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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. P***y can do crazy things to a man. No matter how old they are.
  2. It's pretty clear that in real life Shannon is not friends with any of these women. She seems really awkward and uncomfortable with all of them. Also, what is the big deal about saying she thinks that Nicole once upon a time sued Terry? She should have left out the part about "but don't say anything". That was her downfall. This needs to be her last season. Nothing will make me believe Heather would ever give little casita Gina of Long Island the time of day. Nothing. Women like Gina do not exist in a woman like Heather's orbit. Speaking of Heather, I never considered her a particularly beautiful woman but her face is so hard looking now. She needs to stop lecturing everybody. She's a nobody from upper class Westchester County who married a lame Dr. and had very minimal success as an actress. As her friend Nicole would say, Sit down. I can't understand how RHONY was put on a (permanent?) hiatus, and not given a reunion when this shitfest was given another season. Where is the justice in this world?!
  3. Why do they always make everything a competition? Of course Liz wins the dinner award with her dry looking lasagne and bag o' salad. Anna gets "most interesting". WTF does that even mean? I love the Anna/Emma relationship. Liz can stay up Ambers butt since she's just like her. I can picture her marrying that boyfriend and being the boss of his life. Uggh, poor guy.
  4. Zander, Sander or what ever his name is, please shut up and get a life. He is soooo annoying! It's obvious the sister doesn't want to partake in this producer shenanigan's but has to for the sake of a storyline (and continued paychecks for the family). Jeanette's face looks different. I think she got fillers and botox. The wrinkles and saggy jowls are gone. Now her face is puffy. The long hair extensions have to go. At least her makeup looks much better. Since when has Jazz become such a social recluse? I can't keep up with how she wants to portray herself. It changes from season to season. One season she has a bunch of friends, going to speaking engagement, etc. The next she hides in bed all day. I think she's all BS.
  5. Tim saying he hates everything. His snark is the best. I have found my soulmate.
  6. Christine was smart to buy her home instead of renting. She made a very nice profit on that sale. I remember hearing that Kody was not on the deed, either. Ha ha asshole, you lose! Now I want to know what happens to her share of Coyote Pass property. Do they buy her out? Does she sell it? Does she sign it over to them? Inquiring minds want to know.
  7. What exactly does Mother Earth Janelle plan on growing in her greenhouses? Fresh, organic vegetables? She barely knows how to open a can. She herself said several times she's a terrible cook. Maybe she just wants to grow plants in the greenhouses. Either way, I can't see her getting her ass of the couch much less growing anything. Christine is so done. I am here for every bit of her malicious snark against Kody. I only hope she seeks some therapy for the years she suffered from that dysfunctional mess of a marriage. Meri has made a choice to stay in the marriage as long as the TLC checks are rolling in. She doesn't care one bit about any of them but is going to play the game until the show is concelled. Between her Utah B&B, and her LuluNo business and conventions I doubt she's spending much time in Flag at all. Only while filming.
  8. I could care less about what is happening with Heather's kids. Now going in for the superficial for a moment: The super high, very long, thick ponytail extensions need to go, ladies. Especially if you are in your 40's and beyond. Shannon's white jeans and chunky black cheap looking sandals make another appearance this season. Does she have any other clothes? She's looking puffy, her saggy jowls are back and her face is looking old. I get it, we all age but didn't she get herself a whole bunch of plastic surgery not too long ago? She's obviously still drinking heavily. She doesn't have too much to say about John anymore. I look for that to fizzle after another year or so. Time to do something with that mop of hair, too. Oh, and older daughter has the right idea. Stay in Texas after you graduate. Away from your crazy mom. I have never seen such hideous wardrobe choices as the stuff new dark haired lady was wearing. Truly dreadful. She is trying so, soooo hard right out of the gate. Sex dungeon and all. Gina looking fabulous and making the most sense of all of them. Go figure. The one with the least amount of money is the most enjoyable to watch.
  9. The thing is that Johnny expects a lot! Nothing Bao ever did was enough for him. Myrla is not a giver so there is no way that relationship would work. Nobody is enough for Johnny. He wants to sit back and have his ass kissed. Miss Myrla is not about to be the one to do that.
  10. Yes! I don't ski but husband did (when he was younger) and said he was a terrible skier and about to give up until someone suggested he take some private lessons and it made all the difference. Why wouldn't Kyle and his ski snob parents suggest that? It makes me sick to see how they all have trashed this house. It's disgusting. I don't think they let it get this bad in the Summer House. Even the bedrooms were gross. I always liked Luke but it feels like he doesn't really belong with this crowd. I think he is outgrowing all the hooking up and partying. Lyndsey, girl calm yourself.
  11. I must have missed what Johnny does for a living. Somebody please enlighten me. How is he supposed to have so much money? All the money in the world would not attract me to that sniveling, dorky, skinny, whiney, mean mother fu**er with a Tesla and a townhome. I don't think Myrla is interested in Johnny. That's all for show and to get people talking. If she wouldn't have sex with Gil why in hell would she let Johnny touch her?
  12. Jen Landon= the late great Michael Landon's daughter. Who knew.
  13. I hope it works this time. Karen has the slickest mouth of all of them. She just doesn't scream as loud as Candyass, and she doesn't cry. I think for some reason Andy really likes Karen therefore she gets away with her ridiculous nonsensical comments without being called out on it.
  14. The reason I don't agree with that is because she was always complaining about Tim not wanting sex. If she had a disease she wouldn't always be whining about not getting it from him. He was a pouty little unlikable diva on his season, now he's much more suited on Pillow Talk. I love his dry sense of humor.
  15. Yeah, that is super sketchy and I want to know alllll about it! Shady,shady Jen!
  16. I don't like the dark almost black hair on her. She was pretty with the brown hair and highlights. Ed probably told her he likes darker hair. lol. Did Liz move her child in to Ed's house? If yes, then shame on Liz. It sounds like a pretty volatile relationship with Ed kicking her out of his house every week. No kid should have to live through that. Maybe her ex has custody.
  17. Yeah, this show sucks but it sucked the last season before everyone was fired. If Stassi, Beau, Jax and Brit and those other two jerks were never let go, the show would still suck now. It's run it's course but the assholes being gone is not the reason for the demise.
  18. Amy cleaned up nicely. Her dress was tailored to fit her perfectly and it was very flattering on her and pretty. I haven't had a chance to watch it all the way through yet, I fell a sleep twice and this darn new HULU account does not have fast forward so I have to start from the beginning every time. Now I have to pay for the "enhanced DVR cloud" to be able to fast forward. Not a good start HULU. I'm already missing my overpriced cable.
  19. Right??! How slim must the pickings be in San Diego to settle for a monster like Ed? I don't believe that Ed hasn't been in a relationship in 30 years. If that was the case he wouldn't treat women so badly. He would be happy to have found someone special. That level of nasty takes a lot of practice.
  20. Wow, you know an awful lot about her. Since she's doing so well maybe she will leave the show to pursue all her other interests that must be keeping her so busy. Bye, bye, Candyass!
  21. Except when Candyass makes it sound like Dorothy had no part in them acquiring the home. She's the only gloating about Dorothy not being on the deed. So what, if she gave her money for the home but don't act like you did it all on your own. My point is that I don't care if Dorothy contributed to the home with her own money, just don't pretend like she didn't. Having said all that, I have no freaking idea if Doro gave money towards the house. I'm just saying there are more ways than one to show you didn't buy the house all on your own.
  22. My middle class ass did not give my son any money for a down payment for a home. He did it all on his own. At the age of 22. And I did not "feel a way" about it. Your comments are kind of insulting.
  23. How does she cut to the meat? With her high school insults?
  24. Exactly! How can a woman of god have so much hate and jealousy in her heart? Unbelievable. Is Sharieff going to divorce Jen? I'm waiting for it.
  25. I'm really getting tired of their pile up on Gizelle. Her house, her wardrobe choices, her man choices, Jamal (who isn't a part of this season at all). They are all shady bitches, time to move on to someone else. Just because Dorothy isn't on the deed of the house or the mortgage note doesn't mean she wasn't involved in the purchase of Candyass and Chris' house. She could have given them a big, fat "gift". So Candyass thinks nobody can compete with her mouth. They are all jealous because they are not fast enough with the vicious screaming. Is she kidding? If you consider alot of "yo mama", your big forehead, your big feet, your wide body as sharp witted comments that any high school mean girl can come up with then I guess she is queen. She looked really pretty in her dress and wig, though. Nothing Wendy ever wears is good.
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