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Everything posted by TexasGal

  1. I so agree! He's always such a good sport and takes all the teasing in stride. Again, that couch was WAY too crowded. Just Jennifer Aniston and Jason Bateman, or Judi Dench and Dustin Hoffman, please. Not all of them. Dustin Hoffman needed to zip it too. I laughed so loud at the Rafferty Fox name discussion that I scared my dogs. I wanted to hear his story.
  2. Yep, I don't understand the extra unbuttoned look. Is she just trying to show off her hundreds of pink bras? Not cute.
  3. The cover of Noah's second book linked really with with the opening credits and song. I thought that was cool. Agreed on the question of why the detective didn't ask about other names. I thought he was going to turn around and ask about Bailey, Lockhart or the name of the main character in the book. If the book is really about Noah's experiences in Montauk I wouldn't be surprised if he was using the main character's name whenever he didn't want to give his own.
  4. My first thought was that he was consulting with the Real Divorce Lawyer of Atlanta so that Phaedra wouldn't be able to use him when she files for divorce. But, I'm sure I give him too much credit. You're absolutely right!
  5. I keep forgetting Samantha is there too. But now that I've remembered, she's lucky she was not in the bottom this week. My eyes hurt from looking at those colors. I really liked Jay's dress from the front, but not from the back. It was like it was for 2 different parties somehow. The skin showing at the waist would have been ok I guess but too much back showing. I really liked the skirt. And that it wasn't red. I'm another vote for can't believing it but actually liking Michelle's dress this week too. I was sure the names called out were going to be the top and bottom.
  6. I can buy the panic and felony murder discussion, from my time in law school where we would be total nerds and over-analyze every situation. And then once they had all pretty much agreed it was sink or swim for all of them, boom he wasn't really dead until Wes clocked him but they don't really stop and think that it is all on Wes now. And very clearly he was defending Rebecca. Sadly, I was not surprised by the final scene. Something about the way Wes crept so silently into the house to get the statue I was sure Annalise was there. (And, wouldn't he have seen her car in the driveway?) Teezy - it was fine to destroy the flash drive since he knew Annalise was in on it. You can't have Rebecca turn up with the drive but now Annalise can turn his computer over to the police and the same things will be found. Presumably after Sam's DNA proves it was his baby. I hope the fact that Annalise orchestrated the cover up means they did something smart with his cell phone. That's what I was worried about the whole time. Where is it? Are they sure it's destroyed so it can't be tracked, or is it sitting in one of those garbage bags?
  7. The thought of Helen winning a diamond necklace and massive jewelry store gift card really cracked me up. I can't imagine her wearing diamonds, I'm sure she's too cool for them. Has there ever been a more mismatched prize and winner?
  8. I thought they all had very flattering dresses on for the White Party - except Brandi. I was afraid the whole time that her ass crack was going to start showing. She has the most "model" body but when she was pulling Adrienne aside those straps across her back somehow made it look like she was fat. Why are such clothes even made?! If it was not flattering on the 6 foot tall stick figure lady, who has a hope of wearing it?!
  9. I thought the same - I thought his legs were stunted like his arms until last night. I think they wanted to make him seem more "freakish" and gave us that impression. Am I the only one who thought the way the father was touching her was going to turn into something else? There was a really inappropriate vibe going on.
  10. I was wondering about the "character committee" comment. I'm licensed in Texas, and as part of taking the bar you had to take a professional ethics exam as well as basically be background checked including submitting fingerprints. And they were really clear as part of the process that short of a serious felony, most things would not disqualify you IF you were upfront about them in your application for admittance. If you didn't tell them and then it came up in your check, you would not be admitted. I don't even remember how we found if we were cleared, I guess they just notified you if you weren't. I would not be surprised at all if Jim didn't disclose things or painted them differently than a background check would reveal.
  11. Wait - did I miss Jim commenting on the size of Dina's ass?!? Did they edit it out?
  12. Well, true BostonBlonde. By normal people standards they are all kinda d-bags. But since Jim took it to 11 they all look so much better!
  13. Joe Gorga wins the reunion - nope, no faxes or threats because I'm not a douchebag. Done and done!!
  14. The one that stuck in my memory was tropical punch. It has a slightly red tinge to it. It manages to look even nastier than the standard black.
  15. Blk is also available at Sprouts stores in the DFW area. There are multiple flavor options. I am perversely curious about it every time I see it. But not enough to actually buy it or drink it.
  16. Apollo's dad must be/have been very, very pretty. Seeing his family members was a shock.
  17. So, the whole Mary Poppins look? Floating in on an umbrella? No reason for that? Just a Moffatt moment?
  18. I had an image of him pushing a file cabinet in. One drawer for each housewife and spouse. My favorite moment (that hasn't been mentioned yet lol) was when Jim said something about making $8 million a year and directed it to Rino. Who was like, WTF? And responded how he's never talked about how much money he makes. Sometimes I really like that bald guy. It was also amusing to me how nervous Tre was every time her husband was asked a question. Why can't he answer if he is worried about being deported, Teresa? Some of the questions she tried to cut him off from answering were baffling to me.
  19. THIS!!!! Holy crap!! Also, she's never hit below the belt. And has very strict rules about how family should behave. But, the world needs to know she was at Lexi's graduation party. Okay.
  20. They were shorts. When his model came out I was thinking - ummm, what was that about no cheeks?! So I watched her cheeks very carefully to make sure they were covered. And they were. Barely. I'll also vote for please more Dmitry and Fabio always please. Keep them around forever. I like to look at both of them. And I love Chris March, he always cracks me up. I really liked his kilt/skirt too.
  21. Poor Twisty. His expression when the mean little people asked him if his mom dropped him on his head when he was a baby and he said yes, but he was ok and it was only because she was drunk. Awww. I'm gonna miss that evil clown. Do we think Esmeralda now genuinely likes hero Jimmy, or is still part of her act?
  22. So does Ashley/Ashlee/however she's spelling to these days actually work for Lauren, I wonder, or was she just working at the grand re-opening to get her mug on camera? Autocorrect wanted to make re-opening "reaping." That seems appropriate.
  23. The whole time Saul was following that dude in the airport, I was thinking - he's a serious ISI asset, you think he doesn't know who you are?! Hey, the former CIA director is following me in the airport. Cool. I did not expect them to kidnap Saul but couldn't believe he was being so dumb.
  24. I think they didn't show us the AC trip before because Amber and the twins all came out of it appearing totally insufferable. Just as I'm amazed that Tiny made Joe Gorga seem reasonable, those loons make Melissa seem reasonable. Stop messing with my head, show! I thought it was funny they showed the twins getting ready together and Dina and Teresa getting ready together, but not Amber and Melissa. I think that would have been way more amusing!
  25. I rewatched that scene a couple times too. I coukdnt make out what Cleese says either but it seemed like she replied thank you, with a smile. That with his laugh, I assumed he said something to her like good comeback.
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