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Everything posted by ganesh

  1. We don't know really why the son died. Malcolm could have done something bad and got his kids cursed. Maybe he killed someone's kids over there.
  2. DRIVE. No shit. With Captain Mal, Invisigoth, and the H!ITG of the 2010s, Kevin Alejandro. This show should have been on FX. It's rogue element fits in with the Shield and Sons of Anarchy.
  3. I'm not surprised about Boo, nor was that made to be any great twist. I don't know where she goes from here though. I don't avail myself of media surrounding a show because I like to be unspoiled. (Aside, since I started doing this, I've enjoyed shows much more. I had no idea that LP was only appearing in limited episodes and I think I enjoyed the show more for that.) So, I don't know if they're being written out or not. They're kind of boring. Larry hasn't changed much and I don't know enough about the husband to care that she kicked him out. Though it was funny he was down for a threesome. Or a talking pillow. No, you could smother someone. Talking oatmeal. I do think he is trying though. I was impressed with Caputo v Fig. I don't really get why she thought the paper was so bad, unless it was that all the copies were costing money. I guess she doesn't need a reason, but she's being really harsh and I think it's going to come to a head. She had become something of a celeb. She mentioned lawyer fees too so she's either being sued and/or arrested. I could buy it too. So if she couldn't pay legal fees, they probably threw her in jail. Although I do think Vee is a coward and a bully, this is actually a smart thing to do in terms of crime boss. You don't get your hands dirty. That's why the mob boss is vacationing in Florida when a boss from a rival family gets gunned down in front of a deli in Queens. "I just was talking at lunch how I thought Poussey was being unreasonable about not wanting me to work at the library. It's not my fault if Suzanne beat her up later in the bathroom." And P ain't backing down. Now that I think about it though, Vee could try to pin the stabbing on her. In a way, they do kind of deserve one another. They're just not good people. And that's fine. Television is great because you can watch people that you'd stay away from irl. I actually am enjoying this season because A/P is more balanced with all the other characters and I liked how this season unfolded as a result. I don't need their story in every single episode, and just since E10 and E11, it's finally interesting. I wouldn't say I don't care about them because I do want to see how their story wraps up. But if it wrapped up at the end of S2 and the show moved on in the manner it did this season, I'd be totally fine with that. I don't consider Piper *the* main character, and I think the show can be compelling and interesting if the transfer to VA was permanent. I don't think it will, but I think JK has shown that the show can be successful long term with this ensemble cast.
  4. B5 is the outlier. It's very very rare for a tv show to have that level of plotting. In fact, I think the only example. However, especially in this age of rewatches and live tweeting and constant conversation, a show *must* have a bible. Even if it's episodic, there has to be a level on continuity. Breaking Bad didn't have B5 levels of planning, but TPTBs knew where they wanted to go and structured each season accordingly. Lost could have done something similar. The Mentalist most definitely should have. TPTBs fucked that show up royally and vomited up garbage. It's also easier to do this on cable because it seems like there is more creative control, lesser network interference, and lower demands on ratings. Since Lost, there were a flurry of "Next Lost" shows on broadcast networks (Journeyman, Flashforward, V, etc.,) that fell flat mostly because on the broadcast nets, those types of shows just aren't sustainable in that environment. So we get a bunch of shows with good potential, then they got axed. Looking currently, we have summer shows now too. So, a show like Falling Skies, not great, but good, sometimes fun, cheesy, has a place to thrive. Put that kind of show on ABC instead of TNT and it's DOA in S1.
  5. There's only been 3 episodes of Halt though. It's a little premature to render a verdict. There's bits here and there that I think are promising.
  6. Oh no, they'll have 80s music up the ass. I wish they would play some early Madonna, but I don't think Cameron listens to that.
  7. UK shows normally do this. I don't think they'll find Mina, but I think there will be closure.
  8. Joe offered her $20K and she told him to double it, then Gordon said his wife made 15. I don't know what they finally agreed on though.
  9. I think Journeyman did live up to its potential, but that no one watched it. I don't think this is a show that should have ran more than 4 seasons, if that. It was probably too serialized for a broadcast network, but the plot was coherent, and they did smart things. For example, he convinced the wife that he had traveled through time by like the second or third episode, rather than dragging it out unnecessarily. The $20 in the first episode payed off later in the season. TPTBs ended up making it a self contained season because of the cancellation, so it's enjoyable on a rewatch. I think this is a show that probably could have benefited from the current tv landscape. You don't want long seasons because it's serialized, so this could have been a good fit for netflix. I can't imagine it would be more expensive than House of Cards.
  10. I think anyone who has watched genre/niche shows knew right from the start that all of this wouldn't hold up. All of the non-genre veterans I talked to irl were convinced it would all add up and pored over all the details. After the show ended, TPTBs went on record in an EW article and actually said, 'we threw everything against the wall to see what would stick.' But this is a problem with the broadcast shows. They have to be dragged out as long as possible. This show should have had a fixed end date from the start. Not that literally every detail should have been planned, but there should have been some framework put in place that would hold up holistically over the life of the show. It's really not that hard to do. I don't know how unpopular this is, but I hate the "It's the journey" trope for a show, like Lost, where the plot is essentially fubar halfway through the run of the show. Yes, you have to have good characters to make a show interesting, but there has to be some sort of coherent plot. I also hated how at the end of Lost that there time on the island was "the best time of their lives." Really? How utterly depressing.
  11. I want them to bring back that pop singer, so Jeremiah realizes that he's actually attractive to other women and can have an adult relationship.
  12. I thought Gordon might have thought she'd be upset because they hired a woman maybe because she is qualified and would have liked a chance to apply. I'm crossing my fingers that Gordon firing the neighbor means that they hire Donna. The show made pretty clear that she knows her shit with the motherboard design, and if they intend to make the computer remotely portable that's the ideas they need.
  13. There's a thread for this show on here, so there might be more info.
  14. Whew. Relief doesn't cover it. That was a Big Deal. Good for her. I think dramatically from the tv pov, it's got to be Taystee. I do like that Red called her out on being a bully. Vee is about 99% bully and 1% criminal mastermind. I liked that Poussey was ready to stand up to her, but I knew she would get a beat down, since they showed Red getting a beat down in the flashback. I wanted P to just walk away I finally enjoyed Piper this episode. She figured it out I think 5 seconds after Polly sat down. And that was some good revenge. Piper certainly has a right to be pissed, but I do hope she can eventually move past it. This is the first time I've been interested in Piper and Alex this season. I don't really care who she ends up with, and I tend to lean on that she shouldn't end up with anyone, but it was good and interesting to me to confirm that Piper not this little naive waif whisked away into some lesbian xanadu. Two words: Tino. Honestly, she's really dumb. She pulled the "where I come from a man takes care of his kids". Well ok, but how does that help now? Isn't that what he's doing? By not going to jail? I would find it horribly perversely funny if he just quit and walked away. I'm surprised Pornstache didn't say that he wore a condom. Then again, he was *glad* so maybe he figured it broke or something. That does happen. It's kind of a shame the actor could only be available for the 2 episodes. He wrote 15 shots just in the morning! Yes, and he shouldn't have done that. I think the going to therapy and actually trying to do *something* with the counseling group is his way of making up for it. He also pushed Piper's furlough through as well. Not that it excuses him, but I don't know if he should be classified as a bad guy for the rest of his life either.
  15. The only thing with the messy kitchen vision was that Divya already destroyed his kitchen with her baker friend previously. So he's already processed the experience.
  16. I'm assuming Sir Malcolm is in the model of an Allan Quartermaine, so why not Nemo? Typically, a second season tends to broaden the scope and do some wider world building. So maybe they'll hook up with Nemo when they need a covert way to break in somewhere. I don't think we should see Sherlock, but I think it would be cool to have Mycroft involved in the same was as LOEG.
  17. I think we need the Cameron-focused episode to make her three dimensional finally. It seems she's homeless with no family, and doesn't know where she fits in. It's clear she's got valuable skills and I think she knows that. Maybe if Gordon hires his wife, she and Cameron might actually have something to talk about. That could be cool. It's not like Donna don't know her shit either.
  18. My point was, the demo for TDS knows that gay therapy isn't an actual thing, and to spend the entire segment on re-proving this missed the whole point of this Perry nonsense. Yes, take the 90 seconds to remind everyone that it's all BS, but the real story was that this was a premeditated scenario by Perry for certain political ends. So you could have double whammied on what a fraud Perry is.
  19. Yeah, but Mustang the second time around Ripped. Shit. Up.
  20. I'm dumbfounded by the paradox of this show. Hank and Jeremiah was a good scene and dare I say well-written. Everything with Jeremiah is pretty well done and interesting. He's not going to kick Divya out, that would clearly be OOC. Instead he's going to hang out at the bar to work. That's a good move that could open up interesting Jeremiah plots. I'm actually impressed he didn't faint dead away when the baby puked on him. And does anyone care? Did the show need this? I get that TPTBs want to do something different on a show and put new challenges out for the characters, and I don't want to see the same thing for 5+ years on a show either, but this was a poor choice. I said last season over at the other place that the episodes sometimes seem to have different writers. Because this was stupid and boring, but Jeremiah was interesting. I've said this before too. TPTBs need to look at the show they have and not the show they want. To be fair, credit is due: Hank flat out said that he's not interested in running the company. He never has been and it's long past time that this was shown on the show. The show is stronger when it's an ensemble and not Hank-focused, and they need to realize this. That was way way OOC especially for Paige. I thought Evan was going to pay for it as a gift to his new sister. And if it was Evan throwing his weight around like that Paige would have ripped him a new asshole in the public square. I don't know who wrote this part of the script, but I seriously question whether they know these characters. However, Evan And Paige Solving Mysteries should be done more. Did they really need counseling? They've been shown to be able to talk out their problems for the most part.
  21. I'd be onboard with this. I'm doubtful this is what TPTBs planned from the start, but it would smooth out the weirdness that we've all pointed out.
  22. This is exactly what it is mostly. Texas is making a big push to attract businesses from CA. Perry comes all the way to San Francisco to spout this nonsense, which I'm not exactly sure that he believes. It's for votes for one, but it's also to pander to the conservative parts of CA. "See, these wacky liberals! Come to TX and you can do what you want and make money without anyone telling you that it's not ok to like teh gheys." It seems pretty transparent, so I don't know why TDS would save it for later.
  23. It's only been the 3 episodes and I try not to jump the gun, but this is really an oversight on TPTBs. There are probably a handful of actors that you can hand a script to with like 4 lines of dialogue and minimal direction and they can bang out a compelling scene. I get what they were trying to do. Cameron's looking at what was her former life, thinking about her new life. She's worried they're going to drop her once she completes the BIOS, which is why I think she went to fuck Joe. But she needs to interact with everyone more. There's also the added difficulty of making the writing of code compelling. It's not even code that produces tangible output; she's not making ICBMs; it's the code that makes the computer go. Though I did love how excited she was to get a paycheck so she went to buy twinkies and soda. And her 1980s punk rock dancing in the hotel was *perfect*
  24. As good as it is for TDS to point out what BS [heh] the gay therapy is, this was a manufactured tactic. He knows damn well going to San Francisco and saying all this was going to drum up controversy. It's just a political tactic. Because now he can say the 'liberals always talk about tolerance but they aren't tolerant of people's views that aren't the same as their own.' Which is a total canard, but he's going to pull that out sometime in the future. That's what this whole thing was about. It should be made clear that this gay therapy has been scientifically discredited, and it's not even an issue anymore because there's consensus across the board on this, but that's not the whole story here. I'm surprised that TDS missed it.
  25. He also seems to have a nice house and likes to throw parties! So there's that.
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