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Everything posted by akr

  1. My mother does the same thing with gazpacho (add fresh corn) - it's actually really good in that, too! Maybe I'll try putting a fresh corn salsa and some guac, or sliced avocado, on the same plate and dip into both, rather than actually mixing the two together . . .
  2. Well, the nicknames aren't their actual names (Bone appears to be Bonnie, & Quay appears to be short for Michaella (because Chae or Chay won't get pronounced right, & Kay makes her sound 70?)). Works for me, so long as it's not on the birth certificate or a job application.
  3. That you're able to use context clues?
  4. Backstage stuff from last year's reunion.
  5. It's funny - when I see Watson with that little car, I think he's adorable. When I see Jenelle's Land cluttered with something similar and a whole bunch of other crap, it just looks sad and cluttered and crappy. With Watson I see a kid who's being loved and encouraged to widen his eyes, sometimes with toys but most importantly with his engagement with his family and the wider world around him, while with Ensley I see a kid who's being showered with stuff to prove to outsiders that her parents can give her stuff (and also so that she'll more easily entertain herself so her parents don't have to). And then all that stuff gets left outside, strewn around haphazardly in the mud, I imagine.
  6. Between the promos indicating we're going to see lots of Brianna/Javi/Kail, and Jenelle working on improving her relationship with Jace - I don't want to watch. Although I would like to see the famous balloon footage, I imagine that will be excerpted somewhere . . . . If you want to show me Kail & Leah & Chelsea, ok - I'm actually interested in how all three are faring - but I don't want to see anything of Brianna (or Javi) at all, and I only want to see Jenelle in a package explaining why she - and not just David - have been kicked off the show.
  7. It's not the weekend yet! Although drug addict weekends expand both backwards and forwards until they meet on Wednesday, so I guess it is.
  8. I think her arms are fine. She's not a long-limbed lanky person, that's all. Her head, however, has got major problems. The road rage incident sounds less dramastic than it did from the original dispatch log (not at all clear that she brandished the weapon - just that they saw, or believed, she had one). I imagine that the crew is done filming with her after this incident - there is absolutely no excuse for putting the crew in danger any further. Jenelle and David are angry, delusional, and heavily armed. What the state decides to do, though - I guess we'll see. Without the MTV film (and perhaps even with it) they may not have enough to go on - and resources in law enforcement are limited, so you have to pick and choose what to pursue. Picking on young girls . . . the only person I recall doing that recently is David, about the cheerleading makeup. Loved that comeback about the 17 mug shots!
  9. Bar's Mom lives in Vegas, though, so that won't work, either!
  10. The trouble with the theory that they would arrest her at the scene or not at all is that it appears she wasn't at the scene anymore when the cops got there. Looks like she was there about 6 or 7 minutes and then "FEMALE LEFT TWDS WLM" (dispatcher rept at 17:39:49); complainant wanted her "stopped and charged"; officers advised that Durango likely has damage.
  11. Or in the local vernacular, "fixing to get shot" ;).
  12. Also, events kept changing on them. First they were dealing with the road rage situation - and probably waiting for what the state might do with the situation - and then she shows up on Sunday with David. I can't imagine they'd have her back for another year, but the reunion, if she's invited at all, will now be complicated by the possibility that she won't be allowed to leave the state while charges are pending; and they may want to be laying down some rules for everyone to go along with causes of action against her. After Thursday, I imagine one option was mandatory rehab (which would have to be coordinated with any criminal action); after Sunday, I think it's done and it's just in the details now. They've already got episodes coming out next week and may need to be thinking about how they're going to re-edit the whole season, and even whether they're going to show it at all. It must be enormously tempting to sue her for all the costs she's imposing on everybody (never mind the danger) - but it may be best to threaten that and settle with her being fired and just paid the base rate for episodes that actually air.
  13. The sad thing is, I think the kids are kind of used to this - it doesn't seem as abnormal to them as it should, because in their experience, this IS normal. Exactly. It's not like they're afraid to go to anybody else's house - Jeremy obviously has guns, and I'm sure he's not the only one. But no one is concerned that he's going to point one at anybody. (I imagine they might ask for a little assurance about how they're stored in case kids get into them and accidentally shoot something off, but I'm sure that's been addressed to everybody's satisfaction).
  14. I halfway wonder whether some of these couples met in AlaTeen meetings (the ones for the kids of alcoholics & addicts).
  15. I think a locked glove compartment, usually - though the concern is usually not so much about how to keep it from the children in the front seat!! as how to keep it from being stolen if you leave it in the car when you get where you're going. If you guys remember the "drifter" murders in San Francisco & Marin a couple of years ago - the three meth users who committed those stole the gun from an unlocked car in SF. I think it might have even been a law enforcement agent's gun (not local PD, something else).
  16. New article on Radar - she was supposed to film on Sunday with Jace but brought David along. This of course is after the gun incident on Thursday. https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2018/05/jenelle-evans-sabotages-teen-mom-2-filming-gun-incident-brings-fired-husband-david-eason-set/ Some quotes: “The president of Viacom was told about Jenelle and the gun. There have been non-stop meetings about her future with the show with the highest execs in the company. Jenelle’s a huge liability right now. Everyone is afraid that she always has a gun and that someone is going to get shot.” As for what happened Sunday: “She showed up with David in the car, which is not allowed. The security guard told everyone to stay back because they were afraid he might have had a gun.” “Jenelle knows there can’t be any filming when David is around. But she ignored that completely and brought David anyway. So, the security guard stood there, and the producers told Jenelle that they weren’t going to film with her. She threw a fit and left.”
  17. I don't care where Danae is in terms of physically transitioning or what his plans are with regard to that - I just care that he is, at present, an immature jerk (and, fortunately for him as well as for Brianna and her kid, already out of the picture). Worst person in the Y&P franchise award currently goes to Jade's mom Christy. WTF. Stephan gets honorable mention. I can only hope that he (perhaps with the help of that aunt of his) gets a reality check when he looks at the footage. Not that I expect him to stick around, but maybe he'll at least grasp that he's not stepping up anywhere near as much as he thinks he is.
  18. I got the impression MTV was "there" as in, in town to film, not actually there for the event - but that the cameras were set up in the car and captured it.
  19. Oh, God, Nathan's using that stupid hmmm emoji, too. I took a break from reading here earlier and watched Young & Pregnant. Almost a bit of a palate cleanser (I think some of these stories are going to turn out ok, and frankly, I'm more interested in those than in the various trainwreck grandparents.). Way to go Jenelle, stealing the new girls' spotlight, a week early! (note to MTV - I'm fine just keeping up with Jenelle via leaked police reports and the internet. I know how this story turns out - not the details, but the basic outline is pretty predictable. I'd rather watch Lexi & Ashley & Jade. Also, Kayla's baby is super cute. Probably doomed, but cute.).
  20. That's reading to me a bit like a shortened transcript of what the guy said, and somewhat on the fly (dispatcher's summary?). If so, reproducing the slang gives the responding officers a bit of a flavor of who and what they might be about to walk up on.
  21. They can't lay sod, much less booby traps! Well, I suppose that falls into the bad guy, hunter cosplay, so perhaps something clumsy.
  22. One of her most recent tweets is "Girls just want to have fun." I was so tempted to reply - "with guns, on the highway?" but then I saw that it was a post about Ensley playing in her toybox, so . . . I refrained.
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