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Everything posted by Vanderboom

  1. I agree. During the first episode, I was sure that they'd keep Goat Yoga around for the drama, and I was pleasantly surprised that they were eliminated early. Now it's a pleasure to watch the teams compete. I'm not sure how long Slam Dunk will be around, but I'm glad they weren't out this week. If anything, I kind of love their joking characterization of Phil as an evil mastermind ("You'll have to drag me out of here, Phil!").
  2. Wolff is not doing a good job of explaining the inaccuracies in his book. Meghan (who looks nice today) is, albeit self-centeredly, doing a good job of holding him accountable.
  3. I just couldn't follow Meghan's logic. Help me out here: She said that Wolff's book won't make a difference to hard-core Trump supporters (Meghan also strawmanned that Joy doesn't like to hear that there are loyal Trump supporters, which I've never heard Joy or anyone else say). Sunny said it matters to most Americans. Ana said that Trump supporters will stick with Trump even though they have previously gone with Steve Bannon guys. Joy asked Meghan why it was ok for a minority (Trump supporters) to control the rest of the Republican party. Meghan returns to Sunny's point and says Trump supporters deserve "credit" and aren't getting it because their values are different. So here's my question: What "credit" are Trump supporters deserving of that they are not getting? They are powerful. Even though polls show that they are a minority voice, they still drive political conversation, and Meghan herself said they turned the tide in the presidential election.
  4. Yeah, I still can't stand Helen, blathering on about "compromise, " etc. I do like Anne as a mentor; her no-nonsense advice is needed to counteract the camera awareness of these designers/reality show stars.
  5. Antonio was so extra, but comedy gold. I can't unsee David Poor as The Penguin. I hated David's mocking of Annie's accent. It was so mean and cheap. I'm sure there was more hurtful behavior that we didn't see. David Spain? This is what happens when you try to marry a spoiled teenager; if you wanted someone with outside interests and a desire to see the world, you should have dated someone older. You want to travel; she believes that 27 is a ripe old age and that eating apples will keep you from wanting to see the world. You're "elitist" for pointing out boarded-up businesses and a Mexican (not Spanish) restaurant without Latino employees. You guys are operating on completely different levels. Apparently, Luis fell in love with Vacation!Molly and has no real interest in her reality--raising her children and running her business.
  6. I agree. I've fallen into that trap before. I think that because we tend to feel like we "know" these people, we feel comfortable acting as experts on them. That said, it IS creepy that David Spain is marrying a(n annoying) teenager whose bathing suit pics he found online. It IS weird that Luis has to be asked repeatedly to stop making Molly's kids uncomfortable. David Poor also seems to be a train wreck. However, as you pointed out, we only really know what we're shown by producers who have an interest in making these people look as terrible as possible. It's good to keep in mind as we armchair snark. The garbage bag thing, though? Totally true ;-)
  7. Oh Elizabeth. Your father either won't pay for your big wedding or will pay for it and use that to keep you in line. Your groom cannot work legally. No sensible person would have a "big wedding" under those circumstances. Then again, sensible and level-headed people don't get onto reality television shows. Exactly! Everything about Evelyn screams big fish in a small pond. She won't even consider a bigger city in NH (much less VA) because she can't compete and knows it. David Poor and Annie are still so hard to watch. Poor Annie: besieged by intimate questions from strangers in a social setting and stuck with a fiance who seems ashamed to tell his children about their engagement.
  8. I actually liked Margarita's collection. I liked the colors and risk. At least, I liked hers much better than Brandon's. Then again, I've never gotten his aesthetic and just figured that I wasn't fashion-forward enough to appreciate it.
  9. I get that arranging homestays might be uncomfortable but my problem is that Evelyn doesn't even want to discuss alternatives or compromises. Why not at least ask or see if Family Evelyn has suggestions? I hope it's the editing, but Evelyn's refusal to even consider another viewpoint is not a good look. If anything, it serves as proof that she doesn't have the maturity needed to get married.
  10. I still don't understand why they couldn't print out labels using a nice font. It would be better than their handwritten stuff, no? Unless Evelyn is secretly a singer-songwriter-calligrapher. After all, she is the band. I thought David Spain was a little unnecessarily hostile to Mikayla, but then I realized that Evelyn probably shit-talked her up to David. Mikayla's attitude and lecturing didn't help, though. David Poor is just hard to watch. I get secondhand embarrassment during all his segments. Aika needs to lose the ice-blue contacts. She looked like Michael Jackson at the end of "Thriller."
  11. With sandals! Brandon couldn't cover his model's stomach even during a Winter-wear challenge?! I've been okay with Margarita for the most part, but the pouty nobody-picked-me crap was annoying. No one owes you their admiration.
  12. Lol! A kickass Easter bunny, but an Easter bunny all the same. I'm not really fashion-y, so maybe that's why I don't really get Brandon's aesthetic and thought he was over-praised. It was cool-looking, but not the best editorial look (Ayana's), in my opinion. Oh, and has Brandon ever covered his model's stomach completely? Or is it like Anya from seasons ago, who didn't know how to make sleeves? I cooled on Margarita after she threw her model under the bus, but I don't think she's nearly as bad (no cheating) or as annoying (no yelling) as the twins. I didn't like that Tim used his save on her, but I thought it was understandable because she lost by following his advice.
  13. Oh Siggy . . . Stay away from desserts in your conversation. We're now on episode 4 of Cake-gate and now you had to introduce us to your Cookie That Begat Josh. Blergh! As ghoulina said: Oh Melissa . . . Tread carefully when discussing parenting. You probably didn't mean it maliciously, but you should have realized that uninvited public comments on Teresa's parenting might rub her the wrong way. Oh Teresa . . . If you are annoyed with Melissa, calmly tell her so and tell her why. Don't use your brother's sudden restaurant ownership to punish Melissa for giving you unsolicited parenting tips.
  14. So true, but Margaret’s weirdness gets lost because Siggy is so unhinged. Similarly, the cake-throwing was stupid and immature, but Siggy's reaction was so extreme that the culprits look reasonable by comparison. Siggy will start from a valid place, but gets so caught up in her own ego and drama that she ends up looking absurd. If Table-Flippin' Teresa thinks you're ridiculous and irrational, you might want to reconsider your choices. That said, I'd be thrown by Margaret’s insta-BFF status, too. She barely knows Siggy, let alone the rest of the group.
  15. I thought it was strange that Dr. Gates was insisting that Ted Danson should be happy that his slave owning ancestor was "one of the good ones." I hope it was just a weird edit. Danson seemed shocked and disappointed, and it seemed like Dr. Gates was rushing Ted to look on the bright side. Geez! Let him process!
  16. Thank you! I wasn't here for his whining that drama always goes down when women get together, to which Melissa told him to be thankful he doesn't have a vagina. All of this is very true. I get where Siggy is coming from, but I thought she reacted immaturely and obnoxiously. However, what's Dolores' damage? I can see feeling left out, but why the rage towards Margaret? Did Margaret tell them to skip yoga? Yeesh.
  17. Lol. Sounds good, but my liver would implode. I found Siggy/Soggy/Peggy/Huggy perplexing, too. What, exactly, is her "talent"? Regurgitating feel-good bumper stickers? Remembering the morals of after-school specials? Cribbing notes from a middle-schooler's Tumblr? I just can't understand her career. I haven't read her books, but I'm hoping there's something more insightful than the "Hugs, Not Drugs"-level platitudes we've heard from her.
  18. I agree. I'd wager she might look lovely with auburn hair, but I don't like the ombre blond on her. Of course, once she reads that, she'll be sobbing into her millions because my opinion means so much to her, lol. I'm so disappointed in Margarita. Personality-wise, she was one of my favorites (loved the Zac Posen-off with Michael), but her betrayal of her model made her look cowardly and weak. I don't have a lot of faith in her for the next team challenge. As far as the twins go, I think that the judges should have made a bigger deal about their over-collaboration, but they won't because of the Rule of Drama.
  19. Oh Aaron. Holy crap that was awful. Although I liked Kenya's the best, I thought Michael was going to win. Once again, I'm not getting the Brandon praise. I didn't think it was bad or anything, I just couldn't see the amazingness. I do think that the "Evil" option had the advantage of being more interesting from a fashion point of view. I'm glad Margarita got to stay. I was worried when they showed her talking to her family. And Claire? Saying "thank you" is not groveling. It's polite acknowledgement of the constructive critique. Oh well, it looks like she turns on Shawn next week.
  20. I understand the frustration Luann's dishonesty and pretentiousness, but I can also understand why she does it; I wouldn't want to give these vultures any ammunition, either. Look at how they acted throughout the Tom debacle. Anyone could see that there were major issues in that relationship, but the gleeful concern-trolling just made Lu become more defensive and more determined to make sure Ramona and Company wouldn't see her sweat. She makes herself look like a liar/fool, but I think she would prefer that to losing face.
  21. Why oh why couldn't they have split up the twins? My first thought when I saw the teams was "Poor Amy! She's stuck with the twins and Sentell (like him, but question his taste)." Then, of course, Shawn and Sentell end up on the bottom--with side of drama. Where was this psychic ability when I was playing Powerball? Also: I'm now convinced that Shawn is only capable of designing half an outfit--her top was good last week, and only did the bottom of this week's.
  22. The only thing that would make it better? If we could work the Churchills and the Nigerian soccer team into the story. This was my theory. I think Couch Crazypants abstained from answering so that they could continue bipartisan schmoozing without any awkwardness. This explains my problem with Tinsley perfectly. She's stuck in her "it-girl" persona, which was fine 10 years ago, but seems sad now. She also seems like the type to pin all her happiness on men and romantic relationships. Nothing against men or relationships (both can be wonderful), but your self-worth shouldn't be based on holding on to them just because.
  23. I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't get the big deal over Brandon's outfit. But hey, he recovered from his initial panic and did something interesting, so yay for him, I guess. I found the twins annoying (loved Amy and Margarita's impressions. Indeed), but I kind of want them to stay so that I can see Zac's facial expressions when they talk on the runway.
  24. I just hope that we've gotten the Tom Talk out of the way. It was tedious last season and this season, so I just really want it to be over. Also, I will be so disappointed if we don't get additional commentary of Ramona's hilarious beach run.
  25. Seriously. Sonja and Ramona are stuck in a toddler mentality ("Oooh, pretty! It's mine!") and think that courtesy, respect, and responsibility are for losers.
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