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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. I missed Friday because of news interruptions so did Abs get drunk and blurt out this letter cause I can't understand why she wouldn't have confronted her parents in private to save Jennifer the embarrassment? How bizarre for a "loving daughter" to blurt out her father's affair at their anniversary celebration. Also when Jack said that during Jenn's coma Abs told him to make sure he was taking care of himself, I'm sure that getting another woman to service his needs was not what Abs meant. What a lame excuse. Jack would have been better off taking grief & relationship advice from Orpheus. His wife has been dead since 1979 and he still seems to be faithful to her. I'd feel bad for Jenn except when you marry a man who raped his first wife I don't think you should have high expectations for his definition of integrity when it comes to marriage...or his ability to keep it in his pants and not seek comfort with his dick.
  2. So let me get this straight; they brought Ava back from the dead to kill her off again in the rumored 'who done it' storyline to come? I'm certainly not complaining about her stint being short lived (take or leave that pun) but nothing says skeleton cast (sorry pun again) like having to resurrect a character to re-kill them because you can't afford to lose another member of the cast. Also NuJenn's acting is very fake and soapy.
  3. Abs is not unfamiliar with the closets at the hospital. Or having sex in them. Or being a homewrecker. Perhaps Jack takes after his dear horney daughter.
  4. I still see Roman as Chris Kostichek!!! I'll never adjust to the NuJenn.
  5. "DOOL spoilers confirm Kate Roberts’ (Lauren Koslow) affair with Jack Deveraux goes public thanks to the letter written to Kate by Jack....Everyone soon knows Jack and Kate shared a bed while Jennifer lay comatose in the hospital." So in 2019 instead of a text Jack wrote Kate a thank you note for the good sex? Dear Kate, The comfort sex was amazing. I really needed that. You gave new meaning to the offer 'if I can do anything to help.' Yours truly, Jack PS Please shred this in case Jennifer ever wakes up.
  6. This! I saw roughly 15 minutes today and 2 seconds yesterday. What grates me about NBC is that it would be one thing if it was breaking news of a final election results, but when it's simply updates that could be run along the bottom of the screen, just let us have an hour of non-reality.
  7. Yes, the DNA test should list a percentage of match. So you could differentiate a parent from another relative. Even brothers would have a difference. Half brothers even more. This is what bugs me about this plot point. The only way the DNA isn't Days playing fast and loose with medical facts is if it was a twin, and that's so clichéd. Plus they just played that card with Jake/Stefan.
  8. It struck me yesterday (and this is just an impression not a spoiler) during the show that I foresee a Tripp/Allie (Would that be Trippa or Allipp) pairing to come once Tripp turns out to not be the daddy nor her rapist and guilt sets in. Tripp will forgive her cause he'll feel bad someone else raped her after he left and Allie will lean on Tripp once she learns the truth. Because it would be completely up Days' alley to spin a romance out out rape allegations. Heck, they'll probably even do it in time for Valentine's Day.
  9. I can't decide if I think Days skipped over the actual memorial service because: a). Covid precautions/too many people on the same set at once + Critical cast members like KA didn't come back b.) Ciara isn't really dead so why bother if she's going to reappear alive in 6 months or less [not a spoiler; simply guessing since that's how Days tends to roll lately] Either way, I'm glad they skipped it. As for the Tripp/Allie paternity debacle, can we please just have one DNA test on this show that's actually reliable? This part of the storyline has already been drug out enough. It seems pretty obvious that the test was either tampered with (which will span a whole other story of who did that) or Days is playing fast and loose with medical knowledge again (even more annoying). Either way, I'm ready for them to move on as Allie just becomes more and more grating as she insists her side is the truth even though she can't remember most of it! Also can Allie please just make a Twitter or Facebook post that says, "Hey Salem! I was raped. #BlackoutDrunk Tripp did it. Click like if you're taking my side!" so everyone can stop gossiping about it to each other and just hash it out over social media? I'm sure Nicole will give it many 'shares.' But at least we'll be spared all the scenes till the rumor mill train finally pulls into the station.
  10. "In addition to returns to Days of our Lives, there are three big exits. Clyde Weston’s (James Read) treated for his gunshot wound then shipped back to Statesville. Meanwhile, Orpheus (George DelHoyo) and his son, Christian Maddox (Brock Kelly), also made their exits." But where did Christian go??? Did I miss the explanation that he was found after Marlena/John turned their backs? Or is he still on the lam?
  11. Agree. I'm generally not a fan of recasts (perhaps Jen and Hope should have left town together) and feel a disconnect when a new actor/actress takes over. I also thought the whole scene with Jen, Julie, and Doug was drug out as if Jen was beating around the bush instead of concisely explaining that Hope left and she didn't see her. I couldn't help but think she could have just handed the letter over and let them read it themselves (off screen) so we could move on to something more interesting. Agree here as well. I thought Brady came off like a spoiled whiney brat on Friday. I can't summon the sympathy for Kristin. She could have avoided the whole thing by just yelling at Victor and telling him off instead of stabbing him. And did I hear correctly she only got 2 years? For attempted murder! It sounded like the whole episode was cry me a river cause I'm never going to see my daughter. I thought she got twenty to life or something not a slap on the wrist. I wanted someone to say, "Cool your heels. You'll be out before Rachel's in kindergarten."
  12. Leave it to Days to film a mini-plot to fill the filming gaps so Halloween does not air too early only for Halloween to be late! Seriously it's Oct. 30th and the 31st is a Saturday so I expected today to be the Halloween episode. Instead we got boredom-o-ween. Ben's been talking to the stolen gun for over a week. Jack and Jennifer find Hope's letter which should have been found last week. Where did everyone think Hope was during the blackout? I generally find soap memorial services a snooze fest because most of them come back from the dead anyways, and today was just a drug out episode leading up the the snooze fest service. So do we have to wait till Thanksgiving to get Halloween now or will a resurrected Tom Horton voice over announce on Monday, "We interrupt this memorial service to bring you Halloween that was filmed in March???"
  13. Does Kate not remember giving birth to this child? (Who's the mother storylines are so absurd.) Isn't this the second time they've given Kate a surprise child? (Rex/Cassie?) Gwen's about to get a bushsel of half-siblings. While it's certainly karma for Ben, still feel bad or Hope. Vincent is sick for watching her suffer. If they are going to do this, then I hope that the results indicate "related" but not a daddy match, at least being real medical world consistent. Though I agree it will probably turn out to be half-brother Charlie, at least for the characters in this he said/she said it would throw a loop as Tripp wonders how exactly he's related and Allie reels from accusing the wrong person as her mystery visitor remains at large. Bonus points if Tripp steals Steve's toothbrush just to be sure.
  14. Also Gwen isn't chewing on her nails. That was my big clue that scenes were filmed post-shutdown.
  15. Ugh, Marlena and her hypocrisy. It's especially rich when you consider that she knows Christian's upbringing. One of her husband's is responsible for him losing his mother. But it was an accident so that's supposed to make it all okay. Funny, though the little fire-starter Claire didn't set Ciara on fire by accident. But she's forgiven and in Marlena's book she's better than Christian I suppose because she didn't succeed in her crime but he did. Henry probably thought Nicole's raspberry dip-dyed doilie dress was ugly too.
  16. Marlena might have gotten Evan out faster and came off less of a bitch if she would have just told the head doc that his grandkids would probably be kidnapped next and join Clyde’s drunken day care if he didn’t help. And speaking of Clyde, who in the hell kidnaps a baby and takes it to a public park when they are a wanted criminal? I’m surprised he didn’t tell him a bedtime story while he was there. Once upon a time, I killed EJ Dimera in this here murder park. But don’t you worry, little Henry. Dr. Rolf brought him back to life so it has a happy ending. I swear this show would get better ratings if it would just parody itself. Like after the dramatic reveal that Clyde kidnapped the baby on Orpheus’s accord, Allie should have just breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Oh well he was already on my list to have Henry if Rafe, and Will, and Nicole didn't work out.”
  17. This pacing/plotting on Hope's note seems...oh I don't know, a week late! Why are they just now finding it? Did she mail it? Cause if she left it at her own house where Belle and Shawn appear to be staying, I feel like they should have noticed it by now. Also, on bereavement leave or not, I feel like someone on the Salem PD would have tried to get a hold of her, a fellow cop, to say that Orpheus/Rolf/Clyde are on the loose. Good thing Orpheus/Rolf/Clyde didn't get a hold of her;, she'd have birthed Stefano's Satan spawn before anyone would have noticed her missing.
  18. I personally think the villains (Orpheus, Victor, Rolf, Sami, etc.) on this show are the most interesting and have the best lines. Granted, they need better plots. The so-called heroes and heroines were engaging and people I rooted for back in the '80, but now I either find them boring or dense. Sometimes both. A few are just outright annoying with their 'my shit doesn't stink' attitudes. As a result, I'm usually rooting for the villains to win these days. Especially when the heroes/heroines act like they are stuck in a horror movie where they are just too dumb to live.
  19. Agree I wouldn't want them to water Orpheus down. His cool, calculated ways are what make him enjoyable to watch, and he has some of the best lines. I was thinking more like he'd still be pissed that they were separated for all these decades and have a new revenge angle. Rebecca could be equally badass and once they joined forces they would be a partners in crime kinda couple.
  20. Agree that Kelly Thiebaud was a good cast as Orpheus' daughter. Hated the doormat recast of Zoey. Also agree they should have brought this family back on screen sooner as there was lots of potential and the show needed new family lines. I've often wondered if it wouldn't be a good story arc to have Orpheus find out his wife is really alive. At this point, why not? Everyone else comes back from the dead. Maybe the ISA has had Rebecca all along. Lots of possibilities and a new Salem star-crossed dark couple.
  21. "Armed dangerous Rolf plans to implant an embryo of Stefano's clone inside poor petrified Kayla." http://www.dayscafe.com/weekly-spoilers.html WTF! Rolf couldn't find a less menopausal Salem female for this? Why not just ask Julie or Maggie or hey bring Alice back from the grave for the job. Still this just sounds utterly ridiculous and a bit of a Rosemary's Baby rip-off.
  22. It was a dark and stormy night in Salem….except it wasn’t storming which made Claire’s “who could sleep through this?” statement even more head scratching. Come on, if you’re asleep in the dark you probably won’t notice if the lights go out. Assumedly how ever Orpheus and Rolf took out the power they didn’t cause a big explosion. Probably bribed or threatened an employee of the power company. But I digress, apparently a fear of the dark runs in the family since Belle was fretting the safety of her parents even though she was oblivious to the fact that the outage was caused by 3 escaped convicts. I mean, I might call my own parents during a power outage to see if they also lost power, but I don’t generally assume they are in danger simply because the lights are out. Shouldn’t Belle have been more concerned about her young daughter running around town at midnight? And does Belle not lock the door when she’s home alone in the dark that she’s afraid of or does Hope (a cop) have such a shitty locks? Why do Belle and Shawn keep referring to it as their house? Looks like Hope’s place to me. Where is Hope supposed to be? I didn’t notice Belle step over her on the floor where I last saw her crying. Or is that who she tripped on? Meanwhile, Titan’s security system in an outage locks its late night employees in but allows outsiders to enter the building hence Charlie’s bright idea to call Claire (who he just met) at midnight rather than a security guard or his bosses who were both still up and arguing. I personally thought Ben should have answered the door holding his gut and looking ready to hurl or crap himself. Might have explained better why he took so long to answer and made Eli go away faster. I bet John’s going to be mad as hell when he realizes just how badly those pain pills knocked him out. But as Orpheus would say, “you live, you learn.”
  23. I've been thinking Carla Gugino's character is an older Dani the governess, but others in my household also watching aren't convinced. I thought one of the clues was how she got out of the cab and walked up to the estate in the opening framing the same way Dani got out of the car and walked up to the manor.
  24. I was disappointed we didn't get a scene with Orpheus and his "associate," presumably Dr. Rolf. That was a missed opportunity to see their deliciously twisted minds spin. But I agree that Orpheus makes the best appearances, casually lounging in wait in people's homes. If only they could dig up his old theme music. Back in the day his entrances used to be accompanied by this dramatic villainous horn. Also agree that Jack and NuJen's scene was a jarring exposition insert that seemed unnecessary. Could have been better told and depicted by showing Orpheus and Rolf plotting in jail.
  25. Glad to see UM back. While I do miss Stack’s voice-overs and intros, I like the extended format that allows them to go more in depth on each story rather than rushing through four in one hour. As for the first season…. Without a doubt, ep.1 “Mystery on the Rooftop,” the Rey Rivera story is the most intriguing and compelling. It’s not just what happened to him but how, where, when, and why and sorting through the pieces and trying to determine what clues are relevant and what are red herrings. Would love to see a follow-up episode where specific viewer questions are answered in more depth by experts who have since reviewed the case, especially on some forensic angles, much like how the note was sent off to the FBI for analysis which deemed it not a suicide note, to which I agree. It’s cryptic, no doubt, but given his background in film/screenplay it makes me strongly suspect it had meaning to Rey, and not in a losing touch with reality way, but in a coded, word association way of someone who is smart and creative. On that note, I don’t believe he committed suicide or was suffering major mental illness that his entire family was blind to and in denial over for more than a decade now. No, instead I found his wife and brother very genuine. They are still grieving, but the wound is not fresh, and they’ve had time for reflection. They want closure and they want answers, rightfully so. There are just too many unexplained angles and dots not connected to find the police investigation satisfactory, alongside strong indicators of foul play. What I take away from this article on Porter, Rey’s “friend” and employer, is just how suspicious he continues to be. His refusal to cooperate in the investigation where the last call Rey ever received before abruptly leaving his house that night came from Porter’s own company, and his decision to not participate in the UM show years later does not reflect the actions of a caring longtime friend nor a non-complicit party. His quotes and comments point to an entitled narcissistic individual. (“’It’s horrific,’ Stansberry said. ‘You can’t even imagine what it’s like to tell people I had nothing to do with my friend’s death.’” Translation it’s all about me. Forget what Rey’s wife and family have gone through.) And his touting of the mental illness explanation, one I wouldn’t put past an individual with access to power or simply minions with social medical accounts like himself to perpetuate, have the earmarks of gas lighting. He’s crazy; I’m not guilty. I’m not lying, they are, says the man found guilty of lying to clients to increase his profits. (“After a trial in 2005, U.S. District Judge Marvin Garbis ruled in 2007 that ‘Stansberry’s conduct undoubtedly involved deliberate fraud, making statements that he knew to be false,’”). Porter seems to have found a scapegoat or talking bite with mental illness, and if he can make the sell then the attention shifts away from him and his company cohorts who were all conveniently away at a company retreat the night of the incident??? I wouldn’t be surprised if he even starts a Rey Rivera fund for mental health, but I’d be as skeptical of its motives as a man selling snake oil. While it’s true that narratives have an angle and UM’s is to captivate an audience for a hour of television and leave the viewer pondering the possibilities so they come back for and attract more (i.e. ratings and Netflix subscriptions), that doesn’t exempt Porter’s participation in the Baltimore Sun (would be curious if his company has any ties to the paper) article from having its own agendas. At the most innocent, it’s simply a PR tool for him in his attempt to do damage control for a company whose own social media pages have attracted new followers and not the kind who are looking to be new clients. At the worst, it’s another manipulation technique in a dangerous game that Rey may have stumbled upon, walked into, or quite possibly decide to expose. Rey was dealing with some anxieties; that seems easily agreed upon. But just because you’re afraid of the dark doesn’t mean there’s nothing in the dark that won’t get you. As far as the other stories in the first season, I’m kinda surprised UM didn’t tackle more of the stranger assertions in the “House of Horror” case. (Like neighbors who swear they saw members of the family days after their suspected demise.) There are quite some interesting speculations out there on this one that would have been interesting to see explored further. Personally, I thought the execution of this episode fell a little flat, despite a ghastly story that had many ambiguous elements. Agree that “No Ride Home” story is certainly a hate crime, quite solvable if someone in that podunk town would summon some integrity and tell what they know of that night. Even a few credible detailed anonymous tips to the FBI might even crack the case and finally provide some semblance of closure and delayed justice. The odds are that there are multiple witnesses and many accessories and/or accessories after the fact. I also agree that the mother in the “Missing Witness” story should have been tried with a good chance of conviction by a jury. Plenty of prosecutorial cases built on less have found convictions. “13 Minutes”—Boy that small, rural town sure attracts a lot of serial killers. Though this might be one of the few stories featured where the local law enforcement came across not only as unbiased, but truly concerned with finding justice and closure for the victim and her loved ones. “Berkshires UFO”—I couldn’t decide if I was watching Unsolved Mysteries or an audition for a remake of Soundgarten’s “Black Hole Sun” video.😀
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