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Everything posted by butterbody

  1. I said it before, Jorge knows good and well that it is illegal to take pot across state lines, even from one legal state to another. * But I just realized, the cops would have had to smell pot in order to search his car. Doesn't his company manufacture smell-proof bags?? Classic. * interresting tid bit: California has the most amazing medicated chocolate bars and in order them for me to sell them in my dispensary in Arizona, they can only send us the chocolate and we have to infuse it with our own Arizona grown cannabis.
  2. I came here to say the same thing! She was certainly trolling us all when she was smacking on that Mahi Mahi burger, and surely she was joking with those fries. This can't be real! And can I just say, this 5 ingredient shit has always been a pet peeve of mine. I would rather cook food with texture and flavor. It's really not a big deal to add some more stuff and get a better end result.
  3. Did I miss the technique behind that lattice topping? It looked so cool when it stretched out as he slapped it on his strudel, but I never saw him cutting it. Would have loved to have seen more of how it was done.
  4. Aw man it's been fixed.... glad I got a screenshot first!
  5. Who is the evil genius behind this???? https://yelp.to/qTKq/JLijL0TADO
  6. Hey friends, old lady in need of computer help! Is there a thread for 90 day What Now? There are so many sub threads, I can't keep them straight. If you could provide the correct link I would be ever so thankful!!! I NEED to discuss this mess.
  7. Cameron was so animated and fun in that clip. Where was she all season?
  8. But at Chin lady's reveal, when her friend was so happy for her he couldn't stop crying...warmed my cold dead heart.
  9. But not a single Bindi in the bunch. Kudos to them for that.
  10. I finally figured out who The Victim looks like. Emily Valentine after Brandon broke up with her on 90210. That's all I've got for now...
  11. Looks like I'm gonna have to resurrect my Gary's Chickens twitter account to congratulate her on that little bundle. And I'd like to cast my vote for "Rill women go to gel."!!!
  12. I'm sorry if this has been discussed. I looked but I'm still not clear. (We just got these new marijuana pretzels at work and they taste so good, i think i ate too many....) Was there or was there not a second child in the car, and if so, who was it?
  13. A few years ago I was in the hospital for a couple days having surgery, and when I got home, my little boy thanked me much the same way Nova did. I fully explained everything before I left but he was 3 and it probably felt like I was gone forever. It killed me, and I practically popped a stitch kneeling down but it was important to me that I looked him right in the eye to say mommy will ALWAYS come back. Fucking Cate said "you're welcome". Nova is going to have some major trust issues if she already knows her mom is gonna peace out while she's at school. That scene in the shower was hilarious. The editors hate her now. They show her harumpf on to the ground, then stay on her for the whole 7 minutes it takes her to stand back up, only to relocate her ass to a new seat. The only thing missing was Benny Hill music. I live in Arizona and my friends who visit always want to move here. One thing that stuck out to me was that last tattoo Cate got. It is basically the same thing one of my basic friends get when they leave Arizona and go back to snowy Chicago. She loves it here. And who can blame her? It's gorgeous and 2000 miles from her responsibilities. I wonder if that heiffer has ever taken a spa trip here when it's 120°. That will make a person suicidal. (Too soon?) Ryan is going through major withdrawals and I am certain he was sucking on marijuana lollipops to take the edge off. Which is hilariously selfish of his wife if he really needs them but she's eating them, too. Ambers feet..... I can. NOT.
  14. You can watch season one on Hulu? Dang I was debating getting Hulu and now I think I shall! Thanks! My only s1 option is buying them on demand for $2 a pop. The fx app has all of season 4 on there.
  15. I can't get over how BAD Amber looks! I guess it's my first time seeing her in HD maybe, but I was so distracted. She looks even more greasy than Matt, and the bun with the pink roots, red lipstick, blue contacts- it's really no wonder NuMatt fell in love with her during filming.
  16. I feel like every week, I post about Rio's wonky eyebrow, but it is beginning to take on a life of its own and is now making a vertical line straight up her head.
  17. I loved Trixie's "big mistake. Huge." Because that wasn't Erin brokovich at all, it was pretty woman. I don't like all the backstage drama. They waste so much time on that, we barely get any drag. Shangela's dress inflated and deflated? Bebe did a face reveal, an Morgan had a kilt lifting moment and it flew by or was left out entirely.
  18. Dang it! I was thaaa-RILLED when Morgan went home on ep 1. She looks like adult Bobby Brady.
  19. I must admit, I made that cookie dough IMMEDIATELY and topped it with some salted caramel ice cream. Holy Moly. This is why I'm fat.
  20. Hahaha That was ME you guys!!!! I made the twat comment, and now I've had to make my Instagram private, because those leg humpers are SAVAGE!!! At least you guys appreciate me.... Someone was like , "Says the pot head!" And I'm just wondering if they're talking to me, or Eggsley.
  21. Man, I am really sad Chinelle took down that instagram linked above. She posted that Pinteresty inspirational poem "Don't you quit" and I was so proud of my comment, I took a screen shot of it.
  22. Oh great. Another "trigger" for Brendi. Domestic violence, pregnancy, the gay community, yadda yadda yadda everything reminds Brendi of her tragic past and I am Sick. Of. It.
  23. My first thought was that beat my face referred to pinching and slapping ones cheeks to make them look rosy. I love the fun things I learn from you guys. That poster was most definitely NOT talking about Ashley when they said the black girl should be a model!!! Ha! It's like when Derek Zoolander got up to accept Hansel's award.
  24. Jorge knows good and well that you cannot cross state lines with medical marijuana. Even if you have a card and are travelling to another legal state. He had to answer a few simple questions to become a licensed grower in california, and that was the first one.
  25. Now that I've seen Tyler's sister, I understand why Dr. Butch had to take that poor child's cast off. She was never going to take him to a doctor and I can only assume the original injury must have happened in someone else's care or he might not have gotten medical attention in the first place.
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