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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. Yeah. Keri (with 1 R, I think like the Keri dry skin lotion/shampoo, not 2) & Matthew have been a couple since the hiatus (vacation) between S2 &S3. I think Keri & her husband/the father of her/their kids split & got a divorce, which is apparently already final & legal, sometime in S2... Maybe about midseason. As far as I know, Keri & Matthew are still an offscreen couple too, but I haven't seen pics of them at anything which would confirm/deny that in a few weeks/months. Not since they attended a party thrown in LA by FX networks during the Television Critics Association Winter Meeting/Press Tour; that was either late last year (2014) or early this year (2015). As I remember, it kinda dovetailed into the holidays; I think it was after them, sort of early this year. Honestly, though, if you hadn't seen a pic of them looking like a couple while doing offscreen things, in a celebrity magazine or a tabloid, you probably wouldn't know they were a couple on both sides of the camera. I don't think they're volunteering that info in interviews (I keep missing Keri's interviews, so I don't know if she is or isn't talking about it; I've seen at least a couple of Matthew's interviews, & I can say for sure he's not volunteering the info, at least not in the interviews I've seen). And the interviewers aren't asking them--either because they don't know to (or that they can) or because they've been told, flat out, they're in a relationship offscreen but it's not a subject they're discussing in interviews.
  2. "Clark" told Martha & her family he'd take the paperwork on the marriage & file it personally, or mail it personally so it could be filed, as soon as the ceremony was over. It was actually written into the ep. He realized he had to take care of it, & not let Martha or 1 of her family do it--no matter how well-meaning they may be--when Elizabeth pointed out Martha may find out about Philip & Elizabeth, & realize either he's a bigamist or the P&E marriage isn't anymore legal than the "C"&M marriage, & they can't afford (or couldn't afford, at the time) for her to find out about them if she/her side of the family files the papers either in person or by mail. Martha & her family got all "Well, if you're sure it's no trouble for you..." with "Clark" as he was quickly gathering the papers so they couldn't back out on him, stuffed the envelope/papers in his inside jacket pocket, & that was the last anyone ever saw of them. He never filed the papers, in person or via mail.
  3. SOURCE: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=42230
  4. When Giada & her husband split in December, the press tried to say it was 'cause she'd been having an affair with Bobby. Those claims were subsequently denied.
  5. If you mean Elizabeth's Russian name, it's Nadezhda (Na-d-ezh-da). I think it's pretty straightforward to spell, but that may just be me.
  6. As someone on my Twitter feed pointed out a few hours ago, it's not just H50 which hasn't been renewed yet. *None* of the "veteran" dramas on CBS's schedule (those with more than their 1st, or maybe 2nd, season under their belt--Blue Bloods, Elementary, etc.--at least 90-95% of CBS's drama programming) have been renewed yet. Although I don't think CSI: Cyber's fate, or the fate of 1-2 other freshman dramas on CBS's schedule have been decided either (Scorpion, Madam Secretary, & NCIS: New Orleans--all 1st season dramas on CBS's schedule--were renewed earlier this year for the 2015-16 TV Season).
  7. I can't remember which guy said it--August or Joseph--but 1 of 'em claimed Robert was, basically, on his case (not the words used, but the same idea) for something he did/didn't do in the kitchen. I didn't think that at all. I've seen Robert when he was "on someone's case" about preparation, or whatever, in a kitchen (in other shows Robert's done); in no way was he on the guy involved about whatever it was. They wanted us to think that, but he was actually not yelling & very restrained compared to other ways he's been in the kitchen (if Irvine's pissed about something in the kitchen, he's like Chef Gordon Ramsay... You know he's pissed off & there's no mistaking it).
  8. I doubt Alex wants to move back to the Mainland (at least maybe not as desperately as some of the others in the cast). His wife Malia, whom he just married last April (I think their 1st anniversary is either April 16th or 18th, or somewhere in that neighborhood), has family, her swimwear design/modeling/surfing career, & other roots set down there, & their son, Lion, (who, I think, turns 3 in October) was also born in Honolulu. And the 3 sons they have between them (his, hers, & theirs) are in anywhere from Preschool/Early Elementary School to High School age in Honolulu; Alex's eldest son (from a previous relationship) attends High School level classes at a Private School in Honolulu. So, even if he might be itching to move on from the show, I think Alex will probably be staying in Honolulu for the foreseeable future once his commitment to the show is over.
  9. We've met Mrs. Grover before last night. She was in the S4 ep (the season finale?) where the Grovers' daughter, Samantha, was kidnapped by Nick Jonas' computer hacker character, Ian Wright. But, as I remember, she was in that ep much more briefly than in this week's ep; her 1st ep was almost more like a cameo appearance than a substantial part.
  10. Paige is actually 15, not 14. They were celebrating her 15th birthday the night her Pastor & his wife came over & Paige & the Pastor, pretty much, ambushed Philip & Elizabeth with the news Paige was planning to be baptized in the church.
  11. SOURCE: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=42157
  12. TVLine.com interviews Chi about tomorrow night's episode: http://tvline.com/2015/04/02/hawaii-five-0-season-5-preview-chi-mcbride-grover/
  13. In 1 of the episodes--I think the 1 having to do with the murder of the Jewish teacher (or another similarly themed episode about a "hate crime"/discriminatory-type killing)--Lennie's questioned on the stand, by the defense attorney. The defense attorney's not exactly "friendly" to those who, basically, aren't WASPs & has started this weird line of questioning/theory of the crime, that all the Jews involved in the case--among which he's, initially, including Lennie--have conspired against his client(s) to "rig" the case so they lose. And he asks Lennie about whether or not he's Jewish (which is presumed due to his name, Leonard ["Lennie"] Briscoe). Lennie says (paraphrasing) "My Father was, my Mother isn't, I was raised Catholic". Which would be true, as far as I know, if Lennie were Jewish on his Father's side & another religion on his Mother's side--he would be raised in his Mother's religion, if he followed any religion growing up, because Judaism is "matrilineal" (sp?). He wouldn't be Jewish unless his Mother was; he would follow her religion growing up. Then, last night, 1 of WE's "binge-a-thon" eps was the 1 where Lennie's daughter, Kathy, was buried after being murdered for testifying against a drug dealer/drug runner she had apparently been a customer of/dealer for at 1 time. We see the end of her service in a scene (where, I think, Lennie's debating hiring a hit man to "deal with" Kathy's killer). It appears a Rabbi's finishing Jewish prayers as Lennie goes to meet with the guy who offered to help him set up the hit if he wanted it. I'm probably answering my own question here but, since we know Lennie's supposed to be Catholic, I guess we're to assume Kathy's Mother was Jewish or else Kathy converted to Judaism/otherwise chose to follow the faith at some later point in her life? I don't think the writers/showrunners would've forgotten they'd said Lennie was Catholic, necessarily, or that you're not normally Jewish from your Father's side of the family.
  14. Televangelist Robert Schuller, Founder of the (former) Crystal Cathedral "megachurch" & (former) "Host" of The Hour of Power, died today at age 88. The cause of death was apparently Cancer. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/robert-schuller-fatherly-preacher-positive-self-help-dies-88-n334341
  15. No, I think it's being a little weird too. And I've probably already corrected what you were gonna say. I realized my memory lapse as I read further down the thread from the post I was responding to. No harm, no foul.
  16. It was Mr. Rogers, not Roberts. You actually typoed the title of a Jack Lemmon movie instead. OK, it was actually a character *based* on Mr. Rogers. Eddie Murphy's version was called Mr. Robinson, from Mister Robinson's Neighborhood (I think).
  17. Post-Mortem on this ep/interview about it with Holly Taylor from TVLine.com: http://tvline.com/2015/04/01/the-americans-paige-learns-truth-season-3-spoilers/
  18. Way late, but Rod Taylor also played the recurring role of Gordon Cahill, recovering alcoholic & formerly estranged lawyer father of Sheree J. Wilson's character, Assistant DA Alexandra ("Alex") Cahill (eventually Cahill-Walker), on a few episodes of the Chuck Norris CBS series Walker Texas Ranger.
  19. You beat me to it! I just came over to post the same thing. I'm not entirely positive, but I think the 2 hours is actually 2 *separate* episodes (which would be 524 & 525) airing back-to-back, not a single 2-hour episode. That's what I've heard anyway. And I hope it is 2 separate eps instead of 1 expanded ep; with my Internet connection, it'll be easier to get 2 separate eps downloaded from iTunes than 1 expanded ep. Also, Peter Lenkov allegedly ended the Finale with a cliffhanger. So I really hope we get our S6 renewal (even if they preface the renewal with the caveat S6 is the last season) & the cliffhanger doesn't leave us hanging permanently, like the cliffhanger did in what proved to be the Series Finale of Papa Caan's show, Las Vegas (which he'd left, & been replaced in by Tom Selleck, by the time it got cancelled). They did a cliffhanger in which Molly Sims' character (Papa Caan's daughter in the show) went into premature labor/pregnancy complications with her & Josh Duhamel's character's baby, during a double wedding involving them & another couple on the show. The producers expected the show would be back the following season & the cliffhanger would be resolved. Then NBC unexpectedly pulled the plug on the show & left everyone hanging on the outcome of the cliffhanger. Supposedly CBS said they're not announcing H50's fate until the Upfronts this May. I think CBS' Upfront is on something like May 13th. But, some fans have recently been Tweeting Peter Lenkov that they're concerned about whether there'll be an S6 or not. He told them not to worry. And then there's the thing of CBS & NBC apparently had to do some kind of negotiating for Masi Oka to be able to reprise his role as Hiro in Heroes Reborn & do H50 at the same time. Masi even thanked his bosses at both networks/both shows for working it out so he could do both at the same time, when he Tweeted about reprising his Heroes role. So I'm taking that as another good sign about the renewal chances. If H50 filming wasn't gonna conflict with Heroes Reborn filming at some point (other than apparently now, when they're doing some sort of work on it & H50 is still completing their S5 Finale--there was a cast pic taken & Tweeted/posted online yesterday & it was stated that Masi wasn't in it 'cause he was in Hawaii working on the H50 S5 Finale), since Heroes Reborn is a multi-episode storyline, why would CBS & NBC have to negotiate about Masi's availability? If H50 got cancelled, Masi would be free & clear to do Heroes Reborn.
  20. The late Jim Davis was Jock Ewing on the CBS version of Dallas, not James Best (I think he was on The Dukes of Hazzard). Not for nothing, but the late Don Galloway (sadly, he died from complications of a stroke on January 8, 2009, after he'd retired--pretty much, at least--from acting) was actually a personal friend of mine & my family's for a number of years, about 10-11 actually, in the mid 70s-mid 80s. He kept in touch with us until around the time of his 2nd marriage & retirement from acting. Cool Fact: He & my Dad had the same birthday (July 27th), but my Dad's 2 years older, based on the birth year that was always used in Don's professional biographical info. He was a beyond super nice man who was very kind to my entire family, but to me in particular (& he went WAY above & beyond what friends would do for each other, for me, a number of times in the years my family & I were close to him). I still miss him, especially on his & my Dad's shared birthday, & will always think of him extremely fondly. I also meant to say, they very likely moved the setting of most of the "reunion" TV movies to Colorado (& I think I remember reading at least the 1st 1, if not the others which were done before Colorado became the setting, was actually filmed in Toronto) because the production company, etc., could get better tax breaks/a better financial deal by not filming in LA. They filmed the Ironside reunion movie--mentioned 'cause you mentioned Don Galloway--in Denver, instead of LA or San Francisco for the same reason. Since your name's GHScorpiosRule, do you remember when Don Galloway played Dr. Buzz Stryker on GH? I still knew him then, & loved he was on GH 'cause it was my favorite daytime drama.
  21. I'm with you on them not announcing the couples/dances at the beginning of their dance anymore. I don't usually look at whatever sites/social media feeds announce the dances & the songs being danced to before the show, & I can't position myself to actually *see* my TV (& the little thing they now supposedly put onscreen saying what dance the couple's doing) any longer, thanks to a recent medical/pain issue that I'm dealing with on the side I'd have to lie on to see my TV. So I miss hearing the British voice saying, like, "Dancing the Samba... Tony Dovolani and Suzanne Somers!" before the music starts. Plus, I thought the before dance intros were kinda "classy", but still in the cheesy way that befits the show.
  22. I have no idea how many similar shows the critics are keeping alive, or if they're half as good as The Americans. But I'd bet all of them (or mostly all) are on Cable networks, as opposed to Non-Cable networks. Cable has a better track record than Non-Cable TV when it comes to keeping "low-rated, critically-acclaimed 'gems'" alive.
  23. Right. I get it. You say it's not a "depth" kind of song, I say "fluffy" to mean the same thing. It's the writers' (which includes Barry--he did the music) take on a 1940s, Carmen Miranda-style, movie musical... So, no, it's not gonna have a lot of depth to it (but it does bring the Latin setting). And I get Carrie Ann was using it to take a swipe at Tony (which is also the hero's name in the song, & my Dad's name... not for nothing). However, she's seen at least 2 other performances of it on the show, & probably heard it innumerable times outside the show; maybe even danced to it herself, in a professional or non-professional context. So, whatever... I still don't get the "bad blood" between Carrie Ann & Tony (but I don't need it explained again, either) & I guess I wish they could just be professional when they have to work together, & not snipe at each other until they're offstage, off-camera, etc. I doubt they'd dance to Manilow 2 weeks in a row (& maybe they can't 'cause I think Disney Night is either next week or the week after, there's no Manilow appropriate for that), but if Suzanne wants to dance to his music again (if she doesn't get cut next Monday), Barry's got at least a few album cuts that are more "dramatic" than Copacabana "fun"; she can probably find them, if motivated enough & Tony's on board/they can get the song(s) cleared for airing, & I'd bet she knows his discography about as well as I do (or at least did). sinkwriter: Yeah, it would've been nice if they'd at least used his recording to dance to (since they used the Bublé the other week for Kym & Robert, & I thought they actually said they would start using "original artist" recordings, along with the Ray Chew Live band's vocals & instrumentals, to dance to a season or 2 ago). You'd think the show would have it cleared, since Barry's personally sung it on there at least once & at least 1 other couple (Louis & Margaret Cho) already danced to it. It would've been nice if he could've sung it live too, or at least been in the "ballroom" audience to support Suzanne (like both of Rumer's parents, her Dad's current wife, & her sisters were at the 1st show) but he's currently on what's being billed as his last "big" (meaning "long") concert tour, & he was doing a "makeup" date in Cleveland Monday night. They had to postpone the original Cleveland date, & 2 other shows that were all in the same few days, from late February or early March, when he apparently got a respiratory infection & couldn't perform. Barry's tour runs through his birthday in mid-June (& obviously this DWTS cycle ends before that). And Suzanne's new Vegas show is supposed to open May 23rd (whether this DWTS cycle ends, & she is/isn't still in the show, by then or not). If Suzanne doesn't get cut too soon, & he can be in LA without other obligations on a Monday night before she does, I'm still hoping he'll make it into the audience to watch her (Like I said, Rumer's megastar parents weren't too "big" to be there, with her Dad's current wife & her sisters; also Cher wasn't too "big" to be there at least 1 week when her son Chaz was on the show, & other "big" celebs have sat in the audience to watch family, friends, or other loved ones, so I'm hoping it works out for Manilow to support his friend too).
  24. President Obama issued 22 commutations of sentence today. At least some parts of the letter he sent to the recipients (which I think/hope you can click on to enlarge so you can read it, once you click on the link to the pic that's in the Tweet) reminded me of things Jed said to the recipients of his pardons in The Benign Prerogative (even though commutations & pardons aren't the same thing). https://twitter.com/whitehouse/status/582990524358918144
  25. Here's the link to the renewal announcement from Michael Ausiello's TVLine.com site, even though it probably says the same things as the announcement the site put up: http://tvline.com/2015/03/31/the-americans-season-4-renewal-fx/ Here's the link to the announcement from Variety. It includes comments from the Exec Producers which I don't think were in the TVLine version, so I'm adding it: http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/the-americans-season-4-renewal-fx-1201463530/ I'm also adding the link to the announcement from The Hollywood Reporter because it discusses how the ratings have stacked up this season, I think in comparison to last season & S1: http://m.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/americans-renewed-fourth-season-785558 Just for the heck of it (& because I'm a "completist"), here's the link to TVGuide's announcement, which doesn't say anything different than the original 1 I posted from TVLine: http://www.tvguide.com/news/fx-renews-americans-for-season-4/ The link to the announcement from Entertainment Weekly (EW.com), which I'm adding because the photo's different & it talks about the ratings again: http://www.ew.com/article/2015/03/31/americans-renewed-season-4?hootPostID=03b374535b89a48d0f917ffd7c7464f1 And count me in on all the woo-hoo's & happiness on S4! Even if we don't get to see it until next year. Now if the CBS execs would just get off their collective ass already & announce Hawaii Five-0 has a 6th season (even if they also announce it'll be their last), I'll be really happy. Just saying.
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