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Everything posted by LIGirl

  1. I posted this in the media thread, but thought it could be posted here as well since it has to do with casting for season 3 in a way. Just saw this on TMZ about why Traci isn't back for season 3: http://www.tmz.com/2015/06/16/traci-harrison-tsou-pregnant-baby-little-women-la/ Awesome news! I figured that was why Traci wasn't returning. I wasn't 100% sure if she was already pregnant, but thought maybe she stepped away from the show because she and/or Erik thought the stress of the show may be a contributing reason as to why she was having such a hard time getting/staying pregnant. And the fact that they are putting this baby as their #1 priority over the show? Wow, that's a rarity for reality show couples! ;) Good for them!
  2. Just saw this on TMZ about why Traci isn't back for season 3: http://www.tmz.com/2015/06/16/traci-harrison-tsou-pregnant-baby-little-women-la/ Awesome news! I had a feeling that was why Traci wasn't returning. I wasn't 100% sure if she was already pregnant, but thought maybe she stepped away from the show because she and/or Erik thought the stress of the show may be a contributing reason as to why she was having such a hard time getting/staying pregnant. Very, very happy for these two. I may be a bit biased about Asian babies (I am half Japanese/half Caucasian) and think Asian babies are the cutest in the world, and although Erik is only half Asian as well, I know firsthand how strong those Asian genes can be, so I bet their baby will be absolutely adorable! :)
  3. I would also tend to think that with the numerous, numerous family members and friends both Bill and Jen have, there is a shit-ton of toys and clothes being sent to Will and Zoey, not to mention also coming from all of the behind the scenes show-related people (e.g., TLC, the production company, ad sponsors, etc.) and fans. I'm sure that easily and quickly adds up to what looks like "overindulging."
  4. Okay, I have a couple of questions based on what's in these articles: 1) Why would MTV hire Leah a personal trainer? That has nothing to do with the show and only further adds to the what critics of the show have long decried about how unrealistically it portrays the lives of teen moms. Real teen moms (or those now in their 20's) don't usually get personal trainers hired for them by someone (let alone by a major television network). That makes no sense to me. 2) If what the articles say is true, that Jeremy offered Leah the chance to stay in their current home until she found a new place, then why the hell would she voluntarily move herself and the girls into her mother's home? It can't be for the "free" babysitting; Leah's mom, Corey/his family, and Jeremy/his family all take the girls whenever already. Plus, I would think Leah would want her own space and, most importantly, her privacy for as long as possible, especially if she's hooking up with a new dude. Not only would it place undue and unfair burden on her mother by cramming not one, not two, not even three, but FIVE people into her mother's house, I would think it'd be super creepy to want to fuck your new piece of ass under your mother's nose. I'm sure Mama Dawn doesn't have a mansion-sized house, so they're probably all practically on top of each other as it is. And, unrelated to these articles, I see from all of your wonderfully well informed posts that Leah's family is very vocal on social media about her antics. Just out of curiosity, is there ever any public dirty laundry airing from Corey or Jeremy's families? I always thought Corey's father and step-mother seemed to be such grounded and sensible people, so I can't imagine they'd talk to the media as much or be very active on their own social media platforms, but I could be missing all of that. Not sure about Jeremy's family, either, as well.
  5. When Jim and Meghan were shopping and discussing him being away in Missouri for lengthy periods of time, I instantly had an image in my head of what Kelsey and Camille Grammar's discussion must've been like when she joined RHoBH, especially when you consider what we know now of them/their failed marriage. Meghan had commented that she is new to the area and doesn't really know anyone, but Jim said that she'd be making new friends. Although Camille wasn't new to the BH area, from what I understand, Kelsey encouraged Camille to do the show in similar fashion and for similar reasons. He said that he wanted her to do "her own thing" with the show since he'd be away busy with his work. Meanwhile, he was obviously having the time of his life having an affair. I can imagine that Jim thinks this is a good distraction for Meghan while he's away 50% of the time not only for work, but for his own philandering activities. I mean, what credible actor/famous person would happily encourage their wife to do a show like this if you have even half an iota of a brain cell and inkling of what these shows portray of you and your personal life? Shady, shady if you ask me. I admit that as juvenile as it was, I literally laughed out loud when Eddie coughed "Bullshit!" when Vicki was talking about Brooks's cancer on the phone with Tamra. Something fishy must've already been in the air if Eddie was already calling bullshit on the cancer even though Tamra and Vicki hadn't even seen each other in months. I also raised an eyebrow when Brooks was telling Tamra at the party that his cancer was "highly, highly curable." I know he could just be putting on an optimistic front for his own sake, but it made me think of the scene during the season's upcoming antics where Vicki is telling someone that all of the chemo and treatment that Brooks has been doing isn't working or strong enough to fight his cancer. Dude, how do you go from saying it's so curable to basically saying the cancer is so aggressive that nothing is helping? I would tend to think that the doctors, who should be keeping a very close eye on the cancer and its progression or regression, wouldn't have been blindsided by it's aggression. Again, very fishy.
  6. I want to thank Dorothy and EJ for stating my exact feelings on the [non-]word "bae." It is the most inane thing ever and, as Dorothy said, you can totally properly enunciate the damn word "babe." What is up with Taylor's constant habit of sticking her tongue in between her upper lip and her top front teeth? I noticed her doing that during the trip to the Bahamas and it was all I could see whenever she was shown in this episode, too. So annoying!
  7. Ugh, get Bobby off of this show, PLEASE! As if his douchebaggery in and of itself wasn't bad enough, I finally realized who he reminds me of - Stephen Baldwin. Just looking at Stephen Baldwin makes my skin crawl with douchebag heebie jeebies; now when I look at Bobby, my skin crawls the same way. Gross. Hey, Dorothy... maybe it's just me, but that dude KC seems to be more suited for EJ or Jonny than you. Just sayin'... Roxy looks like she has totally checked out of this entire show, not just with her friendship with Morgan. I got that vibe from her even before the falling out. I think she's one of those girls who will ditch her friends and every other part of her life when she gets a serious boyfriend. Seems to be the case with this dude Nick.
  8. Whew, for a second there I thought I was missing out on access to a 24/7 cam that watched the "real" evil, terribly ill-behaved, immature, and heartless Will and Zoey, as well as the results to a bunch of in-depth psychological assessments of both children. Thank God, that's not the case. ;) Zoey was definitely very cute in ballet and I was surprised that she willingly took to it so quickly. I thought that she would not really give it a try during her first class. As for her balance issues or inability to perform certain movements, I fully believe that that is attributed to being a little person. While the physical abilities obviously vary from little person to little person, I could at least relate to some of Zoey's "imperfect" movements. I always had trouble balancing on one foot for a long time and even as an adult, I think I'd have some trouble performing some of the dance movements the teacher was doing. I had PT for many years as a child, but even with all of the PT in the world, my body would/will simply never be able to do certain things (e.g., I'll never be able to walk up a flight of stairs by alternating each foot per each step; instead, I literally have to go with both feet on each step (I hope that made sense)). I can only hope that Zoey will eventually either learn how to do these movements or at least they'll come a bit easier to her, but I don't think she'll ever be able to do every type of ballet move normally expected of her average sized peers. And that's okay. I think Zoey should be able to keep at it for as long as she can or wants to. Same can be said for Will in karate. I hope he can do as much as possible with it for as long as possible. I loved Bill asking Will if he wanted to name the fish "W" because of George W. Bush; the nerdy humorous side of me thought the same exact thing. Haha!
  9. I thought she was from Switzerland, too, since they seem to go there often. I know her schizophrenic brother apparently lives there, but I think her parents go there not just because of him.
  10. And this is exactly why so many single parents need to stop bringing a new love interest into their child[ren]'s lives so quickly. I absolutely hated the way Leah would make the girlses hug, kiss, and tell Jeremy "I love you" so soon into their relationship. I'm sure they will be affected by his absence in some way and will wonder what the hell happened to him.
  11. Fellow NY'er here and while it wasn't explicitly about the show itself, technically yes, I've been surprised twice in the last week or two to see two articles in Newsday featuring ladies from RHoNY. One article was like an exclusive one-on-one featuring LuAnn and her house that she purchased in Sag Harbor. The other was about the Hamptons and the celebrities that you may see out there this summer. While I didn't read that actual article, I was surprised to see that they used a picture of Ramona for it. I was like, "Really? Out of the all of the A-list celebrities that summer out here on Long Island, you pick Ramona as the featured photo for this article??" Besides, is she really spending much time out in the Hamptons this summer? I read that she put up her Hamptons home as a summer rental this year.
  12. Thanks for that info. I didn't realize that there were 2 new people instead of just 1. I'm guessing Terra knew Brittney from being on Miley's tour. Maybe I'm biased because I find Miley over-the-top gross, but any little people who are happily a part of her tour bug the shit out of me. (Even though Terra has grown on me a bit, I hate that she was on the tour, too.) It's exactly the kind of negative exploitation that little people don't need. Blech. On a side note, I'm going to hell because I laughed out loud at your screenname, terrasfivehead. :)
  13. Hm, I guess you're right... the LA edition didn't get a reunion after the first season. But still, I'm surprised the NY edition didn't get one anyway considering they have now done it with LA. Related or unrelated, I wonder if NY's ratings weren't good compared to LA?
  14. Haha, okay, I'm glad I'm not the only one who is apprehensive with not only dating a guy with kids, but being apprehensive to have kids of my own. I love the kids that my friends and family have, but a few hours here or there is good enough for me and then they get to go home! LOL I think Taylor is a little young to "saddle" herself with a guy with a kid already, too, especially such a young one. I don't know what kind of a father this guy is, but since the child is just a baby, I'd hope he'd want to spend as much time with him as possible, so I can't imagine that would leave much time to date Taylor since he has his own businesses to run as well. (That's another reason why I find it difficult to date a guy with kids - I don't want to "share" my time with him with his kids! :P)
  15. Oh, oops! Haha, thanks for clearing that up. Now, I don't remember if I thought she said "mine" or my closed captioning said "mine" and that's why I thought that. Regardless, I do remember the lemon thing now from last season. Still a weak tagline, though.
  16. It's Vicki. I believe that is when Once Heather's house is complete and she has Shannon over to throw her out again, I hope either Shannon has Google Maps fired up on her phone beforehand or Heather has a hired doorman to present each houseguest a printed map of their Monstrosity McMansion upon entry so that she can find her way out. Of course, Shannon can always escape by jumping from Nicky's pot-smoking balcony.
  17. I was only half paying attention to the reunion, so I didn't realize Andy told Mike to stop texting. I'm not surprised, though. It looked like from the previews that Jessica was in another room watching everyone before she comes out. I can only imagine that all of Mike's texts were from her ranting and raving about each and everything the group was saying about Mike/them the moment it was said.
  18. I love how even with Brooks's cancer (or "cancer"), Vicki still manages to make it about her. When they were in the kitchen eating dinner, Vicki said to Brooks, "Aren't you glad you're not alone and single going through this?" He didn't say, "Of course I am," fast enough because Vicki said to him, "You have to affirm me." Yeah, they both deserve the hell out of each other. What is up with Shannon's opening line: "When life gives you lemons, put mine in a bowl!" What? What does that even mean? I truly believe Shannon is going to, in some way, emotionally screw up her girls just like she claims her parents screwed her up simply because she's staying in a marriage that's been long over and done. Why can't she show them that you can be a strong, independent woman who is smart enough to walk away from something that is so unhealthy for you and your family? She can still say that she gave it her all because she clearly has. I just think that when her daughters are adults, they'll respect her more for that decision rather than beating this dead horse to a pulp. Don't get me wrong, I do wish she and David could make it work, but it really and truly doesn't look like it will, sadly. She and David obviously love those girls, so I don't have any doubt that they would be able to make a divorced family work just fine for all of them. So, basically, one of Heather's 14 bathrooms probably costs about as much as her paycheck from Bravo for one season of work. Jesus. I wonder if Heather is the wealthiest of all of the Bravo housewives? Or would one of the NYC (e.g., Bethenny?) or Beverly Hills (e.g., Lisa? Adrienne?) housewives be richer?
  19. So, did this new chick get on the show because she and her husband are friends with Heather and Terry, or because Andy Cohen is a huge St. Louis Cardinals superfan and good friends with and/or connected with Edmonds?
  20. I haven't followed the past or present OC ladies very closely in the media, so I was completely shocked that Lynne is a grandmother thanks to Raquel. (I know about Alexa's foray into porn, though, ick.) As fucked up as Raquel has been, I don't have a good feeling that she's all cleaned up and on the straight and narrow; instead, I have a feeling Lynne is doing most of the heavy work in raising that child already. Sad. What the hell do you need with 14 bathrooms, Heather?! That's more than two bathrooms per human in your household! For someone who prides herself on carrying herself with such class and great taste, the chick needs a lesson in knowing when/how to display your wealth with understated elegance and what's unnecessarily over-the-top ostentatious.
  21. I wasn't advocating for Taylor to never date guys with baby mamas; I was saying she needed to run in the other direction based on this guy's baby mama drama (and his already obvious sketchiness). Being a single woman in my 30's, I know how the odds shrink in terms of finding a kidless guy to date, so I understand. (Although I do prefer to date someone without kids, it's not a total dealbreaker for me, either.)
  22. I enjoyed seeing the proposal and how genuine the whole thing seemed to be - all the way through Brendan's planning and nerves and Morgan's utter emotional surprise over it all. That ring is insanely gorgeous; I want it so bad! I truly hope these two make their marriage last a lifetime. While they obviously both come from very privileged backgrounds and clearly enjoy the finer things in life, they both seem to be down-to-earth and have families that have down-to-earth values as well. I also hope Morgan follows suit with her mother and never succumbs to over-the-top plastic surgery as she ages. She looks so much like her mother and her mother looks wonderful. Both look so natural, which is refreshing to see in the plastic surgery obsessed city such as Beverly Hills. Taylor and Bobby are obviously both desperate famewhores by appearing on this show. Bobby just meets Taylor and he's already asking her about her drama with Roxy? Totally producer driven. Are the producers trying to push Bobby on us as a full-time cast member as well? I mean, why does he already have a TH? I don't think he needs one and it's not a good sign that he'll go away if he already has one. Anyway, on the off-chance that their little flirtatious relationship is real, Taylor definitely needs to run far, far away from that baby mama drama mess. It's one thing if he had a baby as a result of a one-night stand. But it's obviously a whole other ballgame if he was with the girl for several years and the child is only a few months old. And the baby mama is leaving bitchy comments on her social media? Run, bitch, before your tires get slashed. Roxy's sister is dangerously close to a unibrow. Not a good look. I laughed out loud at Dorothy's "Do I know anyone personally with baby mama drama? No, but I watch it on VH1 and rap videos." P.S. Thanks to all of you who explained what a vocal fry is. I tried to see if I do it, but I obviously don't because I literally can't get my voice to do that. Now I'm becoming semi-obsessed with catching people who do it. Weird.
  23. I know that they are half sisters, but being half siblings doesn't always mean siblings won't still look alike or at least similar to one another. I was just more or less commenting on how ludicrous it was that Savannah would actually think someone would buy Lindsie's ID as her own. But then again, she probably doesn't think that; the show's script told her to say it. ;) I don't think Lindsie is divorced. I think there will never be any love lost between Todd and her husband who probably wants nothing or as little as possible with filming the show with the rest of the family. I have the gut feeling that Todd could fake it until he made it with getting along with her husband, but her husband probably can't even do that.
  24. Savannah is pretty, which makes me surprised she'd ask her sister for her ID based on the reason that they look more alike now that they're older. Um, sorry, but I don't see it. They both have blonde hair and they're white. That's about it as far as their resemblance goes. Unless Lindsie's ID was a big blurry blonde blob, not even a partially blind bouncer or bartender would buy that it's Savannah's ID. Lindsie certainly isn't the ugliest girl in the south, but she's not exactly striking in a good way. Savannah has what I've always considered that typical southern girl next store pretty. Lindsie, not so much. (Also, Lindsie's stupid 90's big southern pageant hair does not help her cause either. Someone get that girl to a hair stylist, stat! And not Todd.)
  25. I guess I'm also one of the few who can tolerate Bethenny (but still realizes that she has some major issues). My take on her not wanting to be the center of attention, but yet giving a toast is that that kind of attention is her giving it to someone else (i.e., Dorinda in this instance). I think she's fine being upfront, in your face, loud, etc., as long as no one makes her feel like she's in a tiny holding cell with a cop shining a light in her face while he breathes 20 questions down her neck. I think that's how she feels Heather is treating her. May not make sense to some, but honestly, I can understand that. I can be happy and outgoing at a party, engaged in a million conversations about others, but as soon as people start asking me personal questions, I get a bit uncomfortable and try to shift the conversations/attention back on to others.
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