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Everything posted by Vanderboom

  1. I think the difference lies in having more time to think and knowing she has almost universal support. Meghan flew off the handle on Melania's birthday and went into Lonely Conservative Victim Mode. Here, she was attacked by Conservatives and had time to process with her loved ones. I might be woefully optimistic here, but I thought that Meghan wanted to come across as measured instead of hysterical in light of the "divisive society" Hot Topic.
  2. That was so unexpectedly sweet yet totally consistent with Shamy.
  3. Drunk Dorinda has always been strange or scary to me (remember her yelling at Heather?), but that dinner was another level. I think the seriousness of her drinking might not have registered with me because, in previous situations, Drunk Dorinda has appeared at parties or social situations. Although this was a dinner, it wasn't really a socialization context. Bethenny is familiar with Dorinda's drinking but was surprised that it had started so early and that Dorinda, with her enthusiasm for the project, would actually show up that drunk. I totally agree with you about Sonja, though. She's been in that Grey Gardens mentality for years, but knowing Sonja, she's probably flattered to be associated with the Beales because she believes it makes her seem like old money. Still, there's a lot of desperation in her behavior, and I felt so sorry for the photographer and the long-suffering realtor.
  4. Meghan's obsession with Joy is so weird. Every time Meghan and Joy agree on something--even on something banal like "puppies are cute"--Meghan has to announce it as if the sun has started to rise in the west. When Joy pushes back on Meghan's arguments, Meghan gets disproportionately upset ("Why is the audience clapping?! Why does everyone hate me, the poor beleaguered Conservative? Fine! I just won't say anything then; pouting can move mountains!"). I believe that in the fantasy version of The View that exists in Meghan's head, the show is actually called McCain Takes Behar Down a Peg or Two.
  5. Holy crap. Wtf is wrong with Meghan? She was even yelling at Sara for agreeing with her. Oh, and who keeps talking in her ear? She even yelled at them.
  6. This was my thought exactly. Why not hold off on TV appearances until you acquaint yourself with the case and an agreed-upon approach? I've always been surprised by the Trump/Giuliani friendship. It seems to me that they're too much alike to get along. Yet, here we are. Ronan Farrow's book sounds interesting. I remember Fahreed Zakaria talking about some of the same criticisms of U.S. foreign policies years ago, so I hope Farrow's book adds to the conversation.
  7. I'm all appalled-out when it comes to the Trump Administration. I can't even work up the appropriate amount of disgust for the Stormy/Giuliani train wreck. Awww! Trevor was so cute as a little kid!
  8. Doesn't Meghan have younger siblings? None of them cried over anything goofy? I'm glad I wasn't the only one really annoyed by this. I thought I was overreacting to Meghan's killjoy attitude. She's starting to get into bitch eating crackers territory for me, so I might be losing perspective. I thought Whoopi/Alex was kidding. It sounded like something I would say to my mother as a joke.
  9. The train wreck continues . . . I was actually disturbed by the Jorge/Anfisa storyline. I really hope it's not true.
  10. I was fine with The Daughters when they put D'Atra in her place when she was being obnoxious at the cast meeting, less fine when they started drama with the Australian woman at their dad's birthday party.
  11. Looks like things are getting sadder . . . Whatever else she may be, it's pretty clear that Meghan adores her dad, so it can't be easy for her right now.
  12. Yeah. Guilty pleasure minus the pleasure. JD's daughters are something else, though. Perhaps he should have taught them about professionalism before giving them responsibility.
  13. You're absolutely right. You'd think that "political pundint" Meghan would be aware of COINTELPRO etc. I mean, J. Edgar Hoover has even been referenced on The Simpsons! Oh, and why the accusatory tone when telling Comey he sounds like a political talking head? Between the two of them, someone had to, because she sure didn't. She sounded like a high schooler who didn't do the assigned Current Events reading.
  14. Since we're talking . . . Whitley: I am Big Sister Gorgeous One! I am Big Sister Gorgeous One! Mr. Gaines: I thought I was the one!
  15. I thought one of the most insightful comments at the reunion was during the in-between scenes. Kenya snapped that Porsha gets into trouble because she's always repeating stupid shit (ex. The One-eyed African who had Two Eyes). I actually said aloud "Isn't that something you learn to stop doing in middle school?" I did laugh when Andy ask Kim what the endgame was for her lips. He's such a jerk. Also: Who let Porsha into Wakanda? How is she giving out passports?
  16. Meghan flipped out over criticism to Paul Ryan. That's right. Joy criticized Paul Ryan. The way Meghan reacted, criticizing Paul Ryan is the moral equivalent to luring children to your candy house and cooking them in pies.
  17. I respect (but don't always agree with) John McCain, but I really hate that political guests, particularly Democrats, on The View have to kiss the McCain ring to forestall a rabid Meghan attack. Meghan the Political Analyst should be able to entertain opposing viewpoints without needing a sop to her ego.
  18. I swear, Sheree lives in an alternate reality where fashion shows have no fashions, fall is spring, dancing has no rhythm, homes can't be occupied, money appears by itself, man-caves have no men, and friendship means blabbing people's secrets. Who else would have thought that Kim was the horse to back? She's not really even on the show! Nene was uncharacteristically subdued. If I were a less-cynical person, I'd hope that her stand up experience taught her some self control. However, the previews show that she loses her shit with Kim, so I'm more inclined to think that there's something going on behind the scenes.
  19. Apparently, Spring is in September in Atlanta. Kenya's story is very weird. She never really said she was pregnant, but hey . . . whatever. I do think that expecting a baby is a good reason to hang out with the grandparents-to-be. I prefer Kenya to Marlo, but I can't find it in me to care about Marlo's shenanigans. Marlo reeks of desperation in all areas.
  20. Can we stitch this onto a sampler, frame it, and send it to Meghan? She really needs to say this to herself before every show.
  21. I totally agree. I don't see why The View has to update its audience on the Kardashians. But since TPTB has made that decision, Whoopi can suck it up and stop being so contemptuous when the topic comes up. The Meghan-centric worldview continues. Apparently, she can't kick back, relax, and enjoy television without As-a-Republicaning, and she assumes no one else can. Roseanne was a classic television show, and most people probably tuned in to catch up with beloved characters, not to endorse a political viewpoint.
  22. Also: it'd be easier to separate Meghan from her family if she wasn't always bringing them up.
  23. Well, it couldn't possibly be because her personality is off-putting and obnoxious. No, it's because everyone else is biased against Republicans. /sarcasm
  24. So I'm pretty much waiting for the day Sunny snaps and screams at Meghan to fuck off. Apparently, Ms. Word-A-Day missed the English class when they discussed the difference between literal and figurative. There's no way that Meghan actually thought Sunny was threatening President Trump. Meghan just wanted to "win" the conversation. Oh, and I'm starting to think that Whoopi doesn't use the Internet. The whole point is that people were tricked into giving out their information , not that they are giving out their SSNs.
  25. The Melania conversation annoyed me so much. While women in general (including Meghan and Sara) shouldn't be responsible for their husbands' professional conduct, the ENTIRE POINT of the First Lady role is to complement the President's public face. Joy semi-touched on this, but this point wasn't made clearly enough.
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