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Everything posted by ganesh

  1. Missions? Thank you. Why the hell did they put together S1 like this though? Obviously, the spying stuff was the most interesting.
  2. Yeah, not *everybody* who isn't a manly macho man back then was due to unrevealed gayness, nor is it today. I was thinking, oh he's gay when he was squicked out by the kiss, but then I figured well, he could think of her really as a sister too, since they took enough time to show them family-like as kids. And during the seance there wasn't anything "he" said (as Vanessa) that tipped me off either.
  3. Oh yeah, and that they're so snide to him while they do it. I can't wait till everyone finds out that he fucked Dorian Grey.
  4. I thought Fig's husband was gay too. Glaringly, when they had that conversation. I was actually confused because I didn't think they were just dumping her on the street and let her go. I think it's important that Piper was there to see it since the journalist was around too. This is a slam dunk story. What are they going to do with Jimmy's records? Fake her death. I'm really enjoying the commerce going on now with the cigarettes and Red's Greenhouse of Snacks 'n' Things. I do wish they got to it sooner. I don't think Vee is as smart as she thinks she is either and I'm worried Taystee is going to get in a lot of trouble and maybe get set up to take the fall if something goes wrong. Damn, Black Cindy is a horrible person. The actor looked like she was positively gleeful playing those scenes and just ripping it up. I was worried that they were going to get into a car accident. Then I was yelling because Cindy left the car and took the keys. Let her at least listen to the radio! I assume she went in to find Cindy since they got home so late. The guy was uncomfortable for sure, but the whole montage was meant to be kind of cartoony and over the top at how awful Cindy was. It wasn't meant to be a reflection on reality. There's tons of cameras in the airport and if she was stealing that much she'd get caught (which maybe she actually does). Women can't pat down men and vice versa for that very reason. (Believe me, I've tried! *rimshot*). I mean, "we can't let you on the plane with these guns!" Ha ha ha ha. It sucks that there's a quota now because everyone's getting written up for stupid shit. Cindy did actually have 45 seconds and wasn't technically late and that's not fair she got delayed by the guard because she was the first person he saw. I'm really enjoying Red a lot more now. I think because we're seeing her build back up from the bottom, whereas last year she was already queen in the kitchen and had her scams going from episode 1. "I know what this is. I invented the yogurt thing." I love it. I was pleased to see Bennett grow some balls. I wasn't getting what Daya was bitching about more than she just was bitching. They were blackmailing him, and he did have to put a stop to it.
  5. I can't say that I'm really seeing "acting like Starbuck" any more than that both characters are women in male dominated fields so they tend to 'man it up.' As far as looking the same, Cameron's look is pretty real for a girl in 1983. I honestly didn't even think of Starbuck. I was more like, "come on, don't just write her as typical hacker chick, do something more." Maybe Cameron is the prototype that the angel based Starbuck on?! Everything has happened before, no? They're writing Cameron fairly one-note so far, but after 2 episodes I'm hoping that will change. I assume there will the the typical character-centered episode for her fairly soon since Gordon and Joe have been featured so much.
  6. Oh she is? I thought she was like 30 on the show.
  7. Oh, I totally would buy that she went trolling and then got in over her head because she went to the wrong bar in the wrong neighborhood, and, uh, drunk people? The incredulity of the panel on TDS to simple questions like, "Do you get that some people might not like it?" was either totally faked, and if not, then they're too stupid to be trusted with technology.
  8. I know. I didn't want to get into all the details. My point was, don't beat her up and rip the glasses off her face. Just tell the bartender or manager to deal with it. They can ask her to remove them or kick her out.
  9. Didn't that happen in one of the shootings last week? In Las Vegas? When the shooters ran into the Walmart, there was a guy with a concealed weapon who tried to shoot them and he got killed.
  10. That's great that Karen just lied to Hank about having sex with Nero for all this time, while Hank has to be raked over the coals for being truthful even though Karen doesn't believe him. What's with Levon's hooker addiction? Can't he just look at porn and jerk off? And the previews of course look like everything is Hank's fault again.
  11. What was this garbage? What I saw, and I don't think I'm alone was (again) that nothing Hank is going to do will every be good enough for Karen. He's busy because his movie was in production, so unless he can devote 110% of his time to doing exactly whatever Karen wants, she complains about it. TPTB (and this is true on many shows) really need to step back sometimes and think about the show that they have. They may want to the show to be about something, but when you look at the whole thing, it's really not. I find it hard pressed to take anything away from this show but that Hank isn't nearly as much of an 'asshole' as they keep *telling* me, because from what I've *seen* that's not the case. It was like this with Big Love. TPTB screamed to the sky that Bill was 'heroic' and 'principled'. When in fact on the show he was a total misogynist who preyed upon underaged women. I also don't like that Hank is being so judgmental of Marcy and Runkle's sex life. He offered his opinion because it was asked, but I just found him to be derisive. And, of course, Karen is the only person who can get into a serious accident and still bitch at Hank from her hospital bed.
  12. ^ Yeah, I think a huge part of this is 'look at me! I have teh glasses on! You don't, lol.' It's just all the people in the room with JJ being like, "what? I'm just wearin' mah glasses. You don't have to hate on me." Let me wear my glasses that most people don't like around a bunch of drunk people. What could possibly go wrong?
  13. A woman was assaulted in the SF Mission for wearing the glasses, and that's not right. However, if I'm a patron in a bar or wherever, it's perfectly reasonable to ask management to tell whomever to remove their glasses. If I owned a place, I'd probably just put up a sign to let everyone know they can't wear them. But this group of people have to be ridiculously stupid if they really don't understand why people are going to be opposed to this. If you are that stupid and are that blind to your surroundings that you don't know why it might not be a good idea to wear your glasses, than you probably aren't responsible enough to have them. The reasons were just idiotic. So you don't have to take your phone out of your pocket? I'm sure there are some legit reasons for having them, but because it's easier than taking your phone out of your pocket is flat out stupid. I'm extremely doubtful, that "everyone is going to be wearing them in a year" simply given that they cost $1000+. Who exactly is everyone that can afford that? Especially when the recent release of the Galaxy phone just flew off the shelves. I liked the piece because JJ was like, "seriously, you guys?" And they were actually that tone-deaf as to why this would be a problem.
  14. They need this to be a summer show if it is renewed. Going against Game of Thrones is ludicrous. Unless they do some ad campaign like, watch Game of Thrones and record Turn, then watch the real game against the throne!
  15. The potus by definition of the constitution isn't impotent at all. There's 1000 things that need to be done *right now* so there's a lot of difficulty figuring out what exactly needs to be prioritized, but I'm not interested in seeing Selina call in a bombing strike and having to deal with making that decision. The VP, however, has only one defined job and it doesn't actually come up that much. The humor in the show is that Selina actually seems like a decent politician but just can't do anything because she's VP. Congress doesn't give a shit about her programs, and why should they? What's she going to do? I can suspend my disbelief for the show that potus resigned, but it is absurd. The only time a president resigned was when they were actually going to be impeached *and* convicted for actual criminal activity. Even Clinton didn't resign when he was impeached because he knew the senate would never convict. Also because no one wanted to really put blow jobs on trial.
  16. I'm glad they finally revealed Vee's 'plan', but I think they six episodes was too long. I was getting bored and she was coming off as one-note. I'm glad to finally see some background with Poussey. This season has been great with getting into everyone's stories. They bore me too because they're both kind of dumb, but now Bennett is getting the screws put to him, so I'm interested in how he's going to deal with it. Also, "I'd like a phone with a camera." ha ha ha. "We're wasting the best years or our lives in here." This cracked me up because it's not like they were talking about being trapped in a crappy town working a shit job. You're in jail! It's not like you don't belong there! I don't miss this one bit. I'm way more interested in everyone else, and how Piper is going to work this investigation. The band was a great side plot, and that was a good song! I felt bad for Caputo because you know you got no shot if the girl you invited out brings everyone from work. Though I don't know why she was flirting with the electrician guy. He's a moron. It would have been cheesy on another show, but that was a great moment because, as others have said, Poussey seems to have a good relationship with the dad, so I wonder what the hell happened. He didn't really know what to do when he was with Piper. I'm actually interested where this plot is going because Polly wasn't pulling away from him and getting all freaked out. The simplest or most direct answer is probably correct. If she was involved with criminals or a gang as a result of going to jail she probably hid her education to fit in. This would include talking like everyone else. And certainly in jail she's going to hide that because she'd be sure to get beat up.
  17. This was a little more humorous than the prior episodes, with the 'game'. I find Healy's life sad, but I laugh at it. I don't mind some of the personal lives of the guards. I also liked the back and forth with Piper and Red about Clive Owen in Croupier. I loved that movie. "Behind every man is a cunt-faced witch." Ha ha ha ha ha. I so hope Fig gets busted. I was surprised that Gloria was such a door mat. These flashbacks have been the best part of the current season. With not having Piper front and center a close second. I'm pretty over Vee. She manipulative!!! Look at her manipulating!!! oooooooh! To what end? Because she can and she gets off on it? Yawn. Bad people are in jail. Alert the media. I hope they unfold this a little more soon because it's getting trying. I'm more interested in Red fixing up the greenhouse and getting her groove back.
  18. I am so pissed. This show is half cliche as it is. The least they could have done is rip the cover off the pregnancy. I wanted Jill! I really did see much of this. Evan was pissed off that Hank just up and left with Boris. I thought it was kind of selfish of Hank, but I think he's generally an asshole most of the time. I don't really need to like a character to enjoy a show, but the show's been pretty consistent with Hank being inconsiderate and mostly just interested in treating the case of the week. I don't think Hank realizes how much Evan identifies HankMed as *them*, given how the show started. This wasn't nearly the level of Evan buffonery from last season. In the flashback, they had a problem and instead of the usual Evan whining, they compromised. I thought it was reasonable and an example of putting the business first. This is just stupid and I do not give a fuck. Long lost daughter? Because why? I hate that I know this, but they have an actual lease. Boris did try to kick them out once because he was pissed off at Hank, but they made up and Hank insisted that they draw up a lease. So there's something legal in place now and he can't just go and do that. This is big thing of mine: TPTBs on any show, "knowing the show they have." Is it really necessary that Hank be the main character? I don't think show. Was it necessary in S1? Yes. A long running show tends to evolve and there's no reason to stick to what worked in S1. The show is more about running this specialty medical service for quirky rich people now. What's wrong with that. Evan, Paige, Sacani, and Divya have good chemistry. Hank has always been written as self-centered. He's only been into his cases and never wanted to be involved with the business side of HankMed. There's been plenty of times when Evan was begging Hank to promote HankMed, and Hank used to tool on Evan going to fancy parties to recruit clients for retainer; i.e., his actual job as CFO of HankMed. I think TPTB really missed the mark to evolve the show. The first flashback was interesting. How was Sacani doing running HankMed? How were Evan and Paige working on their marriage? How was Divya dealing with that she's about to become a single mother? These are all interesting enough questions to watch on the show without having Hank Doing Sooper Doctor Things front and center. They create this interesting character in Sacani, and develop what could have been a cliche ridden relationship with him and Divya, but we barely see any of this.
  19. Oh, right. I forgot. Good call. So, we was way out of sight, and they could just make up some story.
  20. Schumer made a good point about bringing up legislation. It's not really a big deal that either party has different ideas on how to get things done, but you have republicans voting down the current version of the student loan bill, and when they're asked what they think would be a good solution to the problem, you get nothing. Every issue is like that. I would think no one would want to be painted as being against young people who just got out of college. It's not like student loan debt is controversial, no one is denying it exists. This seems like an easy 'win'. "Hey look, we all passed a bipartisan bill for student debt so it's less of a burden on young people just getting on their feet after college. Not bad, huh? See, we don't suck." I'm wondering if TDS is going to tackle Perry's new comments on how homosexuality is like alcoholism tonight.
  21. That's what I figured. Plus, wasn't he a "captain?" He could have asked for a post far away to get out of sight out of mind too.
  22. Who would want more computing power? Sales data for large corporations, for one. Scientific computing. So basically take anything in science that uses equations. All the national labs would want them. What would regular people want them for? Word processing? Games. Spreadsheets and charts for use in typical offices. As for exactly how fast, how fast is my phone? I don't know, but I plan to buy the Galaxy 5 when I have enough money and I know it's faster because I read the reviews. It's not important to me how much faster. Fast enough that I can watch/listen to streaming media. Cost? Who doesn't want something that's a better product and costs less? Joe wants wants the cost to be low enough so 'regular' people can buy them rather than just big firms. Not that those aren't important questions, but I don't think the show needs to stop to point out all the reasons why people might want a faster/cheaper computer given how ubiquitous technology pervades our lives. It certainly fit the flavor of it. I think it was a good choice. It seems like the show is going to kind of pound away with the pacing, and that's kind of an 80s feel. I tend to cut a show slack on a pilot episode that's exposition-heavy in terms of talking, but you can give exposition by showing too, and I think that's what they did in this episode. I think they did a good job with Gordon on the white board: She wrote the BIOS and it looks like it's actually faster. They could have written hieroglyphics on the board for all I care, those two lines were enough. There's the bit with Gordon talking about crystals, etc., but he was already shown to have build a computer, so he's talking there about things he can do to the actual hardware design. That's good enough for me. I'm always less is more with the exposition, but I get that you don't want to lose the audience. With a show like this, where people aren't familiar with BIOS, etc., I think they're going in the right direction with just "2X fast 1/2 cost", or Joe proposing the computers be portable. I think those are things that people get right off the bat. Cameron does code, Gordon and his wife know how to actually build a computer. We saw Gordon be able to take apart the Speak and Spell and then re code it to say the daughter's name. That's a good way to show what he can do without exactly having to sit and explain it.
  23. Eh. I don't have much to give for the redcoats. They're living in other people's houses and expect to be fed and have their clothes washed. They took over the church and they ripped out the gravestones for a mindfuck when perfectly good stone was lying around in the woods.
  24. I think it's both. The actor is doing ok, but the writing isn't doing her any favors. Plus, she was isolated for most of the episode so it's hard to actually 'do acting' by writing meaningfully on a whiteboard. She isn't as tough as she thinks she is, but being in programming, it was all men back then and still mostly men now, so I think she kind of feels a need to through her dick on the table, so to speak. Being into punk and having a short hair cut doesn't seem cliche to me because that was some people's style in the 80s. I'm of the mind that she's homeless too. I don't really have a problem with the level of technical exposition. Really, Cameron explained BIOS quickly early on, and that was the current goal: replicate the IBM BIOS that Gordon did in E1 without violating the copyright. As for twice as fast, half the price; it's a fast computer that can crunch numbers faster than IBM and cost less than IBM. That's the gist and there really isn't much more to know. All the technobabble Cameron was spouting was to screw with Joe, but it wasn't necessary to know any of it. I said in E1 that I do think Joe's belief in Gordon's abilities are genuine. Now, who is Joe to decide for Gordon what Gordon should do with his life, but Joe was kind of right. Gordon did confess to his wife that he was unfulfilled. I thought they were going to drag out the zomg Cameron is a girl and I'm pissed between Gordon and his wife, but it was resolved quickly. I think she was actually amused by it all. I don't want this show to have marriage drama. This was a big deal in the 80s. Corporate raiders were all the rage for a time. So this wasn't unexpected for me. I'm surprised Joe didn't forsee this. I'm assuming Joe tearing up the scenery is a deliberate acting/directing choice because I'm feeling that Joe isn't nearly as put together as he's letting on, and I assume it's tied into his leaving IBM. And that's fine. It doesn't mean his idea to clone the PC isn't a good one (as we know with hindsight). I assume he'll tone it as the show unfolds and he's developed more. I don't mind the show being what it is. So far, I'm entertained. Not everything can be Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Game of Thrones. This is a good idea for a summer show. I usually give a show 5 episodes and take it overall before I drop it/stick with it.
  25. There's apparently a bill in the House to deal with the VA mess as well. I don't know if either version has been passed yet.
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