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Everything posted by Atlanta

  1. I can't wait to see Ed and Perry in Elvis garb. Bwawhahah!
  2. Zoe has inherited some amazing genes. Neither of her parents have aged and both are extremely attractive. Lisa could pass as Zoe's sister. I want to know their skincare secrets. :D Lenny has drunk from the fountain of youth as well. I wonder what Audrey she'll be. Did Hepburn ever play a hippy? I know she was a beatnik in Funny Face.
  3. Don't get the creepster vibe at all from Ed. IMO, he knows the trials that his wife has gone through with her and until recently, we assume, that he's been the main father figure in her life. Now Nathan is wanting to be super dad. He seemed world-weary to me.
  4. In the book, she's 15 and wants to auction it off to raise money for Amnesty International.
  5. I'm a little glad for the Greek chorus. It goes along with the book. I understand why they included it.
  6. I had a license at 16, but didn't get a car (a used compact) until my senior year of HS because I wanted a part time job (the job paid the car payments). However, we were lower middle class and not the demo of the peeps in this show. Georgia has gotten much stricter about licenses though.
  7. Muse, you couldn't have said it better. *slow cap* I'm relistening on audio and there's so much I forgot.
  8. She has a LOT of internal conflict about it. She feels like she's screwed up and doesn't understand it herself.
  9. The class stuffed animal is a regular thing. When it was our turn, I was terrified something would happen to that teddy bear. lol We had to keep a journal of its adventures over the weekend and took a picture of it doing something neat. At least we never had to deal with class pets where a student gets to take it home over the weekend.
  10. Giesela, I assume it's okay to mention since it's part of the book that Perry is abusive to Celeste and not in an S&M consensual way. Early in the book she mentions leaving him as soon as the boys graduate high school. I was confused and later figured it out. He's an abusive, cheating d-bag. PS: I think the show is trying to show how she justifies his behavior even though she knows it's wrong.
  11. I know most kids aren't comfortable talking to their parents about birth control and unless you or a friend can drive you to a health clinic or wherever, a step parent should defer to the active parent. I know book reference is sort of discouraged here, but Nathan was absent through most of Abigail's life (in the book he left when she was an infant). Bonnie should have consulted Maddie before doing anything. Heck, if even a proactive sort of thing. Like, "If my daughter ever comes to you about ...." they should have a game plan because we all know kids may be more comfy with one person over another.
  12. Since this is the book thread, Giesela:
  13. Childbirth in that era was dangerous in the best of circumstances. She was married to a Jacobite (as unwilling as he was) and probably would have been killed. She had to go through to save their child which she didn't want to do. She was married to a guy on the losing side. Her life would have been harsh. They both would have died. Visited Culloden last summer and it's haunting. On a shallow note, Gillian/Geillis's husband is hot. I read somewhere that he auditioned for Roger.
  14. Slovenly Muse, as a mom of a minor child, I can totally relate to the book and show. I got the feeling that Maddie's family is upper middle class (in the book) where Celeste is flat out rich and of course there's the struggling single mom. There's this strange socio-economic system of kids and parents. The book really nails that. I don't know of LM has kids, but she really got it down pat. Like Otter Bay, I live in an area where people move in because of the reputations of the schools. I've seen posters question why a rich person would send their kid to public school. If it's just as good, why pay private school prices? I wonder if they are going to include Abby auctioning off her virginity?
  15. Do we need to use spoiler tags?
  16. It's a running theme in the book that people always get Amabella's name wrong. My hubby and I made sure we didn't give our child a name she would hate us for later. lol It was a jerk move for Bonnie and Nathan to go to a yoga studio that (I assume) she knew Maddie frequented. I can't believe that's the only one in town, other than her own. Does Nathan even work? He's always around during the day taking yoga with Bonnie. We know Ed works from home and has more flexibility with his hours. Can't remember N's occupation in the book. Liked Ed letting out his inner He Man. Bummed that I haven't heard Chloe say "Oh calamity!" Maybe she'll utter it later in the season. Adam Scott's beard is distracting. :D
  17. A good friend of mine taught in one of those in Orange County, a middle school. She's no longer there, but says she was treated like 'the help.' She's got some stories.
  18. Also on that token, Dan Stevens has a new show called Legion http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5114356/ I watched the first ep and really liked it. I need to catch up with this week's. He's def not cousin Matthew. :)
  19. I was drooling over Reese/Madeline's first outfit and was dying to know about it. If anyone else is interested: https://wornontv.net/66193/
  20. The rumor is that Alice will be a single mom. WTH :/
  21. If anyone is wondering about this book, it's a novelisation of Tom and Katie and there are many parallels that I didn't realize until later. The main character thought he truly loved her and she was wooed. There's also talk of burn phones, etc.
  22. That's so strange. A friend is a dentist and he was considering buying a soon-to-be retiring dentist's practice a few years ago and backed out after he found out the guy is a scientologist. Not until this thread did I learn that targeting them was a thing. Wow.
  23. Read this whole thread and don't think this has been touched on, but do any scientologists merely leave and never come back? I mean, do they just stop going to audits/courses/whatever this cult does and it's left alone? Do they stalk all ex members? Sea Org seems nearly impossible to escape, but I wonder about Mr Joe Public who was in the cult for a bit and just stops doing stuff. I'm also amazed that they don't make the adult Sea Org members get vasectomies or for women, their tubes tied. They are so anti having children.
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