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Everything posted by Sile

  1. I am glad that Blake's entire team was saved only because they waited to announce Hannah last. I really want to see what we get when they mix Hannah's spunkiness with Cee Lo's insanity. It could be epic! Joshua is one of my favorites so I'm glad he was saved, but I would have loved for them to have the opportunity for Adam and Usher to do a skit where they just sit in an empty room, looking at each other uncomfortably with Usher finally checking his Rolly (I'm not nearly hip enough to even know how to spell that. Help, Pharrell!).
  2. I didn't find it odd at all, just look to the sources. Two showboats that like to play dress up. Riker gets to spend all week pretending that he's Johnny Depp and Mark gets to go all "creative" with the set and smoke machine and completely pull focus with as ridiculous and outlandish a costume as he can muster. I happen to love Frozen (the movie, not the DWTS dance) and found two things hilarious about Nastia and Derek's dance. One, that Derek's portraying what seems to be Prince Charming, but turns out to be a conniving, calculating villain. Two, when they copied the film's exact synchronization movements in front the clock face, they were completely out of synch with each other. Did anybody time the dances? It seems like Rumer and Val's was over in a flash and Nastia and Derek's went on forever. But that could be because I loved R&V's routine and the music, while the Open Door number in Frozen is my least favorite part of the movie. I don't think they were pressured to do it. I'd bet Derek ate up that lip synching prince cheese with a spoon and he also got an out on creating choreo this week since it was pretty much just a cut and paste of the number in the movie.
  3. Caveat: I was not a real Trixie fan. I've been behind Katya since the contestants were announced and jumped on Team Violet as soon as she walked into the workroom for the first time. But I was warming up to Trixie after the bearded runway because I thought both her concept and execution were amazing, so I was sorry to see her go. No longer. Anybody who actually has to be told they can't do this is someone that is lost to me. I can't even imagine how one would go about preparing a character and "jokes" with this choice for Snatch Game. Yes, it's been 70 years. It's still too soon. I'm hoping that MKD comes back, she hooked me with the Glamazon Airlines ep. I've admired Fame's fashion sense, but I've really grown to like her as a person. That scene with Katya and Fame about their addiction fears is probably one of the realest things that's even been on a reality show. As a recovering addict, I want to hug both of them!
  4. I managed to watch the entire episode in about 5 minutes. Fast forward for the win! I had both America's choices and the save correct for all except Adam's team. I thought it would be Joshua and Tonya, with him saving Deanna. When Deanna moved on, I wouldn't have been surprised if he chose either Tonya or Nathan (figured he'd go with Nathan for the youth factor). I was shocked when he chose Brian. His charms just escape me, in both voice and personality.
  5. We had a similar saying in my family: When they raid the cathouse they take the piano player, too.
  6. It's funny you should use those specific two examples of something that rarely happens in real life. My sister purchased our childhood home from my parents after she had kids and needed a bigger house and my cousin had his wedding in his (huge) back yard. Then again, there's a house down the street from my mom's that has a Tardis in the back yard, so maybe I'm just in a vortex of rare occurrences. Or I live in a sitcom and don't know it (a la Truman).
  7. I think that's kind of a country thing. My grandfather was from Missouri and I don't ever remember him calling any of his children or grandchildren by name. The girls were all Sis and the boys were Butch, even after we were adults.
  8. Chris needing a crew member to hand him a tissue because college girlfriend didn't want to live on a farm probably didn't have the emotional impact he was hoping for, considering it immediately followed Robert talking about losing his mom to cancer and being at her side when she passed. Suzanne: "Say what? Joyce Who?" I would have actually picked up the phone and given Ryker a vote if he'd said his most memorable year was the one when he experienced competing in junior ballroom with his sister. (That actually could have been a good way to address his denials, use a little humor to deflect. "I tried ballroom for a couple months as a kid and just couldn't get it. I was horrible and didn't think I'd ever attempt it again until now.") Willow and Mark had a great group dance, but this isn't a group dance show, right? Although sometimes I wonder about that...Patti and Artem.
  9. For the second week in a row, my mouth dropped when Ru gave the chante. When Kasha Davis left instead of Kandy, I wept for the prospects of Snatch Game. I really liked Kasha and I thought he was extremely attractive out of drag. Her MTQ video did nothing for me, but I've loved Violet ever since her entrance week one. There, I've said it. I go between her and Katya as my favorite.
  10. Riker having had professional training doesn't bother me, and his having competed briefly in juniors not much more, it's the lying about it that has him losing me. It's one thing to just avoid mentioning it, but outright lying to a direct question? No. I don't think Carrie Ann's comment was reason for outrage, but she is being a bit premature. So far they've danced to Physical, Whole Lotta Shakin', and Copacabana. Not a lot of room for deep thoughts and profound introspection there... I actually kind of got where Bruno was going and I think it wouldn't have sounded so bad if he'd finished his sentence before the pearl clutching started. I thought it was sort of a pep talk along the lines of "You're never going to win the Nobel, but you are capable of being a good dancer". Maybe it would have been better if he'd said, "You'll never be dancing with the NYC Ballet, but you can certainly do a better job on a dumb reality show if you put down your damned phone." But I have no sympathy for Charlotte and her excuses. I'm dyslexic and have a hard time with right and left ("your other right" is an oft-heard comment) so when I have to do something where it matters, even something as basic as following a workout instructor, I wear a hair scrunchie on my left ankle and left wrist. When I hear "left", I think "scrunchie". Problem solved! Patti did more cha cha on the way to the staircase than in her routine. I really do think she could have done more.
  11. I don't think so. It happened at the end of last week's show when she was running around like an idiot screaming for Pharrell or Blake to steal. After Pharrell stole her, Koryn and P were hugging and, as is often the case, Christina tried to make it about Christina and they were having none of it. The ignoring was really more of them not even being aware of her existence because it was their moment, not hers. I don't think they were excluding her because of any personal dislike or attitude. I, personally, would be much more about the coach that just saved me than the one that just dumped me, but I'm bitchy like that.
  12. Laura Moser. Gone but never forgotten... Neither of my horses this year (Cody and Jacob) even made the lives so other than Joshua, in whom I have a mild interest, I'm not too invested for the rest of the season. I'd really like to know the actual order of the matches because I think Adam might have stolen Jacob if he hadn't wasted it on Brian and Pharrell showed a lot of interest in Cody but had already been goaded by Christina into using his steal. Speaking of which, I love that they showed part of the clip last week of Christina jumping up and down around Pharrell and Koryn and, when that didn't work, tried to go in for a group hug. While during the entire time neither one of them even acknowledged her existence. Besides it not being the last match of the night, I knew Christina wasn't going to steal Kelsey. Brooke, yes, but Kelsey lost any chance she had when she crumbled like a soft bake cookie. In that moment she looked like exactly what she is, a sheltered 15 year old from Kentucky who isn't ready for the pressure of competition.
  13. Okay, I probably started the "I'm Rick James, Bitch" when I posted that I'd like that to be his first words to Michelle, but I;m jumping off that wagon as I think I've changed my mind now. If they go paternal father's first name, maternal father's middle name then it would be Ricky Bobby, I'm amused at them having a mini Will Ferrell.
  14. The singing episodes are always a favorite, for no other reason than I get to see that little cutie Lucian Piane! I really felt for Kennedy this ep, I don't think I'll ever hear somebody talk about Sahara without getting a little teary eyed.
  15. I wouldn't have minded having some of that Rumer action at 16/1.
  16. She also had three dots on her wrist. I don't want to get into supposition or accusations, but will just say that it is also kind of a cultural thing.
  17. I hope that TLC is still filming when Baby Dilly says his first words. And I want those words to be "I'm Rick James, bitch!" Bonus points if those words are directed towards Michelle.
  18. I thought that she'd marked them up for the challenge. I just can't imagine somebody whose drag is so looks conscious would keep a mouth full of tooth rot to sully her "brand". Or actually open her mouth for a mini-challenge where you really don't win anything worth exposing them. But why would she mark her teeth up like that? Well, for the rest of the episode I had an eagle eye trained on her mouth. So if she wanted to pull focus, mission accomplished!
  19. I agree. To me that not only shows that Penny can't keep a confidence, but should destroy any trust Sheldon has in her and would never open up to her again about anything. Screwing up that relationship is definitely not worth a sight gag to use in a bumper.
  20. I was thinking that Christina might have thought that he was a girl at that point, since he has one of those 'surname as given name' things that can go either way.. I thought he was a girl when they kept showing him on the teasers, although it was obvious he was male as soon as he spoke and I could actually see his face for more than a five second clip..
  21. Schillinger has an Oscar! My night is now made, I don't care what else happens.
  22. Trading one addiction for another, it happens a lot. I'll say it, I think Gaga looks lovely! Her hair and makeup are great. I'm not fond of the silhouette of the dress, but it is fashion and very editorial.
  23. Is Tim McGraw ill or just getting older? Maybe it's just the lack of a hat.
  24. I keep thinking that there can't possibly be anybody worse.... and they keep finding them. I realized during this episode that I'm basically hate watching the show at this point. Pauline was even too lazy to keep track of her bingo cards. The blue machine on the stand was an electronic device that you can pay extra for and it marks your numbers on the screen and tells you if you have a bingo. I haven't been to bingo for years, I used to go with my mom when I was young, but they had just come out at that time and were called TEDs, for The Electronic Dauber. God forbid she would actually have to stretch out her arm and pull a muscle reaching to mark one of her 8000 bingo cards. Ouchie!
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