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Everything posted by Atlanta

  1. If you have a good surgeon, they go to the sides. You can Google implants and pockets and learn more. I've had mine done and they don't stick out front like doorknobs when I'm sleeping. I bet I paid way less than they did. Even a doctor friend was shocked when I told her I'd had mine done.
  2. Agree. You have to shop around to different gyms and find one that fits your personality and fitness needs. Not all gyms are made the same. You couldn't pay me to go to Soul Cycle, for example.
  3. I don't know about now, but you used to not have to qualify for the NY marathon. If you register early enough, you can enter. I registered late yet won a spot in the lottery, but got pregnant and my doc nixed it. I don't know if the NY process has changed. Since I couldn't run a full, I did a half marathon in my area (my doc was okay with that since I'd been training) and several years later did the full marathon (not NY).
  4. I wonder if it's part of her RH contract that Tinsley has to stay in Sonja's house for this season and that's why she's not looking at apartments? Maybe toward the end of it, they'll show her shopping around with one of the Million Dollar Listing NY guys.
  5. This. Our monthly premium TRIPLED. And we have the crappy plan. Our plan is only if it truly hits the fan.
  6. I will feel really, really let down if there's no Gene closure at the end of the series. I wish we got more flash-forwards.
  7. I can sort of relate when I went to typical gyms, but I now go to an all women's gym.
  8. Bwahaha! Perfect!! Kim and Gene honeymoon in NZ and Jesse takes them on a tour of Middle Earth.
  9. Lyle seems like such a nice guy. If Gus wants to protect him, move him to an LPH store, as you said, that has the least to do with the trade and promote him to general manager.
  10. I'd love to see Kim place an order at the Cinnabon. Or maybe Jesse since he probably wanted to relocate as far away from the meth crew as possible. Pretty much everyone in the BB/BCS universe has met with death or other tragic ending, I'd like to see a little bit of happy with Gene/Saul. Yes, Jesse escaped the white supremacist meth crazies, but after his escape, we really don't know what happens. I predict another spin-off, but a sitcom! Heh heh. Kim and Gene marry, and, as it turns out, Jesse is their fun-loving neighbor. Hijinks ensue. It's Friends or Big Bang with a methy past.
  11. I'm ready to take up a collection for Sonja to get a scratch and dent washer and dryer. That's what my roommate and I did in college when we tired of dorm life and got an apartment.
  12. Holy cow. I have doctor friends. Carole is so off on this one. She must have zero idea of the training a medical doctor does or a nurse or any medical first responder. But she worked for ABC News!!!!! She knows all! She's omniscient! As someone who has a BA and MA in journalism but wound up in a different field, this makes me weep for my initially desired profession. Just because once upon a time you had a career in journalism and you may still have friends in the biz doesn't mean you are better informed. Her friends in the biz are probably an echo chamber of her opinions.
  13. I thought that was Sonja just letting the crazy lady vent and be over it. You can't talk to crazy. You have to let them rant and then go on with your life. I think Dorinda wanted S to go nuts in retaliation, but she wasn't going to play that game.
  14. Sonja, if you are strapped for cash, buy a scratch and dent washer and dryer. Surely a townhouse has W/D hookups. Can't wait for Carole's meltdown. However, her kittens are cute. I didn't watch last season so I don't know if this behavior is normal for Dorinda. Every time I hear her name I think Dorito. Sorry. Can't help it. The Cool Ranch ones are yummy. Still liking Tinz. Maybe it's because she's my peer, age-wise, and we have similar hair. I guess I'm in the minority who does not like Candace's books. I've tried reading them. All the protagonists (of the several books I've tried) are unlikable people. Everyone is bitter and miserable. I've not tried reading SATC, but people I know who liked the TV show and tried the book said that the TV characters and the book characters are very different. She's like Lauren Weisberger or Amanda Brown that way. The TV show or movie was way better than the book. With "The Devil Wears Prada," I kept wanting Miranda to give Andy more smackdowns. She was an entitled brat. As far as Brown and "Legally Blonde".... I read the book because I enjoyed the movie, but book Elle is not a nice person and I'm shocked that the flimsy piece of work became a movie. Movie Elle is charming and sweet. Book Elle is a nasty snob. Sorry to go off topic.
  15. Here are some similar ones http://www.zennioptical.com/acetate-plastic-square-eyeglass-frames-125216.html http://www.zennioptical.com/olvera-eyeglasses-449416.html
  16. Is Dorinda friends with Mike Ehrmantraut from Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad? LOL
  17. There needs to be a RH drinking game where you take a sip every time Carole talks about her former journalism career or how informed she is regarding politics. Having said that, we'd probably die of alcohol poisoning. I think Ramona is intentionally poking the bear with Carole. It's so easy to get her to go psycho when it comes to politics. Because, ya know... she was a Journalist! and sort-of in-laws with a political family... and shut up unless you agree and if you don't, you are a big mean dummy. Ugh! The toe fungus! And she's selling her shoes online. Ewwww! Still liking Tinsley. What's up with Lu's voice? Was she coming down with a cold or laryngitis? I was in a sorority and never heard of a parent formal. We had formals, but our parents didn't attend. It was just sisters and their dates. Ramona, you aren't one of the gals. Sure, I had sisters whose moms I adored and enjoyed spending time with them, but they weren't my buddies.
  18. I've seen Skinny Girl popcorn at the grocery.
  19. I think it depends on the writer. A friend of self publishes, but she uses editors and proofreaders. She's pretty thorough, but she cares about her work. I once proofed a self published book. It wound up doing not too bad. The style and tone of "What Remains" and "Widow's Guide" are so disparate. Yes, they are different genres, but holy cow. It's night and day. Who is Carole's sister?
  20. Is Tinsley's book any good? Did she really write it? Not throwing shade, but just curious. She's got a degree from Columbia, but it's in art history.
  21. Where is she selling her clothes? I used to follow her on Instagram, but couldn't take it after awhile. I'm very rarely on Twitter so I may need to pop over there for a laugh.
  22. I'd rather see the fascinating underbelly of Hollywood shomances (though these two seem genuinely into each other), Not!Scientology and its control of its members, and how nasty Hollywood can be. I don't care about sex scene upon sex scene. That's going for the cheap and easy route.
  23. I liked her during her first season but then I couldn't abide her. Not a fan of the Kennedys in general, but I always found Carolyn Bessette fascinating. That's what got me interested in her on the franchise. However, reading the memoir, the biggies at ABC weren't really interested in her until she got noticed by Anthony. I don't know of him as a journalist, but I'm sure family connections help. I have writer friends and they have times of the day when they force themselves to sit in front of the computer with no internet. BIC--Butt In Chair is what one of them calls it. She says she may write rubbish, but it gets the juices flowing and then gets from that to inspiration. As the queen of writing, you'd think Carole would know that. However, these friends of mine have written several novels...some good, some great, some middling, but none bad.
  24. My issue with Carole is that she doesn't want to have a thoughtful political discussion. Her opinion is fact and that is that! She's educated and a Journalist! It's pretty obvious that she doesn't have independent, Libertarian or Republican friends or acquaintances. I bet she doesn't look at right leaning sources or more neutral outlets. Sharyl Attkisson's book is an eye opener. BTW: I have a Libertarian friend like Carole--he's correct and everyone else is wrong and you are dumb if you don't agree. Can't talk politics at all with him though I prefer to not talk about it anyway. It's been done to death. She seems like a tiring person to be around in election season. I originally tuned into the Real Housewives franchise for fun. I watched the first season of the Atlanta, of course, but love NYC. I want to see more of Tinsley trying on fancy dresses and Lu looking fab. I don't know much about Tom, but I hope she gives him a smackdown if he cheats. I want the best for her. I skipped last season so Beth is new to me as far as seeing her on screen goes. She comes across as a bitter bobblehead or lollipop (large head in relation to tiny/'rexy body like Kelly Ripa).
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