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Everything posted by Vanderboom

  1. I was pretty much indifferent to Jonah and Amy, but when I saw the end of the episode, I was so happy . . . for Sandra.
  2. Come on, Whoopi. "Pacific" is an actual word; it means peaceful. Do they get their cards ahead of time? Whoopi often looks thrown or surprised by her blue cards. As usual, even though Whoopi says a lot that I agree with, I don't like her woman-centric approach to sexual harassment. Yes, victims should have each other's backs, but harassment needs to not happen in the first place. I feel she never, ever makes that point. Shallow note: Abby's party streamer hair festoon is distracting. It's as if Abby does at least one thing per day (bright white eyeliner, ginormous earrings, clashing lip color, etc) to ruin her pretty looks.
  3. This episode was adorable. I hope the season is more like this and less mean-spirited. I kind of wanted to see Raj's Instagram pics with his dog, but I'm glad that he seems to be showing some introspection. Shamy continues to be the best part of this show.
  4. You're right. Nicer than Penny doesn't mean sweet. I actually found that storyline a little disturbing. Perhaps I'm reading too much into it, but Leonard being emotionally and physically scared of Penny is seriously unhealthy. I miss when they were friends and made each other smile. Overall, the episode was okay. The Shamy storyline was the only one I liked. Yes, Amy should "know" how Sheldon is, but that doesn't mean that she can't be bothered by his behavior. It's her honeymoon, too. I do like that they still enjoy each other even when they disagree. I didn't care enough about Raj's storyline to dislike it.
  5. Lol @ Tommy explaining where the sun will be during the wedding: "Science is awesome. " Mike, if I recall correctly, the collapse of your marriage had more to do with your lies and cheating than Jessica's ethnicity or religion.
  6. I'm trying to give Abby a chance. I really am, but holy crap. Pinning your hopes on Lindsey Graham's sense of decency? . . . Okay. Talking to Willie Nelson like he's a particularly clever toddler? (Joy was also annoying, as she kept harping on the political controversy after Willie repeatedly said he did not care, but I suspect producer shenanigans. ) My heart hurts for Sally Field, but I'm such an admirer of her grace and humor.
  7. Drinking Game Alert: Take a shot/sip whenever Abby sagely states the obvious like it's some deep insight (e.g. "This is a complicated issue" or "Different people have different experiences"). Take a shot/sip whenever Whoopi tries to preemptively respond to critics or mangles a saying (glass houses/stone).
  8. Today was my first day watching The View this season. The jury's still out on Abby, but I have to admit that for a moment, I agreed with this guy (at least the My Dad Girl part ?):
  9. What a wonderful and heartfelt eulogy! I hope Meghan and her family get some much-needed rest after the private burial.
  10. Catching up on this show now. This season is better than the first season, but I haven't seen a moment that made me laugh like the Snicker doodle argument yet. Still, Esther and Benji are more endearing and less grating.
  11. You mean you weren't enchanted by his trophy? Delivered with the priceless line: "How's it gohuhnn?" He worked on that for four days.
  12. I liked everyone's cracking up when Mike said he didn't have an ego. I like it when they affectionately bust each other's chops. I hate it when they pile on and bully the Designated Victim of the Season. And what's with Mike telling Mona she's the prettiest Persian girl? If you're going to give a compliment, don't narrow down the field. I'm glad that Mona wasn't a pushover "Why do you think YOU have all the right philosophies?". What is GG's obsession with Reza and MJ'S sexual history?
  13. I rewatched, and you're right. I misinterpreted, but it just might be the closest she'll ever get to self-awareness! ?
  14. Meghan admitted she wouldn't have her career without her dad! She's refusing to talk to Avenatti! She backed down when Ana called her out (lame statement about the difference between "working at MSNBC" and "hosting at FOX" means nothing. Everyone had already moved on). What is happening?! I will say, though, that I'm finding Joy's Avenatti glee distasteful. There's something about him that screams opportunist to me.
  15. That's because yet again, Meghan is having an Internet Fight at the View table. Comments from social media get under her skin, but she doesn't respond (except to retweet compliments) on social media. No, she acts as if Joy and the other ladies are talking smack about her when they aren't, forgetting that this makes her look batshit insane.
  16. Wow. The folks at Glamour seem to really like Meghan.
  17. "Ramona, do you know how to beat-box?" "Boom. Boom. Boom." Oh, Ramona. You are tragically un-hip.
  18. Omari Hardwick (insert Red-Robin Yummmmm! here) was better at including Sara in the conversation than her actual co-hosts. What did they mute, though?
  19. Meghan also mentioned "a friend of hers." Let's hope she gets enough bitchiness out of her system so that she doesn't ruin Sara's send-off tomorrow. Also "siren song" =/= "dog-whistle".
  20. Yes, because that's what she does. Meghan looks at the red and blue map of the country and believes that it tells her all she needs to know about people. So the fact that there are plenty Republicans in New York City escapes her because NYC=Blue, and that's all she feels she needs to know.
  21. (I was replying to someone here, but their quote got eaten by the Internet Monster. The gist was that Dorinda is a manipulator with or without alcohol.) Manipulative behavior is a part of the classic addict profile. I'm not trying to diagnose or defend Dorinda, but she's dropping red flags all over the place. Ah. A Tale of Two Tinsleys. Tinsley #1 is fun, kind, and even insightful. Tinsley #1 is great. Unfortunately, there's also Tinsley #2, the drama queen with arrested development who can't get over her "It" girl past.
  22. I would like Meghan to take it as a personal challenge to get through a week without mentioning "my father." I'll also bet a million PTV bucks that our Political Expert (TM) can't explain the difference between Socialists, Communists, and Democratic Socialists.
  23. I think this is more about people trying to sneakily submit a screenplay or fan fiction through the feedback form. Advocating for Tara or any number of non-shrieking Conservative voices should be fine.
  24. That's one of the reasons why Meghan is so frustrating. I'm not saying that Socialism or Democratic Socialism is the way for this country to go, but you need to do better than just claim that Socialism is horrible by definition. As Joy was trying to say, yes, you have Venezuela--which wasn't that "democratic," no matter who tells you otherwise--, but you also have Trump-favored Norway, Finland, and other Scandinavian countries that seem to make it work. Most of us who graduated from preschool understand that you can't really have a conversation when one party is foaming at the mouth and shrieking incoherently. Geez, even the Listen Linda kid could make a better-reasoned argument than Meghan.
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