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Everything posted by LIGirl

  1. I'm shocked that no one has posted the best part of this entire episode, possibly the entire show: I really don't see how the show can top this moment, so perhaps they should just end it now. ;)
  2. The third person was Dorinda. According to the Turkish coffee messenger's website for each person you add (up to 4 people in a group), you get an extra hour. But I'm thinking you might get an extra 1.5 hours like I had because, for some reason, her website says 1 hour:1 person, 2 hours:2 people, 3 hours:3 people, etc. instead of 1.5 hours:1 person, 3 hours:2 people, 4.5 hours:3 people, etc. I think she is very gracious for everything the show has brought her. She not only will not charge more than what she's been charging all along, but she told me that because of how booked up she has suddenly become, she has offered to see her regular clients that she had prior to the show after hours.
  3. Okay, so I met with the Turkish coffee messenger today! First and foremost, she was such a wonderfully kind, warm, and gracious woman. I don't think I could have had a nicer person doing this. She immediately put me at ease and was so receptive to questions, concerns, and anything else on my mind. I won't go into all of the personal details of my "reading" (in addition to it not being very interesting to anyone other than me, I don't even think I can remember it all off of the top of my head!), but please do forgive me if this post is a bit jumbled and all over the place. Something like this is kind of hard to put all of my thoughts in one coherent way, I guess. Luckily for me, she told me right off the bat that I was welcome to record our session, which I did on a voice recording app I have on my phone. I will have to go back and listen to the entire thing to help sort through my current thoughts and go over anything that I may have missed or don't remember. In a nutshell, though, what she does is prepare the coffee and brings a little cup out for me and for herself just like we saw on the show. However, what wasn't shown (well, I'm assuming she did this with Carole, Heather, and Dorinda, too) was that she has two different set of cards that are sort of like tarot cards, but not like any tarot cards I've seen before, and has me pick several to read from. While we were letting the coffee cool and drinking it, she "read" one set for me. That was mainly based on if there was a loved one that passed that I was hoping to "connect" with. (I said it was my grandfather in this case.) For these cards, I was able to pick however many I felt comfortable with. For whatever reason, 9 felt about right (I have no idea why). These cards basically had messages that I guess could be interpreted as coming from the passed loved one. It was interesting and rather comforting. Although I admit, nothing quite earth shattering. I think each person can only interpret and judge it based on their own personal experience with it. Once I drank the coffee down to the grinds (which I must admit was interesting in and of itself for me because I'm not a coffee drinker, but it was honestly fine), she had me do exactly what Carole, Heather, and Dorinda did with turning it over, "swirling it around", and then reading whatever was left behind after "dumping" the grinds into the plate. Again, I'm not going to go into detail because that'd be boring to anyone but me, but I do feel she ended up addressing a couple of really, really major concerns/issues I was hoping to get some kind of clarity or perspective on. Right off the bat she talked about something that there's no way she could've known, so that gave me hope that she had some kind of "gift." Long story short(ish), though, I feel like she was about 65/35 on hitting things on the head with the coffee grinds. She read those for a while and then had me take my thumb and "scrape" around the bottom of the cup and read some more from that. After the coffee reading was done, she had me select 5 cards from the other deck of cards that again, were sort of like tarot cards, but much different than any others I've seen before. I feel like between these cards and some of the things she said during the coffee reading, there were a couple things that kept coming up and being emphasized that I believe were meant to come up and be emphasized because they were things in my life that she really couldn't have known. I will admit I cried a couple of times even though I hoped I wouldn't, so be prepared if you tend to be a little easily emotional! Haha. But it wasn't about anything traumatic or horrible... just having to touch upon a couple of things that can make me a little emotional (especially when it comes to my beloved late grandfather). I also appreciated that fact that she took her time with me and actually gave me the whole hour and a half that was scheduled. I honestly thought it'd be closer to an hour and I'd walk away feeling "g*****", but I was literally there for 90 minutes, so that was nice. I think all in all, it was a quite an interesting experience. Again, I admit it wasn't extremely earth shattering for me personally, but I'm still glad I did it. I do wonder if maybe I would've had a slightly better reading if I wasn't as nervous because maybe my "energy" translated into a little bit of confusion? I don't know. Maybe I will feel more or think a bit differently once I go back and listen to the whole session on my recording and perhaps I will pick up on things I missed or didn't think of on the spot. I will say if you want to take a chance and see her, do it. But do what I did and go in with the expectation to take it with a huge grain of salt. Also, please be sure you'll be okay with the fact that it's $150 and you can "afford to lose it" if you don't walk away feeling as satisfied as you hoped. It's fun at the very least and gives you a lot to think and even be hopeful about at the most. If any of you do end up meeting with her as well, please do share! I'd love to hear about your experiences, too. :)
  4. Hello to my fellow Long Islanders, AnnA and talula! :) Honestly, I believe for more than one reason that the "Long Island Medium" is not one of those people who has that "gift." I've heard from more than one reliable person who has seen her that she's terrible and is obviously "reaching" for whatever when she "reads" people. In fact, the one medium that I mentioned who I do believe is legit said without actually saying their names (but it was clear he was speaking about them) that she and John Edward were pretty much hacks. I know that sounds like fellow medium trash talking, but I truly believe this guy. I will be happy to report back about what happens after I see this Turkish coffee messenger, though. Fingers crossed that it's as intriguing as what Carole, Heather, and Dorinda experienced!
  5. I don't know if there's a topic that's more appropriate for this, so I'll just give it a shot and put it here... Has anyone gone to see that "Turkish coffee messenger" that Carole, Heather, and Dorinda went to see in an episode aired back in July? If so, what did you think? The reason I am asking is because I actually Google'd her and found her website right after the episode aired and scheduled an appointment, which is this coming Sunday afternoon. (I live on Long Island and she's in Queens, so the drive is doable for me.) It seems as if her "popularity" took off like a bat out of hell right after the episode aired because within hours after the episode aired, her appointment availability literally went from almost any day to nothing available for a year! Good thing I decided to Google her so quickly. ;) I take all of these "mediums" with a huuuuuge grain of salt because with the exception of one person I've seen (and I can personally vouch that I believe he was legit because there's no way in hell he could've known some of the stuff he brought up to me and my family and friends), I don't ever go for this kind of stuff. However, I was intrigued by this woman and figured she's local enough for me, so what the hell. As her website stresses, it's a little bit of entertainment for me if not anything else. I'll report back after I see her if anyone is interested in hearing what she was like for me. :)
  6. Not only that, but she and Matt think Terra is "threatened" by her? Um, no and please excuse me while I hyperventilate from laughing too hard. Seriously, though, I hate when people think that the reason someone thinks negatively about some aspect of their life is because that person is "threatened" by them. While that may sometimes be the case, more often than not - and certainly in Briana's case - the other person is voicing some legitimate concerns about some dumbass thing(s) you're doing in your life, you delusional moron. I can only hope this whole Matt fiasco is made up for the show because otherwise it's pretty fucked up that Briana is shutting out everyone else, especially her family, for this guy.
  7. Sorry, Briana, but Kerry Gordy is right - you don't have it. Hell, just from that one second that Jasmine sang, she sounded better than her! Briana sounds mediocre at best, so I don't see how she's going to make it very far in the music industry. I kind of appreciated Kerry Gordy putting the smack down on Briana by saying she sounded awful or horrible and that she can't half-ass it. He was totally spot on.
  8. I came here to ask the same exact thing! It's odd and somewhat disturbing. Has anyone given her a drug test? It's like she's tweaking on something half the time. What an annoying Spazzy McWeirdo.
  9. I have a feeling this show is really still around only because RHoNJ is up in the air. I think that this is Bravo's attempt to tide over some RHoNJ's fans until they figure out when they can bring it back. This is probably why we get some "guest appearances" from people like Jacqueline, Kathy, and Rosie. We'll probably see Melissa and Joe on camera at the wedding since I know they went. I think once RHoNJ is back, this show won't be around much longer, if at all.
  10. Who was in the back seat of Slade's car on the way down to Destin? I know Arianna and her friend were in Tracey's car, and the little kids were with Kim and Kroy, but I couldn't figure out who was with Brielle and Slade. They looked like adults, not kids. Just wondering.
  11. Call me crazy, but I think she'll try her best. Now, I'm sure her best is not as good as others, but I don't think she'll be a complete slug about it. If we've seen anything about Kim, it's that when it comes to a big paycheck, she has hustle in her game. She probably won't last very long, but I think that'll mostly be a voting/fan thing, or lack thereof. I also won't be surprised if she ends up injuring herself in some way, too, thereby cutting her run short. We shall see! P.S. I wonder if they'll ever show her briefly practicing with Kroy at any point (if he has time considering he's in pre-season right now). She met him when he did some version of DwtS Atlanta event, right? I wonder if he remembers any moves, haha.
  12. Maybe I've watched too many crime shows, both reality-based and fiction, but why didn't anyone ever bring up testing for gun powder residue on Ben's hand as well as Samantha's? Given the fact that Samantha says she was literally in another room - the bathroom - getting a positive result for gun powder residue on her hand would've wrapped up any doubts about suicide vs. murder almost immediately. I understand that as a small town, the police don't have as many resources as bigger cities, which the prosecutor or police officer said (can't remember who said that at the beginning), but I don't think gun powder residue testing is as hard to have access to as something like sophisticated DNA testing. But who knows. In any case, if they didn't do that test or didn't have access to it, that's fine, but I wish they would've brought that up and explained why. Right? I believe it was no more than 3 years since this happened some time in 2012. And she looks like that after only 3 years? Damn. Had they not showed her in handcuffs and said it was her, I never in a million years would've guessed it was the same woman shown in the pictures or on tape being interviewed. Time and/or life has not been kind to her. I guess karma's a bitch, bitch. I noticed the request for cold case submissions from law enforcement at the end of the episode, too, and I think they've showed it on other recent episodes as well. I think - well, I'm hoping - that that's a good sign that despite Kelly's recent legal troubles, that this show plans to continue on no matter what happens with her. If they were planning on burning off these recent episodes and cancelling it once they all aired, I am sure the producers/editors would have easily and quickly edited out that request before airing these episodes. Fingers crossed!
  13. Rocky can get the fuck out of here with her hyperactive, over-the-top, psychotic and ANNOYING self.
  14. I wonder if there was something big that happened way back when between Gage and Zoila that set this tone for her when it comes to dealing with Gage. If not, I truly cannot understand why Zoila is always so immediately hostile towards him and blows up over any little thing. It could've been editing (doubt it), but I didn't see what made her so pissed off in a split second during their lunch this episode. So bizarre and so unfortunate. I'd like to give Zoila the benefit of the doubt that when a baby comes into the family, she will not treat him/her anywhere near the same way she treats Gage. As a mother herself, I'm sure she understands the love and innocence of a child and wouldn't see him/her as a "threat" the way she apparently sees Gage. Technically, Gage is "dispensable"; a child of Jeff's is not. I really believe that she'll love and care for any child of Jeff's, and will do what she can for as long as she can. I just hope she and Gage can come to some loving understanding before the child arrives because this hostility between them has clearly gone way too far for far too long already.
  15. I have a feeling that she does this mostly when they're filming; I doubt she stays late for cocktails that much, if at all, when they're not filming. I also think that she doesn't work as much when they're aren't filming, too.
  16. How the hell is this week's episode the finale already?? This season feels so short, and certainly went by way too quickly. :(
  17. I really like this show, but I am now wondering if this is what it's always going to be from here on out - never having enough information/evidence to proceed with a warrant for an arrest, but keeping the investigation "open" as the DA's office continues to review the case. I hate to say it, but that's never satisfying (especially with cases like this one where it's pretty damn obvious who did it, but the person will probably never be arrested let alone convicted for it). I know it's hard to have justice served in cold cases, but damnit, I want some justice served every now and then!
  18. Jeff's mother passed away when he was a teenager. During the second phone conversation in the car when Gage was hanging up without saying good-bye, did anyone else but me think that when he said, "You know what, Jeff?" he was then going to say, "Fuck you! Good-bye!" and then hang up? I totally didn't expect Gage to say, "Have a great day!" LOL I kind of have to give Jeff a nod on that one because that would irk the shit out of me for the same reasons Jeff mentioned.
  19. I have to say, there were quite a number of cringeworthy moments for me: 1. Dorinda and John's dinner. Memo to John: She's just not that into you. 2. Bethenny leaving Ramona hanging with the high-five while Ramona frantically blinks and twitches. What was that?? 3. Bethenny unleashing the "drive by therapy" on the poor, innocent guy at the bar. It was funny for about 5 seconds, but the way Bethenny just went on and on and on and on made me cringe something awful. And I say this as someone who usually laughs at Bethenny's wisecracks. 4. Ramona's "toast." Bethenny and LuAnn interrupting was partially the reason for the cringing, but if that's what Ramona comes up with for a toast, I sure hope she paid big bucks for a damn good ghostwriter for her book. (P.S. Does Bethenny get any kind of cut off of Ramona's book deal/sales since she came up with the term "Ramonacoster"? Haha.) P.S. I agree with those of you who just doesn't get the "sexy" vibes from Adam. He's no troll, but he's certainly not hot either. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. As long as he float's Carole's boat and makes her happy, then that's all that matters.
  20. Since the reunion was taped a few weeks ago, does anyone know if the ladies are given copies of the rest of the episodes that hadn't yet aired prior to the reunion taping? I really hope so because I so want to see Carole call out LuAnn on her cackling childless dig (not that Carole necessarily needed a tape to remember that, but obviously no viewer would have seen it yet to send in a question or a comment to Andy/Bravo about it), and for Kristen to make Sonja grovel for forgiveness over the fact that not only did the reporter asked her about the toaster oven, but she even said something that was rather positive about it! I've been thinking all along how much of a bad sign it's been that the show has shown so little of Kristen and Heather's personal lives, but man, it really can't be a good sign that Heather's ending blurb/summary had pretty much nothing to do with her actual life. Not even anything about whether or not her son had the surgery yet? Damn. At least Kristen's had info about her nail polish line and how well it has been doing.
  21. Oh, how I wished Carole would have had the mental wherewithal at the moment LuAnn made the dig about not having children to say to her, "No, I don't have children because my beloved husband got sick with cancer and DIED before we had a chance to have any, you vile piece of shit!" But I wouldn't have been surprised if she was so taken aback by that disgusting dig to even think of the right thing to say back to her. I've never been a fan of LuAnn (or the Countess) and never will be. She IS a vile, hypocritical piece of shit who doesn't think her own shit stinks and I've been wishing for her to be off of this show since at least season 2.
  22. LOL No big deal, but thanks. I just thought I was going crazy with words changing definitions. :)
  23. Sorry, but my nerdy side can't help but ask 'impending'? Shouldn't it be 'upending'? ;P
  24. The Little Town restaurant is still open. It's no longer located at the original spot in Hoboken, but rather, there are now two locations - one in NYC and one in Meadowlands, NJ. (I believe the Meadowlands location is only open seasonally, though.) Whether or not Albie and Chris are still involved, I have no idea. I did just read that another restaurant opened in in the original location of their Little Town restaurant in Hoboken which they are supposed to be involved in. Again, whether that is still the case, I don't know. I feel like I'm going to be tar and feathered, stoned, hung from the rafters, and placed in front of a firing squad for admitting this out loud, but here we go: I like this show. There. I said it. It was nice knowing all of you. ;) No, but seriously, I do. I get why people are so critical of it. I get why some people have such a strong hate for Caroline and her family. But I just don't take any of that seriously enough. Sure, is most of this show "staged"? Absolutely. But I still don't care. I still somehow manage to literally laugh out loud a number of times during each episodes, especially when it comes to Christopher. Maybe I'm laughing at the absurdity of it all, maybe not. All I know is that there are a number of way, way shittier "reality" shows out there and for me, personally, this is one of the least offensive and more entertaining ones. I'll watch for as long as Bravo airs it. Sorry, not sorry.
  25. By saying, "Based on what I've seen, he isn't going to be ready," how do you mean? In what way(s) you do think he's not ready? Also, do you mean just based on what you've seen on this show, or are you referring to other programming, news articles, media reports, etc. that gave further indication of his skill levels? If you are only referring to the former, I may have to respectfully disagree with your personal assessment as I don't think that's the best indication of where Will's skills are now and if they're appropriate for admittance to Kindergarten next month. For one thing, the episodes we saw this season, which concluded over a month ago, were airing things that happened even during months prior to that. I can see (and have seen) a child's skills improve even over a short period of time, let alone several months. Of course, this could also be dependent upon whether Jen and Bill felt some of Will's skills needed to be worked on in order to proceed to Kindergarten and, if so, they absolutely strike me as the type of parents who would utilize any and every resource at their disposal to help Will improve upon any weaknesses. If you were referring to the latter (i.e., other sources displaying his skill levels), then may I ask where/what they are? I haven't seen anything beyond this show that would give us a closer look at Will's skills, but I'd greatly appreciate seeing other instances so that I may have a better idea of where you're coming from. In any case, I do think the show has done more than an adequate job of showing how intelligent Will is. If his social and/or emotional skills are what's of concern, I think he's been shown to be both rather typical for his age (e.g., getting a bit tantrum-y if he didn't want to share) and to have improved or show promise of improvement over the course of this season's episodes. For example, I believe he showed great promise in being able to listen and obey in a classroom-like setting when he tried karate; he was very good at following his instructor's directions and responding correctly if he did need some redirection at any point. If some of what I just spoke about are things that are of concern, well, I believe there are very few Kindergartners who never, ever have an issue with a classmate or who obey a teacher's every command immediately and correctly each day from the first day of school. Will, in my own opinion, will do just fine to start Kindergarten on time with his same aged peers, and I believe anything that may need extra attention will be addressed, to which he will respond well.
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