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Everything posted by CalicoKitty

  1. It looks like they are sitting in front of the exit row. Since the exit row has more leg room, I doubt that their row does.
  2. Notice that Jinger and Jeremy don't need to sit next to each other. Felicity is sitting safely between them.
  3. My cats recognize the dryer buzzer and head to the bed. Best time of the whole week!
  4. I've used the Rid-x brand for years and have no rodents in my house at all. Also no spiders. They seem to work well for me.
  5. I had a rat in the engine compartment of my car, and I bought peppermint spray that is designed especially for cars--apparently it is a big problem. It worked very well. I recommended it to a lady I know that had a mouse in her house, and she says it solved her problem, too. Apparently rodents don't like peppermint!
  6. The new issue of Consumer Reports has a large write-up on inexpensive mattresses. Amazon Basics scored well. It is a good article. @crazycatlady58, I'm not too sure how you ended up in my quote. Sometimes this site seems to have a mind of its own!
  7. We had a school board member that claimed to live in the district, but in reality he just rented an apartment, and really lived in a house that was not in the district. As I recall, be was replaced because he did not live in district. It will be interesting to see if anyone checks on Jed's residency.
  8. That is the question, really. My address is given out on a "need to know" basis. I cannot imagine why anyone would feel the need to make their address public. The point of having a mailbox is convenience. Theirs sounds like it is very much out of the way. This really makes little sense to me. I wonder what the thinking really is.(but we do everything a little bit differently) It will be interesting to find out.
  9. I've had a personal mail box for several years. It is at a mail store instead of the PO, but I use that address for anything of importance, insurance, credit cards, tax info, etc. My community mailbox had so much mail theft it was dangerous, until we had a security cage put around the boxes. I personally have had 2 credit cards stolen (both accounts were successfully closed with no damage) plus several packages ended up "missing". My mailbox place accepts packages as well as mail, and I feel safer. Almost anything that comes to my home address now is "junk mail". Perhaps Jill has had mail delivery issues, and a PO is a solution for her.
  10. I cannot tolerate wheat. I break out in huge welts and have trouble breathing. I cannot walk down the bread aisle in the grocery store without holding my breath. Recently I was at the deli at a local market and the head deli lady informed me that gluten-free was just a fad. I don't shop at that deli anymore.
  11. I have a sleep number bed and an adjustable base. I also have an antique bed from the 1860's. I removed the wood side rails from the bed so I just had the headboard and footboard. I bought a regular metal bed frame and attached the headboard and footboard. Then I just placed the adjustable frame inside the metal frame (the legs fit inside just fine). So now I have the head board and footboard attached to the metal bed frame and not the mattress. I've used it in this formation for years, and it works perfectly and looks beautiful. FYI, you do NOT have to have the Sleep Number brand adjustable frame. The Sleep Number mattress will work on any brand frame. I've been told that 90% of the adjustable frames, including Sleep Number, are made by the same manufacturer--Leggett and Platt. You can but the adjustable frame at any mattress store that is having a sale, or even on line. Leggett and Platt make several adjustable frames under their own name. Be sure it is a "wall hugger", which means that you are sitting close to the headboard when the head of the bed is up. Otherwise you will be sitting too far from the wall and side table. Almost all of them are the wall hugger type now, I believe. The Sleep Number mattress works well on it's own non-adjustable base, also. Sleep Number is the only brand of mattress I personally would consider. They have a 25 year warranty, and parts are available in case you need a new pump in several years. They do have good financing, and good sales. The other thing I like about them is that they are very loyal to buyers. As well as sale prices for "new customers", they run special pricing and sales for their "owners" (you are referred to as "an owner" once you buy a mattress). No, I do not work for Sleep Number, but I really, really do like my bed!
  12. I had the vaccine at 60, which is when my insurance would pay. I had shingles at 59. My doctor got in my face (not yelling, just emphasis) and said I WOULD get the vaccine 6 months after my shingles had gone. My shingles weren't too bad because I immediately got on meds. But I had a terrible backache for a couple of weeks before I broke out. Mine were "mild" as shingles goes, but the pain was terrible. Mine were on my hip, and I could not pull up my pants for several weeks. Think of your worst sunburn ever, and then multiply by 20. This is what these "parents" want for their children? Unbelievable.
  13. Felicity is wearing jeans with no dress over them. I think this is a huge step forward.
  14. I know there is a Polar Express train in north Nevada, also. It takes place on the old steam train that runs to Virginia City. They do Polar Express trips including treats and hot chocolate.
  15. I'm in California, and they accepted my giving record from church as one of the proofs of residence. I took my passport, original social security card, and my church giving record, and my car registration card as proof of residence. You can register on line and fill out all the questions, ie height, weight, etc. Just remember to bring the number from that registration that you do online. Otherwise, you will have to do it again when you get there. I was in and out in about 20 minutes, but you need an appointment, which is usually a couple of months out. I went to a smaller town with a smaller DMV and it went pretty fast. Now I just hope the DMV did it correctly. They had a "recall" a few months ago because DMV was not processing them correctly, and then shut down completely for a day or two to retrain the DMV people. I think they are good now, since I have mine and haven't heard anything more. I might add, if you register on line they give you a printable check-off list with what you will bring.
  16. I've had pretty good luck with my Doxie Go scanner. It is a feed scanner that will send to computer or photo card. It is a good small size for travel, but I use it in the home office, too.
  17. Or broken leg, or broken arm, or broken head, or broken nose. This stunt was just pain dumb!
  18. I have some friends (older--second wedding) who had a lovely formal outdoor wedding. Their two dogs delivered the rings, which were tied on their collars. Since everyone in attendance knew the dogs, it was a very nice touch. There was a dog wrangler that was in charge of the dogs and kept them on leashes until their "big moment", and then took them away. It was actually very tasteful. The dogs were not allowed to mingle with the guests!
  19. My brother just called to check on me. He went to see our mother this afternoon, and she has no recollection of being at the Christmas festivities. None. I picked her up yesterday and took her back to her assisted living when we were done, and she says she hasn't seen me for so long. I guess we are starting another Great Adventure. At least, so far, I don't have to feed her like I did my dad. Fun times!
  20. This was our first Christmas without my dad. We always celebrated Christmas Eve at my parent's house with a nice dinner and presents. Then Santa would come Christmas morning. We would go to church late Christmas Eve, unless my dad and I were in the choir. Then he and I would go twice on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. The last few years we have had "Christmas Eve" at my parent's on the 23rd so my niece and nephew could go to their in-law's houses on Christmas Eve, and then they would to to my brother's on Christmas day. This year, my brother had everyone over on Christmas Day for a nice dinner, presents for the grandkids/great-grandkids, and then we played "Christmas Bingo" as a family. It was very nice, just different for me. My mom had a good time, but I doubt she remembers anything about it today. I went to Urgent Care this morning and came home with antibiotics---I have Strep!
  21. When I was growing up, we had Christmas Eve at my grandmother's. There was no fireplace, but we had a cardboard fireplace that we set up every year just for Christmas so there a place for our stockings. It even had cardboard flames!!
  22. ""My Country 'Tis of Thee, Sweet Land of Liver Tea" was heard several times with my Kindergarten students. They did't know the word "Liberty" yet. Another time a little boy told me his favorite food was his mother's fried chicken and cold slop (I think he meant coleslaw--I hope!)
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