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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. I think for the majority of the episodes this was a good show—visually well done and riveting in terms of suspense and storytelling. Anyone who enjoys the thriller/suspense genre should give it a go. That being said, for me the last two episodes didn’t deliver an ending on par with the rest of them. Those 2 were a little slower and lower on the wow factor. As well, there are a few items where suspension of disbelief continued to be problematic and affected the resolution. The timelines for one. These were mostly throwaway lines but I’ve been stuck on them. 8 weeks was all the longer they planned to be there so this all happened in less time than that. I can’t imagine tackling a renovation/restoration/flip of a house that size in just 2 months without a larger work crew and with 5 kids to look after. Heck, from a progress standpoint, all they appeared to have managed was rummaging through the items on the property to determine value. 8 weeks doesn’t sound like realistic goal at all, and this wasn’t Hugh and Olivia’s first flip so I can’t brush it off on naivety. Then Olivia’s decent into spirit induced madness in just 3 days according to their statement that they had a good marriage except for those last three day was also difficult for me to get on board with. I think it would have made more sense if they’d have been in the house 6-12 months. Then I could have more readily believed that all the setbacks with renovation were wearing on them and the ghosts were capitalizing on it. I also found it interesting (read bothersome) that Olivia remained in that state of delusions and madness even after her death. Nell at least seemed to come to a level of awareness. The casting of Young Hugh didn’t work for me so maybe that’s why I’ve also struggled with his character in the past. (I really liked Present Hugh). Like the kids, I too had issues with him leaving Olivia behind “that night.” I understand his shock, fear, and concern when he found her trying to poison the twins, but I guess I’m stuck on the fact that Olivia didn't seem a hard person to subdue and it was poison; she wasn’t running wild wielding a gun after all. I believe he said they’d been together 20 years at that point and things had only gone bad in the last 3 days. His reaction wasn't exactly on par with a successful marriage/family gone wrong in only 3 days. And then I have to wonder if he would have gotten her out with the kids if it would have saved them all. Well except for Abigail, which brings me to her. There’s a bit too much suspension of disbelief there too. Luke keeps talking about a little girl named Abigail to which no one believes him (well accept Nell I guess), but yet they know the Dudley’s have children who live right on the edge of the property and never think to question if it’s one of theirs! Given that the was only a 10 episode stint, the plot holes are a bit of a sticking point. I expected better continuity and closure. I’m also still scratching my head over the death of Nell’s husband. Was Nell’s life that incredibly doomed regardless of the house or did the house have a hand in killing him? Since Nell sees the bent-neck lady at the time, did she unconsciously kill him? This should have been made clear but wasn't so I think we're left w/speculation. I'm rather assuming he just left the kids with their aunt as a misguided way to "protect" them. I think Mr. Dudley was trying to warn Hugh in the one scene down the basement after the mold appears when he tells their backstory. Hugh didn't seem to take it seriously enough then so I'm guessing it would't have done any good if Mr. Dudley would have brought it up sooner. Agree that Abigail's death is downplayed & seems simply because she's not a Crain. I also didn't care for the implications that her life mattered less because... a) her family was of a lower class/the servants/help??? b) she was a homeschooled child??? They really seemed to feed into the unsubstantiated myths & stereotypes of homeschooled children being isolated. I think Poppy was introduced too late in the season and with too much emphasis placed on her ghost above all the other spirits. And agree, Stephen didn't deserve an HEA. They sorely brushed over the atrocity he consciously inflicted on his wife. Putting her through years of "infertility" and believing something was wrong with her when it was in fact him is equivalent to gas-lighting and emotional abuse. I had no sympathy for him. And wasn't the Dudley's missing another living child???? I could have sworn Mrs. Dudley tells Olivia she has 2 children around her kid's age. (I assumed that was not counting the stillborn). THIS! It drove me nuts through the whole series. It felt like viewers here given an amalgamation of both HEA, undeserved redemption, horror, and tragic loss, and not in a way that worked. But was Olivia really mentally ill in just 3 days? She seemed pretty normal until the writers didn't want her to be anymore. I also have issues with an innocent 5 year old's fate being sealed by her own haunting as a child. The house clearly was responsible. There's nothing to indicate the twins had issues till they came there.
  2. While their lines were indeed creepy, it's possible they didn't realize the full context/impact. They likely don't know the full story line either. The little boy who played Danny in The Shining has said in various interviews as an adult that he didn't realize they were filming a horror movie. It was more just fun and games, running around the set, etc. Given child actor laws, I'm sure there are people on set to make sure the kids aren't traumatized. I'll raise my hand; I thought it was missing a big reveal moment too. It's been built up so much and then fizzled a bit. In fact, I'll say that hubs and I found this episode to be the weakest link. While the past reveal was necessary, there was a bit too much repeat scenes. Some things we either already knew or had been foreshadowed a little too hard. Filling in the missing pieces was fine, but I must say I missed the "present" in this episode and feel it needed a moment or two of the adult kids for balance or simply impact, aside from Olivia's little "trip" to the future funeral home which admittedly was both a surprise and a head scratching moment.
  3. Agree! They have a right to be upset about him capitalizing on their childhood trauma but nothing is wrong with taking the money if it's being used for a good purpose like Theo's education or Shirley's charity cases in the funeral business. Given all their family issues and the fact that one member has addiction issues, you'd think they'd have kept the booze locked up. Who was watching Shriley's kids during the family viewing?
  4. I'm still a little confused about the Dudley's--do they have living children or just the one that was stillborn? Mr. Dubley kept referring to her as his first daughter or first child, implying they had other ones but nothing has been shown or mentioned. Agree! This seems like a huge project for two people w/5 kids. I'm kinda assuming their previous homes weren't this large. Am also wondering if they purchased this house at an auction or by some cheaper means to make them think it would be profitable given the size and age of the house. I'm also assuming they are the first owners since the Hills. And flipping this place in 8 weeks--no way! If flipping is their career, you'd think they'd have known that was out of reach even without spirits messing with you at every turn. Their line about the key has been grating me too. Even if they were trying to preserve that ornate handle and probably original door, call a locksmith!
  5. I know others have said it, but I have to say it too--Steven is a total asshole! How inconsiderate, self-centered, and unloving do you have to be to marry a woman who you know wants kids, let her spend years thinking she's going to get pregnant, and then finally meet with a fertility doctor when you know all along you had a freaking vasectomy!?!? I have quite a few friends who have suffered with fertility issues, and I can't imagine a husband truly loving his wife and putting her through that on purpose. How cruel! For what, over a decade she's thought something was wrong with her? And if they hadn't required a sperm sample from him, was he going to let her endure fertility drugs (that have side effects)? Also like someone else pointed out, he could have been upfront with her about his concerns of passing on his genes and given her the opportunity to use a sperm bank. If there's any happy ending to this story, I hope it includes Leigh getting pregnant to someone else (whether through sperm donorship or a hot lover) and divorcing Steve's selfish ass and soaking him for every cent he's got.
  6. No, I don't think they've actually said it was '92 (or at least not yet), but we read it in one of the descriptions for the show. In one of the episodes Theo is dancing to Paula Abdul's "Cold Hearted Snake" video on a VHS tape. The song came out in '89 so it could be a few years later. Agree that the dad's clothes don't look like they are from the '90's. We're enjoying it too though. I think it's well done. We even managed to end up watching the episode set on Halloween night on Halloween night!
  7. I don't know. There's some reason the Dubley are willing to work there during the day but not return at night though. There seems to be some distinction though it didn't stop the kids from seeing things in daylight. While I don't think the father murdered the mother, I'm not sure he didn't do some kind of jail time, hence the reason they were raised by the aunt. And where is the aunt now? Bad parenting moment #101 in this show. Even if it was paint like he claimed, why the heck didn't he change his clothes before he returned to his kids!? Like they weren't traumatized enough. Also Dr. Jacoby, the Hawaii loving shrink of Laura Palmer from Twin Peaks. I wanted to cringe though when he suggested Nell return to the house where she'd realize it was harmless. Blood is on his hands. In the first episode where we see Adult Nell I guessed her to only be in her late teens/ college years. I was surprised when we found out she'd been married. Of course, I also didn't realize at that point that she and Luke were twins, assuming she was the youngest. Little Nell is adorable. The child actress does a great job. I find the adult Nell (actress) a little flat, but still very sympathetic. I really felt bad for her in the scene where Theo visits her in CA after the husband's death. While I've come to like Theo the best since her own episode, I found her really cold in that scene. As a therapist, she should have handled Nell better. Even w/out their traumatic childhood, the girl had just lost her husband to sudden death and yet Theo acted pissed that Nell wasn't showing her around LA and sunning it on the beach with her.
  8. THIS! Agree that between drug addiction and homelessness at times it's hard to imagine he'd manage the maintenance of contacts. Let's hope there's a throw-away line that the aunt paid for corrective surgery after they came to live with her as I doubt his siblings would have during his adult years seeing as how they either didn't have money starting out (Steven) or were already footing his rehab bills (Shirley).
  9. I found it odd too that the mom was so open, understanding, and supportive of Theo's sensitivity or ability and yet it seemingly completely oblivious to the issues in the house with the other kids. I get that Nell and Luke are young and so it would be logical to first assume they are just playing with imaginary friends or just having a bad dream, but if these things didn't start til they moved to the house, it should also be a red flag. Sometimes it seems like the parents are a little too wrapped up in their house flipping and neglecting the kids.
  10. Jackson sold the movie rights back at the time of the first film adaption. Not sure who owns them now or if the story has come into public domain. but the liberties or artistic license they have taken with this production is on the up and up, and not uncommon. I think some viewers will seek out the book. You'll always have viewers whose interest is piqued and want to learn/read more while others will be content with what's shown. To tap into the literary world for a reference, think of the underlying themes/commentary at play in Fahrenheit 451. ;-) Hollywood certainly can create a buzz about certain works, though it seems that The Haunting of Hill House (now w/multiple adaptions) might be on the road to becoming more of a brand. Theo is shown in the first flashback scene. She's the one in the hall when Steven is headed to the twins's room. She has one line. Blink and you'll miss her though. Honestly while I knew a sibling was there, my hubs and I had to go back at the end to confirm if the kid shown was a boy or girl as after they started talking about "Theo" we assumed there were 3 brothers and 2 sisters instead of 3 sisters and 2 brothers. I too expected a baby instead of a kindergartner(?) The cries did sound off. I do wish they would be more specific about the kid's ages. And I've played a guessing game with the year the past is taking place. Apparently it's 1992 but you'd never know that from the way they are dressed. Perhaps the show is going for that "timeless" feel that shows like the original Twin Peaks embraced.
  11. I really hope Netflix produces more seasons for Halloween and other holidays. Would love to see Christine tackle pumpkin carving.
  12. I didn't get past the first episode of the first season. Killing a pregnant woman was just a no-go for me. Jumped ahead to season two and just finished it. Liked the premise; don't think I really "liked" any of the characters but then that's usually the point of a slasher flick--you're not heartbroken when they die and you might even root for a few to get offed. For example, both hubs and I had no sympathy for Talvinder. What an insecure, self-centered, manipulative tool she was. I wish Susan would have lasted longer. Yes, she came off cold but she was the most insightful of them all from the flashbacks. I liked how she had Talvinder's number from the start. I felt the most sorry for her demise because she had a husband and child at home who loved her. Andy's boyfriend back home caught a break w/her death. Clearly she wasn't into him since she slept with her cheating ex so soon after they arrived. Peter clearly had issues with keeping it in his pants. Eye rolled quite a number of circumstances where they foolishly put themselves in harm's way. But again, I guess that's the nature of the genre. I felt like the last episode needed a little more....resolution perhaps and maybe even flashbacks of
  13. I just finished watching the Murder House season for the second time. Saw it originally when it aired. It's still the best, by and far, in my opinion; however, I'm even more bugged after two viewings and further reflection by the way that Ben gets a pass and Tate doesn't. I would have really liked to see Violet come around to Tate at the end. If you watch the making of, Brad Falchuk talks about how they wanted Ben to be a likable guy. I'm sorry but I loathed Ben even more the second time around. I found Vivan's assessment of him as a "narcissist asshole" in one of the earlier episodes to be spot on. I felt he made little change/growth as a character and didn't deserve the HEA he got. He's quick to write Tate off as a psycho, but I had far more sympathy for Tate's character. Tate's original murders--the HS massacre-- are committed when he's a teen and jacked on cocaine. His later (post death) murders of the previous owners as well as the rape of Vivian are committed in his twisted attempt to pacify an upset Nora, longing for her house and baby back. His actions, while true horrors, aren't done for selfish reasons. In fact, he seems to relate to Nora as a mother figure, probably out of the distorted family life he had. He's been influenced/subjected to the evil of the house all of his life. And yet, he still saves and attempts to save Violet twice as well as spare her feelings. That doesn't sound to me like someone without a conscious as Ben accuses. Ben, by contrast, never actually commits a murder, but he's a adulterous husband and neglectful father. Repeatedly cheating on your wife who's suffered a traumatic miscarriage, trying to excuse your bad behavior, and then lying to said newly pregnant again wife to accompany pregnant mistress to an abortion is not what I'd ever consider a "likable" guy. All of his bad deeds occur as a mature, educated adult. Tate I felt sorry for. Ben I wanted to throat punch and then cut off his balls.
  14. Yeah, the neighbors are certainly rocking the whole cliched weird neighbor thing, although not nearly with the finesse of Jessica Lange's demented neighbor role in Season 1. These neighbors both encompass and defy various social-political stereotypes all while coming off as complete kooks (i.e. the blood stains on the floor). I have no doubts they are involved with Kai's plan. They have the potential to be developed into complex characters, but only time will tell. I was at least glad to see them join the plot if for nothing else but an expansion of what seems like a small cast this time around. Sarah Paulson is wearing thin.
  15. I watched the show years ago and am now re-watching on Netflix. In the final season, the numbers will tie in w/Jacob's candidates if I recall correctly. (I'm not that far along in my rewatch)
  16. This! And why do they even deliver babies at Radley to begin with? I don't buy that she couldn't have been safely and securely transferred to a hospital to give birth. But what bugs me even more about these Spencer/Alex birth sequences is the ridiculous nods to a 1920's era instead of what 1990! It's another way MK is attempting to delude the viewer into missing the many plot holes, like the ultrasound which would have shown twins months before. Did Mary also not receive any prenatal care?
  17. Sadly this is true. Thank heavens the show has ended or next season would probably be about Ezra using his sperm and Nicole being their surrogate.
  18. I should just be satisfied that Azaria can't procreate and leave it at that, but I also couldn't help feeling like that reveal had a lot of holes in it. It would have been helpful if they would have elaborated on specifically what was wrong w/Aria, but also it seemed a bit strange that they weren't even presumably trying to have kids, she took one test when she thought maybe she got pregnant on accident, and then when it was negative she started consulting 3 different OB/GYNs. Oh and the latest doctor's office calls you back at night rather than during office hours or by making you come in for an appointment so they can discuss further options.
  19. Oh they totally exist. Hospitals stock them. A must have after vaginal childbirth, especially if you've had your stitches done twice like I did the first time. Provided she didn't have a c-section, Allie should have been able to tell them that. LOL!!! I've given Lost a lot of slack for it's final season and finale, but it's still genius in comparison to PLL. On that note, MK should have at least paid homage to them with a little "Make Your Own Kind Of Music" playing in the background. Hell I'd have accepted the DHARMA Initiative, the Smoke Monster, or even Richard Alpert as AD before I'll ever buy that an insane orphan bar maid was responsible for the construction of that hatch and the board game. The one bright spot in this finale was the knowledge that there will be no little Azaria's running around. One pretentious prick like Ezra is enough. What I found more mind boggling was that they were actively trying to have kids when their marriage wasn't even going that well. When the finale opened, they seemed to be in the exact same place they were when they split up back in college. Not surprising, since in their rush to the alter, they never addressed the original issues (careers, travel, place to put down roots, etc) that were tantamount to their relationship working. It's irresponsible to purposely bring children into an unstable relationship. Fast forward PLL another 5 years and Haleb will be arguing custody as they attempt to settle their divorce.
  20. I have no words for this finale and the last several seasons; it's just that bad! The early seasons had so much promise, but sadly the biggest thing I'll take away from this show now is their blatant disregard to serious issues like non-consensual sex, bullying, stalking, inappropriate behavior with minors, mental illness, etc. Yes, it's fiction, but what makes it repulsive is that MK is fully aware of the vast teenage audience and following the show had, and yet she couldn't muster an ounce of social consciousness. It's been fun chatting w/everyone and reading comments though. May your next series viewing be better written and more fulfilling!
  21. What I don't get (and I don't know why I'm surprised given the poor continuity of this show) is how AD can know every move the Liars make but not know who killed Charlotte till the Liars figured it out. If Charlotte was so important to AD why didn't he/she keep better tabs on her???
  22. Say it isn't so. Watching this show one time through was bad enough. Watching re-run clips is like MK playing AD to the viewers--it's torture ;-) LOL Yeah I bet that judge who she woke up and pestered for all those warrants was a bit peeved when he found out his time was wasted. Sort-of like the viewers who have been watching this show expecting a satisfying resolution to the mysteries rather than a swan season romance fest. The only person I'd really like to see get an HEA would be Mona. I want her to get help, get healthy again, find new friends, and realize that the Liars aren't really aren't that cool to hang out with at all. For real, after all these episodes I'm left with a really meh feeling for some of the main characters and a total YUK feeling for some others. The girls have learned nothing; their beaus (Ezra and Caleb I'm looking at you) have become deplorable; and yet all that's probably about to be swept under the rug so we can be force fed their fairy tale epilogues in the last 2 hours. This is one show where harsh realities needs to come before romantic shipping. Based off everything we've seen and been told of these characters, their futures should realistically include everything from jail time to divorce to unemployment to midlife crisises.
  23. This is Ezra we're talking about. He's straight up pretentious just like mac123x said in multiple choice B. But I second the question, what was the NSFW video w/Mike??? That sounds far more interesting than this episode.
  24. “I have a master’s degree in American Literature; there’s nothing I can’t handle.” WTF? And with that one statement Ezra went from obnoxious prick to idiot baboon. Seriously, what does that even mean??? I have a master’s in lit myself and I still have no clue what the ever loving fuck he was talking about. Hello Mr. Fritz, there’s a corpse in your fiancé’s trunk. Deconstructing Moby Dick will not keep Aria out of jail. Clearly MK and the writers do not have any degrees in literature or they’d write something better than this crap. The whole “Mrs. Rollin’s” scene was nothing more than a freakin’ dream? How ‘we forgot about that scene till the viewers reminded us so we had to resolve it with the lamest plot device in literature’ of them!
  25. I wouldn't put much faith in any interviews the cast or MK give. They long ago started playing up on the "liar" theme by telling fibs to the press in real life. Typically the stuff they say doesn't make any more sense than the mysteries of the show. I know many viewers like Ashley's character but she was always pretty meh to me and then this past season she's served no purpose other than to ship Haleb. Yes, I made the distinction in an earlier post too that Spencer and Aria's motivations were completely different. Spencer was trying to infiltrate the A team to get insider information and put an end to their harassment; Aria only joined to save her precious wedding. And you are correct that Malcolm was never in any danger w/Spencer. She basically just babysat the kid. He probably had a better time than he did when he was with his supposed father, Ezra. Yep, and this is why I didn't interpret the 90 second cameo by Wren at the airport as anything more than bad editing rather than a Twincer scene. They are just throwing in whatever actors they have available at the moment so they can either claim the characters haven't been forgotten or appease the fans of those actors. It's badly plotted and badly scripted for sure.
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