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Everything posted by Atlanta

  1. I've had friends and relatives in mentally and physically abusive relationships. It's not cut and dried. With one friend in particular, she married the guy, divorced, remarried him and finally woke up and ditched him for good. It's not linear. I'm married to a fabulous man and it's hard for me to understand, but I saw my good friend go through it. It's tough. You see your BFF with bruises on her arms. She won't listen to you so you talk to her dad who you are friends with and she gets mad for telling the dad. You care about your friend and want her to get out of that sitch. She then turns on you. We wound up not talking for years. Thankfully, we've reconnected and are close again. That dirtbag is long gone, but he is also "dad' who has nothing to do with his children. I put dad in quotation marks because I view him as a sperm donor. My friend has since found a wonderful man who treats her like the queen she is.
  2. I'm Gen X and find Charles a snore. I know Sutton was on Broadway which is supposedly the be-all-end-all of acting, but they would have done better casting a gen-x woman who can easily pass for 10 or 20 years younger. Someone on this forum mentioned Danica McKellar. She would have been perfect. I have no problem with Sutton, but don't find her the best fit for Liza. Heck, Winona Ryder doesn't age. Please tell me this show is not trying to be political. I watch this sort of show to escape news. If I want that, I'll watch CNN or the networks. I hope the writers get the memo. When shows (unless it's the West Wing, et al.) get political, it comes off as pedantic. I really side eye the writers of this show. Gen Xers were the ones who did the tech boom. I used to work in software. We're very social media aware. Oh, yes, we also have Netflix and know what Black Mirror is.
  3. Seriously. People here are saying she was as just physically brutal to Fanjul, or whatever his name is? Please tell me I'm misinterpreting it. TM is skeletal. You can't tell me that unless she had a baseball bat and caught him unaware, she was brutal to him. Maybe she was psychologically abusive, but that would be pretty hard to prove. Eek. Blaming the victim.
  4. This is also another great quick dry top coat http://www.sallybeauty.com/Nail-Top-Coat/INM2,default,pd.html I've used it for years.
  5. I'm really liking this. You can also use tips if you break a nail. http://www.ulta.com/color-dip-starter-kit?productId=xlsImpprod15571097 I've used their gel line for years.
  6. I do like how she grabbed the bull by the horns and joked and talked about her mug shot (sometimes, if you don't laugh, you'll cry).
  7. Carole quoted in this article about Carolyn and John http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4648178/Carolyn-Bessette-Kennedy-turned-JFK-Jr-proposal.html
  8. They have to have a season five. I need more Gizmo and to see his new rescue brother. >^..^< =^..^=
  9. It's very 1980s. I'll give them a pass. Does anyone know if Tinsley rented the UES apartment shown on the last ep? I can't imagine paying $9000 for rent. If you have that load of cash, buy it and then it's an investment. She seems to be settling in NYC long term.
  10. With all the booze this cast swills, how are they not all 300 lbs?
  11. Regarding Craig assuming the baby would be a boy, I think it's all about the gender of the person giving the gift. I always had a feeling our daughter was going to be a she, but a guy will assume boy. He would have been better off using green embroidery or some other gender neutral color. That was so sweet though and Cam was truly touched. Extremely thoughtful. I think she announced via Instagram that their baby is a girl so she can save it for if/when they have number two. I bet he'll make a pink onesie for her featured next season. If C and N break up, he better get custody of Gizmo. Shep, don't be a jerk. Let Craig have his moment to shine. Can't help but love a guy who talks to his cat. Does Kathryn truly have a separate apartment? Someone else said it could be a caller trying to stir the pot. I think I'm in the minority of those who don't like her TH dress. The color is fine, but that plunging neckline made her breasts look odd. Shep needs rehab. Yesterday. We're all beating that dead horse. Cam, Naomie was a jerk to Craig. Stay out of their biz. Thomas, you're a narcissist. You are not Mr Darcy. You are Mr Douchebag.
  12. I once worked with a guy who ruined his teeth with dip, got them fixed and then a few years later they were back to being gross again.
  13. Is Liza's roommate (the character's name skips my memory) making a move on Kelsey in the trailer?
  14. With Danni, the poor woman survived a relationship with Shep. She probably found a guy with substance (not substance abuse), drive, kindness and commitment. Many of the folks on this show (male and female) are empty calories and no nutrition.
  15. He is magic. I'm sure his newly adopted bro is just as magic. Why couldn't Naomie carry a wristlet to tote her phone around? That's what I'd do in that situation.
  16. Where can we see this ep? I went on Bravo and Dish on demand and it's not there yet.
  17. I'm sure Gene watches the news closely. He probably has a Google news alert set for anything to do with ABQ, Walt, meth, etc.
  18. I've known people who became parents very young through thinking pregnancy couldn't happen to them or having an ignorance is bliss attitude (seriously, did they all fail basic biology?), but they womaned/manned up and raised their kids. Those kids are now productive members of society.
  19. Isn't Jimmy pretty much broke? If he had any cash to spare, he wouldn't have that deathtrap car, would he? I thought Kim took the client just to prove herself. Yes, Irene should have consulted with her friends. She can't assume their situations, but Jimmy should have framed it gentler when he met with the other ladies like, "Maybe she doesn't know? Talk to her!" Etc.
  20. Agree, Tatum. There are no accidents on this show.
  21. I want to fast forward through Landon's scenes.
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