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Everything posted by LIGirl

  1. I now know why the stupid Minions have been annoyingly plastered all over my screen during my beloved Bravo shows, and especially this episode. Just like Heather, are very fond of the F-word: Is this McDonald's Minions Happy Meal Toy Saying 'F---'? Yes, it all makes sense now! ;)
  2. I saw this recently and I still crack up whenever I look at it:
  3. Wait, what? What did Dorinda say to a guy in a wheelchair and how did I miss that? And what was it that Mini DorinDAMNThoseEyebrows said were "ways" to make salespeople do what they want? Why has almost everyone basically apologized to Sonja for what was said about her and her drinking? While I agree that perhaps a professional should be the one to technically "diagnose" someone as an alcoholic, they DO all think that she has a drinking problem. It's not like they made up their concerns out of nowhere to defame her reputation; she has clearly exhibited worrisome behavior many times with regards to her drinking (which includes a damn DUI!). Maybe it was gossipy to some extent and could've been handled in a more tactful manner, but I do think that they are genuinely concerned about her drinking... and rightfully so. I feel like by apologizing to her, they are basically telling Sonja, "Oh, we're so sorry for saying you are an alcoholic and like to get shitfaced to the point of needing assistance to stay upright. That never happens! We were so wrong! Go ahead, girl, and drink up! You can totally handle your alcohol!" and that's so not the case. It's like they're enabling her even moreso by apologizing, and I would sincerely hate to see something terrible happen to her (or someone else as a result of her drinking) because they're all too chicken shit to stick to their guns in an effort to make her see that it IS a real problem. Oh, Sonja? Bitch please with you telling LuAnn how you looked John Morgan in the eyes and told him to "Let me go." You're the one who can't let go of what you had with him or the lavish lifestyle you lost, and you've been divorced how many years now? Going on almost 10 years? Yeah, okay.
  4. I guess I saw that differently. I don't think Carole (or Bethenny) was upset that Ramona was flirting with the club owner and ruined their opportunity to flirt with him; I think they were more annoyed by how Ramona interjected and acted like Carole and Bethenny weren't just right there having their own conversation with the guy. Whether I'm talking to someone I may have a romantic interest or not (and I don't think Carole and Bethenny had one with the owner), I think it'd be completely rude if someone, especially a friend of mine, literally walked in between me and my conversation partner, have him physically turn his back to me, and completely monopolize his time and attention with their own conversation as if I didn't even exist. That's what I think really bothered Carole. I'm a huge dog lover and would have loved to cuddle with those island dogs, but honestly, having encountered similar dogs on a tropical vacation (in the Dominican Republic to be specific), these dogs aren't really ones you should get up close and personal with. They may have a very friendly temperament (probably because they are always around people, i.e., tourists), but because they are "wild" and roam around freely, they are far from the cleanest dogs around. There was one adorable dog that would come up and hang out at my villa in the DR and I wanted to pet and hug her all day long, but I could tell from looking at her that I would be risking some nasty stuff if I did. (Which broke my heart because I wanted to take her home so badly.) So, I can't exactly fault whomever for making the hand sanitizer remark. I wonder if Dorinda's sloppy drunk episode had anything to do with the fact that she had been talking about her late husband with Carole. Dorinda says that his passing still affects her greatly to this day, so I wonder if drinking a bit more than she may normally drink is her way of coping, especially if he's been front and center of her mind that day. Speaking of her drunk sloppiness, forget the "embarrassment" of dropping f-bombs; I was kind of horrified just watching Dorinda with all of that extra saliva or whatever it was at the front of her mouth when she was drunkenly rambling on and on. That was pretty gross. And I was eating at the time. Ew.
  5. Actually, yes I can. 1) I am comparing them based on the fact that they are all on a reality show. I'm comparing oranges to oranges based on that simple fact. 2) I wouldn't have voiced this opinion of mine if people didn't bring up and voice their opinion about how "detrimental" and "humiliating" these shows are to the kids featured from other reality shows (e.g., "Jon & Kate + 8"/"Kate + 8", "Honey Boo Boo", "19 Kids and Counting", "Little People, Big World", etc.) and say Will and Zoey will suffer the same fate. And on the flipside, just because there are children who, on other reality shows, suffered some negative consequences due to their show doesn't mean that the Klein children will suffer the same negative fate, too. Whether or not allowing children on a reality show is "wrong" is very much a personal matter of opinion. My personal opinion is that if the show is done tastefully, respectfully, with a great deal of support, and within proper parameters, all of which I think "The Little Couple" is and has tenfold, then I think it can be fine for the children (and adults). I don't think this is necessarily "wrong" in this instance. Again, my personal opinion. I think the quality of family life, support, healthy lifestyle, and intentions behind this show both before, during, and likely after the show's existence, are vastly different than that of the aforementioned other reality shows, including the "Teen Mom" franchise. Let's be real here, all of the other shows featured parents with drug abuse, criminal activity and records, lack of sufficient family support, a huge amount of passive aggressive behavior/bickering, incredibly acrimonious divorces/breakups, lack of financial stability and/or foresight, lower emphasis on and actual amount of education, etc. It is because "The Little Couple" clearly presents the opposite of these factors that gives Will and Zoey a much greater chance of coming out of this experience largely unscathed. I don't think it's so far fetched to believe that the chance of someone making fun of Will for being shown on TV during an instance of pooping in his diaper and having it changed in the car as a toddler (something toddlers in diapers do!) is quite low compared to someone making fun of or ostracizing a kid who is shown on TV with their parent(s) high on drugs, being put in the middle of their parents' contentious relationship and ensuing harsh breakup, or being screamed at or neglected. I'm willing to bet the former is much less emotionally "damaging" than the latter. Of course, we would be remiss if we didn't also acknowledge the fact that a child could be brought up with practically a picture perfect childhood with successful, loving, and supportive parents yet still become a victim of drugs, alcohol, sexual promiscuity, or other less than desirable lifestyle choices that do not reflect their solid childhood. I think the Kleins are providing Will and Zoey with everything possible for a happy, healthy, and successful childhood, but they could turn out "bad" one day, too. However, I highly doubt being on a respectable show like "The Little Couple" would be a or the cause of that. Having said all that I have said, I am at least willing to agree that this is a very valid viewpoint because none of us - neither the supporters nor the naysayers of this show - have a crystal ball into the future.
  6. No one called Vicki on Shannon's landline; they showed Vicki asking Shannon if she could use her landline to make a phone call. Someone upthread mentioned that maybe Vicki was asked (perhaps via text) to call Brianna on a landline so that it wasn't recorded. I can believe that to be a possibility. Still, the fact that it was recorded at all, even on Vicki's side of it, was disturbing.
  7. Sadly, I don't think this will be the case. All of the club gigs and appearances are often without a Kardashian or Jenner co-headlining with him. I think he has long solidified being a "household name" as far as these gigs go. Which is obviously a huge part of the problem. He's not Lamar or Kris Humphries who were only around and part of the Kardashian empire for a short time; he's been around almost from day one of when the Kardashian world was born and has easily capitalized on his fame. Just like his shithead enabling friends (who, I'm sure, are all using him for his name, money, and notoriety), these club gigs and appearances aren't likely to disappear as long as Scott remains sloppily off of the wagon.
  8. The whole "I saw that woman you saw at the beach" exchange between David and Shannon was definitely quite bizarre. I thought he was trying to speak in code in front of the cameras, too. Needless to say, David is a complete idiot to think he could nonchalantly tell this to Shannon on camera right as she's getting ready for a party and not expect her to freak out in some way. Then again, maybe he thought by telling her in front of the cameras right before people are expected to arrive, he had less of a chance of a freak out and her going on and on and on ranting and raving at him. Still, I don't get what the purpose of it was if it was "just a friend." I already know Jim is an ass, especially towards Meghan, but when he said, "Oh, it's that late?" when Meghan told him Shannon's party started at 6PM and then said, "I was hoping you'd be gone by then so I could go to happy hour"? Wow. He really can't stand her, can he? Maybe all of these moves is his way of preparing Meghan for her move out of their house when they divorce... SOON.
  9. Anyone who thinks this show is "harmful" or "detrimental" to Will and Zoey should watch a few episodes of "Teen Mom" and "Teen Mom 2", especially ones with Farrah and her kid in the former and Jenelle and her kid in the latter. Watch some of those shows and then come back and tell me how effed up Will and Zoey will be from all of this. :P
  10. I thought it was bad enough that Bravo was milking Vicki's mother's death for all it was worth by constantly airing the commercial clip of her breaking down on the phone and falling to the floor, but tonight I feel like they took it even further than I thought anyone with half a heart or brain cell would. It felt disgustingly morbid and downright inappropriately intrusive to air that whole thing. I think there's got to be some line drawn as to what is shown, regardless of Vicki's input or approval, and they crossed so far over the line, that the line is now a dot to them! (TM Joey on "Friends) That said, I never cry over movies or TV shows, but this definitely teared me up (while feeling horrible for having to watch this unfold).
  11. http://www.tmz.com/2015/07/06/jenelle-evans-dog-fireworks-video-teen-mom TMZ is now reporting on the video mentioned upthread and all I have to say is: Jenelle is an effing piece of shit, and she needs to be both sterilized and lobotomized STAT. I hate MTV for allowing her to remain on their payroll. ETA: Jellowslr narrowly beat me to the punch! :)
  12. I'm sorry, but if Nene thinks her shit is so hot because she's becoming a part of Kim K.'s app and now this limited revived game show (which requires no acting skills whatsoever!), I can't help but hope that karma bites her in the ass big time so I can laugh and laugh and laugh.
  13. Thank you for sharing this, ChaChaSlide. While I think this and the NY shows are a large step up from the circus and leprechaun, animal, and other "freakshow" roles, I can't say I don't agree with her decision not to join and her viewpoints overall.
  14. Well, needless to say, that is a very shitty way to run your business, and Jeff has no reason to flip out on anyone except himself when things like what happened at Chaz's meeting happens.
  15. I'm SO happy that this show is back! "Flipping Out" is honestly one of my most favorite shows, especially on Bravo. I wondered what happened to Andrew, too. Even though Jeff still kept him around after all of his lies had come to light last season, I wonder if he was truly a famewhore through and through and Jeff felt he had to finally cut him lose. I don't understand why they keep Joe around, either, if he's such a fuckup. Again, my theory is that he is also a famewhore and Jeff keeps him around for show hijinks; I feel like he's most likely a producer-driven "character." Does anyone think Zoila really does that much housekeeping anymore? I know Jeff has commented that he loves her like a mother-figure, so that may be one reason why she's still around, but I feel like the fact that she's still there is also very much producer-driven. Afterall, fans do love her and she's not quite a spring chicken, so I'm sure her body doesn't allow her to do as much physical work for lengthy periods of time. I wonder if she will ever truly retire and if it will be anytime soon like the previews sort of hint at. For all of the grief he gives her (some of which I also think is for the cameras), I think Jeff would feel like a part of him is missing once Zoila decides to retire and return to her family. Is Jenni pregnant again? In some of her TH's, she looks like she has a little belly, but I don't know if it's just her clothing puffing out a bit from the way she is sitting, a bad camera angle, or she didn't lose all of the weight from her first baby. I hate to be that person to ask that, especially if she isn't, but just curious.
  16. Wow, I had no idea there was a spinoff like this in the works. I'm looking forward to it, but I hope they're able to solve a lot of these cases. For the victims to be brave enough to publicly tell their story like this, I hope, at the very least, they get justice that they deserve.
  17. God, I hope Andy and the Bravo execs don't kowtow to Nene's demands and refuse to any terms for even an occasional appearance. I have hated her and her overinflated ego for quite some time and actually have barely watched the show the past few seasons. If she's gone for good and Tootie is in, I'm in again, too! Can someone please tell me what the hell Kim K. is thinking by including Nene in her stupid app? Besides the Kardashian/Jenner clan, has Kim included any other "celebrity" in her app? I mean, anyone other than even the Kardashian show peripherals like her friend Jonathan, Khoe's friend Malika, or any of the airheaded "Dash Dolls." If not, why the hell would Nene be the first outsider (or be an option even if she isn't the first outsider)? I could be completely off base, but I personally don't see a whole lot of overlap between her and Nene's fanbases. It's so random and weird to me.
  18. Tell me about it. Don't even get me started on the cost of living here on Long Island (or NYC)! Long Island is literally the most expensive place to live in the U.S. Ugh. My wallet weeps. :*(
  19. No, that person's name is Hollis Jane and you can see her blog about her experience as a dancer for Miley here.
  20. I have to give major props to both Bill and Jen for answering a lot of the "How do you do ______ as a little person?" or "What's it like to ______ as a little person?" type of questions in a very straightforward and on target manner. Even though, yes, they do not and cannot speak for every little person out there - just as I do not and cannot do the same when people ask me certain little people-related questions - I think they were very much on par with how I feel and what I would have said. I read on Wikipedia how tall Jen is, but I thought it was a typo. Apparently not. I can't believe I'm about a half foot taller than her! I am envious of her ability to shop for shoes with a lot more ease than I, though. As I had mentioned in another thread for this show, she seems to have regular-width/narrow feet whereas my feet tend to run wider, so I have a much, much tougher time finding nice shoes that fit well and look stylish enough for an adult without the childish features (sneakers are much easier to get since they tend to run wider). And just as I figured, she seems to shop for clothes in typical stores and just them tailored like I do, too (I think only the fancy dresses she has for special events have been custom made). Bill, as always, makes me laugh out loud several times during each episode. I love, love, love his sense of humor and overall personality. I have to admit, though, every time I watch this show, I kick myself for never having the luck of meeting him. He is not that much older than me and we grew up not too far from each other. Damnit, I could be living Jen's life right now! LOL I truly do think Will and Zoey were absolutely meant to be Bill and Jen's children. I cannot and probably never will get enough of them. I hope this show returns soon.
  21. They've had Kate since before they adopted Zoey, so they've always had help. If Kate isn't with them, then often Jen brings her mom (or both parents depending on what they're doing), especially when they first got the kids and they were younger (i.e., a little more unpredictable in behavior).
  22. Yes, that's the shoe store I've been referring to in my recent posts - Cinderella of Boston. If only they were really in Boston; Boston is a hell of a lot closer to NY than LA! Their shoes aren't made explicitly for little people, though. They just happen to focus on the smaller sizes for all women (i.e., size 2 through 5 1/2). I doubt Jen has her shoes custom made, at least not often or on a regular basis. She seems to have normal width feet and probably just gets children's shoes like I have to get. Same for her clothes. Other than having dresses custom made from time to time (as we've seen), regular clothes are a lot easier to get for little people than shoes; she probably gets them altered just like many of us do.
  23. Women's size 3 isnt small enough for me. :( Cinderella of Boston goes down to women's size 2 (even in wide!) and that might be pushing it. I'm crossing my fingers that when I finally do order something, a 2W could work, even if I have to stuff the toe area just slightly. I just want nice adult shoes, damnit. LOL
  24. I truly don't understand or see where some think Will is the highly favored, can-do-no-wrong, "golden child" in Bill and Jen's eyes. If I didn't know better - and I do - I would have thought that some people would think Zoey was Jen's favorite simply because she's a girl. I remember when they found out that they were going to be able to adopt Zoey and Jen was so excited because she was looking forward to being able to do all of the "girly" things with her like tea parties, dress up, shopping, mani/pedis, etc. (all of these things have been shown being done with Zoey already, by the way). Jen clearly loves every bit of that. If anything, I think Jen may relate more to Zoey because of these things. However, I seriously doubt she favors Zoey over Will or vice versa. Bill, on the other hand, loves being such "buddies" and having a close guy's bond over things like cars, trains, and tech gadgets with Will, but he clearly loves having Zoey as a "Daddy's Girl", too. It's all totally equal in so many different ways with the kids and Bill and Jen in my eyes.
  25. How can they be moving to another state if Javi wasn't transferred to another base? Is the dude THAT p*ssywhipped that he's willing to either drive that much back and forth to the base or be away from his family that often (I'm not 100% certain, but maybe he has the option of staying on base during the week or something)?
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