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Everything posted by lulu69

  1. I wonder if KJB fancies himself the 'natural' heir to the Gothard empire? Of course, KJB isn't charismatic & can't preach, enter the preacher SILs (not that they're particularly charismatic or well spoken either lol). Considering Booob's giant-ass ego & sanctimonious nature, I wouldn't put it past him.
  2. Stop...you're scaring me. No really. I wish I was kidding but I'm not (said with fingers in ears)
  3. I think it was more KJB's attitude (and modesty rules). He told the girls what they believe, much like the kids are told they don't like rap music or told they don't want to play organized sports. When the headship changes, so do the girls beliefs apparently.
  4. In Joy's case I think it had more to do w/lining up the next 'Duggar wedding' to continue being on teevee another season than any age restrictions. Two daughters courting during one season is just not good for the family business, right KJB?
  5. Ok, I'm just going to throw this out there. Yes, JD may just be shy, awkward & poorly socialized. But he also may have limited social skills due to an autistic spectrum disorder or another disorder. My 14yo son was diagnosed as high functioning autistic at age 3. Thanks to a great deal of intensive early intervention and nonstop therapy through the years he is doing great. The thing is, if one of the Duggars had such an issue I highly doubt it would be addressed. Or at least addressed properly. I know the investment we made in my son in terms of time, individualized attention, patience and $$$. In a family w/19 kids such an investment would be next to impossible.
  6. Awww....JD looks like a baby bird peeking out of the nest. Fly JD, you can do it, fly far far away.
  7. It doesn't surprise me that Jill never pursued the full credentials to be a licensed lay midwife. Everything the Duggars do displays a hack level of accomplishment. Who needs proper education, training or experience? Just observe someone a few times and become an expert! Bunch of morons, courtesy of KJB
  8. I've been trying to think of motivations , at least in Joy's mind, for courting/marrying Austin: 1. Pressure from Boob to keep the Duggar teevee train rolling (obviously) 2. Freedom from the TTH 3. Excuse from daily TTH chores 4. Social acceptance by married sisters (the divide between the married and unmarried in gothard circles) At this point more of Joy's sister moms are married than not. 5. Attention and 'specialness' for once in Joy's life 6. Blinding approval by her parents 7. Feeling like a real grown up 8. Fulfilling god's plan for her and filling her quiver Any others to add?
  9. Joy is obviously the next sacrificial lamb put up for slaughter/tv ratings but I also wonder if this quick courtship is in response to the 'Is Joy gay?' speculation. In the past, the rumor mill was swirling around Josiah, then bam!! He was courting. At this point I wouldn't put anything past KJB.
  10. Sad, isn't it? Think of all the running, skipping and playing those little girls could do in a pair of properly fitting sneakers
  11. I also noticed the Duggar woman do not wear athletic sneakers (aside from that one pic of Jinger maybe in pants). Not for casual wear, not for sports, not even the little girls wear sneakers. I guess athletic sneakers are considered manly and flip flops are feminine? Although, in true Duggar style, Jill contradicted their beliefs and wore Converse sneaks in a manly khaki color. So Nike or New Balance in pink or aqua is too manly but khaki Converse are ok? My head hurts.
  12. But these are what the thrift shop had. Seriously, I'm curious to see if the bridesmaids had matching shoes or Jill just borrowed this pair from someone regardless of size.
  13. I think BB was referring to JB & MEchelle's wedding cake and why there were no photos displayed of them cutting cake on their wedding day displayed next to Jeremy's parents wedding day photos. At least that's how I read it.
  14. Please, I'm surprised MEchelle didn't parade around the house in her wedding gown at the Jin TTH wedding afterparty. Or re-post a shit load of pics of her & JB at THEIR wedding. Come to think of it, Jessa & Jill didn't do the wedding attention grab thing this time either. Are they learning?
  15. The photo in the church with Jin's train spread out. I believe the boys in the front row are Joe, the twins & Si. I assumed their suspenders and somewhat matching ties marked them as groomsmen. They are wearing boutonnieres. ETA: Enlarged the photo on my tablet to see details
  16. I didn't notice until the clearer pics posted up thread but apparently the groomsmen went with the mismatched theme as well, but not in a good way. It's more of a wear any old pants and scuffed up shoes you have way. Big fail on the guy's part IMHO.
  17. My bad. They ARE sunglasses. I forgot how bad ass the Duggars are. Off to the prayer closet for me.
  18. So matron of honor Jessa and mob MEchelle wore the same color? Also, in the article MEchelle says JinJer are a good match bc Jer is such a strong leader & Jin is a good follower. Thanks mom....
  19. Im looking more closely at the Checkered Shirt pic as well. What is Si wearing on his head? Is it a yarmulke?
  20. As the eldest girl in the family, Jana saw her mother being used like a human pez dispenser the longest. She's probably repulsed by the very idea of being joyfully available for any man. I wouldn't be surprised if Jana waited until her early to mid 30's to marry, knowing that at around 35yrs old a woman's fertility begins to plummet. This way she can have the more typical 2-3 kids and she would still be following 'god's plan' for her.
  21. Yup, but of course saggy boobs and bare feet are fine & godly. Duggar logic 101
  22. Yes, I've seen this too. Especially if it's a Saturday afternoon church wedding & a Sat. night reception. I assumed people felt backless, strapless beaded gowns weren't appropriate for the church ceremony
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