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Everything posted by akr

  1. Sounds like by his own account he threatened her before she pulled the gun - but then again, she's the one who came raging on to his property! And, it's not clear whether that was before or after she hit two vehicles and ran over his mailbox. Doesn't sound like anyone is a saint here, and I don't think she was still there by the time the police showed up (if she was, her account would probably be in the report, too) - so it may take a bit to figure out what there is probable cause to believe actually happened. Nothing pretty, though, that's for sure.
  2. I don't know that I'd trust a zipline that David put together. I can't imagine a lot of thought has gone into the physics of it.
  3. I'm guessing it's just because she's already done such a bang-up job of speaking up for herself.
  4. I couldn't figure out what link she was talking about at first, but I'm pretty sure it's to this (about the name change petition and how things have gone with Chris). https://us.blastingnews.com/showbiz-tv/2018/04/exclusive-kail-lowry-on-winning-name-change-i-never-wanted-things-this-way-002512409.html?sbdht=_5awJgcDPnYLGT4qeoSjzyCxq-tmfrBdPMUcIRzmHOm33jZoeIYbceckum2oKmOqD0_
  5. She has similar heels in an off-white color, with peeky-toes, too. Congratulations, Tobias & Holly, on having normal names! Good for you, Lexi, Ashley, and Bar.
  6. I started to write something similar last week. My take is that Lexi's Mom can't bring herself to tell her daughter that, yes, having a baby this young is a mistake (I suspect Lexi was an early child as well). That seems to be the thing that upsets Lexi the most - anybody saying any child is a mistake. Perhaps not, but attempting to raise one at her age is, and expecting someone else to do it for you will probably not end well for anyone. Lexi & Kyler, October 2014 (9th grade! was she 13, or 14?) (this is from her FB page)
  7. At the time (final 2, standing next to whoever she was standing next to), I figured - too short.
  8. Well, that's actually the name of the cheer club her kids belong to, and "One Up" is the name of the competition they were in . . . The #competitionmakeup is a reason to choose another activity, or at least another cheer club, for your kids, in my book, though. But then again, I have never understood cheerleading, especially as an activity for little kids.
  9. As someone named Ann, I can assure you that Anns and Annes are constantly asked whether or not our names are spelled with an 'E' - nothing to do with Anne of Green Gables. Of course, as an Anne of either variety, particularly a young one, I'm sure she would have wanted you to get it right. (Anne of Green Gables wouldn't have occurred to me, but then again I was never drawn to the book. )
  10. Guilty verdict: https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2018/04/06/man-turned-in-by-girlfriend-convicted-of-murder-of-oakland-man/
  11. article on the murder case, from when it went to trial: https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2018/03/27/da-girlfriend-turned-in-own-boyfriend-for-murder-in-fatal-shooting/ another, from Wednesday, after the prosecution's closing arguments: https://www.sfgate.com/news/bayarea/article/Prosecutor-Says-Evidence-Proves-Ex-Con-Killed-Man-12806704.php
  12. I did a little looking yesterday on Shen's son's murder case (probably in jury deliberations starting either yesterday or today) and at her FB page. She has a photo of all the family members who showed up for the trial (most in ripped jeans or similarly high-class court outfits - way to make your family member look like an upstanding citizen, folks) - but she also spent yesterday in court fending off a restraining order that Ashley and her mother had filed against her! (the order was dismissed because they didn't have all their evidence together, it sounds like; sounds like they don't want her around the baby - in fact, I think that the restraining order they wanted might perhaps have forbid that - and I wouldn't want her around my kids either - at best she's a terrible influence). So, most of what she had to say on FB yesterday was not about the murder case even though that's supposedly her big focus right now, but about how terrible Ashley & her mother are, and how vindicated she feels about that. I wonder if all her court matters yesterday took place in the same courthouse! And then, on the night her son's nearing the verdict in his murder case, she also wants advice from people on how to use snapchat: " So I may seem pretty duh but can i get some snap chat tips. How often and what so u snap. What things can be done with it." Jeesh. Sure, Shen, it's important that you figure out how to use snapchat, for no particular reason other than that you feel you should be on snapchat, right now. It's a bit of a messy murder case in that a key witness is a girlfriend who came to the police with his confession to her - but she was mad at him because he was cheating on her with another woman he has a baby with, or something like that, and there was a reward for info, so they're claiming she made it up based on the info that was out there. Sounds like there's a lot more to back it up, though, just in terms of the connections between the various other characters involved (the other baby momma, her cousin, the guy who was killed), but also, probably not a single reliable witness in the bunch, because they're all messed up people with their own grievances. T-Roy (Troy) is 30 and has nine prior felony convictions, and perhaps threatened the girlfriend who turned him in to try to get her to not be a witness. Of course, the family says she's lying, but then again that's their m.o., everybody who's not in their corner is lying. Shen says she is "pushing 50" so she would have been a teen when she had Troy; I think she said she also has a 7 year old (because she was griping in front of said 7-year-old girl about what other people said in front of said 7-year-old). And there's another daughter who looks 20-ish who also just had a baby. I don't know if any of her kids have the same fathers but between her last name and Troy's and Bar's, that's at least 3 last names . . . but Williams is a new man she only met in 2015 or 2016 - and they had to redo all his social media because his baby momma shut him out of it (is there just one baby momma, I wonder? - the most recent one who still had some expectations of him, I suppose - in any event she had enough info to hack into his social media accounts and change the passwords on them). Oh my God, what a mess these people are. I know that's an incoherent spewing of what I saw online yesterday, but the whole situation is pretty incoherent, so . . . . Get away, Ashley, get away! I don't care whether you're "better" or not (probably! it'd be hard not to be!), but the child certainly doesn't need additional extremely dysfunctional people in her life, especially not ones who insist on being in the center of everything. And now - 15 minutes ago - she's posted a video from some gas station on the road back to Vegas, with her husband and the little girl. It's a cellphone conversation with some people on the other hand, with a reference to fighting over Coronas. Seems like maybe the 7-year-old is her husband's daughter. No mention of how her son's court case may have come out. Either not how she would have liked, I guess, or she didn't stick around for the verdict, which is a peculiar choice if she was there for the full trial. Hard to imagine any murder trial being done in just a few hours but maybe the credibility of the girlfriend was no issue at all. Shen's facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shenandoah.toomey.3
  13. Fair enough. And I agree that there are too many shots of SF - the bridge, sure, but the neighborhoods are misleading. I also should have acknowledged that "Bay Area," like, say, " the Midwest, " is one of those geographical terms whose boundaries are somewhat subjective.
  14. I don't like the message that sends, though - go ahead and have a kid - if it's too much for you, your Mom will always take care of the child for you. And, I don't think Jace needs the scrutiny. I'd just as soon they stopped filming everyone connected to Jenelle. I guess I could be ok with the occasional check-in with Barbara about how hard it is, but I'm not someone who has any desire to watch Barb with Jace, either. I don't wish her ill, or anything, I just don't think there's anything there to film that's particularly interesting, and it could easily be damaging, if nothing else, to however the relationships between all involved may develop if left alone.
  15. Could just be to ensure that she can't make any counterclaims about who breached the contract/caused problems/etc. Bend over backwards to make sure it's clear that MTV has made its best efforts, and if it's fallen apart, it's on Jenelle, not on them. If I were them I would want to keep open the option of filming for when David gets arrested and Jenelle doesn't know what to do. How do I manage without him? Was I wrong about him? Who can I turn to for help? Where do the kids go if I have to go jail/rehab? The current situation is alarming, but fundamentally dull. What happens when it all falls apart, though, has potential as a story line. Still, the easy thing to do is just wash their hands of her. They can always sign her up again if they want to in a couple of years, if things take a different turn. She'll no doubt be willing then. In the meantime, though, she's like Farrah: way, way more trouble than she's worth.
  16. How about they not only sue her for damages and breach of contract, but also replace her reunion segments with interviews with her producers, with Barb, (and give her castmates a chance to weigh in if they choose. Well, not Brianna, but the others, if they're interested.),
  17. unknown. never identified. Some of the killings were in Vallejo.
  18. I disagree - Vallejo isn't the most desirable town to live in in the Bay Area, but I absolutely consider it be in the Bay Area. The various 9-county Bay Area governance entities that Solano County is a part of would surely agree. (707 is farflung, and certainly includes some non-Bay-Area places, but I actually wasn't even aware that Solano County was 707. I think of it as Sonoma County, but it also includes Napa, Solano, as well as the rest of the north Coast including all the way up to the Oregon border). If she was in northeastern Solano County, that might be one thing - you could make a case for Central Valley at some point - but Vallejo is practically on the water (San Pablo Bay, but that's part of the San Francisco bay system). It's no wonder that when she wants to go somewhere nice, she pops over to Berkeley, or Oakland, or San Francisco. It's the industrial part of the Bay Area, like much on San Pablo Bay, but it's still Bay Area, just not a part of it that you go to if you don't live there or have some sort of business to attend to there. Lexi isn't from the Black Canyon of the Gunnison either, but they show pictures occasionally because it's a prominent local attraction that people in Montrose think of as part of where they're from. (Nine county bay area: SF, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Sonoma, Napa, Solano.) If she said, "I'm from San Francisco" that would be one thing - but she doesn't, she says she's from Vallejo. And who knows, she or people in her family might very well have lived in San Francisco at some point and so in that sense are "from" San Francisco, just priced out of it, like most people). (eta: I'm also from the Bay Area - I've mostly lived in the North Bay (Sonoma Co), but also in Oakland, Berkeley, and San Francisco. I've been to Vallejo but don't generally have much cause to go there. Plenty of people where I live commute to SF or Oakland for work, and that's no doubt true of people in Vallejo as well - it's certainly closer, and rents aren't as crazy as up here. In fact, I'd be very surprised if it isn't in the process of gentrifying - rents have been exploding up here.)
  19. No kidding. And it's not just about how he deals with Lexi. Here he is on being a senior in high school: [Lexi: So, how's the high school been going? Kyler: I mean, it's easy, just because, like, since we're seniors, we don't really fuck around, so, like, we just push kids out of the way that are in our way. Yes, because that's what high school is all about, who gets to shove who around in the hallways. Then the sad little homecoming conversation, where she asks if he's going, he asks if she wants to, she says she "wouldn't be opposed" to him asking, grin, wink, and he says, "please say no," and she changes the subject. I keep rooting for Lexi a little - I've been to Montrose and know a little about the place, and it's nice to see it again - but my goodness she is dim. Wish she'd give the baby up, get a cosmetology license or something, and not get pregnant again until she's at least five years older and married to a guy with a trade or something. About the only thing she has going for her is that she's pretty and her Mom seems nice - and they do have a nice house, so the family can't be a complete disaster. I saw on reddit that supposedly Kyler's Mom put her up for Teen Mom. Seems a little weird, but perhaps this is Kyler's family's idea about how to get out of having to support the kid. Agree to be filmed and limit the contributions to what you get from that, or something.
  20. I don't watch but my assumption was none of them were ever on their rockers to begin with, though perhaps a few might eventually rebel & lead normal lives.
  21. That land is certainly a lot prettier than their Land.
  22. I don't have the patience for Untucked (or any other reality show meta-commentary or what have you), for the same reasons I don't listen to podcasts or view videos, even if nothing written is available. Life is too short and it's not enough fun.
  23. I don't think the marriage was ever going to come back from Javi blaming her for the miscarriage. Where does that fit in the timeline?
  24. They haven't even successfully scraped the price tag off of this one. How many do the kids "need"?
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