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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Poor, poor Robyn. Her youngest kids are constantly asking "where is daddy"?. Well, she bought in to the polygamist lifestyle and decided to procreate with Kodouche, now look at what it's done to your children. She made her bed, now she has to deal with it. Nobody is going to babysit her kids, either. The other sister wives are older now and looking forward to their freedom, they don't want to take care of her brats. I detect a little jealousy from her about the rest of them being free to come and go while she's stuck at home. I bet she is missing her cousin right now. Isn't she the one that did most of the work while living with Robyn in Vegas?
  2. And the Academy Award goes to.........Nene Leakes!!! That crying scene outside the restaurant was so fake. I couldn't stop staring at the brown streaks of blush on Nene's face. Gotta hand it to her though, she had Cynthia eating out of the palm of her hand. Like she always does. Oh, and Nene, you are toxic, bitch. Eva going in to labor just as the camera's are rolling. Please. I'm so sick of seeing her pregnant. What's she going to do for a storyline next season?
  3. What the heck was Robyn rambling on about in her talking head about having one more kid? Did she and the Kodster want one more or did they not? Did we get a clear answer on that? Her comments made no sense. Go figure.
  4. Well, Robyn, aren't you special. Before you met Kody you made a vision board. Then everything on the board came true. Can't stand that self righteous fake. Crying about how perfect it was in Vegas. Except when Meri was being catfished and ready to bail on you all, Janelle and Christine couldn't get along with Meri and Kody was screwing you more than any other wife. But yeah, you were all a famiiilllyyy in the cul de sac! Meri is so checked out. I didn't realize the new big house would only have one main kitchen. Was I hearing that right? It's pretty clear Christine doesn't like plural marriage. There is not a single thing she enjoys about sharing her husband. Kody's comment about the wives basically not wanting to see the other wives "faces" was very telling.
  5. Plus they have only been dating for 3 mos so what's with all the tears? Is he really that hot to get married right away? I think she's exaggerating. Lindsey and Carl gross me out. Fingerbanging!! Is that really a thing with people in their late 30's? And then run tell everybody? Seriously? Can not stand these immature twits. Not to mention I think it's all for fake storyline, anyway.
  6. Sorry, but....the reason Jeanette never felt pretty is because she isn't pretty. Just look at her mother, she takes after her. She still snagged a good looking man that makes a great living and appears to adore her so what does looks have to do with it, anyway? If she wants to get her neck lifted and her jowls/frown lines softened then I say go for it but it's not going to make her "pretty." She has very strong, masculine features. She needs a good haircut and a color correction on that brassy blonde and stop with the heavy eye makeup. Rule #1 on an aging face is lighten up on the eye makeup. It makes a world of difference. Loved the convo between Jazz and her sister. Ari has Jazz's number and Jazz didn't like hearing it. Ari is the only one in the family that doesn't kiss ass. Both Jazz and Jeanette need to butt out of JoJo's business. If JoJo is resorting to pinching her boobies until they are red and sore, resulting in inflicting pain on herself, then she needs more than a boob job. Girl needs therapy. The Dr. said she was too young and needed to wait so while she's waiting to be old enough for surgery get a job after school and save your pennies, Jo.
  7. I'm losing patience with Ariana. First, remember the season when she has body issues and didn't like sex because she hates her ugly vagina because an abusive ex-boyfriend told her it was ugly? Wha wha poor Ariana. Cut to season after that, miraculous turnaround. She's in the back seat of the new car Sandoval is driving and letting Lala eat her out. What happened to hating sex and the body issues? Now this season she's depressed. Can I please have my job back, Lisa, at least a couple of days a week? You know, so I can be filmed doing something? I think she's grasping for story lines. All this shit she advertises on camera. Not buying it. If she needs therapy, I truly hope she gets it or the necessary meds to help her. She just doesn't seem genuine to me. Katie is a pathetic waste of BRAVO's money. She does nothing! Why did she quit SUR? I guess she wanted to get James fired, threatened to quit if Lisa didn't fire him, then she leaves anyway after the deed is done. What a mean, malicious bitch. Loved the montage of Jax with all the blonde girlfriends he had in the past after saying Dayna wasn't his type, he doesn't care for blondes.
  8. GG as a mother is a horrifying thought, isn't it? The only consolation is knowing that her parents will hire a full time nanny for her as soon as the baby is born. Same way they have paid for GG's entire existence and always will. Plus, if she's telling the truth, she has RA and is in constant pain 24/7. How is she going to raise a child on her own? Oh, never mind. I answered my own question above. Nanny's. Day nanny. Night nanny. Weekend nanny. I can't even imagine her managing a teenager, much less a newborn.
  9. Did ya'll catch that she used to be married to R. Kelly? Bet she has some stories to tell. Mike is in love with a woman that already has 2 kids. How are his parents going to handle that? He will never marry her. Nema was single last season. He and his girlfriend broke up on camera half way through the season. He is not "newly single".
  10. I officially hate Mike. What a douche. Cynthia sure has a bad picker. No Nene again. Haha this must be chapping her ass. Stay gone, bitch!
  11. Oh, great, we get to see Robyn cry next week. That's a new one.
  12. Me, too, and I don't even like Lamar. He stood his ground and I commend him for that. Andrea is so full of shit. She is so much more offensive than Lamar. At least he is real about who he is. Andrea is fake as hell. Let's go to the sex shop, then it's time for bible study and then corner you at the table to convert you, Lamar! But first, hot sex. Like the kind we illegally did in the closet while you were in prison! Hypocrite, much?
  13. Oh,no, guys, he's not in any pain at all. He eats and plays and is fine. It's just that his teeth are looking bad (tartar build up?) and I didn't think they would look like that at only 7 yrs. old so I will take him for a cleaning for sure. I had the groomer do it once but I don't think they are thorough like a vet would be.
  14. Jackie was right about this: Jennifer apologizes to her so often, she should just put it on a T-Shirt, "I'm Sorry". After so many times, it means nothing. She apologizes, then keeps repeating the same behavior.
  15. Buddy moved back in with Whitney after he and Heather broke up and he got sober. Whitney knew it would be a sore spot for Heather and was worried how Heather would react once she found out. Heather did not take it well.
  16. The cleaning solution is very mild. It's not made of battery acid or anything like that, lol.
  17. Kudo's to Dr. Bill for walking away from Joe G. instead of punching him square in the face. He knows he has to keep his composure on camera for the sake of his thriving plastic surgery practice which he needs in order to keep his wife in diamonds, mansions and Chanel. I like Dr. Bill and I think he gets a kick out of Jennifer's ridiculousness. He knows she's a dingbat. He didn't marry her for her smarts. He married her because he needed pretty, Turkish arm candy that was willing to have a gaggle of kids for him. He told her when they were walking in to Margaret's party that she should have only ONE tequila. Of course she didn't listen. He tried.
  18. Yup, and judging from the previews she blows it by telling the expert in front of Derek she still has feelings for her ex. I see Derek and Austin really trying to make a connection with their wives and they are bending over backwards to make them happy. I see Katie and Austins wife doing nothing in return. Katie tells Derek she needs her space and Austins wife (sorry keep forgetting her name) has a bossy edge to her personality. Close the door. No, close it all the way! That curl in your hair is bugging me, it doesn't belong there. But.....then she comes out with this gem: "I'm not trying to change you" Red flag.
  19. My husband never wears his, either. He works with his hands alot and felt like it got in the way. Better that than getting it caught in some piece of machinery and getting his finger cut off! I don't even wear mine all the time. Sometimes I take it off to drop it in the jewelry cleaner and forget about it for days at a time. I also don't like to sleep with it on, it bugs me. Not a big deal to either one of us.
  20. You are absolutely right but that is not what the post was about. It was about Whitney caring about Heather's depression. The answer is NO. If she did, she would not have even given a thought to having Buddy living back in her house and kissing him so that Heather would find out and trigger her depression again. Friends don't do that to friends. Whitney is no friend. Also, it was not Heather making out with Ryan that Whitney was so concerned about. She was jealous that Ryan never wanted to make out with her.
  21. Except for the fact that she moved Buddy back in to her house when she knew how much it would hurt Heather, then played kissy face with him and made sure Heather would find out. So much for best friend Whitney caring about Heather's depression.
  22. Isn't the lack of tissue due to the fact that that Jeanette and Greg started putting Jazz on hormone blockers at the age of 5? They were wrong to do that. She wouldn't be having this many problems if they didn't start her so young. There wasn't enough time for her to develop any tissue or much of a penis for that matter. I believe the Dr. said that in previous season's. It all goes back to wanting to make Jazz happy, regardless if her adult parents knew better. Shame on Jeanette and Greg.
  23. Beau will be 40 in March. Edwin is 42.
  24. I must, must do this! My beloved bichon dog is 7 yrs old and his teeth are looking bad. How can this woman be so delusional? I boggles my mind.
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