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Everything posted by DearEvette

  1. My husband said Paul's mother looks like a character on White Lotus. And then he said 'He's marrying his mother'. LOL Zack and Bliss are cute. I think he was making steak using a sous vide but either had the wrong bags or didn't close them properly. A properly prepared sous vide steak is wonderful. Honestly, I couldn't even pay attention to what Jackie was saying because Marshall's niece was so cute eating that pizza. But she is starting to raise some red flags for me. She seems like she's a lot. He is soo supportive. The most I've liked Micah was her during the tour of Paul's apartment. She seemed legit charming there. I liked Tiffany and Brett's convo about money. And her calling him Bougie Brett is fun. Predictions: Brett and Tiffany = still thinking they'll get married Irina and Zach = hell no, not married DUNZO! Micah and Paul = Still thinking they are a no, even though they feel stronger than before. Jackie and Marshall = I am moving my not sure to a no. She seems waffle-y Kwame and Chelsea = tentatively saying no. * Bliss and Zach. stay tuned....
  2. Low key episode. Tiffany's friends are nice. Marshall's breakfast looked really good. Micah uses the word 'like' approximately 4 times each sentence. And ends her sentences with the an 'uh' a the end of the final word: "that so cute-uh!' or 'I love computers-uh!' Credit where it is due, though, she acknowledged how wrong she was to pile on Zack the way she did. Zack seemed immediately more relaxed and natural with Bliss.
  3. I noticed that Chelsea has great earrings. Yeah, her earring game in on point. I am glad she called Kwame out. I liked him a little more this episode. I hope he stays the course for her sake, Yeah, loved the conversation between Kwame, Brett and Marshall. That was great and Marshal''s point was so true about you don't get to see that. Cracking up at Paul and Zach looking back with regret. That break up conversation between Zach and Irina is the most I've liked Irina this entire show. You could tell that once they decided to end it, they both felt immediately 100% better and they were able to laugh at and insult each other and actually enjoy each other for the first time in person. For all that people know that Irina is toxic, I can't understand why they internalized her opinion of Zack? The other women had very little interaction with him from what I can tell, so why is he getting the 'weirdo' narrative? Odd. It makes me think less of Chelsea, tbh. ...Wait...Bliss? Hmm... plot twist.
  4. See, I knew Kwame was a POS. He ignore his fiance and spends time with Irina holding her hand. You don't go from sobbing your eyes out with your shoulders heaving over one woman and two days later you are all in love with another woman. And Micah is a piece of work. Talking about how she was all in, doesn't she remember she broke up with him. Chelsea deserves better. He mad disrespected her. That was Jarette and Mallory turned up to level 10. Irina and Zach are a trainwreck. She does not want him in any form or shape. I think he doesn't quite want her either but I felt like since he threw over Bliss he felt he had to make this work. Also I hate to say, but she did not look at all attractive in that black outfit. Her tits were hanging below the bra cups and not in a good way. It was ill fitted and incredibly unattractive. She also has such a mean resting face. She just looks like she is scheming and mean every moment. Jackie you are crying in a closet, how are you gonna judge someone as a weirdo? Also you are boring and two-faced. Next. Tiffany and Brett as just heart-eyes. I love them! I hope they make it! I am gonna make predictions: Brett and Tiffany = Hell yes, married Irina and Zach = hell no, not married Micah and Paul = I am going with not married. He seemed to be having second thoughts. Jackie and Marshall =not sure... she seems volatile. I am gonna go with.... not married? Kwame and Chelsea = not married. He is gonna screw it up somehow.
  5. LOL at everybody trying to figure out who Marshall looks like. I was trying to figure it out... I went with a cross between Will Smith and Jesse Williams. But I like the cross between Bow Wow and Will Smith better. But that is most get from Marshall. He and Jackie are like filler for me. They are like a more melanated version of Kenny and Kelly. They are giving me nothing, tbh. I wish I liked Kwame better. He seems like he could be fun... but I am still getting some uneasy vibes. I mean the man was sobbing over Micah! I still feel like Chelsea is his second choice. He's happy because she is really pretty. And I like her a lot. She's probably my second fave after Tiffany. I am happy for her because she seemed thrilled. So Zack chose Irina over Bliss... hmmm. I can't stand Irina so I think he made a bad choice and Bliss was not wrong. But yeah I agree she should have kept that to herself. Actually I think this group talked about the 'other' person way too much in general.
  6. I don;t think I've disliked anyone as quickly and thoroughly as I dislike Micah and most especially Irina. They are assholes. Who laughs at people who are upset? Micah was coming out of her skin waiting for Paul to dump Amber and yet, decides to laugh because she's upset and seem surprised she was actually hurt. They are all kinds of awful. S1 Amber and Jessica are damned holy saints in comparison. I admit I was not a major fan of Kwame, but I felt very bad for him. But yeah, I hope he later realizes he dodged a bullet. And I'd feel bad for Chelsea if they got together because it would be a Jarette, Iyanna, Mallory situation all over again, imo. I wonder... did Paul not realize Kwame was the jilted one in their scenario? He seemed oblivious. But then... he proposed to Micah so.. yeah I guess he is rather. Poor fool. I wonder if she gets nicer at all? 'Fuck you, Paul" LOL at Amber saying that. Good for her. Very happy Brett and Tiffany made it through. They look good together!
  7. First Impressions: Micah – I wasn't feeling her. I didn’t like how she always mentioned Amber. She seemed like she was more interested in being in first position with Kwame and Paul rather than really figuring out who she wanted. Paul - He looks like every Environmental Science student I've ever had. Leopard print guy – Hell no! Irina – Did NOT like. Did she really call someone a loser for planning a Mardi Gras date? She gives mean girl energy. Also, she needs better make-up. It didn’t match her skin at all and she needed to learn to blend it better Zack - Kinda meh on him. He looks like a property brother Bliss - I liked her. She seemed nice. kinda looks like Amber Stevens West a bit. I kept getting flashes. Amber - Ditto. Liked her too. She also seemed nice. Kwame - Six minutes into the episode and I was NOT feeling him. He was giving major 'Where the white women at?' energy. Jackie - Great hair. Reserving judgment. She wasn't really giving a lot. It could just be because so much space was given to all the rest Brett – liked him almost immediately. Liked his story. But yeah, Don’t think he is quite the optimist he said he is. LOL Tiffany - Tiffany – I liked her. very warm. And a band geek. I feel bad she fell asleep, tho. I've heard there are very long days and I can imagine given the fact she was snuggling on the blanket and who knows how long Brett had been talking before he got to the good stuff. and she drifted off. LOL.
  8. Wait... so is Ted not in Michelle's contact list on her phone as Ted? Because a ringing phone -- if the person is on the contact list should display that person's name. Wouldn't new boyfriend have noticed Ted's name when he answered the phone? I mean, who doesn't glance at the display to see who is calling? I don't find Zava at all interesting. But... I am cracking up at the comedy they are mining out of everyone's reaction to him. I loved the scene in Rebecca's office when after he left, Higgins, Ted and Keeley all turned to Rebecca with identical adoring-gobsmacked looks on their faces when he left. Also the fact that he got what is essentially the locker room version of a corner office what with having 4 spaces with his name (not his jersey number). Or how he kept moving in front of Ted and Ted kept sliding out from behind him with a cheesy smile. And finally after his word salad breathing mumbo jumbo only for Dani to marvel how 'down to earth' he is. LOL. So I think it is nice we get to laugh at the absurdity. But also get to see that there is also some steak behind all that sizzle. I figure Zava can't stay with a team for long for probably a number of reasons. For one his sort of mystique is only sustainable from afar. Once people get to know you, some of that awe begins to rub off. He strikes me as a character that needs that. Also while it feels good to win, no matter what it is still a team sport it will begin to wear on players after awhile to have their accomplishments and contributions overlooked in favor of his flashy scores. Jamie is already there, but I imagine over time it will begin to show up in team morale. And of course some players may feel the need to elevate their game to match him and if someone else scores or begins to show marked improvement he himself may start to feel he is no longer the sole star. Or he could just get bored easily. I can't stand Shandy. I think Higgins' reaction to learning she was a friend and co-worker of Keeley's was very telling. I have no idea what to think about Rebecca and the psychic. But I think the green matchbook is a fake out, too. Also wow, Rebecca has a lot of matchbooks. I think the most I've ever had was one and it was a sad little thing because it was only for lighting birthday candles.
  9. Ok, miles better than the first episode of the season. This one felt more like Ted Lasso. The scene in the locker room where they are talking about Roy and Keeley's break up was a stand out. Everyone was pitch perfect! Coach Beard's high pitched yelps (I think I counted four of them) were hysterical. The return of the Pub Crew! Yaaas! Rebecca's grey coat an hat were fabulous. She looked sharp as a razor. Also I wasn't feeling Keeley's ultra flat ironed/bump it combo. It was very unflattering, but loved her hair at the game. I was so glad to see Keeley stand up for her friend. I am looking forward to see if she has a little bit of Ted Lasso in her and if she can turn around the employees of KJPR that way Ted did with the team in S1. Also, what a contrast between how she interacts with someone who has been rather short and rude with her vs. the way Nate would have acted. Higgins' round about relationships and 10-degrees of separation as the way to get news confirmations were great. And he was never wrong. LOL. Beard going to see a play about menstrual periods and Ted admonishing him not to be late. Hee! Yeah...miles better than the first episode.
  10. The whole episode felt a bit off for me, Like Jamie's hair. And not one scene of the pub crew! I know this was written by people who have written episodes of the show before, but it felt like they were rusty. As if the time off lessened their familiarity with the characters, so they all felt a little off kilter. Until the end, only toward the end of the episode did if almost feel like things slipped back into their groove a bit. Yeah, very noticeable. It didn;t feel like acting, just like someone reading the script. And I agree that his line about 'the state of politics in my country' felt unnatural, was delivered wrong -- just landed like a dud. Was so happy to see Ted was talking to Doc Sharon and wodnered if it was really Sarah Nile' voice. Only to be tickled to the glimpse of her and her hottie. Get it, Doc Sharon! Yup. Yup. Yup. My heart sank a bit when Ted put Lego Nate in line with everyone else. It feels like they are foreshadowing a redemption arc. But to me it would just not be believable. Nate isn't just an asshole and lashing out at people he thinks betrayed/wronged/hurt him, he is a hateful asshole to everyone. There was no reason for him to treat WIll the way he did. And frankly no reason for him to betray Ted given that Ted had his back at every turn. The man can't even return a basic, civil 'good morning' greeting to an employee of the organization he works for. His go-to first instinct in every scenario is humiliation. These are not the signs of someone who is simply misunderstood and hurt. To me these are the signs of someone who is flat out cruel and toxic. Rupert gift to Nate, that car, looked like if a Stormtrooper were a car.
  11. Maybe she's just hangry? She did an interview that discussed her wellness routine and she basically intermittently fasts, drinks cofffee, has bone broth for lunch and vegetables for dinner. Has a favorite IV drip to give her some 6 syllable nutrient that is hard to find (but is apparently found in eggs?) And has ozone rectal therapy. Honestly, I' d probably have some impaired judgement there too.
  12. What I like: More sun. Longer days. I live in Fingerlakes region of New York an February tends to be brown/grey with the dead grass under the melting snow. I like Spring because the brown/grey moves away and things start to green up. Also Lilacs! I have so many lilac bushes around my house the scent is amazing! What I dislike: Spring is like the adolescent years of seasons. So much drama! The weather is temperamental and volatile. It can't make up its mind if it wants to be 70 or 30. Or thundery or windy. You have to dress for all possibilities.
  13. RIP Lance Reddick. I first saw him in The Wire like most people, I imagine. And was the reason I first checked out Fringe. But I was flat out tickled with his comic performance in the Key and Peele 'Gay Wedding' sketch. I still think that is the only time I saw him do comedy, and he (and the sketch) are hysterical.
  14. Oh Lordt. I just realized that during the end tag while Tariq was talking about his Anti-and-Pro Amazon songs, and his national Parks songs and trying to bring the Velociraptors back ... he is sitting in the dunk tank. 😂
  15. Yes, do. Her voice is gorgeous. Bust Your Windows was my jam back in the day. It is a deeply R&B revenge song but with a tango melody/beat. A lot of ballroom dance showcases dance to it! He is slimmer. He posted a picture of himself on twitter promoing last night's show and he was definitely thinner.
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