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Everything posted by QuinnM

  1. Did you know that there is a real competition for designers? Until I saw The Fashion Fund on Ovation last year I didn't either. Alexander Wang was one of the past winners. Anna Wintour is one of the judges. So this is as they proclaim, the real deal. It starts Nov 9th. I'm so excited. www.monstersandcritics.com/anna-wintour-and-diane-von-furstenberg-are-back-in-ovations-the-fashion-fund-videos/
  2. It means attractive, virile young. It is not the kind of thing a step mother should say. It kinda means prime beef.
  3. I can't say what was in her husbands mind but discussing her stepson's sexual prowess, calling him a spunk in the episode after the flirty dress shopping trip with said son that culminated in bra dance - all the while being filmed. Yeah you'd have to be a real Puritan to have a problem with that.
  4. The gossip from Australia was: The email. The producers did indeed fail to get any release document from Gina's partner. They had no legal recourse if he decided to come after them. They thought if they didn't use his name that they would be covered. What they didn't plan on was him taking up residence in the US. Suddenly they had two different sets of legal mumbo jumbo to contend with. They just shut it down. Andrea was livid since this was the story line that she and Lydia had decided to run with and without producer approval they weren't allowed to go ahead with it. They knew the cunt thing would play lame in Australia since no one cares about that word there. It did play better here in the US. Lydia the ho. Lydia's husband was not at all happy with the sex talk. There were rumors that he wasn't going to allow his children from his first marriage in the next season and that Lydia would have guidelines. I think this came from her talking about her stepsons having sex on the couch and dancing around in front of the one son in her bra. Those rumors were already out there before the reunion which is why Gina went for that hot button with Lydia.
  5. I was on the same boat so I put it into my tivo. Today it showed up. It will be rebroadcast Sunday, Oct 12th at 3PM CST.
  6. I actually started laughing all by myself in the kitchen. Of course Andrea brought a list. We're just lucking if wasn't a spreadsheet with levels of apology cross indexed.
  7. Interesting slant on the reunion. I agree that Gina did herself no favors. I don't blame her for being defensive but it might not have been the best tactic. The clips they chose for the women were interesting. I really wanted to see a montage of everyone telling Andrea she was wrong, wrong, wrong about her book. Speaking of Andrea, she is delusional. The Facebook and twitter that went on before the US airing was 100% against her. It was more mixed once the US saw the series but in no way did she come off as anything but hated by the majority of online folks. And I'm not talking about a small vocal (and insipid) set of 6 people with 60 sock puppets. There are a lot of folks just telling her to clean up her act. Andrea was not upset about begin sued. She was upset about Gina dictating what she could or could not talk about. That was obvious. Now if Gina's partner did not sign disclosure then he's correct in dictating that he is not part of the storyline. At least in the US it is. Obviously the producers honored the request. Too bad Andrea didn't insist no one talk about her book because then it might have sold a couple copies. Again, best dressed was Chyka. And speaking of her she was staring at Andrea like she was a fool but the moderator choose instead to call out Gina. So I guess that is the storyline. Unfortunately they pushed Andrea too hard and she's gone. But I have hope that Lydia stays as stupid as she is now and Jackie stays as rock star wifey as she is now and Janet has a couple more procedures to scrape off a year or too. AND check out Gina. That was a less severe make up application. Luckily she is still loving the spray tan.
  8. There is a mystery here. Did Victor know that he would be directing a movie? Did they send Ahnna in as the decoy knowing she would have a better chance of getting the position? She grew up in Hollidaysberg etc. Does Ahnna realize she is speaking in the submissive voice here? Both the hubs and the broinlaw have more voice in the process than she has. Or better yet, has Ahnna spent all this time in her relationship thinking it was equal voice and she will look at this footage and be shocked? Or is Ahnna so delusional that she can watch this and think she is in charge? I hope we see the answer to all this at some point or I will be very disappointed. She's already admitted that they don't see the original writer in what they are filming. She referred to the script as something the three of them wrote.
  9. Looks like Not Cool is the runaway winner. http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-09-30/shane-dawsons-not-cool-might-just-be-the-worst-movie-ever
  10. She was featured on a Where Are They Now. She continues to be fabulous. The kitchen was killer good and HUGE. Marble and butlers pantry with an ice maker type kitchen. Miles of marble. Her family was there for a big dinner. Although you know it was for the camera, all the folks in the kitchen and putting food on the table were doing it like it was something they had done a million times before. She is renting the duplex out. She also found a back staircase. She basically came home from shift one night and after hearing rumors of a back staircase knocked out a wall in the back of a closet and found it. It was beautiful woodwork. Her next project is restoring the wraparound porch that she saw featured in an old photo. love her
  11. I know some kids that went to Waldorf. It is a unique experience. Sandra Bulock also went to Waldorf as well.
  12. I noticed on RottenTomatoes that both movies are trending over 80% in 'want to see'. So what is that telling us? One is getting much better critical buzz. But maybe Shane is right. There is a large audience out there that want to see what he does. Let's face it there aren't many critic under the age of 17. You see this sometimes with chick flicks. The male critics are just out of touch with what women pay to see in a theater. Can't wait to see how it all filters out.
  13. Jackie - Again did she miss the irony of her remark on Gina's soap? "Who does she think she is Kim Kardasian?" Extra points to Ben for calling out her tacky behavior with the $40K necklace. Janet - Major kudzoo for admitting that she amped up Gina's remarks in order to hurt Lydia. Andrea - So her husband made her quit the show? Because people might think he did the hack job on Janet or because his patients figure that Andrea will be telling their secrets all over town? Lydia - She just comes off worse and worse each episode. I wonder if seeing all this on screen will lead to some self-awareness? Chyka - I like her style. The hair, the clothes, she really knows who she is and how to dress for best effect. Gosh I hope they don't make us wait too long for season two. Australia is one of the hardest countries to VPN into for first run tv.
  14. I know that buying real estate in Phoenix and CA involves lengthy conversations about where the sun is in the morning/night. How did these two ever sell anything?
  15. I forgot about that! I had one of the floaty compasses( haha, compi?) when I first started scuba diving so I didn't see that as common knowledge. I forget that there was a significant period of time where a compass in the car was the floaty.
  16. Even forgiving the horrendous behavior for the marker are these girls blind? The first fire fighter was already in the cab? Really are those two Miami women that clueless? He was in the cab. It was his cab. We're you going to push him out? What was the plan there?
  17. I shall be forced to write a strongly worded email if this man fails to fulfill the fan expectation of going Chris on someone's ass.
  18. I think Janet got some bad surgery. The fillers in her cheeks are actually not symmetical. It's like she slept on one side and it moved. Poor thing she is trying so hard. I find it hard to believe that she is a long time friend of Gina. She runs to the others with details of their conversation but just refuses to accept that Gina did the same thing. And poor Lydia. She really is brainless. For her to just accept that Janet didn't call her brainless she simply said she was very nice. And Lydia is all like oh well that's different. No, Lydia, no it's not different the woman called you stupid. Maybe it's just me but I'd rather be a cunt than stupid. And now we are down to it. None of this has anything to do with what Gina said it has to do with the email. Andrea wants an apology over the email. Don't hold your breath. One more episode until a reunion. How will I ever wait till season two.
  19. I would like to call out today's "I thought I had insurance." girl. I see your dreadlocks. You look all dressed for court just like Judge Judy likes. But she and I don't trust you because we can see you're a dreadlocked hippie. I would suggest rasta but I can't believe JJ would know that.
  20. I was really surprised but then I remembered this guy is a trained athlete in a sport that requires fast footwork and delicate timing. So now he is on the floor and light on his feet and good timing. Who would have thought? I can't wait to see how this develops.
  21. So the only thing that Annnha has done before is write a script. So now that is all she is doing. She is like constipated with writing and has no time to be a director. This is going to get interesting. Shane is so very cute. But still don't think he'll make it to the end. He's acting in it now? Yes well he wrote it and starred in it and directed it. The first thing both these folks need to learn is how to be a director.
  22. I really didn't understand what they gained with 6 in overhang. The chairs stick out at least 12 inches. And pull yourself up to your table/island and only allow yourself 6 in to 'tuck in'. The reason they are all standing is that sitting down is uncomfortable. I would love to know how they feel about that decision now.
  23. So Andrea sat in front of a bunch of moms and told them they were nothing compared to her and didn't hear them say her lists were crrraazzyy. Then she goes to one of the top publishers (her words) and tells her she's wrong and that her book is all about her telling an imaginary mum that is hating on her how to have her fabulous life instead of the sad, ugly life that the mum has. She's making this up, right? Also having spent some time in Australia Andrea needs to get over the whole c***. Although here in the US saying c*** is on par with n***** that is not true of Australia or Ireland for that matter. It is considers crude but it is tossed about in bars like bitch. I loved Jackie saying she was crude too and Andrea explaining that that was a classy crude. What?
  24. The other piece that is difficult about seeing a gross dollar amount is we don't know the net dollar amount. So do payroll taxes come out of this? That depends on how the money is structured by contract. Then is there an agent or lawyers fee that needs to be paid? Are there some expenses either for personnel or pr that are required by contract? That 40K goes down fast.
  25. Gosh I barely noticed because I was too distracted by the giant rufflly bib his girlfriend was wearing.
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