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Everything posted by TexasGal

  1. Just me, but did Caprice and her mother look like they could be sisters? Her mother almost looks younger than Caprice.
  2. Tamra's "breakdown" with the yelling and slamming things and sobbing but no tears....how did no one just bust out laughing?
  3. Plus the fact that he had to be convinced to drive a car because he only had a learner's permit, so he only drove with adults. Uhhh, either this kid lives on the edge and would bring a bloodied stranger home for the promise of sex, in which case he'd drive that car with no hesitation, or he's a big ole square who is too afraid to drive a car since he only has a learner's permit, even if sex with an adult woman is promised at the end of the journey. You gotta decide these things, show.
  4. I agree Caroline was joking about options, other than the vegan peppers it looked like they were discussing courses not options. When I have a dinner party (and granted it's generally for one or two couples, not a lot of people, and I'm the one doing the cooking), I will usually ask my guests if there is anything they can't/won't eat and if I'm planning to make something unusual or spicy I will check with them to make sure they will be ok with it. I was surprised that Juliet did look really nice a couple of times in this episode. Good hair, good clothes. Who knew she had it in her?
  5. Shannon seems really unstable. Why let these women get you so worked up? And then in the preview - saying she's not the type to have to walk out of a dinner party. Ummm, apparently you are actually.
  6. Wow Tamra has outdone herself this episode. HA! I love it when that troll is in the line of fire.
  7. In my experience the kissing is a European thing. I work with some British lawyers periodically and instead of a handshake they do the cheek kissing.
  8. Julie's hair...so, so bad. Like, trainwreck bad. Like, just wear a wig please bad. Yikes. Not befitting the future Countess (?) Sandwich. Frost, I wondered the same about Annabelle being in a hospital gown while not in a hospital. Huh? Couldn't she find a hospital gown in McQueen colors, at least?
  9. So when the current Earl dies, will Julie's husband become Luke Sandwich? I don't know why that name makes me giggle more than John Sandwich, but it does. Ok, they both make me giggle. But I'm just an ugly American - GASP a TEXAN even - so I don't know any better.
  10. I have found Cheryl Cole more amusing when she's been on in the past. She was pretty bland this time. Agree with the others that were surprised with how good Don Johnson looked and how funny he was.
  11. At least Marissa stopped Juliet (?) from picking flowers in the gardens. I thought it was funny that she was stealthily good at the shooting and croquet.
  12. Her look at the rodeo last night was AHmazing!!! I could have lived without the fringe pants but the vest with the chunky necklace. Damn, she looked good. She's my hero.
  13. rustyspigot, since Juliet is from the Chicago area I immediately assumed she was giving some context about where she was from or how she grew up by talking about John Hughes movies. I may be giving her too much credit.
  14. I've been on a Shannon hate train, so I'm going to try to stop after this one (ha!) - but the other thing that really struck me was how she keeps saying to people and in her talking heads that we are only seeing the "fun David", the David that is drinking and relaxing. And that he doesn't come out all that often. I trust her that this is true, but why would she just nag the crap out of him when he is in a good mood and make a point of telling people he's not normally like this? It's like she's afraid that people will like him more than they like her, so she wants to establish that usually he is no fun. When she is not talking about her marriage, I do like her. She is quirky and smart and understands that her behavior is hypocritical sometimes. But when it comes to how she acts with him I'm just so fascinated and want to figure out what is going on.
  15. Seriously! David, I will sip watered down tequila and eat chips and salsa with you anytime. Call me!
  16. Wow, Shannon is such a ball buster. David is, I'm sure, not perfect, but I'm totally on his side. Terry really REALLY likes his food.
  17. I love this! Science-y, not just lightning. Why didn't I think of that? Caliban having his Robert Smith circa 1985 moment with the make up was pretty amusing. I'm glad he didn't kill the actress for laughing at him, because I was laughing at him too.
  18. Dr F finds a bride for Caliban - and proceeds to cut her open, I assume just so she can also be grotesquely scarred for eternity? It looks like he was getting ready to do an autopsy cut. We all know how she died, doc. Unless you are going to cut all that crap out of her or something, it seemed silly that he was cutting her up.
  19. I forgot about this! There was a scene where there is a wolf behind Ethan - at first I thought it was a mirror but it must have been a painting. Then they flashed to the other men waiting in various rooms of the house, but I didn't notice any connection between them and the paintings hanging behind them.
  20. ghoulina, I'm with you on the hat confusion. Also, every event they've gone to where there has been hat drama, it seems like everyone else in the crowd is wearing hats. I decided last night that it's just a function of Caroline and Annabelle, and I guess maybe Caprice too in her Madonna faux Brit way, being the above it all Brits who can't be bothered to be into anything that the Americans get excited about. Because we don't get excited about anything, darling.
  21. Is there some sort of holistic counterpart for Xanax? Because Shannon needs to get on that immediately. Why was she picking at her husband eating chips and salsa? And did we really have to see Brooks in a towel?! Eyebleach, please.
  22. Wading in the shallow pool over here - but I have two things to say. The size of Josh Hartnett's hand when the demon Chandler put it on Vanessa's chest. Ahem. Also, I am finding myself strangely attracted to Victor. I cannot explain it. Maybe it's the pretty eyes.
  23. In my head, Heather shared with Terry the gossip about Shannon's marriage and that old hen (Terry) was the one who went out and spread the gossip. I have absolutely no basis for saying this other than it seems like something he would do, and because it makes me laugh to think about it. And, wasn't there a preview of Terry calling David some stupid name? To continue my fictional assessment, it's because David confronts Terry. I want this to be true. C'mon show. Make it happen,
  24. Marissa DOES talk out the side of her mouth. It is irritating, and once it's seen it can't be unseen. Time and the knife have not been kind to Caprice. In some of those close-ups - yikes!! Also, I see what you did there with poop/shit.
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