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Everything posted by Tatum

  1. When did Brynn get divorced? I was actually surprised her marriage lasted as long as it did, by that I mean she was still married when they did the Vegas Reunited. Although, looking it up, it aired in 2007- I was thinking it was a lot more recent. Reunited would only be like 5-6 years since the original season. Is all B/M looking for are casts that are going to fight with each other? I get they don't want the reunions to be boring, but it seems like they are going down the same Trash-tastic road that ruined the original series. Leave it to Julie to set that bar.
  2. Now that you say that, I totally remember that scene. But that actually makes it worse, because he did have a girlfriend, and I did not get the impression Kat wanted to be fuck friends with a guy who had a girlfriend. I think she really liked him. Watching them flirt is just totally cringeworthy to me, because I feel like I am reliving my own painfully awkward interactions with crushes.
  3. Vegas already had a redo. And Austin? Really? All you need to do is watch a Challenge to see most of those morons. I'd be interested in Chicago, Paris, San Diego, and Philadelphia (sounds like Seattle, Boston, and Hawaii have been written off as no-gos). Anything after that would be so superfluous since most of the later casts sign up for Challenges now.
  4. That was so cool when they were trying to translate a message in French, which none of them spoke, but between Belou's Dutch (I know Antoine was Belgian, but I am not sure what his primary language was, only that it was not French), and Patrice's German, they were able to piece it together. And then Chris and Michelle had to do all the driving because they were the only ones with valid driver's licenses, despite the fact that neither of them could drive a Winnebago on European roads for shit (no judgment there, I would not have wanted to do it either). Chris and Michelle were also I remember mostly respectful of being in different cultures- no London Mike whining about no ranch dressing there. ETA: Just rewatched on Dailymotion, and I misunderstood, I thought Belou was saying the woman was speaking French, but she was saying Antoine speaks French, the women was speaking Catalan, which makes sense since they were in Barcelona. Duh to me. I always thought Catalan was more like Spanish (being primarily spoken in Spain) but google tells me it's actually closer to French. Anyways, Antoine and Belou were able to figure out the directions.
  5. I really don’t recall Cara talking that much shit about Tonya in the house, other than once commenting that her breasts were “huge, saline, and tan.” In fact, I remember her defending Tonya when Aneesa was always ragging on her. What else did Cara say?
  6. The only real conflict I remember was that Neil didn't like Mike, because he thought he was a stereotypical annoying American, but the recapper pointed out that Neil was pretentious and sanctimonious and often got on people's nerves as well. In the book, Jay referenced some kind of flare up between Kat and Neil, but I never saw it so don't know what that was about. I think a single episode reunion might get some viewers, but a multi episode season of Homecoming for the London cast would probably be really short on storylines.
  7. Last I heard she was single, living in Walla Walla, and owned a hair salon. I found her private facebook a few years back (well, I guess I can't verify it's run by her, but seemed pretty legit) and she looked really good. She is the queen of re-invention though...who else can say that in their 40 years on earth, they 1. appeared on reality TV on a regular basis for nearly 10 years, , 2. got a masters in nursing, 3. dabbled in soft core porn, 4. owned and operated (well family business) a rural Nebraska grocery store, and 5. own a hair salon?
  8. Mike was pissed about that as well. I didn't watch much of the series, but he said he never had a crush on Kat, or was under any impression people thought he did, and the producers sat him down and were like, we know you like Kat, but FYI, she likes Neil. And Mike said he didn't think much of it, until he watched a scene where it appears he is glowering at Kat and Neil while Hey Jealousy by Gin Blossoms is playing in the background.
  9. Yes, I remember he mocked Sharon quite a bit, but had pretty similar level of loathing for both Mike and Neil, and only slightly less for Jacinda. I don't remember any comment he made about Kat or Jay, and the only thing I remember him saying about Lars was that it was kind of shitty of him to go up to a woman at the bar, flirt with her, only as a way to grease the wheels for inept Mike to come in and take over.
  10. I watched it and posted a lot on TWoP. Keri was definitely a fan favorite, especially towards the end. Tonya was ragged on the most during the beginning, and then it was Kyle and Cara (Tonya was still ragged on, but not as much as the other two by the end). I didn't really like Keri. I felt sorry for her towards the end (I think she was really hurt and embarrassed by the way Kyle treated her), but she seemed like one of those women who liked to point out how "not like other women" she is, as though being a woman is somehow bad by design and being more like a man is aspirational for women. I can respect though, that she didn't really talk a lot of shit about people. Kyle deserved every insult he got. What a condescending asshole. Cara, I actually felt pretty sorry for, even though she could be annoying. She clearly had low self esteem and was always looking for attention from men as a temporary pick me up. I think she showed Tonya a lot of kindness and was deeply hurt when it got back to her all the truly nasty things Tonya said about her behind her back. Tonya was pretty reprehensible. I was something of a Tonya apologist back in the day and even I had trouble defending her at times. She clearly was uncomfortable around black men, which, she can't help how she feels, but she always tried to make it seem like Theo was the problem, like he needed to go out of his way to not do anything she might consider intimidating. She was clearly very jealous of Cara and Keri having money and strong family ties. I didn't really blame her for having a problem with Aneesa, who I found very obnoxious. And she did once awesomely tell Keri that Kyle was full of shit and she needed to tell him to fuck off. Those were her exact words, I am pretty sure. I read or heard somewhere that when Tonya was doing the audition process, she had broken up with Justin, and was an entirely different person than when she showed up at the house, having reconciled with him between the audition and the filming. It is very sad to see Tonya decline throughout her show appearances. She showed up at the reunion, admitted she'd been an asshole, and didn't offer up excuses or blame editing. She also said a lot of the shit she said about Cara (having a "raging" eating disorder and sleeping with 9,10 guys since filming started) was completely unfounded, which took some courage. Her next two Challenges were probably her at her peak- physically fit and mentally well. By the mid 2000s she was drinking heavily and taking prescription drugs recreationally, and getting into constant cat fights with the other women. She got worse with every subsequent challenge,
  11. Exactly. If you are attracted to a guy who is clearly emotionally unavailable and you want to bang him anyways, just for fun, no expectations, more power to you, but if trying to make him want to be in a relationship with you is something you see as a personal challenge to boost your self worth (I must be worth it if this player is going to settle down for me!), you're going to have problems. Once Sarah realized MJ was talking shit about her, she seemed to just drop the whole charade in a very mature, low drama way, and focused more on making friends with her roommates and just enjoying her time. I wish she would have come on a challenge, but I am also kind of glad she did not. If some of MJ and Landon's frat boy hijinks got to her on the show, I am sure she would have been horrified by what the JEK alliance would do.
  12. London was the first of the RW I ever watched. I only saw one episode because it happened to be on at my grandma's house (we didn't have cable) and I remember being utterly confused by the reality TV genre. I was telling my friend about the show, and I mentioned something about a scene I watched where Jacinda was arguing with her model boyfriend, and my friend was like, ooh I love Jacinda! She's my favorite- did you know she's a model? And I still remember replying, the actress or the character? It just seemed unfathomable to me, this newfangled reality thing. Speaking of Jacinda, Lars said in the book that she was kind of malicious at times. The example he cited was she would ask roommates what they thought of someone's girlfriend or boyfriend, and if they had anything unflattering to say, Jacinda would run back to the roommate who had the boyfriend or girlfriend and tell them an exaggerated version of what the other one said. He said he felt like since Jacinda traveled so much and moved around a lot, she never worried about staying on good terms with people so didn't mind going scorched earth with anyone (that is paraphrasing quite a bit, that isn't how he said it). I also remember reading the TWoP recaps and the recapper had their suspicions on how successful of a model Jacinda really was (I think Kmart and Sears got thrown around a lot as potential bookings). The other really funny thing I read in the book- Mike was really annoyed with the editing suggesting he had a crush on Kat and was jealous of her crush on Neil. Like, he seemed pretty bitter about it.
  13. It was driving me crazy where I read this, so I found it....it was you! I read your quote as the cast said no without Sean. This makes more sense, but still a weird rule for production. I get not wanting only half the house, but 6 out of 7 seems perfectly reasonable.
  14. OK, now that I think about it, I am pretty sure the post I am thinking of said something to the effect of everyone but Sean agreed to do Homecoming, but they won't do it without Sean, and I thought the "they" in that case was the cast, but "they" could have been production.
  15. Oh, okay, I misunderstood. Genesis said she would go on Homecoming, with or without Sean, or she said she would not do the show unless it was all 7? Yeah, Sean not being on there certainly wouldn't stop me- so I don't know. I mean, there are reasons why I wouldn't do it personally, but not getting the whole 7 there together definitely wouldn't be one of them. Yeah, I mean, if you're not thinking about legalities and liability (Anthony said he could lose his childcare license for something like that, which, if I recall, the center was largely made up of underprivileged children and the impact to the entire community would be massive ), a sip of wine isn't going to kill anyone, even a young kid, and Montana probably comes from the school of "my mom let me try a sip of something when I was 8 and I'm still standing"....
  16. I despised her on the first two episodes, and now she's like one of my all time favorite cast members. I think Karamo gave an interview where he said Sarah was one of the most well informed people he'd ever met- she followed lot of different news sources and had opinions on a lot of current events, on an international level. By episode 3 I think she was coming off a lot better. I too get the impression she was trying to reinvent herself as the "hot one" and play Cool Girl, which was clearly an act and once she dropped it, she actually became very relatable. I too have tried to play The Cool Girl, but even I wouldn't have attempted it on a reality show. Way too many opportunities to have your cover blown :).
  17. You definitely could be right, but does she not realize she's going to have to go home and face the mom cliques and her husband's professional contacts after looking like such an idiot on TV? I know she's unsavvy enough to think she's coming off sympathetically when she's bawling over Danny and Melissa not willing to forgive her over something that happened 20+ years ago (her spin, not mine), but sloppy drunk and belligerent isn't a good look on anyone, especially someone in their 40s.
  18. She physically gave them a cup of wine? Or she just basically said she wouldn't stop them?
  19. Is she using a technicality here...if I recall, she did not physically give a kid a cup of wine, the kids asked her for one and she said something like, just don't let me see you take it, and literally and figuratively looked away while they were doing it. Maybe she said it like, I better not see you doing that, which is a bit more open to interpretation? I think it's the former, but the actual exchange was not caught on camera so Montana could probably finesse that one. I am 99% sure in the book it was more like, I'm telling you no (wink, wink), but if you take it behind my back, I guess that's on you. think it was stated in another thread that the remaining 6 only want to do the show if it's all 7 of them, so it's not that they aren't able to do it without him, it's that they don't want to- but I can't remember where exactly I read that.
  20. Interesting. I wonder if she meant she found him gross as far as some of the comments he made about women, which I would have to agree were off putting, or she means he was physically a turn-off to her. I thought Jamie in 2000 was pretty good looking, but I remember a lot of people on the forums didn't care for him. ETA: Also, has it been the case with previous Homecoming casts that they have to share rooms? Acceptable in my 20s, but now, on the cusp of 40, I would share a room with no one that I wasn't related to by blood or marriage (my own, and even then it's dicey) and certainly not with a man I haven't seen in 20 years. Julie is weird.
  21. I agree, but I am glad for it. Also, was there a running Julie/Jamie flirtation? I vaguely remember one episode where they kissed, but it didn't seem to be a running theme through the series that I remembered. I thought it was more Jamie/Kelley and Jamie/Melissa. But I didn't watch that closely. ETA: I watched the original premier of New Orleans and Julie just seems so likeable. It's hard to reconcile episode 1 of Julie with how she acted in subsequent Challenge appearances. I mean, she was wholly obnoxious on ALL of them.
  22. I do not believe either of these for one second. I believe she thinks she has potential to make more than the offered salary for the hybrid show, but she is not remotely relevant anymore. But keep going with the hubris Kail, I salute you.
  23. Banned is probably the wrong word, but I am sure she will never be invited back. Tonya accused two cast members on the Challenge of raping her during filming, and sued the production company and Viacom. The lawsuit was settled and the terms sealed. ETA: the above is an extremely condensed version of the whole incident. You can google Tonya Cooley sues viacom and get the whole story. It's pretty disturbing. ETA again: While MTV/Viacom/Bunim Murray has yet to comment on this directly, the accused perpetrators are banned for life as well.
  24. Even if Tonya wasn't banned, I can't imagine Keri and Kyle would ever do a reunion. Kyle is embarrassed by his association with reality TV and Keri seems like she also wanted to distance herself from the show. Chris and Cara would probably be hard sells as well. A little surprised Boston said no- obviously Sean would, but who needs him? I think they could still do a show with 5-6 people. If they are strict on 7 people, I can't imagine we will see much of the earlier casts. That would be really hard to get 7 people (who presumably have real jobs and families) to coordinate 1-2 weeks. Especially in casts where there were a lot of hard feelings or embarrassing behavior.
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