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Everything posted by akr

  1. I'll sit next to you at the next fully-frosted cake event - you can have my frosting if I can have some of your cake!
  2. Why doesn't she just go ahead and start working with charities now, if she wants to improve her reputation? It doesn't have to be on camera to work! (but it's Jenelle, so - that's a rhetorical question)
  3. But it is an interpreter's job to say exactly what the Deaf person is signing. Why would you smack the aide for doing her job? People who interpret are legally obligated to voice exactly what their clients are saying, no matter how racist or horrible it is. And if you don't interpret it, nobody has the chance to engage the kid about why he shouldn't be saying things like that.
  4. It's not letting me edit . . . I think the simple explanation would be that he's @chrisslopezz because somebody else already took @chrislopez. Not that I'm a big fan of the guy, but it really might not be anything more than that.
  5. I know. I'm not sure why I recognize her, either, but I do.
  6. https://www.popbuzz.com/tv-film/news/madison-orange-is-the-new-black-actress-accent/ googled it - Her name's Amanda Fuller. You can check IMDB if you want to know more - she's worked a lot.
  7. I don't know that the kids needed separate cakes (though it would be nice! And on two separate days!) - but more to the point, it appeared to be a shitty cake - like they just grabbed whatever was on sale at the grocery store and slapped on some candles. There is no way that that cake was anybody's favorite cake.
  8. Muscular dystrophy, involving a rare mutation to the gene coding for titin. Because her condition is rare, it's been hard for the doctors to predict its progression.
  9. Actually, I think Kail is the best dressed of the five of them.
  10. I can't see Jess catching on with viewers (because she's trying too transparently to fill the role), and I'm not sure what Manny brings - regular guy who likes burgers and such? I don't mind him as a person and his cooking generally seemed adequate but unremarkable - that of a guy with a few really good go-to recipes but perhaps not a whole lot else - and I see no reason why I'd watch him on TV. I find Christian a bit of an easier sell, but still ultimately forgettable; but I'm sure they can finetune the wardrobe a bit (yes, too much chest hair - but all of them would have benefited from some wardrobe tweaks, not just him), and have him not sit with his body a little more than two inches away from the plate, which I found really distracting. I suspect the meatballs he meant to make would have been tasty, and he had an ease with Antonia Lofaso that nobody else seemed to match (although I don't like the advice to him to start talking so much - it ended up feeling like the amateur FN person was talking over the actual expert chef instead of interviewing her). I still like Amy - I find her, as they say, "relateable," even when she's a little pissed or snarky - and her food almost always looks appealing. The parting advice to do some "inner work" was the opposite of helpful. I don't know why Jess's eggplant and tofu terrine thing was supposed to be a "more approachable" use of basic Asian flavors. Reproducing a takeout meal would be more approachable - this just looked weird and I had to think about why it would work. Ok, eggplant with garlic sauce works, various spicy tofu things with lots of ginger and garlic work . . . still not sure why they're layered together and how that wouldn't end up bland or texturally incompatible - and why are they on the same plate with gojuchang/miso/ginger/garlic etc chicken?? If the dish made sense, she certainly didn't explain to me why - and I have and use all of the things she put into the dish. At least the bossy blonde from Mississippi didn't get the chance to screw up anybody's cooking effort. It would have been nice if they'd instead drawn knives or something that determined the order of who they got to pick as a sous chef, rather than drawing names, but in the end, with the exception of the valuable Palak, the assistant chefs really didn't add or subtract much to the equation (although I found myself constantly annoyed at Rebecca's attention-hogging plaints to the camera about how "we don't do this in the South" or some such nonsense. About ginger and garlic!! First off, it's not your segment, for the second, speak for your damn self.
  11. Most of the actual scenes were less dramatic than the captions suggest (shocking, I know). Not much to get worked up about re Bri/Javi/Kail, really.
  12. A friend of mine gave somebody the finger for bad driving and got his rear window shot out in retaliation - so I never mess with crazy drivers. Mostly they're harmless, aside from their driving habits, but you just never know.
  13. Leah seemed pretty genuinely upset. I can't see that she was lying. It sounds like they could have done a better job of explaining things to her, although if she was upset when she heard the first attempt to explain, she might not have taken much in after that, but I'm glad that she's ready to be mad and do something to protect Ali should the school district in fact not provide what she needs.
  14. Therapy isn't magic - it's probably helping him from spiraling further out of control. It's got be a positive that there's a place where he can say what's on his mind rather than just turning it over in his own head without anyone else's input (other than the people whose reactions he needs to be wary of, and that includes Barbara - not that she's a bad influence, although I think she could do better, but because he no doubt worries about what she will think and so will probably only tell her part of what's on his mind).
  15. I actually wonder if it's somewhat beneficial for Jace to see how badly this stuff can go (since it turned out sort of ok) - maybe he'll get to learn from his mother's mistakes rather than having to make the same ones himself. (Since the option of having a normal mother is not on the table). But that's about the only upside I can see to any of this. Lots of other thoughts . . . As for the trooper leaving Jace in the car with the gun - although that wasn't ideal, I think the top priority was getting Jenelle away from her gun. Jace seemed to be behaving appropriately during the stop, while Jenelle most certainly was not. I don't even have kids and I reflexively reach out no matter who or what is in the passenger seat. It's a human instinct, isn't it? By contrast, it seemed like her first instinct when she was pulling into that guy's yard was to get out her gun. Agreed with others above - when David Eason of all people is the voice of reason, you've really screwed up. I don't brake check, but I do occasionally ease off the gas pedal when someone is following so closely that I feel I have to pay as much attention to what's going on behind me as I do to what's going on in front of me (and if I have to do that, I do need to slow down a little to give myself a little extra reaction time). People seem to tailgate more than they used to - I attribute this to increased crowding on the road, the decline in drivers' ed classes, which we used to get in school (and they really drilled you on how much space you need to leave to be safe - almost no one does any more), and then just people reasoning from what everybody else is doing - if your parents and everybody else you know tailgate, so will you, because you assume that it's fine. However! - I do not do this when I could instead pull over into the slow lane, for God's sake. That guy had to pass her on the right. ETA: I assume he did cut her off when he pulled in front, not just because he's one of those people who doesn't know how close is too close (yikes - the people who do that in front of trucks have no idea that trucks can't stop on a dime!), but because he was pissed. Well, back off, and talk to your son about what bad driving is and how to stay safe when other people on the road are driving badly. Pro tip: don't follow them home with your gun! Just put a little distance between yourself and the crazy person and get on with your day.
  16. David, you weren't fired for being politically incorrect, you were fired for being threatening, scary, and ridiculously insensitive and belligerent in the immediate wake of the Parkland shootings. Just being a bigot all by itself wouldn't have been enough. Bristol's politics may be just as bad as David's, but I don't think anybody's actually afraid of her. (Well, we probably should be afraid of Palins starting personal vendettas on social media or that sort of thing, but the only Palin who's done stuff that would get him fired from MTV is probably Track. )
  17. My guess is that she's not 15 anymore.
  18. Doris withdrew the petition when her husband developed some health problems - she was not at the time in a position to step forward and ask for custody.
  19. A lot of his and Barbara's interactions sounded like they were recreating conversations for the camera - I don't read much into there not being a lot of spontaneous emotion to it.
  20. Only one of the reviews looks real to me (someone from Wilmington who gave them 2 stars) - perhaps one or two others, but I don't trust them because so many of them are obvious fakes. I think any genuine bad reviews will get culled out along with the phonies.
  21. Very cute. I wonder if Daddy has matching shorts? ;)
  22. Amy's story about sharks rang true to me - they live in Hawaii and some little kids get obsessions about things. Could be dinosaurs, could be trucks - why not sharks? Amy seems like she might have been that kind of kid herself.
  23. Chris is kind of killing it in Star Salvation - they're going to need to explain who the heck he was if he gets back on.
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