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Everything posted by ybrik

  1. I think Harley's invite into the LOD is going to turn out to be some plot to split up her crew. As Ivy said earlier in the season female villains will only be allowed to go so far. Not that bothered by the LOD HQ being so out in the open since apparently in this city real estate agents have lairs to be sold and the Joker actually had to go through the city for permits on his new lair. Loved Aquaman's over the topness that matched with Clayface's version so that the Atlantian guards didn't know the difference. Once again King Shark(Ron Funches) delivers on any lines he is given.
  2. Last episode post I said I wasn't happy with Necromancer being revealed as the person under the hood. This episode did change it for me. However, this is only after realizing him and Chad are not going to be the main villains of the season which I initially thought was who would be revealed under the hood. Instead I think they will probably summon the main villain for the season like Kai or will cause Josie to go dark. I think Landon's description of himself as a sidekick also applies to the Necromancer. Poor Raf, maybe if he kept sleeping with Lizzie his character would get as much character development and screen time as Sebastian. Let's see Alyssa is a witch who seems to be a leader of bunch of witches, causes trouble and seems to have a friendship with MG. I am not sure what would be worse if she ends up having a thing with Josie or ends up being straight? Okay show I was going to inquire why putting that music during the scene with Hope and Josie if you aren't eventually going to have them hook up. However, I found the song Astronomical by Svrcina and it's about being helplessly drawn to darkness which seems like a good song for Josie at the moment. Also in regards to Josie, she asked why Clarke picked her and it kind of made me think of a question I had at the beginning of the season. Were there any still lingering effects of Josie being shot with a bullet made from Malivore and then being cured with Hope's blood? So my theory is that since Hope could only weaken Malivore since not a full fledged tribrid, than maybe she hasn't been completely healed and some small part of Malivore is still in her and maybe Clarke could sense or smell that in her.
  3. Wow that was not a good episode. It had like three storylines that all needed to be fleshed out more. I mean we see Lizzie leaving on Hope's request and next she is in a car with Sebastian. How the hell did that happen? Why did he come along with her? Why did she let him? Then at the end before Lizzie and Sebastian have sex she mentions Landon's in the trunk of the car. Next scene they are still parked in the aftermath of sex in North Carolina and then in the same night Landon is somehow at the school in Virginia. Where were Lizzie and Sebastian then? Yeah not really feeling either couple. Unfortunately they seem to be here to stay for a while at least. With Hope and Landon it just feels like there are just so many more interesting pairings for Hope. Lizzie/Sebastian as fuck buddies who find each other hot is okay but I am not sure where we are supposed to believe they have deeper feelings for each other. When did this happen? Also when would Hope have really had any special family Christmas previously that she misses them now? I mean I get it with her mom but Klaus was gone most of her life due to different storylines. Also the Necromancer seriously we needed the whole mystery hood all these episodes for him? That second hooded person better be someone really surprising or this was just lame. Also Landon break up/hook up just left a bad taste in my mouth. Seriously I don't care how great of a break up they were trying to make it the fact that Landon had Hope waiting for him to come back is just a poor way of doing this and makes the character look really pathetic. Which coming off of last week leaving makes my opinion of the character go lower and lower.
  4. Okay wow I thought it was obvious but judging by others's comments it obviously wasn't. That was the journal that Penelope gave Josie when she left last season. It contains what people at school write with the spelled pens she had given out. It was how she knew about Hope hiding meeting Landon's mom and about the merge. It was the one thing with any mention of Hope that Alaric didn't destroy because he didn't know about it. Like the callback with Ric dressing as Indy and Josie picking that out for him. Was pleasantly surprised by the reason she gave for voting him out. I had thought she had but her doing it so that he could live his life and find happiness/love was not what I was expecting. This was first episode that I really like Sebastian as a character and mainly because he actually felt like a character not some teenage fantasy. The first scene with him, MG and Kaleb was great. Speaking of Sebastian not sure if I want him to have killed Wade or not. Don't want to wish a character dead but the cheap shots are getting very annoying and him dying would at least put an end to it. Didn't see the Clarke as the headmaster twist. Good job with that. Though wondering what his endgame is. I think I can see why he is interested in Josie. If he wants to go after Hope he needs a powerful witch by his side and if it happens to be someone Hope cares about all the better. This overall was a good episode. Was a lot of fun.
  5. This episode solidified a thought I had after episode one. Josie wasn't the one who voted for Alaric to stay. Though this episode did make rethink who may have voted for him. I thought it was Dorian now I think it might have been Kaleb. This isn't my theory but I think it might be right, Sebastian is desiccated somewhere and is appearing to Lizzie kind of like Damon was able to call out to Caroline in season one. Speaking of overdone tropes Wade. Was that really necessary? Trying to remember but did we see Raf turn back? Don't remember seeing it which makes wonder if there is a chance he does remember Hope but is lying about it because Hope asked him too.
  6. Watching this episode I didn't notice Hope wearing a wig because I was really distracted by how much she reminded me of Hayley. It wasn't just her look but also how she was talking at some points. The new head master is definitely going to be a problem. And he will be the opposite extreme of Alaric last season. I didn't really have too much of a problem with Alaric's methods just that there needed to be progression to it. Yes get new vamps on animal bloods to help them learn their powers but eventually they needed to advance to human blood bags or in witches case once they reached a certain age have them learn more advance/offensive magic. Yeah not feeling the new vamp. Of course I doubt I am the target audience of him being cast. I have already seen reactions online just loving this guy. Just don't see it. Of course I also never really saw anything with Landon/Hope. Actually most of the relationship dramas this season don't really intrigue me. However, kind of intrigued with the new head master trying to 'Palpatine' Josie.
  7. Glad I wasn't the only one getting really annoyed with Severide's attitude this whole episode. You know Severide maybe the Investigator could have been able to move faster on your information if you hadn't held onto it so that you could make copies of it and go over it with your buddy Casey and Chief Boden. Yes, it is sad that Kidd is basically regulated to Severide sympathizer each week. I have watched the show off and on but man it really does seem to force pairings and Casey/Sylvie is no different. Good to see Jerry from ER. And to those who wonder, he has always been that big. Having seen him in other shows like Married With Children and Wings where they highlighted what a big man he is as opposed to ER, it wasn't as glaring. Plus I also think Hermann and the rookie are pretty short.
  8. Yeah have to agree with others with the whole Nora and her storyline need to end soon. Which is a shame since I loved the actress on Black Sails. However is it just me or is this whole idea that Thawne wants to help defeat Cicada and destroy the dagger just one big flashing danger sign? I mean we were told that the records around Thawne's imprisonment have been redacted and it seems he doesn't have his power in the future. In Nora's future Cicada is never stopped so the blade is never destroyed and in that future Thawne has been captured. Somehow I don't think it will be a big coincidence that if Cicada and the blade are destroyed that Thawne will suddenly be able to be free. That's just a theory. Barry for the love of God you can still not be angry at Nora and still not trust Thawne's plan.
  9. Yeah not sure why Dorian would be made at Aleric except maybe for not saying something about the kiss to him. Aleric didn't know that Emma was involved with Dorian till after the kiss. Interesting development with Aleric and Kaleb. Seems like they both have come to understand the others' position which is a nice change without the show trying to tell one is completely right and the other is wrong. Don't know about Josie admitting to having a crush on Hope was necessary especially if nothing ever happens with them. Just seems like something to tease people who may ship them. Though I had to laugh at Josie's line about how could she not have a crush on Hope considering she already has two other people in love/crushing on her.
  10. going to have join in with being on Sullivan's side for the most part. He did go a bit overboard with his criticism of Bishop but he wasn't wrong to criticize her and the whole unit for how they were handling the training. Good job with the backstory though have to wonder why he did return. Also wondering if Captain Herrera remembers what happened with Sullivan and his wife. It was 15 years ago. If he does have to wonder why he would think Sullivan would just be okay with him hanging around the station. Also it is hard to be on Andy's side when the show continually shows just how self-absorbed she is. Sure there was the bathroom incident and her issues with Ryan but come on Vic is continually talking about Capt Ripley up to a point Andy should see something is going on at least on Vic's side instead she finds a way to make Ripley being there about her. Jack and Bishop are fun in an antagonist type way. Just please don't have something happen between them.
  11. Oh show it's like you're not even trying anymore. Seriously you have the person eliminated by walking out and leaving her chef coat in the kitchen give an exit interview saying that she should have told Ramsay to stick said coat up his ass all the while she is wearing the coat in the interview. You couldn't have had her say that outside as she was leaving?
  12. I actually have enjoyed the season and the finale. I know that some have found it confusing but honestly I thought season 1 was probably more confusing. Or maybe once you see how they do things it gives you a better idea of how to see certain clues. Though the Charlotte is Delores twist was well done. Will need to see the season again to see if I can notice the differences between Charlotte in the two timelines. I do remember thinking that it something was weird when she was introduced in the current timeline. I do wonder who is now in Charlotte since Delores was brought back at the end. MiB is not a host during the current timeline. He has basically lost himself in the game. He really did kill all those people including his daughter in the last episode. The MiB in the post credit I'm not so sure of. From the dialogue it seems he has been living these events over and over. It could be in his mind or something else. Also seeing his madness in the last episode and this episode really makes me wonder if those scenes of children talking for Ford to the MiB were real or just in his head. This season when it has happened it was always when he was by himself. I am interested to see where they go from here and who else was in that bag that Charlores took out of the park.
  13. I liked the episode. Loved the ending with Ford. Was really intrigued by the conversation with MIB and Emily. It felt very real. Her apologizing for blaming him for her mom's suicide felt real. Don't know from personal experience, but it feels realistic that she tried to find someone to blame for the suicide before eventually coming to realize that it was her mother's decision. Also I think we got an idea of what William was like with his family. As she said, she idolized him as a child but sees the real him now. His not remembering that it was his wife not Emily that was afraid of the elephants seems like something that happened a bit. He makes a minimum effort to remember that one of them is afraid of the elephants but not enough to remember who it was. Wouldn't be surprised if this was something that happened quite a bit where it looks like he is making a minimum effort. HIs misremembering things like the elephant probably happened quite a bit with the wife and while the first couple of times it could be kind of endearing but after a while it would become obvious that he is just going through the act of caring. And considering that his wife knew him before and after his initial trip to Westworld she probably saw a difference.
  14. The episode was okay. Not sure about Leonard. It really feels like the show has been coming up with a storyline almost every episode while other characters have gone multiple episodes without a storyline. I would like to see all of the characters get some of the character development that he is getting. As an Astros fan, I have to dislike the Yankee's ticket storyline on principle alone. Do like that Jay was able to get a win for his client. Liked Allison getting all involved while watching the tennis matches. It was weird that when Sandra took off her jacket, she really did look young. Probably enjoyed her storyline this episode the best. Both with the client and also the part with Seth and Allison. Still liking the Sandra/Allison relationship the best.
  15. I enjoyed the episode. Do wish Sandra would have been able to beat Leonard. Sandra as a lawyer doesn't seem that great however, her friendship with Allison is one of the best relationships in the series. To the poster above mentioning Kate going to UVA being bad writing is that your reasoning for it being bad is mistaken. Kate didn't say the trip was just to DC, it was specifically to the Capitol building. She gives statistics and facts about the building as well as the Lego model she is building in the episode is of the building. So she never got to go the Capitol building not that she has never gone to DC.
  16. Damn Chic is the 'curse of the new characters in a 2nd season' that almost all shows suffer from. His storyline is just so annoying. It's weird that the idea that FP and Alice having a secret child seemed so much better than the actual Chic storyline. His character seems to be dragging the whole Cooper clan down and they were such a fun dynamic in season one. Kevin what the hell? Nice twist with Josie being the one to help Ethel. Loved Archie's Mom telling him off. He needed to hear that. It's almost amusing how overdramatic the core four's issues are when compared to the truly horrible family life that Cheryl has. Conversion therapy?!? Wow that is just scary how truly despicable Penelope is. Shouldn't be surprised about Claudius considering his twin killed his own son.
  17. This episode was a bit odd. With the core four it felt like it was packing too much storylines into it while with the rest of the cast it felt like it was underwritten. As others have pointed out, the whole robbery part felt completely forced. Really a robbery storyline either is a cliffhanger or is the major driving force of a storyline for an episode, it shouldn't be some random part. They had enough to go on with the dealing with Betty/Archie kiss and the divide over Hiram. The problem with just throwing this in is that the time used for it could have been used to help flush out the Cheryl/Toni and/or Josie/Kevin storylines. Each of those storylines could have used at least one more scene. Cheryl's mom really is the worst. It is interesting that Cheryl is very much a stereotypical bully, in that she is lashing out at others because she is basically being mentally abused in her home life.
  18. I was actually glad that it wasn't the dancing baby since all I heard since the previews were complaints that this isn't how gifs loaded. Really like how Luke is being portrayed as a pretty realistic teenage boy. Definite moodiness. His anger probably was over the top but I do remember being the same way as a kid. Also glad that he and Kate did make up because they are good together as friends. Man I found myself singing along with Ken to Breakfast at Tiffany's. I feel so dorky. Liked that let Kate actually keep the piercing. They have a great relationship. Loved that Kate was excited about him dating as well. Kate you could have kept the puppy and just ripped off JTT. Liked the dynamic with Oliver/Emaline/McQuaid/Tyler. I remember when I was part of a school play that I hung out with kids I usually wouldn't hang out but then of course after the play was through didn't really hang much with them. The continual change with Luke's father is really good even if it just a short video every couple of episodes.
  19. As someone who was in high school in 96 I had to watch this just for the nostalgia. However, I am glad the show is good and filled with nostalgia without going over the top. Could definitely relate to the characters. Knew people like almost all the characters. Unfortunately I think I was probably more the McQuad of my group. Really like the characters of Luke and Kate. Both seem like good young actors. Really annoyed that it seems like Netflix tried to market this like it is the same vein as Stranger Things because keep seeing all reviewers trying to compare when they are not the same. Yes both shows are set in the near past 80's and 90's with kids as the main cast but the genre of the shows are completely different. Some have compared this to Freaks and Geeks. I also think this show is kind of like the Wonder Years without the Ron Howard voiceover. Also this did make me think of my school days so much that I kept wanting to yell at Luke to not wear his backpack over both shoulders because an older kid is going to tug on it really hard and pull him down.
  20. Yeah not seeing the whole over the top usage of the 90's. As someone who literally would have been about Kate's or Emaline's age group in 96, most of the references are natural enough that I recognize them but don't take me out of the scenes. I do remember the whole Ironic conversation happening when the song first came out. I actually did kind of flash back to my childhood remembering some of my friends discussing it.
  21. WTF Riverdale. This show gets more and more insane. Did Betty just indirectly kill a guy? Also is this the Black Hood really calling Betty? Sheriff Keller said the handwriting on Betty's letter didn't match the one to her mom. It's possible it is the same person just changing handwriting to make the police and everyone else believe that they shouldn't be watching Betty more closely and if Betty had told about the calls to not believe her. Or if it isn't the killer than it could be someone using the killings hide who he really is. If it is the latter I think the person calling Betty is either going to be Chuck or possibly her brother. Holy cow when I first saw the legs and revealing dress I was thinking, it has to be Cheryl but damn it was Alice Cooper. Madchen Amick looked amazing. The Veronica with Josie and Pussycats beat down of Nick was great. Not a fan of Jughead in the SSS storyline. Also not really fond of him and Toni. Not because of any shipping reasons but mainly this seems like an Archie thing to do, break up with one girl and have another one waiting.
  22. Yes this episode definitely fit more into the Legends' 'we screw up things for the better' mantra. Of course, Ray and Jax are the ones who saw what was happening to the prisoners by Argus and allowed them to get free. Those two along with Amaya seem to always be the 'good angels' for Sara and the other Legends. Can definitely see Zari fitting in well with the team. Like that Rory said he would be the one that kills Ray and Ray responding thanks. Have missed them in scenes together interacting as it seems that Ray and Nate interact together more and more. How did the writers not make an obvious Star Wars reference when Sara turned the ship around and had the shields power diverted to the front? I mean Sara is practically Han Solo and Stein is the ships personal CP3O. While Gary has been entertaining, the show does need to watch how much more they use him.
  23. Great having the show back and still fun. Not sure what to think about Rip. Really he seems to have completely bad mouthed the team and apparently left out that he is doubly responsible since first he was helping the Legion get the spear parts which caused the initial problem and then he was a part of the Legends plan to fix the problem that caused the even bigger problem that caused the need for the Time Bureau. Also not really liking the new look. Funny that the actor playing Cesar here played Crassus on the show Spartacus. He still knows have to give a speech. Hooray for hot Gideon distracting all the frat boys. Caity's abs. That is all. Like the new motto. Definitely fits. Sara and the female agent were giving each other looks so either they'll be getting in a fight in a few episodes or well doing other things. Possibly both. Nate take the selfie first then erase the memories. Also don't read from the book in front of the subject.
  24. Really good beginning of the season. Love the new dynamic of seeing things from Michael's side. It seems like that eventually the demons may end up being tortured more than the humans. Michael's idea sounds good in theory that I'm sure the demons were excited by it at first but now it seems like a lot of work. Michael, as another poster stated, is making things too elaborate. Denise, former real Eleanor, is going to be a problem for Michael eventually. Love Eleanor continually making side comments about Tahani being hot. Do wonder if that will go somewhere besides side comments? Though did notice Eleanor's reaction to Chidi's soulmate. I like either pairing. Hell I just want the four humans and Janet to have more crazy adventures. I am wondering what Michael will do to try to keep them apart or will he?
  25. I enjoyed this episode. It was a good opening for the season. It set everyone in place and as Dani said "Shall we begin?" Cersei continual descent into madness is always entertaining. Not surprising that she still hasn't learned from past mistakes and seems to be entertaining the idea of getting help from Euron. Not sure where the idea that Cersei always kills those who have crossed her comes from. She got lucky that the boar killed Robert. It was a bad plan that a lot had to go right for it to work. Her only other successful assassination is the blowing up of the Sept and that was her using what Aerys had left. IT wasn't like it was an idea that she came up with on her own to solve her problem. Also as others pointed out it may have temporarily gave her a crown it hasn't really made her position any more secure. Let's face it she hasn't been successful in killing the two people she hates most Sansa and Tyrion. Definitely a bit worried that Tormund is going to one place that the Hound saw the WW heading. The issue with Jon and Sansa is very understandable. They are from two different worldviews. They grew up in two different environments, Jon in a military type institute and Sansa in a political institute. Jon is looking to secure the North and I think Sansa is looking to secure the Starks. Giving the two castles/lands to loyal supporters may gain an alliance with those new lords but just because the castle has new lords doesn't mean the castle is loyal to them. Sansa saw this when she came to marry Ramsay. Sure the Boltons were in control the people of Winterfell were still loyal to the Starks. Who is to say the people of Karhold and the Last Hearth won't be just as loyal to their lords and want to aide the ousted lords? If there wasn't the WW coming than Sansa's idea could work in the long term but Jon needs every able body person available. I think Sansa is right to be worried about Cersei but from what Jon is aware of he does need to focus on the WW. I do think if he finds out about Euron joining the Lannister (if that does happen) and continues to ignore this threat than I might have a problem with it. The Ironborn fleet is much more able to invade the North than the Lannister's army. Surprised how little of Dany we saw. Wouldn't be surprised if we get a lot of her next week.
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