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Everything posted by DearEvette

  1. This makes me so happy. This is my favorite new show of the season.
  2. Is that why she looked like she was wearing a bedazzled baby spit up cloth on her shoulder?
  3. I saw that Josh's explanation of why they didn't attend didn't mention death threats at all. Just that they had a last minute obligation. So was she receiving death threats but not him? If this is true, I truly do feel bad and think people are fucked up, but I also don't feel that Jackie is a reliable narrator on anything. Also, Even if they did, they could have still done it remote and zoomed in live instead of that pre-recorded warm bath of an interview they got. It really is giving "I can dish it online, but I can't take it in person" energy from Jackie. The more I think on it, the worse I think Vanessa was. I think Vanessa did both Marshall and Paul a disservice. At least Zack had Paul's back. You could almost see him wanting to spill more tea about Micah, but had to restrain himself. Too bad nobody stepped up for Marshall, but at least Kwame did a WTF face when Jackie was trying to claim Marshall wanted to give the ring to someone else. She is so full of it...LOL.
  4. Right. Not only that, but Vanessa kinda pissed me off. She was all softball with Jackie and hardball with Marshall. She seemed to wave off what Jackie said and yet wanted to somehow get Marshall to admit he was being hurtful. If she read the leaked messages, then Jackie's implications of Marshall being gay were outright offensive as well. She wasn't just saying 'oh i don't think he's into women' the inflection of how she said things were incredibly homophobic, imo. Kwame and Chelsea's apartment is lovely. Man, those views are killer! I had to crack up with Chelsea being so happy to address the idea that fans were surprised they'd said yes and her answer was all 'Girl Power! Rah!' Honey, no one was surprised you were gonna say yes. But Kwame didn't answer the question... so. Vanessa pissed me off with the baby question. How about don't ask that shit to people, ever. Especially on a live tv show. It is infuriating because you never know someone's medical history or what triggers they have in that area and it feels like putting people on the spot. This was a bit of a letdown, imo. Vanessa seemed to just want to debunk internet theories. Nick was a lump of coal. Why was here even there? The only interesting thing was Zack having no filter. Also, him outing Irina as the one who told him Micah wasn't interested in marrying Paul wa a very lawyer move. He didn't say who, but let Vanessa figure it out by process of elimination. Ha! Anyway, I was rooting for Tiff and Brett and Bliss and Zach so I am happy they are all still married and happy a year later.
  5. ZAck and Bliss actually bringing some thunder to Irina. Even Vanessa got in on the act. But Shut up Nick.
  6. He sounds so practiced. Like he has PR training. Also, Nick and Vanessa aren't asking good questions, imo., I wish they had pushed harder. I needed them to ask Kwame why he cried so hard when Micah broke it off. They let Kwame and Chelsea elide over a lot.
  7. Brett lived in Portland, but they didn't have an issue so that wasn't their story.
  8. I am cracking up! Also kinda surprised how many celebrities actually watch this and are tweeting alongside the poors.
  9. Netflix twitter said 15 mins late...
  10. ...Waiting for the host to start the meeting...
  11. Kwame says it in a Talking head after he was in the bar complaining to his friends about needing his favorite jogging path in Portland. he says Seattle is Lamar Odom with Michael Jordan prices. Honestly, that bit is the best I've liked Kwame. LOL.
  12. Given that she spends half her time in Arizona, i wonder what Kwame would have thought of that. Much farther than Seattle. But yeah, I'll bet Kwame and Micah would have gotten married. I still think Shelby would have hated anyone Micah married. But Kwame is smooth, he might have won them over and charmed them. Also I think Micah would have fit better into Kwame's wanting to travel and not have kids right away and live a more young-marrieds-habing-fun lifestyle than Chelsea's more settled and dug in lifestyle.
  13. The chyron said he arrived at the tailor shop 1.5 hours before the wedding. So it was only one hour. I was actually more concerned that he would get back to the wedding venue late given that he was cutting it that close to run out just an hour and a half before the start. I wondered why he didn't try on the pants before the wedding day to make sure everything was right? No way a bride would have not tried on her dress one last time.
  14. You know, I never thought about the people who don't get picked for more dates. I am sure that someone is just not vibing with anyone and that can even happen pretty early on. It makes sense that if they aren't dating they'd be asked to leave the pods. I just assumed that people stayed around and continued to date but just didn't get to the point of proposing/getting a proposal. But if no one is picking you in their top three or four then yeah no reason for you to hang around. He makes it sound like Zack was the driver to get Bliss back onto the show and not production. I wonder who made the decision to include Josh. It doesn't seem based on his reception at Chelsea's party that he was a popular guy to hang with on the men's side. So I wonder if Jackie asked about him? Finally, I had no idea that apparently there was some Tik Toker who did a whole video claiming Zack was a thief and a liar because the song he sang to Irena (or was it Bliss?) in the pods he claimed he wrote it. But apparently it is some song from an indie band? A couple of on line blogs picked up the story and 'Liar' and 'Thief' and 'Plagiarizer' were the headlines. But Netflix/Kinetic did Zack a solid and gave him the unedited footage. In the aired footage, he does say "this is a song I wrote' but in the unedited footage, after he says that he clarifies "well this is a song written by my favorite band I just redid some of the words." So he was able to nip that in the bud because it never really gained too much traction.
  15. Color me shocked Kwame said yes. I was SURE he was gonna say no. So that is one wrong prediction. I will say his smile looked hella fake. And Chelsea acted like she got a trophy. They still give me weird vibes. I predicted Paul and Micah as a no. So one prediction is right. Right up until she told him to go first I thought maybe I was wrong and he’d say yes. But when she threw that back on him he looked like ‘Whoa.’ Like he saw a side of her he didn’t like in that moment. I think she changed his mind right then, tbh. I cracked up when he said she is not the nurturing type. No shit. LOL. Her friends are even worse than we already knew. Ok, you don't like the guy and didn't want them married, fine. But visibly rejoicing as she runs out crying and say 'This is exactly what I wanted to happen.'? Yeah, horrible people. Given how Micah and Irina laughed at Bliss, I guess her chickens came home to roost. But her friends are still horrible people. Tiffany and Brett. Whew. I predicted a yes for them. So one more correct. I was rooting hard for them. And I felt good about them when Brett asked for her dad’s blessing. So yay! I think I cheesed during their whole ceremony. And I love how hyped their guests were for them. Their guests win on the cool cred factor. Their officiant was doing the most, though. He kinda reminded me of Taran Killam doing an SNL character. But damn, Brett cold went back to the tailor to get his fit right. I guess we needed some type of drama from them. And speaking of clothes, that is not the dress they led us to believe Tiffany chose. I like this one better than the one they had her loving at the bridal place. “I got my crying’ towel in my pocket.” Brett’s dad is still as lovely as I remember Aww, Marshall. Virtual hug. I love Marshall and Brett’s bromance. I am happy for Bliss and Zack and hope they make it. I predicted a yes for them. So another correct. I do wonder who that hottie was in Bliss bridal suite before the wedding and later sitting next to her dad. A brother? A cousin? Poor Zack he looked so nervous. But he even got her dad to smile with the dramatic dip kiss at the end. It is nice that the producers got the rights to play their song. Good for them! So 3 for 4 not bad.
  16. I dunno, I don't read Vanetta as harshly as that. My full on headcanon for her is that she was that girl in high school -- young, cute, popular, always had the freshest clothes, was a little 'fast' (as someone like Barbara would call it). She got pregnant young and became a single mother (I don't recall there was mention of a father at home). But she maintained that vision of herself as the young, cute, always had the freshest clothes, etc. even a reality did not match up. And that is where some of her resentment and selfishness comes from. I see her as an An Ava without the steady, lucrative pay of the principal job or a Tariq but will real beefs, not imaginary ones. She is always someone with a side hustle because she doesn't want to actually work a full time job. She's probably done things like Amway or LuLaRoe but even those require too much effort. She definitely mooches and, as we saw, she is a petty thief. I can't see her being an actual hooker because A) I don't think the show would go that dark and b) it seems like it would be hard work.
  17. This one had me in my feels, ngl. But it did a good job of paying off what they have set up for a long time with Janine and with her sister. I felt so bad for Janine during that entire cell phone interaction. The manipulation is so real. The cold fact is that there are parents who are like Vanetta -- who are warm and loving and will throw down at the mere hint of anyone coming for their kid but at the same time are vain, selfish and feel that a parent-child relationship is transactional. They paid for you while you were a kid but now that you are an adult you owe them for being your parent. It was a little on the nose, but it gave Taraji the opportunity to chew some scenery and it was great casting. Jacob was an MVP this episode. The cold open was fun. Ava being so impressed by Jacob instead of clowning him and then the end tag with Melissa's 'Am I seeing this?' face. Also his relationship with Shanae was a surprise but a nice one. Of course Gregory is bad at small talk. Most introverts are. And he is more introverted than most. I have always seen him as a rules driven, chain of command person as raised by a man in the military would be. But yeah, being a Principal is as much a political science as it is professional training. A head of any organization is going to have to be the chief schmoozer as well. Ha! I had a roommate in college who was a die hard Mets fan. She had them on tv all the time. I just could not ... I thought baseball was barely above golf in which, imo, is slightly above watching paint dry in interest level. But she did convince me to go to a Mets game with her and I have to say, while I still think baseball is not for me and can barely sit five minutes looking at a game on tv, being at the game was so fun. The atmosphere at a baseball game in the stadium can't be beat. So I will go to a game in person in a heartbeat. Some other funny bits: Janine clutching those poor kids’ head and squishing them while she was listening to the footsteps of her mother. Vanetta’s inflection when she said ‘Boy…’ after that student called her grandma Teagues Ava knowing Vanetta could and would kick her ass, especially of she tried to bully Janine. LOL.
  18. Well as @LtKelley mentioned, some people find openings for things.... since this actually did happen and was a ripped from the headlines type of story and the doctors were baffled too... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7934607/Woman-rushed-surgery-vibrator-gets-stuck-BLADDER-buzzing.html
  19. Yeah, this is how I feel. I love when they have wacky rescues and the tone of the show is lighter. Even Chim and Maddy's thief was on the lighter 'crime makes you stupid' side.
  20. I agree with this. I wish, and have for ages, that they showed more of what happens in the pods. I would happily give up the bonding in the women's quarters/men's quarters or the "romantic" dates they go on during the Honeymoon phase or the group parties someone *cough* production *cough* comes up with to create drama. Or hell, stick in an extra episode. You already have all the footage. Regards Zack -- I don't judge him that harshly wrt to Irina. We know Irina was an evil hose beast, but Zack may have gotten a very different side of her. And of course the show is going to play up the bits that furthers the storyline they've crafted for that couple. But this goes back to them showing more about the what they talked about int he pods. They should have shown more quality stuff b/t Zach and Irina to really illustrate why he was so drawn to her. Same with Kwame and Micah. I mean Kwame was crying ugly tears over losing her. Both she and Irina just came off as rather vapid and mean to us, but there had to be something there for these guys to be so turnt. And in the case of Micah it was both Kwame and Paul.
  21. Correct. He has constantly said why he doesn't want to move to Seattle. But he also keeps saying "she doesn't want to compromise." And yet, I haven't heard what compromise they are discussing to bridge him not wanting to move to Seattle and her not wanting to move to Portland.
  22. The thing about the relocation conversations we've been privy to is that neither of them is offering a compromise. We have heard that Kwame doesn't want to move and may not even like Seattle. And we have heard that Chelsea doesn't want to relocate to Portland. Ok. But Kwame keeps positioning it as 'Chelsea doesn't want to compromise.' Which... fair. But what exactly is the compromise he is proposing then? If he wants to stay in Portland then what is his solution? The only way he gets to stay in Portland is if she moves there. Which is exactly what he is objecting to on his behalf. That, imo, is a separate issue from Chelsea being controlling and not listening. Because, yeah, that is a thing.
  23. Brett's family!! I just want to sop them up with a biscuit. His dad was so cute. And his brother 'Do you like my hair?' "Ok I like you then" LOL. Dang. That was the saddest, loneliest little burlesque dancer. Micah should drink more, The 'like' quotient goes way down in her conversation. I think I only counted 10 during her phone convo/talking head at the bar. Put me on this train (and if her facial expressions were anything to go by so is Tiffany's friend). Jesus. And to think I liked her at first. Now I am so over her. Ugh. Meanwhile Kwame loves his jogging path. I could see him doing the scales with his hands: Chelsea or Jogging path. Chelsea or Jogging path. His brother and sister were fun. But... is Kwame not allowed to speak to his dad? Why wouldn't he have called his dad or talked to him? Weird. But Chelsea looked pretty and her bouquet was gorgeous. Kwame's suit was nice too. Love the tie and pocket square. Also He is a slick motherfucker. His vows were nice. I was think it was a no with him for awhile, but his vows seem too nice to be a no.
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