps pumping out the babies. I rarely say any thing positive about princess prickly pear but at least she's aware enough to know the show is hanging on by a thread & showing Josh would be end of tlc $.
  3. Yup, just earned yourself another trip to JTTH/ALERT Koka lol
  4. But truth be told, they're not actually interacting with those heathen, possibly gay, New Yorkers. The Duggars have handlers paid for by tlc, People or GMA's $$ that keep all those scarey people away, far away (sarcasm)
  5. Oooo...oooooo....Maybe they can serve shrimp fra diavolo. Really make Boob's head explode lol
  6. Actually I'm guessing the opposite; maybe some locals got tired of the stupid 'gringa' who butchers their native language while she tells them their version of Christianity is wrong. Over the years I've worked with Salvadorans, Hondurans, Costa Ricans & Mexicans. In general, they took Catholicism and the adoration of Mary quite seriously. I could see some locals taking exception to the Dullards condescending brand of preaching & threatening them. Maybe they even played the 'I know people who can do this or that to you...' card.
  7. Sounds about right for Jilly. Except, she'd go to 10cm, try to do a VBAC at home, wait another 10hrs, THEN show up at the hospital. Jim Boob would be right behind her trying to negotiate a discount because, after all, Jilly did all the hard work at home. Jana will be observing everything so she can be an expert and do the next VBAC at home and save the difference.
  8. Probably because she knows she's the next Duggar daughter to be sold out (oops, I meant given away) by her schmuck of a father.
  9. I think Muffy learned there is a big difference between visiting a country for 1 week to smile for the camera, paint nails and give out candy vs living there for months on end with limited water, power and other luxuries that most Americans take for granted. My question is this: If Jill and Derrick "prayed on it" and God's answer was missions, isn't Jill disappointing/disobeying God by not performing the work joyfully? Not happily returning to mission field would not only go against the will of her headship Derrick but also God's plan for his spechul Jilly Muffin. ETA: posted at same time as above post - great minds think alike!
  10. Bbbbbut, they're praying on it so that like totally fixes EVERYTHING
  11. Oh no Muffy! God loves Jessa more because 2 is greater than 1.
  12. Jessa is going to get a major reality check when people don't make a big deal about this 2nd pregnancy. Better start working those baby bump selfies princess. Ho hum....
  13. When Jilly was prego with Iz the rumor was home births were pushed because many hospitals won't allow camera crews/filming in labor & delivery. Gotta make bank with those births after all. Priorities.
  14. A carat wouldn't be meek, just like Jinger. Took my son for a haircut today & had some time to kill. Luckily the salon had the US JinJer issue (bc I would never actually purchase it). Jer claims he knew the instant he saw the ring, that was the ring for Jin and daddy KJB & Bin agreed.
  15. Or they can just make Jana cook all the food. She's not busy doing anything.
  16. Is it because Joy is closer to the camera that her hands are much bigger than her brother's?
  17. Isn't it ironic? Lol Perhaps it's spiteful or vindictive of me, but I'm kinda getting a giggle out of the whole thing. Anyone else, I would probably feel sympathy for, but not Princess Prickly Pear.
  18. I believe many primordial dwarfs do have cognitive delays, especially those with microcephaly (abnormally small head), but not all. I recall one primordial dwarf (her name might have been Kristen?) in her early 20's who was very mature and insightful. The tlc clip featured her getting her car modified so she could drive and work as a Mary Kay sales rep. I think Hannah has behavioral & attention issues in addition to being spoiled rotten & babied. Her sister & sister-in-law have much more patience with her than I could ever muster up. It seemed like both her brothers, especially the older one, were completely over the 'Hannah Show'.
  19. But doesn't Jin have naturally curly/wavy hair, thus the hair straightening tutorial? If anything the heat/humidity would tend to make her hair bigger not limp, no?
  20. Have we seen any photos of Anna lately, like in the past 2 months? We've seen pastey doucheboy at mini golf & selling cars on the front lawn but no Anna. Hmmmm.... wondering more & more if she's prego. Boob certainly wouldn't want that info to come out right before the new season.
  21. Bbbbbut that would cut into his preaching career time lol Also, he could only train men; wouldn't want him to be defrauded by all those hussy women who were after his hot bod (also, Jessa is a jealous insecure bitch). Nope. Not doable.
  22. Jesus is usually depicted with long hair, not a helmet head. I don't know if he wore it in a man bun but Derrick is actually more 'christ-like' than KJB in this respect. If it's good enough for Jesus it should be good enough for the Duggars. Yeah. Right lol.
  23. Marjorie has a 1980's MTV vj vibe going on. Was annoying then, is annoying now.
  24. Right? Not to forget that Derrick is a grown ass man with a wife & child and should be able to wear his hair however he damn well pleases. Not in Duggarland.
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