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Everything posted by akr

  1. Brandon and his girlfriend (Dina?) also had brunch or a picnic or something with him. Perhaps trying to cram 5 home visits into the episode meant they had to edit some of that out (also, given the shorter time frames they now give them to develop their collections, and Tim needing to fly to five different cities for the visits, perhaps his stopovers had to become a little more streamlined).
  2. It does. I found the pajamas (adult and kids' versions) online (google search: buck naked camo pajamas): https://www.lazyone.com/catalog/product/view/_ignore_category/1/id/32986/s/buck-naked-green-camo-adult-flapjacks-onesiefj179b/ It looks even worse when the flap goes down: Perhaps they got them as a family Christmas PJs set: https://www.amazon.com/Flapjack-LazyOne-Matching-Christmas-Pajamas/dp/B00G96XOEI/ref=pd_lpo_vtph_193_bs_lp_img_1?_encoding=UTF8&refRID=2QSP7SFAXHGEC3N278C7&th=1
  3. I always assumed they got a cut of the sales.
  4. I like most of what Brandon does, including the hanging strips of fabric for on the runway - but my instant thought when he did the outfit for the model to go out about town is that they were dragging on the ground and would get really dirty almost immediately! On this one, I thought the pattern was uninteresting, although it suited his design just fine, and the overall outfit was middle-of-the-road for him. I thought all the emphasis this episode on how much $25,000 means to most of these people was foreshadowing that there was going to be a problem if Claire won. In the Spanish conversation, when Margarita and Michael note that "she's not going to win," so it would take care of itself eventually anyway, they meant she wasn't going to win the whole season, not that particular challenge - but combined with the hammering home about how much people needed $, it seemed pretty clear that if people didn't think the outcome was fair that it would finally be too much for someone. I do think Claire's pattern best suited the Dixie cups, and that her outfit looked nice although it wasn't particularly creative. It would be an understandable win if cheating is not an issue; and I do think Michael's design did not work at all; but I don't think that's why he had had enough. It wasn't about him getting auffed - it was about her getting the $ instead of someone else (anyone else) who he felt deserved it. IMO. i guess we'll see next week if Tim's horror is about cheating or about backbiting.
  5. She just spelled it phonetically - dksy, basically. Maybe an extra e/y character between d & k, although it would be a design choice. I couldn't really see it well enough to tell. [edit: I looked at it more closely - it's d-kh-s-y ]
  6. Or "L'il Soapy", for that rap vibe.
  7. Little Soapy it is! He looks like a Zika baby in that photo. Must be the angle. I hope he'll end up being called Russ or Russell, or they'll just keep calling him Lo because that's what they've been doing for 2 months already. At least he's got the option of using "L. Russell" on his resume in 25 years, if people still use resumes. "L. Russell Lowry" actually works but it's probably L. Russell Lopez,, in which case Lux may win out because of the alliteration. "Lucky" if he's good at sports.
  8. Me neither. I'm 15 years older than you (17-27 in the 80s) and while wearing two different earrings was definitely a thing, I've never even heard of people wearing different shoes on purpose. I suppose it's possible some high schoolers did it, but all I remember of what high schoolers, but not those of us in our 20s, did, was try to dress like Madonna.
  9. Found it! I googled mood swatch t shirt, and here it is: https://www.moodfabrics.com/got-treats-swatch-t-shirt-110529
  10. Apparently so: daronline.com/exclusives/2017/09/teen-mom-jenelle-evans-wedding-back-on-massive-fight/
  11. No, the hospital won't hold you hostage (who would pay them?). States usually set a deadline (ie a month) after which you'd have to pay a fee. I wonder if it's a decision on the last name that is holding things up. The baby does look a bit darker than his brothers, not that that necessarily means anything.
  12. Thanks for the link! I couldn't remember very many of the names. I liked Kentaro & Kenya, and the only ones I want to go home NOW are the twins. I should probably rewatch that quick montage at the end - I liked some of them better, and some of them less, than I had expected from their longer presentations.
  13. Well, I hated the cop and thought Old Town Ink (the one with the wings) was the worst of the bunch, so, shows what I know. The fishing one was good, although the head's a little small. Whatever.
  14. In defense of Suzanne - he didn't send her in search of a vanilla bean, but in search of vanilla bean paste. Now, she still should have been able to find it, given that he told her where to look, but having only used vanilla extract and actual vanilla beans, I know I would have been surprised to discover that it came in a narrow-necked bottle, as it did. I would have been looking for maybe a tube (tomato paste, marzipan, anchovy paste), block (tamarind paste, shrimp paste), or at least some sort of more opened-neck jar like a condiment, something you could dip a spoon into. I looked up vanilla paste online afterwards, and that is how it comes - although more often in a wider-necked bottle than what we saw - but I can imagine just looking right past containers that didn't seem like a reasonable thing to put a paste into.
  15. Ugh. Aarti was a lot better when she didn't have to throw a party, too. For that matter, so is Giada (who I've not watched much of, but enough to know that I preferred it when she stayed in her kitchen). Agreed.
  16. He had a problem with hitting at school when he was younger. For some reason I get the feeling MTV leaves out a lot of his behavior. Maybe they don't want him going to Jenelle. I think it would be pretty harmful to Jace to get into things too much (whatever else there may be), and that that is sufficient reason to keep the discussion to a minimum. Not everything needs to be for public consumption.
  17. For my tastes, there's a glut of baking shows, but they're mostly nonsense shows, or competitions. (The Texas cake couple they've been pushing during FNS, for example, and the whole genre of cake decorating challenges (ugh, I don't care, just make something that tastes good! All that fondant and focus on structural integrity practically guarantees it's not going to be very good as food.), cupcake shows (are they still on?), etc.). So, there probably is room for somebody to bake accessible things (and it's fine if he makes them look nice - but in an approachable way). However, I gather the stand and stir type of show is more expensive to produce than some? it doesn't look like he needs an excessive number of takes, though, but more likely it'll be the usual run of best thing I ever ate/made, judge on a baking competition, judge for a kids baking competition, etc. Eddie, Damaris, and Aarti are my favorites. I think Rusty's potential (in their eyes) is as someone to take over a DDD type show if Guy doesn't want to do it anymore. Have him tool around the south with such a show, maybe, or cooking for the band & eating on the road. Not my thing, but I can see that some people might tune in. I hope they put up Cory's fish recipe - not that we didn't basically get the recipe - it's free-form enough to figure out - but for timing etc. It sounded good and pretty simple to do, at least if you have access to lots of fresh herbs. I don't find him that awkward or snobbish so much as out of his element in some of these challenges - but most of the FN is like this. How about he and Cao with Anne Burrell or something, or with a rotating stream of the existing FN stable of stars? Chefs collaborating on the kinds of food they'd cook at home (the SF Chronicle had a great article with recipes on that years ago - my favorite go to from it was Charles Phan's Vietnamese caramel catfish - so, so simple, and tasty). I felt for Matthew. In one of those articles posted earlier, he talked about how he'd geared his entire life (what training to get, etc.) specifically with the goal of winning this show! That's a stupid goal, but still. I think he is talented but a little socially awkward and immature, and that it's just not the right niche for him - and I agree with whoever suggested that they may have been doing him a favor, in that really the only way he could be on the FN now without annoying too many people would be to show up later in a sort of quiet redemption. And - I think that "this would be great at a pool party" is a perfectly adequate story for a guy his age - although, as Rusty said, it sounds like he has a lot of pool parties. So what - some of the others go on a lot of fishing trips.
  18. I also frequently get the impression he is deliberately coming around when the cameras are there, and trying to bait her so that she comes off as the guilty party - and not just when he comes by the house. He often has a little smirk on his face while he's doing it. It would piss me off, too, to either have to play that stupid game or look like an asshole. Sure, she's got her own issues, but I have little patience for him, either.
  19. Thanks so much for this! I think the restrictiveness of the format was frustrating to us as viewers, as well - it didn't allow as much room for individual expression and variety, or afford us an opportunity to get to know each of you for what inspires you most, and what you do best. Sorry to hear about all the physical wear and tear. Glad you were able to be supportive of one another as best you could. Hope this launches everybody further on in careers that they love!
  20. No viruses, just parasitic fungi - which are really creepy! I think this one could be fun, especially since at least one contestant already knows about them and is psyched. (Mackenzie explains it just fine - it's whoever wrote the summary for Syfy that screwed it up.) (edited to add: actual fungal viruses are viruses that attack fungi.)
  21. You're right. I didn't remember it, but I checked imdb - which, interestingly, doesn't list FNS, but does include appearances on Top Chef, Chopped, and in a short titled "The Duck Dynasty Phenomenon" ("Members of the West Monroe, LA community and social observers describe the impact the Duck Dynasty TV show has had on their town and the culture as a whole."). http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6188204/ The Top Chef appearance was in 2014 (season 11, New Orleans), as "Himself - Guest Diner / Louisiana Seafood Council" (episode title: Mississippi Mud Bugs)
  22. Definitely a bikini top. Bras don't tie in the back. Stupid video, but whatever.
  23. Aah, and with a little more digging - it actually is Lakynn but she's using Laikynn so people know how to pronounce it.
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