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Everything posted by ganesh

  1. She might have cranked the heat up in the van too. And she did have the towel, so that might have helped.
  2. I think it means men interpret the show one way, women another. Like, Louie clearly assaulted Pam in Pam I and she let it slide and women may say that Louie is saying that it's ok for guys to do that. Guys might say, she was always leading him on and he tried to take control of the situation. I think it misses the point. Like I said, I think Louis CK is purposely showing Louis as shitty as what not to do, for everyone.
  3. I watched them weekly and it was killing me. Two words: Nina. And you went through that twice?! I binged Arrested Development only because it was a holiday and I had not much else to do. I'm watching OITNB maybe one episode every other day or so. I watch a lot shows, so there's always something to watch, but I spread it out. I think it's easier to take a show in holistically and appreciate it more without the binge.
  4. This show suffered because networks were scrambling to find the next Lost and since the show wasn't gangbusters out of the gate, they canned it. TPTBs kind of fucked up the concept. The protagonist in the book was the scientist, but they had to go and make the show fundamentally a crime drama *again*. I think the different pov would have been refreshing but by shoving it in the same box as every other network show, they shot themselves in the foot. This could have been due to network interference. I think this show would have done better not on a broadcast network. It did. I'd recommend giving it another shot. The show only had the one season, but it was a close-formed story. It was actually pretty fun. If anyone likes those B adventure shows from the 90s: Xena, Sentinel, Highlander etc., this was in the same vein. Which isn't surprising since it involved some of the same TPTBs. This was a good show, but yeah, there was no chemistry with the woman that was supposed to be his true lurve and they spent way too much time on that and not the 'world building'. It seems that for all these kinds of shows, TPTBs need to get the hell out of their own way.
  5. When law enforcement whomever is looking at video footage and someone says "zoom on that" to the techie and it's always clear enough to glean The Clue. I actually cracked up because they did that on Almost Human and the techie was like, 'uh, that's as good as it gets.'
  6. re: Jessica Pare. I don't think her acting was any better or worse than any of the others on the show. Not everyone can have Roger's witty quips. As far as the big teeth, I actually like them. I think it's great that she doesn't get them fixed. I like actors with big noses too. I thought it was funny they went meta about them on the show.
  7. I thought the wife and the boss were together in high school by the way they played that scene.
  8. That's hard for any actor. And per the plot she can't really interact with the other two much at all. She needs someone she can work off. That's what I got from the first episode when they're all sitting with the lawyer. I think the boss says, 'why don't I just fire you?' actually. I'm not saying the show is perfect. It needs work. But their kitchen scene was really well done. I bought that they built a computer together. I'm totally unspoiled, but I figured that Gordon firing the blabbermouth opened up for him to hire the wife. Isn't unexpected where the fuck did that come from? hoyay the best? This happened on another show recently (I don't want to spoil) and we were all virtually cackling with glee over on the boards. Hee. Not to be a jackass, but it's 1983, people fucked at the drop of a hat, and even now it happens. Gay guys in the 80s? Forget about it. I wouldn't be surprised if Joe likes to fuck guys once and a while because if you really don't want to, it's hard to perform. And you know Joe was definitely the top. That after scene was hee! Jean Smart was perfectly cast just for that scene alone. Joe wants to make a (reasonably) fast, portable, inexpensive machine to sell directly to the people rather than to companies like was the norm back then. But he doesn't know how to actually do that (see below) and he thinks Gordon et al., can just switch on and get it done. Again, the show has problems, and not to be a dick, but I didn't find it that confusing. I know paradigm gets thrown around a lot, but this truly is a paradigm shift. That means the way things were done to solve problems aren't going to work in this case. This was contrasted by Gordon's neighbor (old paradigm), this isn't going to work, to his wife (new) who solved the problem elegantly, but requires a completely new, and basically, systems engineering methods in order to actually make the solution. I thought it was pretty cool. I like the pedal to the floor pacing because I tend to think that's how it was back then. My take so far: The show's not horrible, it's not great either, but so what? I've enjoyed the last three episodes. Honestly, between the deluge of Mad Men and Game of Thrones all over the place with articles on "why Don put his left shoe on first and what it could mean," to "why Aria laughed even though it was obvious to anyone paying attention," I'm enjoying this. The retro-ness, the quirky topic, the seemingly seat of the pants storytelling. Not everything has to be a thing. I don't like watch "turn your brain off" shows, but sometimes I just like to watch a show.
  9. I think this was the actual point though. Louis is saying that we shouldn't be acting like this. MM said it on the show when he called Louis shitty. Louis is saying this is how shitty people are, so don't be like this. That's why it was so painful to get through. He went a long way for it, but that's the only thing I can think of. I think the season should have ended with Into The Woods because the last shot was him hugging Jane, and this ended so downer.
  10. I didn't see the 'date' as anything more than what they normally do anyway.
  11. It's official. If Vanessa is in the portrait, I win the internet for a day.
  12. Does it though? He's a best selling author whose book was turned into a a successful movie. Fucking and Punching was by all regards critically acclaimed, though Mia stole it. Lew's book was successful too, iirc. His been writing his whole life, and for the most part, everyone in the show universe acknowledges that he's good at it. What exactly has Karen accomplished in the mean time? They give the impression that Hank is just banging around.
  13. Usually, not for online courses. You don't get a grade, you just get a certificate of completion. Unless ASU has leveled up. That's the problem with online courses; it's getting the equivalency of credit or an in-person class. No one quite knows how to do that. I applaud the effort, but honestly, Starbucks could have offered to pay for 1 or 2 years of community college and it would have been far more valuable.
  14. Reluctant? Vanessa fucked a demon. There's vampires or The Vampire attacking Malcolm in Vanessa's room. Frankenstein's monster(s). I suppose Dorian's healing is on the 'magical' end of the spectrum. Mina keeps showing up and floating away. I don't know if reluctant is apt.
  15. The educational support is only for online courses. So that's a limited pool. Plus, you can't get a BS for example from online-only courses. No offense, ASU isn't the best online in the nation either. They may have the most extensive offerings in terms of scope, possibly. Corporations fund research projects all the time, but they wouldn't fund students directly. They'd fund proposals by reputable professors who would in turn develop them into dissertation projects. As much as people bitch, having tenure gives the professors the clout to defend their results and conclusions even if they conflict with what the funders intend. This actually happened in real life: http://articles.latimes.com/2011/apr/04/local/la-me-climate-berkeley-20110404 I don't think it's useful to argue whether or not the USA should have gotten into Iraq because it happened and that can't be undone. However, the fact that the state is crumbling isn't a surprise, but what do people expect? Unless the USA/foreign presence is installed indefinitely, this was kind of inevitable. It's pretty clear most people consider US interests abroad are spread thin. Not that we should be isolationist, but getting involved everywhere all the time isn't sustainable or sensible, and to argue otherwise seems disingenuous to me.
  16. What mistakes has he made that have been so egregious as Karen and Becca portray though? This is the central problem with the show. Has he ever cheated on Karen when they were together? The show bent over backwards showing us no. Is he really that bad of a parent? I don't think so. He doesn't condescend to Becca and tends to give her enough leeway to explore life on her own. So, what then? He likes to fuck women and a lot of women proposition him. Sometimes he fucks women that he shouldn't. And? Mia obviously was a mistake, but he didn't know at the time, and he ended up quite protective of her and immediately shut down her propositions, once he found she was underage. Has he ever been dishonest to Karen about his feelings for her and what he wants? I just don't get what the characters are saying versus what I've seen. Drama follows Hank around based on his company. But that's part of his profession. If Hank just buckled down and worked for a newspaper or something like gawker and wrote copy all day, Karen would be bitching that he was boring.
  17. Well, they've teased the portrait twice now. There's got to be something to it. Plus, he ran down to the portrait room to jerk off after Vanessa ran out on him mid-fuck. Or was that in my head? I think it's been said already, but this is consistent with the book character. So, probably.
  18. That's what I took from it as well. I was waiting for VF to say, 'hey, that's the guy who was helping me with making the bride for you, asshole.' I'm guessing she is in the portrait? Maybe in demon form? That's what I was thinking. She was horny. She likes sex. (Which is very un-Victorian). I liked the fight scene. Although Chandler fired one of the guns right near his face point blank into a vamp's head. I was thinking he'd be flash blinded and deaf. I figure they have to wrap something up for the end of this season. Probably not finding Mina, I think because I can't see where you go from there. Maybe Chandler turning into a werewolf? (If that's the case.) Because that gives them another weapon in the search for Mina. I guess wrapping up Frankenstein would be a good idea too because that's starting to drag for me. I'd like to see the portrait as the final shot of the season. I *need* to see Chandler, Dorian, and Vanessa in the same room realizing that they both had sex with him.
  19. That actually would be a good running gag that could fit well into this show.
  20. Yeah, there's no way I'm going within 20 miles of Nancy. They said it on the show: he's the good kind of boring. Also, he's going to do as he's told and not try to throw his dick on the table all the time. That's it? This seems short sighted to me. I'd go to Red first and threaten to spill the beans to see what she'd offer. Vee's not going to hold up her end. What's she going to do then? I do like in the flashback that we actually saw a beat down. Vee's been walking around like she can strangle people with her stare and I wasn't buying it. I'm having a hard time thinking the likes of Taystee and Back Cindy are just going to beat someone up on her say so though. Why the drugs now? It seems greedy. And greedy people make mistakes. The business with the cigarettes was cruising along. I'm sad Red's store is closed, and I really hope Nichols flushes the drugs. I really didn't see Bennett going all in like that, so now I'm really interested in what's going to happen. Although Pornstache wore a condom, no? I like Healy actually trying again too. I really haven't been interested in Piper much at all so I don't have anything to say about her vacation.
  21. That's really the point of a lot of shows: They actually could have been good, there's a sprinking of good in there, but TPTB are caught up in their own BS that they just can't do it. What I always say is: know what show you have, TPTBs. What show you think you have may not actually be the show you have. Once you put it out there, it's not totally your show anymore. I'm not saying TPTBs have to do the show according to what fans want. However, look back at this show: where is it in the show that Karen is this wonderful ideal woman? It's just not there. Selling Hank/Karen as the OTP is just hollow. One of the genuine things on the show is that Hank is not that bad of a parent. He's actually good at times. But this was summarily dropped for some reason. It was far more interesting watching Hank and Becca than Hank pining for Karen. Another thing I would have added was that Hank should have been convicted of statutory rape of Mia. I don't think he should have gone to jail and based on the actual facts (I think he did ask Mia if she was over 18). Over the run of the show he's never faced any real consequences for anything. Even Levon is a cop out because no one is asking for financial support and he's already an adult now. Not that Bad Things have to happen to Hank, but one asks: What has this show been about? When it ends are any of the characters going to be different than they were when the show started? Another thing that's a problem with a lot of shows is that no one wants to make a good show. It either has to be The Best Thing Ever or About Real Things. Not every show is going to be great. Just statistically, it can't happen. But, because there are so many outlets for original content now, a ton more shows can be good, more than any time in tv. They could have made a good show here and they didn't.
  22. I think it's strictly from a pov of this is a very alpha character with a 'secret' in his past. Mad Men just ended and it's on the same network. People make snap judgments about everything all the time. It's human nature. I actually find the show thus far to be more co-lead by Gordon and Joe. They've shown in each episode that Joe clearly believes in Gordon's talent, so whatever Joe's plan he clearly can't accomplish them on his own. As much as I like Mad Men and all the characters, the strength of the show is when events flow through Don or in reaction to Don. It's almost the same thing as saying Anarchy is the same as the Shield because they're both on a network that branded themselves on shows about antiheros.
  23. I guess. But she didn't really have an answer for everyone in the laundry room when they told her to take a shower, and she's a total motormouth, so I'm surprised she didn't say anything. It didn't take up too much screen time, but it was weird. I get the whole mother figure, but I'm still not buying it. I do get that she's running the cigarette business and they are falling in line because they're making money, or stamps or whatever, so they want in and they stfu and do their jobs. Prior, however, even Taystee was rolling her eyes about how everything "back in my day" was. I'm not buying the violence threat as real though. I think a few of them could give her a beat down. I wouldn't put it past Vee to have a shiv hidden in her mattress. But if they all just cut her out, I don't see what she can do in response. She's got no other allies. Oh I don't think there's any doubt of that. I almost wanted Piper to smash Suz's face into her tray after throwing the pie. The PA-ing was getting overly much. I don't buy the firing either, especially since she had a higher shot quota than everyone else. That's a slam dunk grievance to file with the union. They should have just had her get fed up with Caputo or being berated by Fig and quit. IIRC from an EW article, I don't think they do. I think JK said it's year to year and she does was she can to work everyone in as best as possible. She was saying that a lot of the actors are in demand now because S1 was so successful. Which was part of her motivation for the ensemble cast.
  24. I found Donnie's wallet. It's the one that says "bad mother fucker" on it. Even though their plot was segregated, I think the show needed to deal with the dead body. Honestly, I hope they get away with it. And Donnie put the safety on because he learns from his mistakes. He said it like he knows that you're supposed to use oven mitts because things in the oven are really hot. Angie can be as pissed as she wants, but she's off the books on this one so I don't think she's in much of a position to threaten them. I was confused at what Rachel was doing until she got to the hospital as Sarah. When she told S to 'secure' the elevator. Well played show. I'm a little disappointed in Helena's plot. Not that it was all made up or all over the place, the plotting itself was fine. I just didn't find it that interesting. I'm assuming this is part of a larger season 3 picture, and that's fine. There just wasn't too much for her to do. Crazy Rachel is a dangerous Rachel. This was a good call because now I have no idea what the hell she's going to do. Honestly, they're going to have to kill her. It seems logical that it should be Paul to do it, but no one knows where the hell he is.
  25. One could shut the windows and lock the doors.
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