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Everything posted by lulu69

  1. Now Brennan is fluent in Farsi? Not just knows some, but fluent? Really??
  2. Watching 'Raising 16 Children' . I forgot about the marching everywhere in size/age order & the matchy matchy outfits lol. Also, TLC seems to downplay the whole religion issue only casually mentioning it. The Duggars actually seem, dare I say, normal? When did tlc go Gothard heavy?
  3. Must Jill arch her back and frame her belly in EVERY shot? WTF? She really really is proud of being prego & wants everyone to know it.
  4. Wasn't the bride's mom the same one who wanted to bring hay to the hospital when her other daughter had a baby a few episodes back? And before that we had the double wedding episode. Tlc really needs to find some new gypsy families to film. We keep getting the same few over & over. Its like they go to EVERY member of a family & say 'ok, what bullshit storyline can we make up for you?'
  5. Didn't douchebag Gareth (season 2) run a porn fetish site? I could just picture him calling her up, "Hey baby, I think you have real potential. How about meeting?"
  6. My son is 13yo & a much better eater than I am. From an early age (toddler) we fed him lots of vegies, fruits, lean protein and now he actually prefers them. He does occasionally have fast food, ice cream, etc but he complains of feeling 'crappy' when he overdoes it & self moderates. My opinion is introduce healthy foods early on and give the child the chance to develop a taste for them. Don't restrict the ice cream & stuff but make it an occasional thing. Moderation.
  7. To be honest, when I heard "heartbreaking" in the promo I automatically assumed this will be the episode where the patient doesn't make it. I hope I'm wrong. (Btw, this is my quess not spoiler info)
  8. My, the different body shapes we've seen. It's amazing how people could carry the same amt of weight & look so drastically different. On the topic of Laura being another victim of childhood sexual abuse, I too wonder how some people could have the most horrific childhoods yet go on to lead happy productive lives while others just crumble. It seems a lot of the show particpants lack resiliency or just a fighting spirit. I have to wonder about Laura's sisters as they were quite heavy too; were they also abused? Also, not to pick on a small child, but the younger 'baby' was pretty chunky too. What drove me crazy was that many of the scenes with Laura interacting w/the babies involved her giving them treats like ice cream, cookies, etc...
  9. Well considering how condensed Gypsy lives seem to be; married at 16, baby at 17, a grandma by mid 30's and an 'elder' at 45-50 trying to pass on the gypsy ways before they die. Sadly Sondra HAS dressed generations of gypsys LOL On the feet reaching the floor test for marriage, apparently at 45yo I'm still not ready for marriage-better go tell the hubby & kids!
  10. IMHO the 'dainty' eating is Penny & Pauline's way of trying convince the world (& themselves) that they really don't eat that much. I had a friend who was extremely obese & she ate this way, dainty tiny bites with the pinky out. I could never understand how she could possibly be so heavy when she ate the least out of all in our group. That was until we went on an overnight trip & I found her garbage stash; piles & piles of empty wrappers, bags & cartons. She was binge eating in private but eating dainty in public thinking she was fooling everyone. Shame was, she was only kidding herself. Sound like anyone else we know? lol
  11. "Hey, who's going to take care of you better than your own family?" says the groom (while trying on a zoot suit)
  12. GaT, at 1st I thought the Roma girl was stoned!! Then I realized she probably has some cognative delays. Did she say that she didn't go to school? That might explain the definate social awkwardness. She seemed sweet enough but trapped in a male dominated culture. I felt really sad for her.
  13. To get back on track, I find the Duggars' smugness obnoxious and it really gets on my nerves. Sometimes I actually wish I could kick Jim Bob in the nuts to wipe that smug smile off his face (just a fantasy, I am not a violent person :-)
  14. Agreed. Have the Duggars EVER considered, in their smug small minded existence, that there might be people of other faiths who consider the Duggars to be immoral or sinful for not following their teachings? Nope, not possible!!!
  15. Regarding the raisin bran, I asked a friend who is a dietician her opinion. In an otherwise healthy, active, normal weight individual w/good blood test #s an occassional reasonably sized bowl of raisin bran is fine. For someone like Bettie Jo, not so much. I can just imagine Dr. Now saying, 'Raisin bran is not a part of your diet plan when you weigh 600 pound'
  16. Did anyone else catch the popup on the supersized episode that stated BOTH Amber & Rowdy have gained a 1/4 of their weight in the 2yrs they have been together. Some major codependancy & buddie eating going on there.
  17. Well, tlc did it again...gave us add'l info in the 'Supersize' episode that would have been important to know in the 1st place. In the original episode, it was implied that Susan moved into the brother's house to gain more independence when in reality it was bc she couldn't make it up the steps to mom's trailer. Mom was still with her at the brother's! The plan was to move back to the mommy trailer when they could . Big difference & so much for gaining her independence. In addition, the father IS still alive & as horrible as he is/was, Susan is still in regular contact w/him. Wonder what else was deemed too 'insignificant' for the original episode?
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