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Everything posted by Atlanta

  1. Was Jade (season two) based on this real life person? http://www.xojane.com/fun/how-to-murder-your-life-cat-marnell-book-jacket-sleeve-cover-art-reveal https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/27/style/cat-marnell-addiction-memoir-how-to-murder-your-life.html?_r=0
  2. A sleek low pony would be more professional. Rhea is a beautiful woman, but they do a good job of trying to 'plain' her up.
  3. Airbags do pack a wallop. My sister got a fat lip from one. Poor sweet Irene! I'm normally cheering for Jimmy to prevail, but hated how he did it. MBTs aren't cheap. Where did he get the cash to buy all of those? Hopefully he can return them or eBay 'em off. I thought it was funny he gave an elderly lady that brand. The curved bottom is so you also have to balance yourself more than in regular shoes. They're designed to make exercise a little more challenging. Feel so bad for Kim. Hopefully she doesn't lose the oil client (my mind is going blank on the name) and maybe HHM will extend an olive branch and make her a partner. She's proven she can bring in very large clients, that she's a talented lawyer and her clients adore her and only want to deal with her. Good catch on Lydia probably being pregnant with Kiira.
  4. Speaking of Naomi and Craig, Gizmo has a new brother https://www.instagram.com/p/BVLAZLYB4vQ/?taken-by=colonel_gizmo&hl=en
  5. I assumed he was a law student working his way through school like Kim did.
  6. I think Pat's secretly bummed that Whitney didn't knock up Kathryn. She wants grandbabies. Stat!
  7. I had a lot of mom issues that made me not to want to have kids. However, barring my difficult pregnancy, our gal, so far, has been a dream. We haven't entered the teen phase yet. We did wait years and years before really thinking it through. I'm amazed at the folks who become parents with no thought at all. But I'm responsible and always used birth control until the Mr and myself chose to have kids. TRav and K totally knew what they were doing. I think he loves Giz more than her. She comes off as mean.
  8. I lurve Austin and Chelsea. So cute! Kittens! Get squinty Landon off the show. Now. Just like fetch, they aren't gonna happen. Giz! I married the guy that loved cats as much as I do. We now have a child who loves them. Kathryn needs to model for Pantene. I'd never buy a house from Cameran.
  9. For some reason, I remember her mentioning graduating from UNM school of law (maybe it was back in S1). Maybe she got her undergrad in Kansas and headed to law school at UNM?
  10. My hope is this. I know characters in the BCS/BB world usually come to a tragic ending, but I'd like for her to be the exception. Maybe she hires an associate to help with the work. Howard didn't need to be such a jerk to her. Isn't that low for such a successful partner in a big law firm? Kim would never do that sort of thing. Sorry, Howard, you enabled Chuck and his issues. Now the cat's out of the bag and you're whining that you may need to reassure your clients? Boo freakin' hoo.
  11. Yikes! I hadn't heard all of that. It makes me wonder what attracted John to her.
  12. Did she legit have an affair with Bergen or was he looking for 15 minutes?
  13. I'd never heard of CBK cheating. What's the source on that?
  14. This ^^^^ so much. I obviously live in Atlanta (hence my screen name--LOL) and no way on earth the posh women in Atlanta wear fur. I've been to charity galas and nary a fur is to be seen. The only person you may see wear one are the little old ladies, but even that is pushing it. Savannah is a beautiful city (been there several times), but a stylist would do better in Atlanta. There's plenty of old money, new money, professional athlete money, etc. There's also a HUGE movie industry here. Ew on swimming in a swamp. If you want to swim, go to Tybee Island. I'm pretty sure part time airline employees don't get to fly for free.
  15. I'm puzzled by some old school money folks who have horrid teeth. I'm calling out the royal family, Kennedy family (holy horse teeth), etc in this. Sr would be around before braces were the norm. When I was in school, kids only got them if their teeth were truly jacked. Now everyone gets them. Is Thomas constantly drunk or is a slow slur his normal state? Landon needs to not be on this show. Is it true she left her husband because Ms Whiney didn't get enough attention? Sorry, he was busy earning money. This woman has two brain cells and they're looking for each other.
  16. My name for Landon (I keep thinking of Michael Landon) is Giggles McGiggleson. My hopes is that Julien doesn't have FAS. A neighbor's adopted son has it. Tough battle.
  17. I thought the free flights were only for full time employees. I guess her working as a baggage handler is a big deal in the realm of the show because these peeps are supposed to be the posh and hoity toity crowd. There's nothing wrong with that job. It's an honest living, but these folks are trying to pass off that they're old money Savannah.
  18. She looks like Brigitte Nielsen. I thought she was in her 40s. She's the reverse of Shep (Charleston). I thought he was 20-something. Was shocked he is in his mid-30s.
  19. Holy moly. SCD must be a lame school. I have a few friends from Savannah who went to non-SCD private schools and they are college grads who are well spoken. They also have careers. I don't mind that they're not all noodle thin (actually nice to see), but none of them, so far, have charisma. Ashley tries too hard. She wants to be the Jenna of this show. Also, the thing about Sherman's mistress is largely a folk tale and there's not much credence to it. My dad is a history buff, esp Civil War. Sorry, Ash, not all of us southern women look at ourselves as baby machines. Did I hear her mention high school sororities? There aren't sororities in HS.
  20. From reading this thread, I'm going to be in for some snark and laughs as I continue. LOL
  21. Does Whitney ping anyone else's 'dar? I'm still in season one, but he pinged right off the bat.
  22. I'm new to this series and wanted to read the whole thread before commenting. Holy cow. Some people think a guy in the SE needs a woman to have kids ASAP? I'm from a smaller town (originally) than Charleston and we waited 6 years after marriage to have our child. Holy stereotypes, Batman.
  23. Jimmy needs to take a job (for the next year) at Los Pollos Hermanos. :D Could Anita's hubby have been a Navy SEAL? Do they do desert training in NM? Did he leave the military and do military contracting and saw something?
  24. Ah, Skinny Pete and Badger in the background at the music store would have been golden and make total sense. Like others here, I don't think Jimmy went to the insurance agency to mess with Chuck. It was merely an opportunity that presented itself after he snapped due to the premium increase. I'm reading "Wolf Boys" by Dan Slater. It's about teens who become cartel assassins. Interesting read since "Saul" is in season right now. Hee! Laser pointers!!
  25. What was that a clue for? I must have missed something.
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