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Everything posted by Vanderboom

  1. Well played, Senator Booker. Praising John McCain repeatedly prevented Meghan from launching a shriek attack when you expressed your disgust with the my-team-at-all-costs mentality that's destroying our political discourse. You even used the word "tribe." I tip my hat to you, sir. But then . . . "What about Hillary?" times two.
  2. Interesting, but non-productive conversation about sexuality. What do they mean by "male energy" though? Perhaps instead of claiming "male energy," Sara and Paula should just expand their definitions of femininity? I'm genuinely curious as to what they mean. I liked the pregnancy conversation. There is so much to consider biologically, economically, mentally, and professionally--and people will judge you no matter what you do. Mike Pence's daughter will be on next week! What are the odds that she's a Friend of Meghan? As opposed to Senator Booker, who will probably get the Mortal Foe of Meghan treatment.
  3. I'm not crazy about Kelly either, but I was cringing for her during the last team meeting. How humiliating for her. I hope they don't go through with Jonah moving in with her, though. That might take this into Ross-and-Rachel territory. That said, Sandra's TEAM AMY shirt was hilarious.
  4. Oh, ffs. I'm not a fan of the Comey trash talking. He's coming on the show. Discuss what you need to then. Don't try to act all hard-core about it. Meghan can't go sex toy shopping without as-a-Republicaning. She must be fun at parties. Too bad she wasn't onstage to hear "Just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right."
  5. I thought the show got off to a good start, with Sunny and Sara congratulating the students on their civic participation, even though most of them can't vote. Personally, I believe that apathy is incredibly destructive to the political process. Then Meghan spoke. Part of her problem is that she can't talk to or with the other ladies. She just responds to Internet Liberals, not actual people (despite her repetition of the word "nuance"). As everyone else was speaking of young people protesting, Meghan argues that pro-Second Amendment doesn't mean pro-gun violence, which is true, but also unrelated to the conversation Also: While Megan chooses to wring her hands over the Poor Hunting Kids of Texas and Rural America*, does it ever occur to her that there are hunters who live in NYC? Or does the USA that exists in her mind only consist of stereotypes (Surfer Hippie Californians, Mafioso New Yawkas, Churchgoing Midwestern Sports Fans, Blanche Devereaux Southern Belles, New England Fishermen/Ivy Leaguers, etc.)? On a positive note, I liked Lena's Whoopi story--I liked her whole segment, actually, and Sara looked nice. *while, as bannana pointed out, subtly insulting kids who survived a mass shooting.
  6. I'm going to need more information about Charlie's theories concerning horses . . .
  7. Whoopi's right, Meghan. Public figures will not shut up and go away just because people disagree with them, even if they make themselves look bad. Also: What was the point of bringing up Farrakhan? Joy was pointing out that "globalism" trolling is often an antisemitic dog whistle in white nationalistic circles. So Meghan "wins" because Farrakhan has made antisemitic comments? Does this make Bannon's "badge of honor" comments okay?
  8. Proposal for a new game: See how long you can watch before yelling at the TV. Then try to break that record. Today's time: 5 minutes. The show has been on for 13 minutes. I am, however, entertained by Whoopi's let's-get-it-over-with approach to Meghan.
  9. I'm torn here. On one hand, I like Ana. On the other hand, watching Meghan be nasty to yet another Democrat (unless Senator Smith speaks highly of/was complimented by John McCain) with ineffectual "gotcha" tactics and "View Your Deal" might make this a skip for me.
  10. I always thought Rachel was really funny (her silent reaction to Johnny Gill always makes me laugh), but I couldn't stand Richie. I liked Eddie in later seasons, but hated the stupider version of him in earlier seasons.
  11. Screw you, Deborah Roberts! Meghan learned about oral sex from the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky scandal. You have no right to be concerned about your son! /sarcasm
  12. Good luck. Normally, I can see where Whoopi is going, but today, she was beyond me. It would help if she used specific nouns (and Trump's name or even "The President") instead of words like "stuff" and "thing," but then, where would the challenge be?
  13. Even that was somewhat understandable, IMO, because Schiff would have been able to provide more facts and not rumors. However, our Gotcha Girl Journalist acted like Schiff was a complete fraud because he didn't want to share details with her. I did laugh when Chelsea went to hug Meghan and said "I never met you but . . ." It's like she was trying to forestall the a-friend-of-mine crap.
  14. Great. Another round of Whoopi's contemptuous Valley Girl reality TV voice. Why not let someone else handle it then? It was nice to see a less-cynical Whoopi discuss the impact that actors have, though. I actually agree with Meghan that the media should wait until the Mueller investigation is complete, or at least avoid muddying the waters with all this rumor-mongering and supposition. I'm glad that Chelsea refused to speak for Republicans (wtf, Meghan?). Imagine that. Chelsea Clinton does not begin every political thought with As a Democrat or As a Clinton. Meghan was pretty quiet during this interview, other than her weird-ass 85% percent question and the prompt about the Brazilian soccer player.
  15. Seriously. That interview was really non-productive. Schlapp didn't really answer anything controversial, even about his own attitude towards Michael Steele. Revealing moment: Meghan stops Joy's line of questioning about racist and extremist elements at CPAC to scold Schlapp about the booing of John McCain. Her reasoning includes the fact that she knows his family and that other people should be booed, too. So it would have been fine to disrespect John McCain if he wasn't related to Meghan, or if Meghan didn't know Matt Schlapp's wife, or if others were disrespected too?
  16. Meghan Logic: He's from NYC, so he must be a leftist gun grabber. Yup. Makes so much sense. The sad part is that I agreed with Meghan and Whoopi that Schiff's refusal to say anything concrete is muddying the waters. However, because I am an adult, I understand that he might not want to say anything too accusatory right now since the matter is also under federal investigation. Meghan was acting like she "won" that conversation because everyone agreed that the American people deserved to know more. I don't get the smugness; none of us wins if a foreign government manipulates our electoral process.
  17. I'm hoping it's "malapropism"! ☺ I'm starting to realize how lucky I was regarding "the Talk." Even though my family is religious and I went to religious schools, my mother (a nurse) explained things to me throughout my childhood. The Sex ed I got at school was fairly straightforward; they presented abstinence as one of many valid options to prevent pregnancy or the spread of STIs. I was surprised at the McCain approach. You'd think that such a "political family" would be a little more proactive in showing the kids how to avoid unplanned pregnancy. Oh, and Meghan has a sister? She talks about her dad and brothers all the time, but today was the first I had heard of a sister.
  18. Why was Meghan annoyed that Joy was trying to empathize with Ivanka? I don't think that explaining that Ivanka is in an emotionally tough position is "projecting." Even if you don't like her, you can understand that it's hard to hear that kind of thing about your dad. That said, the reporter's question was totally appropriate. He would have been remiss in his duty if he didn't ask that question.
  19. I believe Whoopi is a gun owner, but not a member of the NRA. Only Meghan, the unacknowledged center of the universe, has the honor of being the co-host who is a member of the NRA. Witness her totally tasteful distress at having to pay full price for goods and services.
  20. The most galling thing is the inability to see outside a Meghan-centric worldview. The military is important because Meghan's family is part of it. The Republicans are awesome because Meghan is one. When she knows a guest or newsmaker, she announces that they are "a friend of mine" like it's a job qualification. The NRA can't be wrong because she's a member. Ana pointed out that emotions were understandably running high at the Town Hall (Remember, the shooting happened only last week. People are still hurting.) Meghan's response was that the audience shouldn't be yelling at Dana Loesch, her friend. Arrgh. I know four-year-olds with a better sense of perspective. Additionally, why is Meghan still there? She seems so unhappy. I just hope that after she leaves, she doesn't paint this as her being driven out liberals. The ladies do treat her with a lot of respect, even when they disagree.
  21. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this was really tacky. Who does this? You can see that these kids are working through immense trauma to make sure that this doesn't happen again. I admire their intelligence and determination so much. Meghan's response is "Oh, you know that school shooting that took the lives of your teachers and classmates last week? While you're trying to stop more shootings, remember to preserve the right to bear arms as much as possible."
  22. So Jemele stands by her statement, and specifically states that she does not think all Trump supporters are white supremacists, adding that they have the privilege of separating themselves from racial issues. It's a complex and thought-provoking response that opens the door to a conversation about empathy. Meghan: . . . I was taken aback. Is Ben Carson a white supremacist? Jemele Hill is a much better person than I am because I totally wouldn't be able to resist being sarcastic. "Oh Meghan! You were taken aback?! Now I really regret getting emotional over a racist demonstration that the President failed to condemn convincingly. To make it up to you, the one person in all this who truly matters, I'll marry Ben Carson!"
  23. Is Meghan part of a military family? She said it during her horse story, and I was so surprised! Why didn't she mention this before? /s
  24. For her sake, I hope Meghan doesn't say something stupid to Jemele Hill.
  25. He can be a bit much in interviews, but Adam is so beautiful on the ice.
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