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Everything posted by tennisgurl

  1. Well, Sara hasn't been particularly flirty this season if I remember right, beyond her hook up with Alex in the crossover and she was a bit flirty with Ava in the last episode, and she is supposed to be her love interest. It doesn't seem to weird to me that she would go through a phase where she had flings with lots of people, and then would settle down. She has grown a lot as a character over the course of the show (finding a middle ground between party hard flirty Sara and angsty I AM MONSTER Sara) so I think it would make sense that she would be looking to be more serious if it was with the right person. Whether Ava is the right person remains to be be seen, and whether or not the romance works, but I will give it a try. LoT is the least shippy of the Arrowverse shows (especially this season) but I wouldn't panic about contrived romance yet. Also, what ever is going on in the new LoT episode looks intense, because the gang has pretty serious expressions on. And those 70s clothes...normally the gang looks great in most everything (they're lucky the actors all have rather "classic" looks that fit into most periods) and Sara and Amaya look great, but wow the guys...
  2. That would make me feel a LOT better about the finale. It still wasn't the best and most epic finale ever, but if I knew the whole of the season hadn't been wiped out, I would probably like it a lot more. I just tweeted one of the producers about how the time line is working now, so hopefully I will get lucky and get some answers!
  3. I watch all the Arrowverse stuff, and hang out on those boards quite a lot (after Once, the Arrow boards are the homiest for me), and while I watch quite a few shows (probably too many) I tend to reccomend a couple that are still airing, that I enjoy discussing. Some of them are This Is Us, The Americans, The Magicians, Killjoys, Dark Matter, Victoria, Black Mirror, The Crown, Empire, Fargo, Game of Thrones, The Good Place, Jane the Virgin, Star Trek, and Vikings, Sense8, among many others. Of course, when I talk about shows or reccomend them, I tend to qualify what your looking for. Like, if you want something fun, I would steer you towards Jane the Virgin, Brooklyn Nine Nine, or Legends of Tomorrow. If you like quirky, I would go with Crazy Ex Girlfriend, Sense 8, or BowJack Horseman or The Good Place if you like your quirk a bit darker. If you like big discussions, I throw out Black Mirror, The Americans, or Legion, for starters. But if anyone wanted to do a re-watch, I would be SO in.
  4. So, I thought this was a pretty good finale...until the ending. I liked the super restrictive sorta 50s inspired world, and there was lots of fun to be had there, especially with Stone and Cassandra geeking out over meeting Ezekiel, and the three of them coming together, and Flynn is always better in small doses, so he worked really well here. And I like that they needed everyone to save the day, and that Stone, Cass, and Ezekiel finally got to successfully use the "We`re the Librarians" thing. They deserve to! But, I dont like that they decided to make this whole season have not happened. I mean, why? And not within the show and the timy whimy hijinks of Flynn, but why, from a story stand point, would they do that? Usually, when writers decide to do something like that, they want to create new story opportunities, bring dead characters, back to life, or get rid of unpopular storylines. However, beyond Jenkins coming back and being immortal again (which, hurrah!!!!) what does that accomplish? Because, it mostly seems like they just got rid of all the character development that we got over the season, and makes the whole thing pretty pointless. They could have brought Jenkins back in a much easier way if thats all they wanted. Since none of this season happened, does that mean that Darrington Dare will die young and alone, after not learning the lesson he learned this season about teamwork? And Stones friend at the race track will be screwed, and Fortuna will still be one the lose? Does that mean the summer camp forest will keep eating people, and the heart of the forest will never be found, and all those people will still be stuck there? And the fairy will be stuck in that little town forever, and the kid Cassandra befriended will never feel at home there? And the Civil War ghosts will never be at peace, and their town will always be at odds? And that reporter Stone had a thing with and Jeff the DM will never find closure with the Library? And Ezekiel will never move forward with his mom? And the gangs character development is all gone, including Jenkins finding Friends outside the Library and becoming a DM? Because thats...all super depressing. I liked this season and now its...gone? I guess its possible that they will just go onto have a lot of those adventures anyway, as the clock has been turned back, but a lot of that happened because of the Tethering drama and Flynn disappearing, so who knows? I mean, if this is the end of the show, its a decent ending, but it would have been better if we kept the season where everyone realizes how important the Library is, both in general and to them, and how they all fit there together. I hope this isn't REALLY the ending.
  5. I think Zoe's wallow is pretty justified, not only because break ups suck, but also because shes still pretty young, and hasn't really dealt with many break ups yet. I can understand why it hit so hard, although I am now ready for her to move on. I thought this was a sweet episode, and it was great seeing her friends support her so much. The "pour until you say something bad about Cash" game was fun. I lost it when Vivek was flashing back to crying while doing weights to a Bruno Mars song. It wouldn't surprise me if that was something that has happened more than once in real life. Speaking of, I remember Black Out hookups back in college! I was never into it (college me was usually making up drinking games to Disney songs with my friends) but I do remember that being a thing, usually courtesy of blizzards we got a lot!
  6. We`ll probably find out he not only posted the picture, but tried to somehow tag BL!
  7. So, now that Once has officially left us, and sadly that means that soon our lovely, long suffering community will as well, what are some other shows that we could watch, or are watching? Ones that are better than Once, or even have the same "I hate you but I cant look away" charm at times? I would like to still see everyone around sometimes :)
  8. This show was super bizarre, and I only found out about it near the end of the season, but I am super glad I discovered it. So dark and weird, but also sweet, in a demented way. I was sad that Haley had to say goodbye to Happy, but I love that Happy will be Nicks new imaginary friend! I wonder if Haley will find out? I actually ended up feeling bad for Bad Santa. he was a monster, but he was clearly deeply disturbed, and his past was just awful. That being said, I still cheered when Nick ended him. Also, those lobotomized "kids"...brrrr. Bring on season 2!
  9. Maybe we should make some kind of mass TV rec list, to see what else we can watch, and maybe run into each other there? These boards and the people here are over half my enjoyment of the show anyway at this point. Maybe we can find something else to obsess over?!?!
  10. I suppose that is one of the issues when your a couple that share a parent ;) I think Iris and Barry have solid chemistry, but the Flash writers still tend to write the show as more of a family show than Arrow is, so they feel weird about writing make out scenes between their characters, and not just Barry and Iris. Or they just arent very good at that in general, because I feel that Grant and Candice do try to add more couple moments. Really, the only Flash couple that tends to get very...sexy is Cisco/Gypsy. But when you have a VERY long distance romance, I guess even they figure you have to do a lot with the time you have!
  11. Elliot and Quentin spending a while life together and raising a family was totally insane, even by this shows standards. They seemed to have a happy life (even raising a family!) and its heart breaking that the whole thing undone, and now they have all their memories of a family that doesn't exist. It was sweet seeing how they stayed together for so long and had such a lasting friendship. I really do like their relationship (unfortunate three ways notwithstanding) and I hope they deal with this a bit more. I mean, I knew this couldn't stick, but still! Also nice seeing Jane (both of her) again, with a tie in to the Beast plot from back in the day. Poor Margot is always dealing with something! She finds a sweet arranged husband, only to have to watch him to butchered by his sociopath of a brother who she now has to marry. I guess her asking if Micah was a "shooting women with crossbows" prince was foreshadowing. Its wasn't him, it was the little brother thats the Joffrey of the family! We should have seen it coming! And poor Micah was hot too! That little shit better get his. The messenger bunnies and their 30 pack a day voices are still one of my favorite things ever. Did I miss why Kady is so pissed at Penny? I get that she fell apart after he died, but its not that he wanted to die and become a ghost or anything. He made some bad life choices, but this current issue really isn't his fault to the point where she doesn't even want to see him, or at all really.
  12. I can see it. Sleepless and Blood are certainly better episodes, but they have pretty similar plots. In fact, the episode might be basically a mash up of the two, but with more Skinner. It has the "Vietnam vets exposed to experimental treatment to make them better soldiers, but instead make them crazy and commit war crimes that haunt them later" plot of Sleepless, mixed with the "government or someone dusts crops with creepy poison to make people see things and get violent" plot from Blood. I actually thought of both during the episode. And, while this episode wasn't as scary or tightly written as those episodes, it did have more Skinner, so thats a win.
  13. So, I have a new theory on where the MCU goes in a post Thanos world, especially if they want to add in the new characters that they have the rights to now. So,Thanos gets some of the Infinity Stones, including the Reality Stone, which I think will come into play big time. The heroes try to stop him, but its too late, and tons of people, including a bunch of the good guys, all die horribly. Then, someone (Tony?) gets a hold of the Reality Stone, and when Thanos comes at him, he attempts a Hail Mary to try and destroy Thanos, and tries to escape to the past, to stop this from ever happening, OR he straight up changes reality to get a better chance at defeating Thanos. However, Tony doesn't really realize what he did, so he re-writes reality and ends up on an Alternate Timeline, where the X-Men and the Fantastic Four exist, and have existed the whole time. Hell, if they wanted to, they could merge the X-Men universe, and just say they are now one because INFINITY STONE, so why not? Then, the second Infinity War movie could be about trying to figure out what happened, how this reality works (maybe they start to crumble?), and what to do when Thanos shows up. Then, the MCU heroes and the other, new heroes all fight against Thanos, and then a third, NEW reality appears, where everything in the MCU happened pretty much the way it did in the Prime Universe, but the new heroes exist alongside them now. That way, we can change up the status quo and add in the new properties, while not discarding everything else that happened before. Kind of Crisis on Infinite Marvel Universes. This isn't spoilers or anything, just pure speculation. I think it could work, if its done VERY well and they spend a lot of time on it. Or maybe it wouldn't. It would certainly explain why they're so hush hush about the second movie anyway,if its "Infinity War: Reality Sand-which" or something.
  14. Thats what I think is going to happen. I haven't figured out what he wants with all of the metas, or if he can combine their powers (including the ones he nabbed last night), but now I totally think he wants Ralph's body/powers so he can reform his old body back before he lost the ability to walk. Then the last few episodes can have the original actor back while Team Flash tries to defeat DeVoe while not killing his body while still wearing Ralph. maybe that also means that, since I assume they wont want to kill Ralph off, maybe poor Dominick and Becky can still be saved too! Plus, with his whole Smartest Man Ever thing, I wouldn't be surprised if he told Barry that he picked the bus people because they weren't worth as much as DeVoe and sacrificing their lives so DeVoe can be happier because he is "better" or some kind of crazy Darwinian justification. And maybe Marlize will finally realize her husband giving people powers and then wearing their skins like a super powered Buffalo Bill is kinda totally creepy. Plus the date rape. Gross. Also, shallow note? Prison looks super good on Barry.
  15. Skinner! Backstory Skinner! Supportive Skinner! Leader Skinner! Action Hero Skinner! All of the Skinner! Awesome! Mulder so perked right up when they mentioned a monster in the woods! I do wish it had been an actual monster, and not more Tin Foil Hat stuff. But, X Files gonna X File. I always prefer monsters and magic and stuff to boring conspiracy's.
  16. You know, I think they actually talked about that one time, when Marvel and DC crossed over. Pretty sure they said that the DC universe is actually, physically, bigger than the Marvel universe, and our world. Thats why they have so many more cities than the actual world does, they actually have more space. I found that really interesting. Now I know this show is a DCCW show! People continue to keep secrets from their friends and allays! I hope everything with Anissa comes out soon. It would lead to some interesting story possibilities with Jefferson working with his daughter or not wanting her to get involved. And Lynn sure wont be a fan! I am enjoying watching her figure out her powers, first how to use them, and now how to control them. Lady Eve is seriously scary. Her embalmed a person alive! Holy shit, its getting seriously real in here! I know how much presence she has, even if I didn't see her horrifically murdering a guy, I would still know she was totally the boss. Two Bit wanting a selfie with BL made me laugh so freaking hard. Like, dude, really? I hope we see him again.
  17. A. I think that is very true, and its why I think we got Olicity in the first place. You can tell that Stephen and Emily really like each other, and they have a great natural chemistry in real life that so clearly showed up on screen as well. I mean, Felicity wasn't even supposed to be a main character, let alone Oliver's Once True Love, but their natural connection shone through, and here we are. B. What is this show/movie where Stephen played a prostitute?!?!
  18. Oh, this whole "Brandon becomes Graces medical point person" thing is going to end SO badly. It sucks because I like them, but I can already imagine Brandon having to pull the plug on Grace or some such thing, and that is going to suck for everyone involved. Getting your 18 year old boyfriend to make your medical decisions is bad on the best day, and even worst considering she didn't even ask him. And while I've really warmed to Brandon this season, the guy hasn't always made the best life choices, what with the sister screwing and all. So, are Steffs panic attacks about her ex showing up and her getting divorced? Because it would really make more sense if they realized that its because her kids seemingly cant go five minutes without almost getting arrested, assaulted, or killed. After the year or two she has had, I dont blame her for having panic attacks. I hope she doesn't have some secret feelings still for her friend, and that leads to trouble for her and Lena. I like Aaron as a character, and think his story is interesting, but I still dont like him and Callie much as a couple. They just started off so sketchy, I dont think they ever really got past that. I was surprised to see the ICE guy actually trying to help, probably the biggest twist this show has had in a long time. The scene with Callie, Aaron, and Mariana at the school was super intense. Poor kids. Can they please give Jude a decent story? PLEASE?!
  19. I have a weird kid memory of Chinese New Year red envelopes, despite being as Asian as a cheeseburger. I went to a program at the local library when I was a really little kid about the Chinese New Year, and I thought it was super cool, and wanted to know why I didn't get money in envelopes from my relatives. So this conversation happened: Tiny Tennisgurl: "Mom I want Chinese New Year Red Envelopes!" Mom: " We arent Chinese. At all." Tiny Tennisgurl: "But didn't you say that peoples colors didn't matter?" Mom: "...How about I get you a few extra golden coins for Mardis Gras?" Tiny Tennisgurl: "Well...ok." Tiny Tennisgurl loved learning about other cultures, especially if it meant she got to play cool games and get free stuff. "You didn't arrest him for walking around in a mesh shirt with fireworks?" "This is Florida. A guy walking around in a mesh shirt with fireworks was practically on our state flag".
  20. I swear, sometimes it almost feels like Dre is two different characters. One guy who can give long lectures about African American history and culture in a very intelligent way, and another guy who cant bother remembering his nanny's name and stomps around his house like a whinny cave man. Or maybe Dre is some kind of savant who is amazing at two things (advertising and African American cultural history) and horrible at literally everything else. And the sad thing is, he almost had a point a few times, but he gets pissed about the wrong things, and just acts like such a dick about it, its impossible to get behind him. Yes, if Bow said that she would get the laundry, she should have gotten it, or let him know she didn't have time. Yes, Bow should have checked with him before she bought a giant purchase for their living room. BUT, he doesn't actually seem upset about her becoming more self centered, he is upset because he thought when she became a stay at home mom (like I think he always wanted) her whole life would revolve around doing stuff for him! Plus, considering Dre pretty much always does things for himself without thinking of Bow, and always buys stuff without running it by Bow (even when she was also working), the guy has no real room to judge her. I just dont like this plot. and considering Bow supposedly left her job that she loved to spend more time with the kids, she still doesn't seem to spend much time with them, especially the baby, who I STILL keep forgetting exists every other scene. I love Jack, and his interactions with the other kid were hilarious. And of course Junior wears driving gloves for car pool. Of course he does. Love you Junior! I did snicker at Bow saying how Dre apparently picketed when Subway started toasting their bread. "Someone had to stand up for Quizznoes!"
  21. I thought last nights Flash was pretty good. Personally, I don’t care how they got Barry out of jail as long as they did it soon and ended the shows constant pummeling of the legal system!
  22. I guess Dr. Reznick will be our new "Dr. Bitch Face" of the show. She reminds me a lot of that female surgeon that showed up on Scrubs a few seasons in, who was constantly mean and aggressive and petty, and eventually was written out because even the writers realized she was a horribly done stereotype. Not a fan. Claire just cant catch a freaking break can she? At least Melendez has her back. They have a nice chemistry too. And on a very special The Good Doctor...yeah, the stuff with the trans teen was pretty not subtle, and seemed to at time be more of a lecture than a show, but if someone did learn some more about trans people and was inspired to show more empathy, than I guess thats worth it. I do kind of find the running theme of "Shaun doesn't get social issues and acts insensitive without realizing", while also hoping it doesn't become a thing every other week. It is interesting to see someone who really doesn't get why certain things are offensive, because he has such a logic based mind that doesn't really get nuance (I mean, identity politics can be confusing even for people without autism) and have people explain to him WHY certain things are offensive, and why certain things arent, but it also has the potential to get old super fast. I thought the pool was laying it on a bit thick. We got the point when he finally called Quinn She at the end. It even looks like grandma might be coming around. Maybe. Dr. Glassman needs to do more work to get back on good terms with Shaun. They both made mistakes, but he needs to admit he was wrong in how he treated Shaun, and how he told him he didn't want to be friends. I can see why I said that and what they may or may not have meant, but Shaun doesn't. I like Shaun's neighbor. He seems like a chill guy.
  23. I really do love watching the young actors, they nail the older actors mannerisms so perfectly, and they have so much personality and nuance. You can really see how they became the people they are, and how much their parents affected them. I hope they at least found Louie a good home. The poor puppy didn't do anything wrong, even though I do get why him being around would be painful for Kate. I half expect it to turn out that the dog Kate just adopted is the descendant of Louie, and we get a flashback episode of his dog life with his new family, and learn about the whole dog family. Of course, adding dogs to the mix just leads to more tears, and I have enough of that from this show thank you!
  24. I loved when they showed the shots of both kid AND teen Randall dropping pop on himself and Kevin in the backseat as Jack talked about the inevitable stains the car would get. The kids both had the exact same expressions, and now I want the same thing to happen with adult Randall and Kevin! Also, Jack is apparently my dad when it comes to music. "That all sounds like complaining to music. Now SPRINGSTEEN is an artist!"
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