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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. That dramatic moment when Ava bursts through the door and save's Tripp's genitals...a year from now we will find out that when Ava had to drive 100 miles per hour to make the hour-some ride from Statesville to Kayla's apartment in five minutes that she also killed a comatose Janice along side the road after John and probably two other people do time for the crime. But it was significantly more interesting than hearing Lani whine about losing her "best friend" as if she's twelve and not a thirty year old cop. I hope Allie stays away from Eli with that gun too because it was nice to see Eli grow some balls when it comes to his petulant wife. Anyone want to take bets on who the new labor coach is? My money is on Julie. I was starting to wonder if she was going to flash him before she shot him. Like maybe she thought the target would be harder to miss if she made it rise for the occasion. 😀
  2. Since Days does everything pretty shoddy these days, I would be totally okay if they could get Wayne for a brief stint where they re-established him as Roman, settled the character, and then finally admitted that Josh Taylor has been and still is Chris Kositchek! Might as well because Josh plays the same character. They even have Roman running the pub like Chris ran Shenanigans. For us original 80s viewers it would be less confusing. 😁 For never viewers a simple, "The role of Roman Brady is now being resumed by original actor Wayne Northrop and we now reintroduce the character of Chris Kositchek, played by Josh Taylor" should suffice.
  3. Agree, this does not come across like a show who values the health and safety of their cast. I'm sure I saw writing guidelines for the soaps released before they could resume filming and it said to avoid writing fighting and intimate scenes. Days has done both. And they have Ron....so I guess that explains it. Yep, they would totally blame Sami for this too. Though since she's currently off screen they might revert to their new second favorite scapegoat, Eli. Just wait till Lanni is called to the scene.
  4. Thanks to NBC news interruptions I only saw the first and last ten minutes of today's show. In that time I was still struck by the chemistry between MM and JKJ and the lack of chemistry between MM and BB, reunited or not. Maybe it was just MM and JKJ alone w/MM in lingerie but I found myself kinda glad she didn't get to marry Shawn. Also can John please go strangle Ava next? Pretty please.
  5. I had to laugh at the irony that Shawn and John were flexing their cop/spy training muscles in front of awkward Charlie on Friday to intimidate him and then proved today that they couldn't even take out a deranged, unarmed woman in a wedding dress in their own living room. Like how hard would it have been for Shawn and Brady to just tackle her and tie her ass to a chair?
  6. As I sat today watching Julie and her worse than ever harpy ways, I thought, "Why is she still on screen?" And then I remembered that she's become Days's matriarch and that reminded me just how far the show has fallen when this nosey as hell bitch who gives lousy advice and bosses everyone around replaces sweet Alice Horton and her donuts. Yes she gets more and more insufferable every time she whines about Eli. She (and Julie) want Eli to consult Lani about everything he does but hey it's okay if Lani lets a guilty suspect go free w/out consulting Eli, both her personal and professional partner. I thought both marriages and police partnerships were reliant on trust but it seems that Queen Julie and Princess Lani know better. I liked teen Shelle too and thought they had good chemistry. For me though, it's always been the actors for these parts that was key. Jason Cook and Kristin Storms worked together and rocked the cute first time romance thing. Heck, Jason Cook is the only Shawn for me. I'm not a BB fan. And on that note, I just don't feel it when Shelle is BB and MM. I find MM has more chemistry with Philip when played by JKJ.
  7. I was never a fan of Kim and Shane (couple wise) so I always wanted to see him get back together and stay with Gabriel Pascal. Always thought they had more chemistry together.
  8. Yes, I think that's where it originated from with Bo and Hope. She was from a reputable family/dressed nice/make-up on her face and Bo thought she acted like a "princess." It distinguished the differences between them since he wasn't a clean cut guy and came from a working class family who struggled to get by.
  9. This! That was bugging me all summer. I think it's one of the reasons why I can't stand Allie.
  10. Yes that would be worth watching if for nothing else but to hear Vivian's snarky comments. That would be a great start! But even better if it ended with... Kayla killing Ava with her bare hands while Lani stands around watching and shrugging, "Hey Kayla is a mother who lost her baby to prison. I won't even mention it to Eli this time. I'd offer to help you get rid of the body, but my pregnant back is killing me." Kayla: "Thanks Lani, I owe you one so my physician labor & delivery fees are on the house this time." Steve: "Don't worry, Sweetness, I'll go bury that bitch who raped me. I still remember where Stefano hide his bodies."
  11. This whole Belle/Shawn wedding sabotaged by Jan has been so contrived every step of the way. From Claire running her dumb mouth to Jan to the fact that Shawn (despite having Hope's house to himself and only having to change into a tux) got dressed at his bride's parents/the site of the wedding while the actual bride rented a hotel room across town so she had to get in and out of a car in her long full gown and veil and drive over, though I hope for the sake of other Salem drivers Jan didn't have that blinding thing over for face for the ride over.
  12. Today's episode should have been subtitled "Dumb and Dumber." Olivia Rose Keegan at least played crazyClaire in a way that was interesting. Isabel Durant's portrayal of dumb as rocks Claire just isn't doing anything for me. I mean, how dense do you have to be to tell your parent's nemesis about their upcoming wedding??? And then take said nemesis's advice to bring a guy you've dated twice to their small, private family ceremony in your grandparent's living room apartment? I know Claire has been hoodwinked by Jan into thinking that's she's being unfairly judged, but a little discretion if you like your parents even a little bit. Of course, Shawn wasn't much smarter, inviting his bride's ex-husband to the nuptials. Might as well drive out to Statesville and give Orpheus an invitation so he can kidnap the bride's mother before the wedding march begins.
  13. Darn, I was hoping Ava was going to be the one to bite the dust...again Granted, Jan would be my second choice.
  14. She could be EJ's half sister (the child of Susan and Edmond ) and thus not a Dimera. Would also explain her British accent.
  15. Yes, I thought they were the most interesting part of today's episode too. Now I can hope Gwen's "reason" is decent and not something lame when we finally see the excluded scene three months down the road in a black and white flashback. Now if only they'd take it a step further and show how Abs was once the "Kate" in EJ's affair/betrayal of Sami. Princess Abs always imagines herself in the victim scenario. Would be nice to get a Kate/Abs scene where Kate points that out. to her. On that note, would be nice to get a Sami scene where she points it out to Jennifer, who I seem to recall thought her precious baby girl's shit didn't stink.
  16. I would never guess it's November sweeps month based off this snoozefest to finish out the month... http://www.dayscafe.com/weekly-spoilers.html
  17. Amen to this! I can't stand the character of Ava either. I don't even know why I'm still watching since she reappeared on screen. She is a mix of a been-there-done-that Marina rehash, a nasty piece of work, and a straight out nutcase. There's no value to her character. I wish they'd retconn her whole existence. So far it was just once the night after everyone returned from the anniversary-coma party gone wild. But Jake is boning like a fourteen year old boy for another round so it will probably happen again. Chad is in the dark so far about it so they are sneaking around like teenagers instead of the eye-roll worthy adults they are...supposed to be. I assume Kate is just doing him cause she likes sex and isn't very discerning who it's with. As for Jake? He just suddenly seems to have been revamped from the tough Philly mechanic who used to run with the mob to a high schooler who just hit puberty and is hot for teacher. Personally, I don't see any chemistry between them on top (no pun intended) of a romantic angle that's a little weird.
  18. Deleted scenes that would probably have been more interesting than the ones we watched today… Rachel when it’s time to say good-bye to mommy at the prison: Brady: “What am I supposed to do? This is all Eli’s fault!” Rolf, fed up with toddler wails: “I have a serum that will shut her up!” Clyde: “I could sing her a song.” Rolf’s response: Clyde: “Fine, I can sell her some drugs to quiet her down.” Orpheus: “I could kill her grandfather and make her cry even loud-er.” Prison guard (probably shown off screen cause Days has no budget): “Hey kid, your dad’s loaded. He’ll buy you lots of ice-cream on the way home if you leave quietly.”
  19. At some point in today's episode 🎵Everybody Plays the Fool 🎵popped into my head except the lyrics changed to 'Everybody IS a Fool.' (Sing it with me!) Seriously Lani and Allie, get out the forks because you are going to eat crow. But hey, Lani has no room to complain because her alternative could be eating prison food with her bestie. I thought for sure Marlena was going to offer her hypnotizing services to Allie when she sensed doubt in Allie's slowly spinning mind, but nope the obvious possible solution to sorting out Tripp and Allie's conflicting stories remains unspoken right along with getting some of that memory serum from Rolf. Just like I thought as a psychiatrist and mother of three, Marlena might have pointed out to Kristin that toddlers often burst into tears and throw 'no I don't want to leave' fits whenever separated from someone they enjoy spending time with. It wasn't necessarily a jailbird mom problem. (Sorry Kristin it's not always about you.) Seriously have these women in their 50 and 60 years of life never seen a child having to leave a toy store? 😭 And on that note, generally the promise of a trip to the toy store or ice-cream parlor calms them pretty quickly. Rachel is less than 2 years old. She's going to have a short attention span. I don't expect Brady to know that as he usually seems pretty relieved to pawn his kid off on the closest babysitter, but I rather expected Marlena to have the knowledge and insight. In Ron's world I have no doubt he'd have Allie drunk sleep walk across the pond, get kidnapped by Clyde, and be driven by Orpheus in a stolen car to the prison where they were hosting One Night Stand Conjugal Visit Night and Joey decided to come out of his cell, see what all the fuss was about, and attend. At which point, Allie can only hope that little Henry doesn't have Stefano's "essence" in additional to Steve-related DNA.
  20. Yes, I was thinking hoping her wheels were starting to turn. I figure one of these days some more of her memory of that night is going to come back that will call into question her version of events even more. Hopefully this happens before Nicole takes out a billboard in Horton Town Square accusing Tripp.
  21. The Salem PD, lacking as they are, could do a much better job if they patrolled Murder Park since apparently it is now where escaped convicts and presumed dead should-be convicts hang out. I'm not sure who's dumber. What I am sure about is that eating lunch before that Steve/Ava flashback was a bad idea. Is having your best friend throw your baby shower really a hard and fast tradition or was this just another excuse for Lani to whine about Kristin? I have two kids and enjoyed my baby showers thrown by my mother and co-workers just fine. With twins on the way, time for Lani to grow up.
  22. I just realized that if Nicole hooks up with Rafe, Allie will worship her even more since Rafe is her other favorite person. It will be an utter hypocrisy and ass-kissing fest.
  23. This! I can't summon up the slightest sympathy for Brady and Kristin either. Also they have plenty of money between them to hire some high powered attorneys (not Belle) to get Kristin off on an insanity plea. Pretty sure a few years of therapy wouldn't hurt her. In the meantime, Rachel can join Mommy is Crazy Daycare with Abigail's kids, and Brady can stop bitching.
  24. Chad: "I've looked everywhere and I can't find Abigail. She's missing." Me: "She's in your freaking living room!" He must lose miserably when playing hide-n-seek with his kids.
  25. Because today's episode was just that bad.... *Cue the theme music* On our last episode... Forty year old Jake became a lovesick school boy over the town's sex vixen, Kate. Despite the good sex, Kate informed him that they were a one and done kinda hook-up just like Gabby did after their only romp. Will Jake need to schedule an appointment with Dr. Marlena to address his sexual inferiority complex now? Or will Kate don a school girl outfit and take him up on the offer to sneak around? Meanwhile, Zander played relationship shrink to his intern. But did rambling Charlie need an editor more than Zander's lesson in toxic masculinity? Sanctimonious Abigail couldn't believe the audacity of her father's infidelity. Will she remember her own home-wrecking ways or simply have another cocktail? Over in the park, Jen reminded Jack that he's not only slept with her mother but her father's old mistress. Is cousin Julie next? Bored? Well you'll be again next time on Days of our Lives.
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