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Everything posted by Sile

  1. New drinking game: Take a shot every time Bindi Irwin says "crocodile". She managed to cram in at least three within as many sentences on GMA this morning, at which point I just tuned her out. I didn't have anything against her, but she certainly likes to hear herself talk. Paired with Derek, they might end up being Team Insufferable. Like others, sad Artem isn't on but happy he didn't get saddled with Paula. Tamar Braxton annoys the hell out of me with all of the head jerks and hair toss hands schtick she does, but she was surprisingly low key. Maybe it was just being contrasted with motormouths Bindi and Paula and sour faced Chaka Khan with her fan waving ennui and black net thigh-highs. Aren't 15 year old boys basically 24/7 walking boners under the best of circumstances, never mind being in close contact with scantily clad adult females. Poor Emma...
  2. Not defending Skin Wars, but they are a little more restricted in that all of their mini challenges involve painting. Although I wouldn't mind a few that don't require models, I suppose that would defeat the purpose of the show. My bigger problem with the show is the main challenges. I'd like a lot more camouflage and/or trompe l'oeil. Ink Master has a bit more latitude, painting, tattooing, carving, etching, etc. One of my favorite flash challenges was one they showed yesterday during the marathon, where they burned designs into leather chaps.
  3. If I remember the teasers from last week, they are doing UV paint next on Skin Wars. I don't know if it's camouflage or not, though. I remember that Gear was incredible last year with the UV paint. I was watching some of the Season 2 marathon yesterday and they really have gotten lazy with the flash challenges. I realize that the longer you go the tougher it is to stay fresh, but I'd rather have a repeat of a really cool past challenge than some lame new one that everybody biffs and I ending up fast forwarding through.
  4. The double standard annoys me. Two weeks ago Miami had the better tattoo, but the crooked, black and gray cross stayed because Miami didn't follow the challenge. Granted, Miami's carousel wasn't perfect, but neither was Kruseman's tattoo. It also didn't look like a pin-up to me, so it wasn't just the challenge. He also ignored what the client asked for, she wanted a pin-up and she got a gypsy head. That's like somebody wanting a tiger on black and gray day and getting a full color leopard. I know, I've been watching reality competition shows long enough to know that the double standard is employed liberally, but still. If it was my favorite Erik that went, I'd care a lot more but I was really tired of Earl and his poor me schtick.
  5. The Gore-Lords should give a good deal of credit to the models for their win (and probably did). It didn't look like there was a clear winner after the runway, but the Gore-Models really did a great job of performing their tableau and conveying the concept of the story. I actually got chills! Cheryl Ann likes to hear herself talk way too much.
  6. I was thinking something along the lines of a pitbull who put on a baggy union suit and went as a Shar-pei for Halloween... Speaking of absolutely no problems, I had none with the guest judge or his comments. The more he talked, the more I got to look at all that pretty of his. Maybe that was clouding my mind, but I did enjoy most of what he had to say. I love Egyptian art so I was kind of dreading it this early, but outside of a few glaring exceptions most of them put out some pretty nice looking work.
  7. I would think that's because pec guy was actually missing a body part due to congenital reasons, whereas Filipino guy just wanted Superman abs but didn't want to do Superman workouts to get them. Or anything else, apparently. Superman needs his chocolate!
  8. WAY late to this party, but was just catching up on some of last season's episodes before they disappeared from On Demand. It bugged me all season who Julia reminded me of and it took clear until right before she was eliminated before I figured it out and now I have to get that voice out of my head. For a couple of episodes I thought it was Victoria Jackson and that was close, but not quite right. Then when she was getting the adios, it hit me. Porn star Katie Morgan! I have only a hazy recollection of what KM looks like so I don't know if the physical resemblance is that close, although they are both of the thin little blonde working the big eyes sort, but the voice is right on. Once I heard it, I couldn't unhear it.
  9. Or Madrid, Iowa. That would be pretty classic.
  10. He comes across a lot better on Good Work. Facially he looks very much like his late brother, Kevin. I wonder if that might factor into him honoring his original looks, maybe for his mother if not himself.
  11. To me that would more likely indicate that she doesn't win. She's about to go from contestant to also ran, so this is her short window of getting something out there while she still has the largest number of people paying attention to her. ETA Followed the Amazon link and found that Violet is also releasing an EP. I hope the logic I applied to Pearl doesn't also extend to my Violet.
  12. Please do, because now it's really piqued my interest. I can see why it became known as that, "which Beatles album are you talking about?" "you know, the white album." Or to differentiate between The Beatles, Meet the Beatles, Introducing the Beatles, etc. Plus it seems kind of weird they would name an album The Beatles that far into their career. That's kind of a first album name.
  13. I'm thinking the guy was Paul somebody. I want to say Watson. I could just be mixing up names, or there were two different Watsons of no relation. Didn't he go into hiding because he was afraid of being killed so they didn't have him to testify at trial? I still have a VCR plugged in and connected right next to my DVR! I've never seen a record to VCR option, though. Can you even still buy blank tapes? I just hang onto it because I do have some old movies and other VHS stuff that, to my knowledge, has never been put out on DVD. I still have two of them, although I don't use them much. I used to keep one connected to the upstairs tv for the occasions when I wanted to record two things and watch another one (I'm getting a Genie... one of these days), before that tv died. I used to record tv shows on the VCR back in the day, but you could only record one show at a time and X-Files might have conflicted with something. I also watched a lot less tv back then, probably because you had to pick and choose what you could watch and/or record, in addition to not having a gazillion different channels and a whole lot of repeat showings except on the movie channels. I was also constantly trying to find a tape with room on it for something so I would tape over a lot of stuff without even watching it. Ah, those were the days!
  14. The only two characters I remember seeing Steve Railsback play are Manson and Gein. Which I suppose might say more about my viewing habits than his being terrifying. I thought he played Jesus in something as well, but I googled Railsback and Jesus and didn't see anything. I've only ever seen a few episodes of X-Files, which is odd because I've always tended to like Duchovny. I guess it's easy to forget that back in the olden tymes we didn't have a DVR and had to be present to watch something. However, one of the only eps I saw was Home, how did I luck out there? The only other one I remember offhand was the one with the talking tattoo, Jodie Foster was the voice, I think. The name of the album was The Beatles, so I've never thought of that possibility. Which makes me think, when did it become known more as The White Album, rather than the actual title. I'm pretty sure that's all I've ever seen it referred to, but that would have been years after this and I guess I always just assumed it happened over time, but maybe it got that name right off the bat?
  15. The majority of the time, anyway... Between Manson and Ed Gein, if I ever bumped into Steve Railsback on the street I'd run screaming at the top of my lungs. In the picture posted upthread, I think he still looks creepy. But as I recall he looked rather harmless and innocuous in earlier mugshots before he scruffed out. I don't want to go image hunting for Manson because I'll get all freaked out, but there's a couple that are pretty well known. I'm thinking that he actually had freckles in one of them. I've got to believe that he (Manson) spent hours with a hand mirror developing the Manson Lamps, but maybe it just makes me feel better to think that he had to work on those. Edited to specify who had the hand mirror, although I imagine that Railsback had to work on that as well.
  16. I have managed to avoid Netflix lo these many years, although I was tempted with House of Cards because I love Kevin Spacey. But I pledge that if Netflix picked up Forever, I would cast my principles about tv on the internet to the side and sign up in a hot minute! I would also add a pay cable channel even if I wasn't interested in any of their other programming just for Forever, and I haven't done that since Oz.
  17. I have loved reading about the gradual growing of the love and appreciation for Violet that seems to have really picked up momentum the last several weeks. Even more since she was probably one of the most disliked queens through at least half of the season. Even though I've loved her since Episode 1 I could understand that and see where people were coming from, which makes her transformation all the more impressive. I don't think that she's really changed that much (although she has definitely grown), but it's been more of a just 'pulling out enough to win' type thing. Which is really smart if she actually planned out her growth arc before coming on the show. Much more useful than just being a superfan that can name all of the contestants and Snatch Game characters. Pay attention, Sasha Belle and (to a lesser extent) Trixie! Because it's not how you start, it's how you finish. I'd be happier if Katya was in the finale instead of Pearl because then I'd pretty much be okay with any result. I liked Ginger well enough and I think she's as deserving as anybody. I also wish that Katya had had more confidence in her Russian persona and used it during the season, because her entrance and her BFF character were stellar!
  18. While I didn't really like the arrangement on Hallelujah, I did love that Joshua sang it like he actually paid attention to the lyrics and understood what the song was saying. A few years ago, back when it seemed like a rule that Hallelujah must be performed at least once per season on every singing competition, it annoyed the hell out of me that people would either go full diva belting it at the top of their lungs or try to make it gospel with some Jesus waves and beatific smiles. My favorite version of the song is done by, believe it or not, Bon Jovi (I think I also read somewhere that it was Cohen's favorite as well).
  19. I can't really judge too harsh on Violet being first out. I remember that her MTQ did nothing for me in either looks or personality and I would have put her down as a forgettable early cannon fodder. But as soon as I saw her in the flesh, so to speak, I flipped over her! Sasha Belle? I can't really be objective at this point because, after her first TH, all I could think of was Stephen Fry every time she was on camera. I do recall thinking that she should have been lip synching Ep 1 and would have probably placed her at maybe the Kandy Ho level of elimination. I also totally forgot that I liked Pearl because I loved Nicole Paige Brooks! I was not a fan of her look, though. Can't stand her now, although I won't lie that has a lot to do with knocking out Fame (LSFYL) and Katya (because I think she was definitely B2 with Kennedy).
  20. And just when I thought that I couldn't love Violet any more than I already do...
  21. It was a rough night for me because, although I have been on Team Violet from the first episode, I have loved Katya since the promos started for the show. Besides losing her THs, it's even more of a bummer because she shouldn't have been in the B2 with Kennedy in the first place. Yes, I completely believe that Pearl was using Veruschka in the desert for inspiration. Thanks for the life preserver, Santino! I got my hopes up when Kennedy jumped onto the floor. I could have sworn that I either read or heard Ru say that after the India/Mimi incident a rule was put into place that you must stay on the stage during the lip synch. Did I just dream that, or are rules only enforced when convenient or beneficial *cough* Willam *cough*
  22. 'Scuse me, poster comin' through here at 4'11"! I was mentioning to my Mom last night that I've wanted to see Nadia Comaneci on this show for quite some time (even before Shawn Johnson was on) and I wouldn't mind seeing her with Sasha at all. I would say that Bart Conner and Nadia would be a good choice if they wanted to try another Ty Murray/Jewel thing, but I would want for the votes to get split. I do think that's why Charlie left earlier than he probably woud have otherwise.
  23. It reminded me of one of Vincent d'Onofrio's scenes in The Cell. I think the one where he's yanking out Jennifer Lopez' intestines with a hurdy gurdy , but it's been a while since I've seen it. (Yes, the movie was just as weird as it sounds.). But before they came down the stairs with the poitiers all I could think of was Maleficient.
  24. They had a challenge in Season 2 where they had to marry themselves. So they got dressed as both the bride and groom and the pictures were photoshopped together. I think this might have been the week when Tyra hot glued lace directly on to her leg. I seem to recall most of them making much more convincing brides than grooms. But I suppose you have a lot more freedom to create with makeup, it always amazes me how some men whose faces are kind of painful to look at are absolutely gorgeous when they slap on some paint (Chad and Alyssa are the standouts here).
  25. I think it's probably because their peers and playmates refer to them just as Jill and Derick since to them it's their sister and brother-in-law. As the second wave of grandchildren comes of age together they might start adding aunt and uncle because that will be their common relationship to the older generation.
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