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Everything posted by lulu69

  1. MEchelle annoys me by always dressing and wearing her hair like her 20+ years younger daughters. Not to say that she should dress like an old woman, but God get your own style. Preferably something sophisticated and stylish. Even Kelly Bates doesn't wear her hair and dress like her teens/20somethings.
  2. Well, Jill did have the ultimate role model for detached, uninvolved mothering.
  3. Real life is not a good fit for Jill, nor for any of the other duggar kidults. They are so poorly prepared for life's challenges. I think Jill is slowly waking up to this realization.
  4. Let's not get ahead of ourselves....he first has to explain that water is wet.
  5. LOL, I read this as 'two maggots should be together'. Yup, I've taken enough Theraflu for one evening.
  6. They really think Jessa's big surprise is a surprise???And worthy of an episode, no less?The big surprise would be if a Duggar wasn't pregnant. And got a non-JB job. Or went to college. Or anything really, other than getting engaged, married & popping out babies.
  7. On a slightly less ethereal note, I think the above is Dill's attempt at an Internet FU, 'See, Izzy isn't being blanket trained. In fact he bothers us all the time. The fact that he interrupts our special Jesus time is a-ok with us. No baby beatings here.'
  8. Yup. I believe it was in an early Duggar special; MeChelle recalled a phone conversation with JB where he claimed to have found the biggest tinker toy project ever. Sad that I clearly remember the above but can never locate my car keys.
  9. One could argue that JB also owes each kid a college education pre-paid years ago with tlc money. Fat chance ever collecting on that.
  10. Boob would tell you it's the vocal few who are messing with his 'new world order' vision and keeping him & Xanaxia from their God-given teevee empire. Everyone else, they just loooove the Duggars!
  11. With those choices, you're better off with the year supply of spam & the goat!
  12. JB would argue that this exactly why his kids are home schooled. Too much knowledge...ooops....evil in the public schools. Keep them home & insulated.
  13. Ummm...the answer to that question is so obvious; Jana would be brown 'cause everyone continually shits on her. Duh. (Sorry but I HAD to say it lol)
  14. Maybe gross negligence? But from what I understand, the burden of proof is much higher in a criminal case than a civil one. I know we have a few lawyers here, comments?
  15. But see, that's the key. Even if Jill couldn't understand a single word the woman said, she could still see the woman was visibly upset & crying. Those behaviors transcend language barriers. If I saw another human being in pain, natural empathy would be my knee jerk response. These Duggars, Christians at that, never cease to confound and disappoint me.
  16. And once again Izzy is barefoot in an airport. Not gross at all....
  17. This ^^^, especially if that 2nd baby is a girl. I could see Jessa being jealous & competitive with her daughter, a la MEchelle, especially if the daughter is a daddy's girl & Ben dotes on her.
  18. That's when she plays the 'missing' back muscle card. We can see that one coming a mile away.
  19. MEchelle & Boob are just worming their way back in, aren't they?
  20. One who wants a 'guaranteed' virgin. IMO Jer's just another insecure douchebag who can't have a woman be more experienced than he is. Actually, Jer is like Boob in this respect; Boob just can't get over the fact that MEchelle had boyfriends before him & could therefore compare him to them. That hussy wife of his has been repenting ever since.
  21. Her pleasure comes when she gets to birth another soldier in God's army
  22. Derick is not bad looking here either. How he went from normal looking college kid to total duggar dork is beyond me.
  23. Silly, it's the duggars; they do everything just a little bit different!
  24. Maybe. But they do kidnap them & hold them for ransom. The wealthier the family, the greater the appeal. And we know that ALL americans are rich or at least are perceived as such lol
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