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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I could give a rat's ass who Destiny fucks. I need the shit stirring mean girl MJ, neanderthal Tommy and delusional earth mother Asa back on my screen. Paulina was wrong for not letting Mike know she was planning to meet with Nema. Of course Mike blames it all on Nema. I wish the show would get rid of Mike. He's such a waste of flesh.
  2. Jeff's fajita's looked fantastic. Nice job with the crab rangoon, too. Everybody else, meh.
  3. Because the very first time they showed it, there it was. Maybe one other time, too. I guess production got a lot of flack for that (maybe Brandon pitched a fit) then it was blacked out. It startled me, that's why I remember it. What an awful person she is.
  4. I don't like vulnerable Chef Rudy. I like snarky, condescending Chef Rudy much better. Seeing him lovesick over Tammy doesn't ring true to his character. Adam was awesome this episode, he had alot of funny lines.
  5. I don't know if anybody else caught this but on Taylor's "list" of requirements for a husband on her IG story she had "not gay" as one of the requirements, then all of a sudden that item was clearly blacked out everytime they showed her IG story again. Hmmmmm very interesting. I think that is what Brandon was so upset about. Another situation where there is alot not being discussed on camera.
  6. I want the answer to this, too! Freckles has done nothing for Derek. Not a single damn thing! Maybe that's why the last boyfriend dumped her. I can totally understand why he didn't want her. Self centered, egotistical, little wench. Oh, and I liked her (paraphrasing here) "Don't think you got me because you got me so early in the honeymoon, understand?" Derek nodding his head and humbly agreeing with her. I'm waiting for him to blow up on her, the sooner the better, too. Taylor honey, if you are waiting for a man that is over 6'3, you are ruling out 75% of the male population unless you move to the Netherlands where everybody is tall. Stupid twat. I love Austin and still think Jess is bossy. Maybe he likes his women that way. If so, they are a match made in heaven. Michael/Meka and Zach/Mindy are so mismatched it's ridiculous. There is no point in continuing with this farce. I hope they don't pay Zach for his appearance on the show because he has done nothing to earn it.
  7. Jennifers lips really do look like a monkey's asshole. She has photo's on her IG of her wedding, she was a very beautiful girl back then. Before the monkey asshole lips. She had other stuff done to her face, too. I can't pinpoint what exactly, though.
  8. Well, they are going to bring Danielle out so that will give us some sort of entertainment for a hot minute.
  9. Awww grandpa Jack. A retired Dr. who most likely has plenty of money socked away for the rest of his life is sitting in his living room chair with heels and a dress. Why, Doc, Why?
  10. How many times did we have to witness Whit and Buddy say "I love you" to each other? I was laughing when she was crying because Buddy denied he ever fucked her. That really hurt her to the core. Get over it, Whitney! He was embarrassed to admit it! Bud does not love Whit, he never did, never will. He does enjoy the extra check he receives from appearing on the show and he also has enjoyed all the free rent and taking advantage of Whit. That's it. There is no way Chase is jealous of that fat lump of mumbling Uber driving lard. He's just shaking his head wondering why Whitney loves Buddy.
  11. Brittney, check your man. He's using again. Stassi seems very subdued this season. She's hardly given any screen time. Not even a birthday bash? How weird. I guess all that will change as soon as we have the priviledge of watching Beau propose. Then the wedding/engagement/I am queen of the universe bullshit will begin all over again. Katie needs to stop with the Morticia crimped extensions and red lipstick. It's a hideous look for her. There was a flashback of her with normal lipstick, normal size lips and her natural long hair parted on the side, she looked so pretty. I still like Raquel. She is so sweet. She's trying to make a hopeless relationship work. I can totally see her leaving him if he doesn't clean up, she's giving him every chance she can right now to prove whether or not he can change. I don't give a damn how "stupid" people think she is. At least she's not mean, vindictive, hateful, and spiteful like the rest. Lala is gross. She loves Rand because of his money and "standing" in the film making community. If he had been working at SUR she would have turned her fake nose up at him and treated him like the dirt under her Loubitans.
  12. I could be wrong but I thought I saw an Infiniti emblem on the back. Looks like they all had high end cars. Don't even get me started on how they can possibly afford those vehicles.
  13. If they signed leases with either of those options then they deserve having to move every other month. I find it highly suspicious that every house they rent ends up in them having to move a few months after moving in. It's all fake fake fakity fake.
  14. He needs some lip filler. Problem solved. Men have it done, too, and usually don't go overboard with it like so many celebrity women do. Contrary to many peoples opinions I think Nema's veneers look fine. I don't see them as "chicklety" or too white at all. Of course on WWHL Reza had to comment on how awful they are and his are soooooo much better. Look in the mirror, Rez. You fugly.
  15. What's the deal with Destiny this season? Is her storyline to be the joke of the group? I don't remember her acting like this before. She's so annoying.
  16. So now we know for sure Meri has been a stealth bitch from Day 1. I'm so sick of Sobbyn pretending to love her sister wives so much she will do anything to keep them all together. Such sacrifices she has had to make. When will she stop saying it was Kody's idea to move to Flagstaff when we know Dayton was going to school there and that's why they up and moved. All for Robyn! Also, Janelle's rental house is a shithole. Also, also. If these idiots signed leases, then they can't be forced to move until the lease expires. If the owner wants to sell that's fine but the new owners have to honor the lease that is in place until it expires. You don't just kick people out because you want to sell. That is what a LEASE is for. Another made up storyline.
  17. Tommy: "Everybody knows Adam is the hillbilly whore of WeHo" Best line ever!!
  18. According to one of her gazillion interviews she's busy giving she said she's always been "smart with her money" and although she took a financial hit with leaving being fired from the show she's doing just fine. Sure you are, Tamrat, sure you are.
  19. Omg these people! This really is a scripted show, and the joke is on us, right? I don't even want to imagine there are moronic asshole's like this running loose in the world. And procreating. Dear God.
  20. So 19 year old Gia going on 35 has a Talking Head? No, please. Stop that, BRAVO! I don't need to hear her words of wisdom. I'm glad Tre is over Joe. I'm glad she brought up his drinking too much wine again on camera. Most of all, I'm glad she didn't sleep with him. Maybe this is the last we will ever see of him since they have "officially" broken up now.
  21. Right?? The guy is only 26 for chrissakes! Not like he's 50 and never been in love. Girl gets on my last nerve. I always get the feeling she thinks she's hot stuff. Like she's more worldly, more sophisticated, more educated than Derek. I also didn't like the way she spoke to her mother in the episode last week. Telling her she was offended by her mom's comments. Which happened to be truthful, by the way. I was enjoying Austin, he's looking more attractive as time goes on and has a nice personality. He was kind of sexy hitting those balls at the batting cages. So did Michael ever really have that new principle's position or did he make all of that up to sound more impressive? I can't figure out what's going on with him. Brandon and Taylor. They are both 'effed" up. She's shallow and he's a hot head trying to look better for the camera's but really he's seething inside. They are not fun to watch. Zach and his word salad. I'm loving the confused and WTF looks Mindy gives the camera's, though.
  22. It's not a normal friendship, though. Whit is obsessed with Buddy, Buddy knows it and uses it to his advantage. There are boundaries constantly crossed with these two.
  23. Whitney was positively vile when she was at Tal's. Can she not be happy for anybody?
  24. Random observation: Why was Beau sitting in the restaurant with Brittney and Lala when Stassi was nowhere in sight or in the scene? It's just weird. Let's just insert Beau anywhere we can so we can give the guy a paycheck. I never liked Lala but now I like her even less for sitting there with her mouth shut while Jax went off on Ariana's sexuality. She makes me sick. Would she be so quiet if he was talking about her like that? She talks big but has no backbone. Why is everybody so scared of Brittney and Jax? I can't help but think that the group of chucklefucks pretend to like Rand because they want to get in his good graces so that when this gig is finally over, maybe if they kiss his ass enough he will cast them in his movies. I thought Schwartzie and Sandoval crying together were kind of cute. Schwartzie does love his bro's.
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