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Everything posted by lulu69

  1. But...but she watched someone cook once, so in their duggar world that makes her an expert.
  2. Maybe I've taken too many psych classes (or watched too many crime dramas lol) but I always am interested in the way people pose for photos; body language is very telling. To me, Jim Boob is asserting is dominance over MEchelle and 'possessing' her. If you look, his grip is not loving or affectionate, but just that, a GRIP. Very creepy. Of course, ymmv.
  3. It looks like hobby lobby threw up on a box
  4. True this. I'm Italian & we hold grudges like nobody's business - to the grave lol. That being said, I highly, highly doubt Jer's Italian Catholic side of the family would even be invited. Probably just his congregation, a few born again friends and then all 1000+ people the Duggars aren't really friends with but absolutely must be invited. After all that has been said by the fundys regarding Catholics it would indeed be a cold day in hell before I would attend such a wedding, that's for sure.
  5. Maybe Jana didn't want a guy who clearly has 'given away pieces of his heart' as well as nibbles on his Jesus stick. Now I'm wondering if the JJCO remark Jana made about not settling was directed at Jinger rather than Jill & Jessa. Hmmmm
  6. Dear lord, please let her be wearing panties!! She is the rebel Duggar after all.
  7. Wow, that's a whole lot of thankfulness related to god. One would think 3 or 4 lines would cover it but 50+ ? lol. Clearly Jessa is trying to prove that she 'is too' well educated and articulate. Too bad she's also a redundant lousy liar.
  8. Oh no. They'll be fine with or without teevee money (dripping w/sarcasm)
  9. Knowing how questionable news sites have trolled these boards for Duggar dirt before, how funny would it be if they picked up on this 'story'? And I have to add my favorite proposed classes: Dry Humping 101 taught by Jizim Bob & How to Convert Your Uterus Into a Clown Car by MEchelle
  10. I was eh on this episode. They already did a hockey storyline (s4, episode 13 Fire in the Ice) combined /the pro basketball player murder (s2?). This felt like a rehash. Also, the main storyline was weak. Unless I missed it, they never even interviewed the victim's wife/girlfriend, parents, neighbors, friends, etc. For all they knew the gardener could have been sleeping w/the victim's wife & they got in a fight. If they were determined to stick w/only hockey related suspects, at the very least question the victim's agent, manager, pr person & trainer. Maybe investigate players from rival teams as well. Instead they wasted so much time w/the stupid emptying the house & drone competition subplots. Not the worst bones ep by far, but still eh.
  11. But....but I can see KNEES. I feel totally defrauded. Like totally. And not to rag on a young child, but just how many patterns does she have going on? I seem to remember Josie & Jordyn Duggar sporting the same 'look'. Maybe it's fundy fashion 2016?
  12. Nope, they got it right; take out the trash day lol
  13. Speaking as a 3rd gen Italian from a patriarch oriented family (catholic, egads...), I can say that the son usually doesn't truly achieve headship until the senior headship dies.
  14. Maybe a 50's era housewife/gothard thing? Growing up I remember a friend's mom who put on a full face (incl fake eyelashes), teased hair & 4" heels to clean the house. Yup, moping floors & cleaning the toilet in fake eyelashes & heels! Wimens gotta look good lol
  15. Oddly enough, the bug eating doesn't bother me so much; guess I've been watching too many survival shows lol. Izzy is a big boy, he's got to eat somehow. At least you know the bugs are fresh & full of protein.
  16. That's a whole lot of moob & nipple Josh has going on. What has been seen can not be unseen.
  17. God, I MUST be losing brain cells; I think I understand Muffy's idiotic convoluted message! Muffy is trying to say that because they are god's spechel little snowflakes he'll fulfill the Dullards' order for another child. It may be by Muffy giving birth, a domestic adoption or a foreign adoption. But it will happen because jezuz & all. Us heathens will just have to keep watching the show for the news. On another more shallow note, man is Jessa's hairline receding!! (see pic in article) It's worse than JD & Josiah's.
  18. What total bullshit. Anyone who claims they've NEVER told a lie is outright lying. Anyone who claims they've NEVER taken anything that didn't belong to them (stealing) is lying. These types of questions are often used on job applications to separate the honest from the not. The whole point is an honest person will admit to lying, stealing (ever made a personal phone call on company time, arrive late to work, etc...) and other 'typical' behaviors over their lifetime. A person with much (aka a Duggar) to hide wouldnt.
  19. The little girls probably want to be like the big girls (Jill, et al) in all their flip flop glory.
  20. Much has been made of Jill's messy house, including her suffering from depression, heat exhaustion or just plain laziness. A thought occurred to me. Maybe Jill keeps a messy house because she CAN. As someone who grew up with a domineering father & an OCD mother, I reveled in having my first place to do whatever, whenever I wanted. It was mine & if I wanted to leave things on the counter or throw stuff on the floor I could. I didn't have to answer to anyone. Yes, this type of behavior is somewhat juvenile, but look who we're talking about. Derick did say that early in their marriage Jill would bring her food in the bathroom to eat, presumably to protect it or get some much needed privacy a house w/20 other people. Maybe controlling her environment is Muffy's way of rebeling.
  21. Yeah, still trying to figure this one out. Did the Duggars expect, as god's most spechel snowflakes, that all they had to do was 'pray on it' and god would deliver?? Maybe JB expected that in 3 months time he was bound to have SOME kind of courtship/pregnancy news? I could definately see Boob pressuring his kids into marriage or having more blessings if it meant keeping his gravy train rolling. Kudos to the adult kids for not buckling under his (jackass) authority.
  22. Yes & there's rumours flying around regarding Anna visiting her mom. I figured poor Anna can't go all the way to Florida alone....being only a woman & all. She needs her headship to escort her (sarcasm). Jim Bob to the resue?? Maybe Epcot was JB's way of killing some time?
  23. In my mind this is proof positive Jessa does indeed troll these boards; 'See. We really DO have real world job skills. We tile & design & do electrical things...its a business...really....'
  24. While I agree the "exciting things" happening in Jill's family are most likely a pregnancy and/or courtship announcement, wouldn't it be great if Jill revealed, "Great news everyone! My SIL has finally decided to leave my piece of shit brother, Joy & I are permanantly moving to Central America & Jana and Jinger are escaping...ooops...I mean going to NYC to be nannies for an extremely wealthy well connected family". Ahhh, dreams lol
  25. I'm ehh on Famy's alleged cash bar. Maybe its a regional thing (NYC) or cultural thing (mediterranean ancestry), but around here when you're invited to a wedding you expect to be fed a decent meal (hello Jilly & Jessa) & have the liquor free flowing. Oh, and also appropriately dressed, i.e. no denim, flip flops, white sack dresses, etc..
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